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The best games of this generation

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  • 7 months later...

Seeing as we are pretty much in the last month of this generation I thought I would bump this and add my top 10 games for this generation, plus give people a chance to add some more since this thread was made.


1. Mass Effect 2

2. Persona 4 Golden

3. Minecraft

4. Uncharted 2

5. Skyrim

6. The Walking Dead

7. Bioshock Infinite

8. Portal

9. Batman: Arkham City

10. To The Moon

Edited by Happenstance
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Seeing as we are pretty much in the last month of this generation I thought I would bump this and add my top 10 games for this generation, plus give people a chance to add some more since this thread was made.


1. Mass Effect 2

2. Persona 4 Golden

3. Minecraft

4. Uncharted 2

5. Skyrim

6. The Walking Dead

7. Bioshock Infinite

8. Portal

9. Batman: Arkham City

10. To The Moon


Minus Minecraft, To The Moon, Persona 4 I think you pretty much have my top 10 there as well.... I'd likely chuck in Burnout Paradise, Killzone 2/3 in there dunno about the other one. Likely one from; Sleeping Dogs, Just Cause 2, GTA V, Fallout New Vegas, Super Mario Galaxy, Amnesia.


Jeez actually maybe my top 10 would be different.

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Just to clarify that while I do own a PS3, i've only got about 4 games for it, and of that I've only completed Heavy Rain.


I'm not including handheld games in the list either.


10: GTA IV

9: Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare

8: Gears of War 2

7: Wii Sports

6: Far Cry 3

5: Mario Galaxy

4: Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword

3: Skyrim

2: Read Dead Redemption

1: GTA V




I understand that i've neglected alot of 'big games' such as Tomb Raider, Bioshock, Mass Effect etc... but to be quite honest. I haven't played them. That 10 listed are games that i've played and totally loved to bits.

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Whilst there has been a lot of great stuff this past generation and games that I've really enjoyed, only the Portal games have stood out for me as something truly different and a design achievement. Minecraft would probably go on that list as well if I'd played it simply because of how wide an appeal it has due to it's lack of reliance on gaming cliches.


Honourable mentions for Ghost Trick, Uncharted 2 and Mario Galaxy.

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Whilst there has been a lot of great stuff this past generation and games that I've really enjoyed, only the Portal games have stood out for me as something truly different and a design achievement. Minecraft would probably go on that list as well if I'd played it simply because of how wide an appeal it has due to it's lack of reliance on gaming cliches.


Honourable mentions for Ghost Trick, Uncharted 2 and Mario Galaxy.


Now there's a game despite numerous attempts I just flat out cannot get in to.

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Actually amazed I haven't posted in here saying Xenoblade myself! It's definitely been my game of the generation(even though I didn't finish) but I felt sadly in some ways it was a last gen game; and had it occurred then it would have blown shit wide open.

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Super Mario Galaxy

Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare

XCOM:Enemy Unknown

Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

Mirror's Edge


Wii Sports

Mass Effect Trilogy

The Last Of Us

Geometry Wars 2


Still playing but Fire Emblem: Awakening (if we're including handheld games).

(also Ouendan if we are.)

Edited by gaggle64
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Titles on Nintendo Systems:


Mario Galaxy

Mario Galaxy 2

Metroid Prime Trilogy

Xenoblade Chronicles

Donkey Kong Country Returns

Mario Kart Wii

Wii Sports

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Reflex

Call of Duty: Black Ops

Resident Evil 4: Wii Edition

Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword

Monster Hunter Tri


Titles not on Nintendo Systems


Fallout 3

Deus Ex: Human Revolution

Batman Arkham Asylum


I have highlighted Fallout 3 mainly for those who stick to Nintendo only systems. Fallout 3 is one of my top ten games of all time, it is an absolute masterpiece. For anyone who has not played it, you can pick up the special edition with all the DLC for about a fiver now in supermarkets. It is incredible, I could just spend hours walking from one side of the map to the other discovering things as I went along, I was utterly engrossed.

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In no particular order, off the top of my head.


Skyward Sword

Mario Galaxy (+2)

Twilight Princess

Metroid: Other M

Batman: Arkham Asylum (+City)

The Last of Us

Resident Evil 4: Wii Edition

Portal (+2)

The Walking Dead

Just Dance 2

Guitar Hero 3

Advance Wars Dual Strike

Elite Beat Agents


So many I haven't played yet on all of the platforms, but for me, they were my highlights of the past seven years or so.

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  • 2 weeks later...

999: Nine Hours, Nine Persons, Nine Doors and Virtue's Last Reward


What makes them my choice for 'best games this generation'?

They are truly memorable unlike any other game I've played this generation.


Their music, art-style, story and atmosphere are perfectly in synch.

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