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Marvel's Phase Three


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Storyline: Civil War film will pit Captain America against Iron Man, as the two battle over a law requiring superheroes to register with the government and serve their country. Captain America is opposed to the legislation and ends up having to face off with Iron Man, who is in favor of it.


Release Date: May 6, 2016



Iron Man/Robert Downey Jr

Black Panther/Chadwick Boseman

Captain America/Chris Evans




Storyline: Thor must confront the gods to the gods when Asgard is threatened with Ragnarok, the Norse apocalypse.

Release Date: 28th July 2017

Actors: Chris Hemsworth, Tom Hiddleston






Release Date: 2017

Black Panther: Chadwick Boseman




Doctor Strange, the Marvel Studios feature film focused on the genius neurosurgeon.

Release Date: 4th Nov 2016

Director: Scott Derrickson





Release Date: 6th July 2018

Captain Marvel: Carol Danvers




The Inhumans, which include Black Bolt, Medusa, Karnak, Gorgon, Triton, Crystal and Lockjaw among others, is a storyline that Marvel first introduced in Fantastic Four #45 back in December of 1965. The plot began millions of years ago when the alien race, known as the Kree, established a base on Uranus and began to experiment on the inhabitants of our earth, creating the Inhumans.


Release Date: 2nd November 2018


"Feige said, "You may find out sooner than you were expecting." Agents of SHIELD tonight anyone?" Agents of SHIELD Episode 6 'A Fractured House'





Release Date: 5th May 2017


Chris Pratt/Peter Quill

Zoe Saldana/Gamora

Dave Bautista/Drax

Vin Diesel/Groot (voice)

Bradley Cooper/Rocket (voice)

Edited by Mokong
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I gotta say, the new lad's got good tastes posting Marvel related buuuut....


Can ye flesh it out a little bit more? Some substance, details, even conversational musings? Get the discussion flowing!!


(also welcome to the forums and tings @DriftKaiser...give us a bit more though and please don't be put off by this request!)

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I thought it best for now to merge all the new threads for the newly announced films into this Phase 3 thread as most will not be out for a good few years. Left the Infinity War thread though as that is huge.


Of these solo films though the one that interests me most has to be Captain America: Civil War


like WHAT THE FRAK!!!! I read the rumors but thought surely they'd save that for a massive cross over film like Avengers 4 or something?


So RDJ will be in it which is awesome, Black Panther too it seems, though I guess this will be his first film appearence? The nature of teh civil war suggests they'd have to have as many heroes involved as possible else it's just Iron Man vs Cap with nobody behind them? Just name drops? What other heroes are there that would need registration.... well we got Quicksilver, Scarltt Witch and Hulk... War Machine I guess would count and would be on Tonys side? Would Thor be involved? Not being from Earth would he care or would the registration act effect him (If I remember right Thor was "dead" during the comics Civil War?).... would Black Widow and Hawkeye even count?


And what about Spiderman? Willl Marvel and Sony have worked out some sort of deal? Pretty sure Spideys on solo arc in Civil War was one of the bigger arcs.... I mean of the heroes Marvel have already used and will be using up to this film aren't exactly leading dual lives and secret identities with the likely one exception of Bruce Banner....not counting of course Black Widow and Hawkeye who are Spies and such.


One thing that would be awesome though if Spiderman and Andrew Garfield could get involved somehow is could be see the Iron Spider suit :D????




Just realised though....still no solo Hulk film for Mark Ruffalo :(

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I am excited! 2019?? Oh well, guess I´ll watch Interstellar first ;).


I don´t know the new characters, and I´ve only heard bits and pieces about them and the new storylines, but it doesn´t matter. I never cared for Thor or Captain America before phase 1 either.. I boarded the Marvel hype train a long time ago. I do hope we´ll at least see some TV characters in some of those films!

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From what they said, it sounds like the Civil War will be more about who (if anyone) the heroes work for and report to, rather than secret identities.


That would be an interesting twist and would work better with where in the timeline this film will take place.


Wonder if also it could see roles being reversed, like could Cap be in favour of the "act" as in yeah those with Superpowers have responsibility to work with SHIELD so they can also be trained to control their powers. And Tony would be the one against it.


I think given what we've seen of each character so far I couldn't see RDJ's Tony in favour anything the US government would want

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Just realised though....still no solo Hulk film for Mark Ruffalo :(


What if they've not announced anything for Hulk as it may interfere or spoil events in Age of Ultron.


Maybe they do shoot Hulk off into space at the end of Ultron or in a end credit scene or something.


It could also make events in Civil war more tense...


Captain America: "We had to get rid of Banner, Stark... you know we had to, you saw what he became, he was a threat to us all"


Stark: "We didn't have to do anything, We were working on ways to calm him, to change him. We didn't do anything... you did it with your 'Super power friends'"


CapA: "He almost killed you Stark, do you forget that?"


Stark: "Funny how your friends are all keeping secrets" - then in reference to the clip shown last night where they talk about Thor leaving in the wood cutting scene



Once Age of Ultron is out for x months, BOOM Planet Hulk announced, crosses with GoTG 2, they get the big guy back to earth in time for Infinity War.




Maybe :(

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That would be an interesting twist and would work better with where in the timeline this film will take place.


Wonder if also it could see roles being reversed, like could Cap be in favour of the "act" as in yeah those with Superpowers have responsibility to work with SHIELD so they can also be trained to control their powers. And Tony would be the one against it.


I think given what we've seen of each character so far I couldn't see RDJ's Tony in favour anything the US government would want

Tony Stark will have just created Ultron and almost brought about the end of the world... I'm pretty sure he'll be ready to say, 'yeah this is bigger than us, take it out of our control'.


Winter Soldier shows Cap's hate for the government and control.

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  • 3 months later...

I thought I was dreaming this morning when I saw it on Facebook.....wonder will they skip the origin story...since its been told twice now no real need to go through it all again, especially if he appears in Civil War before his own film...just maybe quick synposis in Cival War for a quick scene to introduce him.


Or would they be so bold as to maybe work him into the season 3 of Agents of Shield...maybe the season finale before Civil War releases?

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I thought I was dreaming this morning when I saw it on Facebook.....wonder will they skip the origin story...since its been told twice now no real need to go through it all again, especially if he appears in Civil War before his own film...just maybe quick synposis in Cival War for a quick scene to introduce him.


Or would they be so bold as to maybe work him into the season 3 of Agents of Shield...maybe the season finale before Civil War releases?


Someone on Gaf mentioned that they should get Jake Gyllenhaal to play an older Peter Parker. Now i'm not sure on the actor choice but I would certainly welcome an older version of the character. I don't want to have to sit through all the high school/college drama for a 3rd time.

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If I remember correctly Jake Gyllenhaal was one of the original rumoured actors to take over after Toby.


An older Parker is a nice idea but then do they also say he didn't get his powers till that time in his life...cuz if he had them from a teenager makes where has he been during prvious MCU films?

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