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The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds


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man @Captain Falcon, you really talk so pasionately and knowledgable about some games, games that i love too (deus ex and alttp specifically)


Thank you. Sometimes I talk crap when my passion gets the better of me but I'd struggle to name a single game I know better than ALTTP.


My neighbour bought the game back for his SNES and I remember going round to his and playing it and being intrigued. He loaned it to me and I was just completely in love with it that I knew I had to get a copy for myself which I eventually did. I actually lost his instruction manual but then found it - it was underneath my TV the entire time - so I was able to get it back to him without feeling guilty anymore than I already had done.


And because I wanted more, I had to get Link's Awakening too, so I saved up my money and bought it. Didn't own a GB mind but I figured I could solve that issue later :p


And when they bought it back for the GBA, there was no chance I was waiting until March for the EU release so I got myself the American version in the December the year before which has the classic boxart instead of the slightly different one we got.


ALTTP is total comfort gaming for me. It's as much a part of my childhood, and adulthood, as anything else I've ever owned. It's just there and it's not going away and nor would I want it to.


Which is why I'm so apprehensive about this because it's stepping into dangerous territory. Anything less than perfection just isn't good enough because that's what it's going to take in order to live up ALTTP and given Nintendo's current track record with Zelda, I'm somewhat nervous.

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I've never played ALTTP all the way through, hopefully it will appear on the Wii U virtual console at some point this year so I can join in on the "I remember this place!" fun.


I really want to upgrade to a 3DS XL for this game, my regular 3DS seems puny next to the larger ones. Bloody Nintendo.

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@Captain Falcon Yeah, I meant multilayered backgrounds, not parallax scrolling (derp :blank:), though there are a few dungeons that make use of it like the 4th Dark World dungeon (in that first room).


But yeah, there's lots of things that it made use of it (the first, 4th, 5th and 7th dungeons in particular stand out in my mind for this, as well as many of the caves - which were probably originally test environments to experiment with the tech room - and of course the shaft of light that served as the hint for Blind The Thief's reveal ;) ) and Link's Awakening was noticeably much more limited in terms of what they could do with elevation (it strictly adhered to a tiled layout, unlike ALTTP which had a more organically shaped layout, and you could cheat the environment a lot with how your sword/items could clearly interact with objects that were supposed to be above you). More importantly though is that the SNES' enhanced capabilities was what inspired them to introduced multilayered design to a top down Zelda in the first place - attempts to transplant it to lesser hardware being aside the point.


In exploring what true S3D depth can add to top down 2D Zelda, it's not hard to see why the 3DS' hardware might have given them the idea to revisit ALTTP's world and make a sequel :) (In fact I bet this game started from a test where they remade ALTTP's overworld in 3D and then, looking at it afterwards, decided "let's make this new game an ALTTP sequel!")

Edited by Dcubed
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I really want to play A Link to the Past on the 3DS now. It's not that I haven't played it (the SNES original was my first Zelda, and I've also owned the GBA cart), it's just that I'd really love to to play it on my 3DS - either a 3D Classics version or just the SNES original via Virtual Console.

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Captain Falcon, I bow to your reasoning, values, and insight on all things Zelda :bowdown: a pleasure to read.


Grazza, are you sure you want to play ALTTP? Personally I'm not going near it till after I'm finished with this game. If it's mostly the same overworld, I'd rather keep my distance and experience it again when it's not fresh in the memory.

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Grazza, are you sure you want to play ALTTP? Personally I'm not going near it till after I'm finished with this game. If it's mostly the same overworld, I'd rather keep my distance and experience it again when it's not fresh in the memory.


Yeah, I don't really mind things like that. If I had time to play it and I could, I would, but then I'm also looking forward to Oracle of Ages, Oracle of Seasons and, of course, this. :)

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BTW, calling it now. This game will get pushed back till 2014. The fact that they've shown nothing outside of what looks like a test dungeon reminds me of Skyward Sword and Twilight Princess' first public demos (which were similarly unrevealing and both games got 1 year long delays from that point onwards).

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ALTTP is total comfort gaming for me. It's as much a part of my childhood, and adulthood, as anything else I've ever owned. It's just there and it's not going away and nor would I want it to.


