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Last night it was a mates birthday. About 13 of us lads went to a casino in Hillsborough. Had a meal and then got let loose on the tables. I dont know what im doing so i just dont gamble. I asked one of my mates on how to use the machines. He put a tenner in and then got about a grand out! All 13 of us were shouting being excited etc obviously making a scene.


I was extremely tempted at that point to chuck a tenner in myself thinking i too would win a grand. I mean i witnessed it happening so it could happen again.


I didnt though. I just thought there were no chance of winning again and quite plainly havent got the money to lose. In all seriousness though I can definitely see why people get the buzz and then become addicted.


So what do people think of gambling in general? Harmless fun if betting with money that you can afford to lose or is it plain legalised theft?

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Having gambled here and there myself and having experienced 'the buzz', I can really see why so many people start to develop a problem around it.


I play the odd game of poker, which isn't really gambling in the same sense as the element of luck is massively reduced and if you really know what you're doing, should be almost completely removed.

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I don't tend to, but I've got the potential of a gambling streak in me I think. I can definitely see how it can be a problem, the 'just one more' mentality can lead to ruin.


As I said though, I don't gamble much as I realise how much money I could/do lose and that keeps me sane. The few times I've been casinos on holiday and stuff though I've come out up(came out about $80 up when I was last in one - only stopped because we had to leave :() but I think that's because I stop if I'm doing well.

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I go to Vegas a few times a year and will usually play a bit of blackjack while there. I tend to be pretty strict about what I spend - usually limit myself to $100 a day and once it's gone I stop. I tend to stick to the cheaper tables and by the time you get through $100 it's normally the case that the amount of free alcohol they've given you is enough to go on somewhere else without needing to spend any money.


I enjoy it, and usually do quite well, I can easily see how a bit of a good streak can end up in people losing a fortune. Like most things, with control and moderation it's just a bit of fun. It's also good to see what kind of odd and interesting people are hanging out in the casinos, it never seems to be just regular guys.

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I play alot of poker, its mostly the local Nuts Poker League and online though. Made quite a bit of money online too to be honnest. Took $200 from one guy a few weeks ago :D Never been in an actual casino though. Might go up to the Alea in Glasgow one day and try it.

Edited by martinist
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I play alot of poker, its mostly the local Nuts Poker League and online though. Made quite a bit of money online too to be honnest. Took $200 from one guy a few weeks ago :D Never been in an actual casino though. Might go up to the Alea in Glasgow one day and try it.


It's all true. I've seen him play and if the game ran long enough he could bankrupt Vegas & Reno.


Me, barring the odd lottery ticket I'm not a gambler. The fact I won the only sports bet I've ever placed is something I might fancy on my epitaph.

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I've only been to a casino once, I left £20 down and was miserable for the rest of the night.


However I often put a few bets on football. Only small stakes, just to make saturday afternoons a bit more interesting. It's all about what you're prepared to lose, not what you hope to win. I once won £100 off a pound when Arsenal beat Porto 5-0, only put the bet on for a joke.

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Used to dabble in football bets now and then, typically when an international tournament is round the corner. I do 1 line on the lottery every week but I'm expecting to ditch it and do more football bets once the lottery goes up to £2.

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Well you only bet what you're prepared to lose, whereas i only bet when i'm guaranteed a win.


It was worth placing to win 40p that's for sure.


I also have a £10 bet on Barcelona winning La Liga which should net me about 60p i think. (Should it come to pass!!!!)

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I enjoy the odd flutter on the football and playing poker with mates. I went to Vegas in 2009 and had an amazing time.


I think gambling is ok as long as you keep it sensible and within your means. Unfortunately people get addicted and end up on a slippery slope of hell. But I'm too much of a scardy cat to gamble big. It's more a bit of fun for me.

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Was that even worth placing?..


Well you only bet what you're prepared to lose, whereas i only bet when i'm guaranteed a win.


It was worth placing to win 40p that's for sure.


I also have a £10 bet on Barcelona winning La Liga which should net me about 60p i think. (Should it come to pass!!!!)


This is the thing; what if he bet 40p to win £10? It seems bigger/better because the stake/payoff ratio is bigger but then he could make like 20 or 30 'guaranteed' bets and make the same money.


Of course, it's arguably taking more chances(30 bets), but yeah. I don't know what I'm saying. I don't like/can't bring myself to do high stake low payoff, I see it more reverse gambling that outside risk to lose my money.


Not that I'm encouraging gambling, but ever done accumaltors, bob? String all the guaranteed bets together for a higher payoff, but higher risk as if one collapses you lose it?



I'd also be very careful using the word 'guaranteed' when betting!

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Well you only bet what you're prepared to lose, whereas i only bet when i'm guaranteed a win.


The only bet what you're prepared to lose is more of a gambling/betting philosophy (for lack of a better word). It's to stop people ruining themselves.


This is the thing; what if he bet 40p to win £10? It seems bigger/better because the stake/payoff ratio is bigger but then he could make like 20 or 30 'guaranteed' bets and make the same money.


Of course, it's arguably taking more chances(30 bets), but yeah. I don't know what I'm saying. I don't like/can't bring myself to do high stake low payoff, I see it more reverse gambling that outside risk to lose my money.


Not that I'm encouraging gambling, but ever done accumaltors, bob? String all the guaranteed bets together for a higher payoff, but higher risk as if one collapses you lose it?



I'd also be very careful using the word 'guaranteed' when betting!


Yeah I wouldn't bother with high stake low return. I often put do 4, 5, or 6 folds. Usually 50p a time, returns range from £4-£100 depending on teams, home/away etc. That's in my eyes more fun and a chance to actually turn a bit of pocket change into something. The win rate isn't fantastic, but it's all fun and one comes in every now and then.

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@bob if you're going to play boringly safe you may as well try matched betting. Ie, if you'd signed up to a website that gives you a free tenner with your first tenner spent, you could've put the free tenner on an outside chance and then still been guaranteed profit, with a possibility of winning big.

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I enjoy the occasional accumulator in a Saturday afternoon. Generally put a fiver on around 5 teams. Haven't won in a while unfortunately!



-Bet against both Stirling teams; they're awful.

-Don't bet on Rangers. Although they're miles ahead in the league they've had a lot of strange results this season.

-Don't be on Liverpool

-Championship is incredibly unpredictable!

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