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The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild Wii U / Switch


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You claim this is "just one game", why not wait until they reveal their first year or two of NX software before making that call?


I'm not waiting until they announce it, I'm waiting until they're released! If Nintendo have taught me anything over the past 2 hardware releases it's that:


- You will get shafted financially as an early adopter.

- They design new hardware concepts and do not have the games that demonstrate their necessity

- Their 3rd party support is poor and that situation has only got worse in the past 3 generations

- They try to keep fans on the line by announcing release dates for games to fill slots with no intention of filling it (see most of the Zelda games)


I'm not investing in another Nintendo system until I can confirm it's going to not be a waste of my money. They have become so unpredictable that I can't confirm that they will cater for what I want and they don't get my benefit of the doubt any more.


But back on topic. I think Zelda's looking great and from what I've seen/read I think the original release date was a joke. They have SO much work to do on it still.


Interesting though that this is what we were suggesting Zelda should be well before Skyward Sword came out.

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I would compare the story potential of this to that of the Souls games and Bloodborne. Those games are chocked full of lore and have great storylines, but if you don't care to read the item descriptions you can easily miss out on a lot. You can miss out on entire areas of the game but still go defeat the end boss.


I see it being similar to that, and I don't think it's a bad thing at all.

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To the people who are not convinced with what they've seen of Zelda, please can you tell us why?


I wouldn't say I'm unconvinced, but one aspect I'm really curious about is the story. I would love something with more in-depth lore and narrative focus than previous Zelda games. As Rummy alluded to earlier, they are great with world building through characters but I'd love for a really meaty storyline on top of that.


That's essentially what I'm holding out for at the moment. Either way it's going to be great I'm sure, but if there was a really deep story it would be a huge plus for me and get me excited (whereas currently I consider the narrative of Zelda games fine/functional).


Damn those people so concerned about spoilers and Nintendo being coy ;)

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I wouldn't say I'm unconvinced, but one aspect I'm really curious about is the story. I would love something with more in-depth lore and narrative focus than previous Zelda games. As Rummy alluded to earlier, they are great with world building through characters but I'd love for a really meaty storyline on top of that.


That's essentially what I'm holding out for at the moment. Either way it's going to be great I'm sure, but if there was a really deep story it would be a huge plus for me and get me excited (whereas currently I consider the narrative of Zelda games fine/functional).


Damn those people so concerned about spoilers and Nintendo being coy ;)


I think generally speaking Nintendo aren't hot on deep storylines, but Zelda is the deepest - so I'm not too fearful of there being less of a story - especially with the way BotW opens up, as well as the elusive races that were in the demo.


But I remain hopeful with this due to the fact that new, young developers are being allowed to breath life into this game. I love the bold changes already.


The way the fire rod works in this game is very cool, looks like something out of Wind Waker, which is fine by me.


Was this shown on day 2?

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I think so, it's in various gameplay demos like this one



Haha just read that if you cook a meal with incompatible bits of food, you either end up crafting the "Dubious food = It's too gross to even look at. A bizarre smell issues forth from this heap. Eating it won't hurt you though... probably." for a full heart recovery or the "Failed Experiment: A dish gone awry after mixing conflicting ingredients. It doesn't taste great, but as they say, beggars can't be choosers." for a quarter heart recovery

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I think generally speaking Nintendo aren't hot on deep storylines, but Zelda is the deepest - so I'm not too fearful of there being less of a story - especially with the way BotW opens up, as well as the elusive races that were in the demo.


But I remain hopeful with this due to the fact that new, young developers are being allowed to breath life into this game. I love the bold changes already.




Was this shown on day 2?


I believe ice arrows were shown, too. But the fire rod/ice arrows got a low showing compared to other weapons.

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I wouldn't say I'm unconvinced, but one aspect I'm really curious about is the story. I would love something with more in-depth lore and narrative focus than previous Zelda games. As Rummy alluded to earlier, they are great with world building through characters but I'd love for a really meaty storyline on top of that.


That's essentially what I'm holding out for at the moment. Either way it's going to be great I'm sure, but if there was a really deep story it would be a huge plus for me and get me excited (whereas currently I consider the narrative of Zelda games fine/functional).


Damn those people so concerned about spoilers and Nintendo being coy ;)


This. Zelda looks amazing as it is but it would just he the cherry on the top if there was an indepth story along with lots of things to do/side quests.

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All we know so far is that Hyrule has fallen into ruin and Link has been woken from 100 years of slumber to save it (without going into any more detail that may spoil).


The story from there won't be done in cut-scenes and well told narrative, given how it's been said that you can beat the final boss without handing had any sort of story explained to you.

The story will come from speaking to people, getting their accounts of what happened. Perhaps reading entires made in diaries and books etc.


The story will be there but it won't be told, it'll have to be found... just like it was in Metroid Prime, and I love it like that because I feel it will have been my story and not someone else's told to me because I'm the one shaping it and shaping how much of it I learn.


It's a brilliant decision to do it this way, in my mind! Everyone who plays this game will have a different experience of the game to talk about. It'll be great!

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I bet that the story will generally be very light. The game is clearly modelled after Xenoblade X, so I reckon it'll follow suit.


In a way though, won't the story be told by various goings on within the world?


So even if we don't get lots of cutscenes or tonnes of text, we'll still feel as if the story is evolving as we play, at least that's my hope as so far we have only seen one NPC character but just from the design to me that seemed to tell quite a lot without explicitly giving anything away. :smile:


Though I feel you're right about the comparisons to Xenoblade Chronicles X in loose structural terms, except with Zelda this is a game I can't wait to get stuck into and explore and it won't even be out until next year, whereas with Xenoblade... it has been on my shelf since launch and I've barely scratched the surface with it. ::shrug:


For a game with an open-world structure it has to really captivate me from the start if I'm to devote many hours to it - Xenoblade may yet click with me one day - I have such a good feeling about The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild just from what we've seen; I can only hope that Nintendo really takes all the time they need to ensure that it doesn't follow the same fate as a lot of Open World games, releasing early complete with game-breaking bugs for player to spend 30 hours plus playing, losing their data, telling the developers, then it getting patched and having to start all over again... so please Nintendo, take all the time you need... within reason. :heh:


I have more faith than that in them though, this is Nintendo EPD afterall. : peace:

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It's gonna be loads of fun just finding out what small little things they thought of.


That said, am I the only one who's going to miss the Treasure Chest buildup cutscene that we all know of? (Granted, I am assuming it's not there)


You know? The cutscene that Hyrule Warriors went completely to town on?



My favourite is Ganondorf's.

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I actually think the story will be more in depth than normal. For a starters they're holding things back like NPCs and towns and such because it's so on cited to the story, that says a lot, but even what we do know - waking up after so long, founding out what's happened etc. Clearly more 'dense' than normal.

Edited by dazzybee
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"Irrelevant Nintendo"


That's not helpful. You're just asking for trouble with posts like that.


but even what we do know - waking up after so long, funding out what's happened etc. Clearly more 'dense' than normal.


I'm already buying the game! I don't think it needs any more funding from me than that!


I'll never tire of your hilarious typos!

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I actually think the story will be more in depth than normal. For a starters they're holding things back like NPCs and towns and such because it's so on cited to the story, that says a lot, but even what we do know - waking up after so long, funding out what's happened etc. Clearly more 'dense' than normal.


I think it'll be more in depth of you choose it to be, considering they've said you can beat the final boss without experiencing it, people could play the game and think it has almost no story.

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