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Birthday wishessss


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Today marks the 23rd birthday of a friend of mine, someone who posts a bit more in the gaming section than the general one, someone who used to make the awesome Christmas sprite comic for N-E.


I would like to wish a very

Happy Birthday












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Ah, thanks for the Birthday messages, everyone! It’s always nice to be remembered, heh.


I’ll, um, be sure to try to get the courage to post more, too! Finally reach that aficionado status this year and all that. How hard can it be? =P (I fear I'm becoming a broken record at this point when I say things like this.)



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I only spotted this thread just now.


A belated Happy Birthday @Sprout :D


Damn wish I had made that video yesterday and it could have been your Bday gift, haha.


You'll have to make do with it being your "Bday +1 day" gift.


Here I'll post it here too, for you.... and for the views:heh:


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