Which is why I'm so apprehensive about this because it's stepping into dangerous territory. Anything less than perfection just isn't good enough because that's what it's going to take in order to live up ALTTP and given Nintendo's current track record with Zelda, I'm somewhat nervous.


Same for me, i feel pretty safe saying I've played aLttp on average once a year since i first got it for the SNES (Christmas the year it came out..1992?), its a timeless classic that i consider to be the perfect zelda game in length and difficulty


You are right this game has a high bar to meet :hmm:

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BTW, calling it now. This game will get pushed back till 2014. The fact that they've shown nothing outside of what looks like a test dungeon reminds me of Skyward Sword and Twilight Princess' first public demos (which were similarly unrevealing and both games got 1 year long delays from that point onwards).


I'm more concerned that Wind Waker gets pushed back to be honest, all they had to show were a few renders. I suppose the game itself is done, unlike this. I think they like releasing Zelda games just in time for Christmas, fingers crossed both make it.

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Oh, but the assets for the remake can still be seen in Oracle of Seasons. The first dungeon's entrance resembles the one in the original, plus the bosses are the same (in both name and appearance, at least)


Loved the "throwbacks" to the original in OoS. I would have actually liked remake of the original on the Gameboy/Colo(u)r even if it only improved the controls. As mentioned by @Captain Falcon, I think it's the controls that makes the game so difficult sometimes.

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After seeing the 3D video on the 3DS screen, all my doubts are gone. This game looks fantastic, music sounds fantastic, gameplay looks fantastic! Can't wait to see more of this game, let's hope it ends up being as good as it's precedors :)

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Which is why I'm so apprehensive about this because it's stepping into dangerous territory. Anything less than perfection just isn't good enough because that's what it's going to take in order to live up ALTTP and given Nintendo's current track record with Zelda, I'm somewhat nervous.


I can say right of the bat that you will probably dislike it with this mindset :laughing:

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Let's face it, A Link to the Past didn't need a proper remake, and it seems Nintendo realised this some of the way along. Oh, don't get me wrong, I wouldn't mind it higher-res, sharper, smoother, that sort of thing, but I was thinking more "Four Swords Adventures" or "3D Classics" rather than rendered to look 3D. FSA on GameCube was basically like a thrill ride through the best-ever 2D depiction of Hyrule.


With that in mind, Nintendo's best bet with this is to go all-out and make a game we'll love on its own terms. Take all the best ideas from Link to the Past/Link's Awakening/Minish Cap and just build on them - loads of destroyable walls, secrets, fun-but-uncessary upgrades for all your items etc.



Right, having watched this, I have to take back any reservations I had about it (reckon I was just tired yesterday). It looks (and sounds) absolutely brilliant!


Now I've watched this I just cannot wait to play it.

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Still not a fan having watched the extended footage and the trailer on 3DS. I dunno maybe I will go back and give lttp a 4th try (snes,gba and Wii) it's just but a patch on links awakening for me.Although this announcement has inspired to go back and try finish Zelda 2.

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I really want to play A Link to the Past on the 3DS now. It's not that I haven't played it (the SNES original was my first Zelda, and I've also owned the GBA cart), it's just that I'd really love to to play it on my 3DS - either a 3D Classics version or just the SNES original via Virtual Console.



Yeah im wanting to download it now.


Im a little confused re virtual console. With the release of the wii u one being released soon does this mean i cant download it on wii when the wii u one is released?

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If they released a limited edition 3DS XL with this game, who would buy it....... someone suggested it to me and i think id be buying one lol


I've just been thinking that this morning.. I was hoping to get an XL with some birthday money in July, but the possibility of a Zelda-themed one is definitely making me reconsider.

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If they released a limited edition 3DS XL with this game, who would buy it....... someone suggested it to me and i think id be buying one lol


I don't know, I don't normally like the Zelda ones. Was very tempted by the Fire Emblem one though - that looks great.

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If they released a limited edition 3DS XL with this game, who would buy it....... someone suggested it to me and i think id be buying one lol


I would, if the design was right. Most of the time the fan mocks are far better than what Nintendo puts out.


I loved this design.



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