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The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild Wii U / Switch


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I've just done the first set of quests to get an item and to the first major chatty cutscene and am enjoying it, but it doesn't quite feel like Zelda just yet to me. I know it's meant to be mixing things up and this is kind of the point of it, that you are in isolation, and many people found the intro/tutorial part of Skyward Sword tedious, but I kinda miss that being eased into things, learn the ropes before setting out on a quest. It feels like it needs a bit more personality. Hopefully that will grow as I progress.


Have to echo that inventory management is a pain in the butt so far - it really needs a way to be able to drop a weapon from the quick access bit. And the voice acting is definitely ropey - it doesn't feel natural, it feels acted and recorded, but it started growing on me a little as this first main cutscene went on.


Time to pop out to get some dinner and then will play some more! :D

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I want to explore, but I just can't help but go where it tells me too.... an I literally ignore it, go wherever and still progress?


Personally I'm loving it after 4.5 hours, looks amazing, feels daunting and dangerous, loving the survival aspects more than I thought I would too.


People on about the humour and Zelda charm. I sort of see what you mean, but then I haven't met anyone yet. Or been to a village. I presume when I do then it'll be more like traditional self, it's always the other characters. But I don't care, im loving it for what it is, and it's beautiful.

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Can someone help - without spoilers, where do spicy chillies naturally grow on the plateau? I exhausted the ones found by the diary...


There's some near the entrance to the snowy mountainy bit. Think you'll find it at the south eastern part of the river. A couple of plants with a few peppers on each.

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Huge spoilers coming up and lots of disappointment...


I came in almost 100% spoilerfree so I didn't know something...When I heard of the 4 Divine Beasts and that I had to enter them I thought: "Awesome, four huge dungeons to explore."


Oh how wrong I was...completed one of the Divine Beasts and to call it a dungeon would be ridiculous. It was nothing more than a few puzzles and a boss (I'll talk about the boss fight soon).


I am majorly disappointed right now...no dungeons...


So far the game doesn't really feel like a Zelda game. The only "Zelda-y" aspects are the characters and the general lore. The rest feels so disconnected to the series. At least in my opinion. It's a good game, yes, but to be honest - and it's kinda funny that I say this - it could've been so much more. I know, I know, I've probably only just started but if the first 15 hours are any indication for what's to come...:hmm:


Oh and that boss fight...it doesn't work. I don't think boss fights/long fights work in this game.

The boss hits hard. I had 7 heart containers while fighting and whenever I got hit I lost about 4 hearts. In intself this wouldn't be a problem, BUT you have to heal by opening up the inventory and choosing an item.

And because I got hit, I think, 10 times during the fight I had to open up the menu, choose an item and close the menu 10 freaking times. Nevermind the fact that 3 shields, 1 bow and 4 of my best melee weapons broke...


During a fight I don't want to manage my inventory/health/equipment 18 times.


Equipment durability shouldn't have been in the game and there should've been at least one button for a quick heal (i.e. assign a healing item to that button, press it and boom - you're healed). Two easy solutions for what are - at least to me - major design flaws.

Still, I'm enjoying my time with it. However, I'm not sure if this game will be something I will remember as much as reviews say...

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Used two Amiibo earlier


Used Smash Link to get..............Epona!!!. Who, in my excitement in using a Horse, decided to fall off a cliff and die.


And currently using Wolf Link, yet to complete the Cave of Shadows in Twilight Princess, yet have 20 hearts for Wolf Link. Strange, but i'm not complaining.



Initial thoughts of the game. Pretty good, however i am feeling a similar opinion to that of a few other peeps here. Hyrule feels a little underwhelming. Don't get me wrong, i can see where Nintendo are coming from.


Little odd not being able to roll, but have recently done a Shrine in Kakariko which added a few new moves, so i'll be guessing there's more to learn along the way. So far, so good. The detail in the overworld is great, the new approach to do a game without any real dungeons is interesting. Did the Plateau stuff, got the paraglide and am currently doing some main missions whilst exploring for towers.


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Can someone help - without spoilers, where do spicy chillies naturally grow on the plateau? I exhausted the ones found by the diary...




There were 2 growing by an entrance to the icy mountain. The entrance is a stone arch South of that mountain. Not far from the Temple of Time, a little SW.



