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The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild Wii U / Switch


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Have Nintendo actually done a proper open world game before? Im just wondering if the scope and difficulties in developing for one suprised them.


In my eyes, I kinda feel WW was a real open world, bar a few loading tricks. But with that experience and the Wii U's power - I wouldn't have thought it would be a massive issue.


In any case, I really don't think a Zelda world needs to be THAT massive.

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Yes it can.


But if delaying Zelda means that they can add new gameplay mechanics, polish the graphics etc then that justifies a delay rather than a rushed piece of work.


Yeah I agree, I was just pointing out that you can patch a bad game to make it good. I was just stating a case that went against what was said.


I'm ok with the delay, it's not like I'll be playing on the WiiU anyway anytime soon. I'll just dust it off when XenoCX and Zelda hit. The PS4 will keep me well satisfied where the WiiU can't.


Zelda is the pinnacle for me though so I'm ok with them taking their time over it.

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In my eyes, I kinda feel WW was a real open world, bar a few loading tricks. But with that experience and the Wii U's power - I wouldn't have thought it would be a massive issue.


In any case, I really don't think a Zelda world needs to be THAT massive.


I cant remember where I read it but I do remember reading that WW wasnt a true open world game with all the difficulties any stuff that comes with that. Im talking about something like Skyrim where it really does feel like a living, breathing world.

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Have Nintendo actually done a proper open world game before? Im just wondering if the scope and difficulties in developing for one suprised them.


Xenoblade would probably be the closest thing to it.


You're probably right. They probably have underestimated just how difficult and time consuming it is.

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@Ronnie @Blade a badly made game can be patched to be fantastic. Battlefield 4 was a broken mess and rushed out to meet it's deadline... plays like a dream now though, you can back me up on that too Blade.


Granted, I prefer a non-broken game to start with of course.




Miyamoto isn't talking about broken games that can be patched (an alien concept to Nintendo, unlike on other platforms), he's talking about a BAD game that no amount of patching can fix.

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Miyamoto isn't talking about broken games that can be patched (an alien concept to Nintendo, unlike on other platforms), he's talking about a BAD game that no amount of patching can fix.


Do you mean the concept of fixing broken things is an alien concept to Nintendo? (that's how it reads) If so, I agree. Mario Kart's battle mode is in urgent need of fixing.

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Miyamoto isn't talking about broken games that can be patched (an alien concept to Nintendo, unlike on other platforms), he's talking about a BAD game that no amount of patching can fix.


Well that's because the quote predates the prominence of technology that allows for that.


And I'd hardly say it's an alien concept for them to patch broken games as they've done so themselves.


Anyway, we're all in agreement that the quote is still relevant if the game plays badly, but not so relevant if it's just buggy. I'm not sure why everyone is still so het up.

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When The Legend fo Zelda comes, I'll be ready : peace:


I can certainly see why any delay is frustrating for some, but I'm happy enough to wait as long as the game at the end of it is excellent :smile: It actually pleases me that they want to implement new ideas into the game rather than throw them out because they don't have time.


It's gonna be awesome.. just like Skyward Sword :yay:

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I loved Skyward Sword but damn it better be a lot better than that.


Haha.. I loved it too, though my comment was also a little tongue in cheek :heh:


Skyward Sword was an incredible game, for me, and one that I just couldn't seem to put down. I'm now expecting the next game in the franchise to be beyond stunning :grin:

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Anything would be better than Skyward Sword. It both annoys and frustrates me when people say they liked it. Its many, many faults are so glaring. I absolutely hated it and I love Zelda games more than anything.

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If its not at e3 because its 2015 games only (and right now its likely to be 2016, but the wording means it could be 2015 if they are happy, just not rushing) i hope that doesn't mean it will be shown at e3 2016.....(with the NX)


I wonder if it could be a Captain Toad, details released in a Direct near November, for a January or Feb Release? (and if it goes Gold early shipped early)


I'm going to live in hope

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That's your opinion @Wii. Don't go hatin' on us for enjoying a game you didn't. I rank SS as one of the better Zeldas I've played. Now, if they're relesing it later to give us the ultimate Zelda experience, that's okay with me.


If it's going to be a NX launch game instead (which I doubt) that is also fine, as long as it has greater grapical capabilities to improve the current build (thinking of Potable/Home Console crossover). Just make it the BEST Zelda game ever, I believe you can do it Nintendo :D

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I think the delay is good. I'd rather have a great Zelda than a rushed one. At the end of the day, if the cake needs more time in the oven then leave it in there! It doesn't matter how hungry you, it's better to end up eating a perfect cake than having to force down undercooked slop!


Anything would be better than Skyward Sword. It both annoys and frustrates me when people say they liked it. Its many, many faults are so glaring. I absolutely hated it and I love Zelda games more than anything.


It annoys and frustrates you that some people enjoy something you don't? You sir, are a complete and utter tool.

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To those that enjoyed Skyward Sword, can you please give me 3-4 reasons why you enjoyed it so much?


I enjoyed the Timestone/Lanaryu parts (and music), sailing the sand (with its music) was beautiful and some boss fights.


But the repitition and dowsing for things and back-tracking totally crippled it for me. It remains the only Zelda I couldn't be bothered to complete and one that I wouldn't want to touch even if it got remastered. I also feel the motion controls doesn't make it as accessible as most Zelda games (and can this even get remastered without the wiimote?)


A part of me wants Nintendo to play it safe in terms of story and go for a Majora's Mask sequel - with a focus on that ancient tribe, the Fierce Deity and the Mask Salesman. Maybe set in an ancient Termina where that Link is a member of the Fierce Deity's tribe (face paint and all).

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It annoys and frustrates you that some people enjoy something you don't? You sir, are a complete and utter tool.


Of course it annoys and frustrates me because I don't want another Skyward Sword. Thankfully it didn't sell as well as Twilight Princess so hopefully they don't copy the Skyward Sword template and it appears they're not. We've got a proper world to explore for starters.


A mix of Twilght Princess and Majora's Mask would be nice.

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I loved Skyward Sword but the disconnected overworld was a disaster. It completely stripped the sense of adventure out of the game. Also to go from the incredible organic dungeons in TP to the mostly boring ones in SS was disappointing. Oh and the sky had about a tenth of the personality of the Great Sea. The boss fights were pretty forgettable for the most part too. Also the soundtrack was horrible. Fi was a poor sidekick, and I really could have done without robots in a Zelda game. ...Hmmm, I think I loved Skyward Sword?

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To those that enjoyed Skyward Sword, can you please give me 3-4 reasons why you enjoyed it so much?


I loved Skyward Sword! Some reasons:


I loved the graphics! They are amazing. The style is incredible, so vibrant and full of colour. What's more, the way the scenery in the background scales to look like the dabbling effect in a painting - wow! It just looks so unique and full of life, plus the colour palette is just gorgeous.


I loved Skyloft - it was a beautiful village and had some great characters. It just seemed like a magical place and so disconnected from the 'real' world below. I liked that because it was a contrast between those who wanted to face the challenges of the real world and those who wanted to live in bliss above the problems.


I loved Groose! Groose is one of the best supporting characters in the series and genuinely funny. His change throughout the game is also brilliant, as is his final comment at the end of the game.


I loved the dungeons. In the past the series has just made sure the dungeons got bigger and bigger. This time they were smaller, but far more focused and intricate. It was like the whole of every dungeon was one big puzzle where you had to use your brain far more. This was a big departure for the series and felt fresh.


I loved the new style of world, rather than the empty ocean of WW (which I still loved for different reasons) the world was full of things to do. On the way to every dungeon it was like facing a dungeon, there were tasks and puzzles to solve. It made the overworld feel like a challenge that needed to be unlocked and beaten rather than just a new item opening up a new part of the world.


I loved the controls. The sword play was amazing and motion+ made the combat feel completely different to past games. Mastering it was frustrating at times, but utterly stratifying once achieved. You actually felt like you were acquiring new skills as you learned to flick your wrist to achieve new attacks and disarm enemies.


I loved the locations - thinking back to them and their different styles and colours just makes me want to play the game again. Every part of the world felt different and unique with so many colours. But also the way you reacted with your environment. This is especially true of the way you could turn back time to complete puzzles in Lanyru dessert.


Overall, I loved the game and I loved the fact that Nintendo took chances with it. Each home console Zelda game always feels different to me and it's something which makes every entry unique and interesting.

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Skyward Sword was such a fun game. Yeah, it took a bit to get started, but I liked how it changed things up. All the areas had great synergy. Everything had something to do with something.


I keep meaning to re-play it, but I do admit that the thought of the motion controls gives me pause every time. Don't get me wrong, the controls were great, just exhausting haha.

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I dk t get the skyward sword hate either. I'm playing through ocarina of time now, and I'd much prefer to be replaying skyward sword. The things for me which set it apart were the art style and the controls, loved looking at it, and the controls made it great to play. It wasn't perfect, but I absolutely loved it.

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