Sent from my iPod touch using Tapatalk

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The game reminds me a lot of Dragon Quest Builders, exploring, weapons breaking, equipment, cooking are all really similar. Sometimes I had to remember what game I was playing.


There's an inn in a Zelda game! An inn!


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At the start the lady tells you to go somewhere and you can set a marker to show you the way. I was certain I did this but I'm just walking around with no idea where to go.


open up map again and set marker. you must not have done it. will appear on map showng you the way.

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I've been up since 5am playing this and I'm starting to enjoy this a lot more now. There's certainly a lot more to do once the game opens up a little more.


I started using my various amiibo today. Completely forgot about that function and have missed two days usage. :( Nabbed me the green tunic hat from Wind Waker after scanning in the WW Link. Got a bunch of food, rupees and other goodies from the rest of the amiibo.


I spent the best part of the morning just looking for shrines and trying to make my way up Death Mountain. Finally got some fire proof armour, so I'll be able to head up the main path now without taking any damage.


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There's something about the open world in this that's difficult to explain, but it makes it so uniquely awesome...


It's like, when you have to get from A to B in Fallout or Skyrim, you can scramble over the mountain or jump on a building, but that always feels wrong and broken. They haven't accounted for you being there, and they actually want you to walk around until you find a path. But in this game, it's like it was built so that you can approach anything by any means, and it's never wrong. The first clear cut example was


climbing the Temple of Time. It wasn't like some AC game where you take the obvious path up the side of the building. It was like really climbing an old ruin! You had to find your own way up and it wasn't just a conveniently generated section of grabbable areas.


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I am absolutely loving this game. I have played for around 7 hours and I have yet to leave the plateau. Even in this beginning section I have become immersed within the game.


It really does feel like the wilderness. I was worried that the lack of towns and NPCs would make the world lifeless but it doesn't. This game aims to be different than something like Witcher 3. This game is focussed upon discovery, tactical battles and survival. Just like what it would be like in the wilderness.


I like the fact that weapons break easily. Yes, it can be frustrating but the it adds an element of strategy previously unseen in Zelda games. The game forces you to approach enemies differently than before.


A negative is the slow down. The game does dip quite a bit and it is clear that the game's development was focused upon older hardware. Also, climbing sometimes feel like a chore.


I should also mention the music - its atmospheric and fits the setting and what the game is trying to achieve but its not Zelda. There isn't an iconic overworld theme. There isn't even the usual theme on the title page. I don't know how I feel about it all to be honest.


The "Zelda formula" appears to have been torn up and rewritten. At first I was thinking that the game doesn't feel or play like a Zelda game, but that is a good thing. The N64 formula had become tired in the modern age and I feel that this game is having another "Ocarina of Time" moment by reinventing itself.


I feel that everyone will have a different experience with the game. Apart from the puzzles there doesn't appear to be a way of going about things. There are lots of things to discover which are optional and I imagine a lot of side quests are. I feel if the time is put into this game then the experience and the enjoyment given would be the reward


Since playing I have read some reviews and agree with the praise they give the game. It will undoubtedly be compared to other top quality open world games but this is different - It is Zelda but on a grand scale and i'm absolutely loving it.

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The fact this game takes its story so seriously is hilarious. Come on, its kitchy camp and its fun, but simmer down game.


What made me laugh the most was...


The Great Calamity!


Oh no. That's the biggest disaster since the Mighty Befuddlement!


The King's beard's janky animation is annoying as hell though.





climbing the Temple of Time. It wasn't like some AC game where you take the obvious path up the side of the building. It was like really climbing an old ruin! You had to find your own way up and it wasn't just a conveniently generated section of grabbable areas.


There was a ladder...



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I've been up since 5am playing this and I'm starting to enjoy this a lot more now. There's certainly a lot more to do once the game opens up a little more.


I started using my various amiibo today. Completely forgot about that function and have missed two days usage. :( Nabbed me the green tunic hat from Wind Waker after scanning in the WW Link. Got a bunch of food, rupees and other goodies from the rest of the amiibo.


I spent the best part of the morning just looking for shrines and trying to make my way up Death Mountain. Finally got some fire proof armour, so I'll be able to head up the main path now without taking any damage.


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After playing this it kind of surprised me thinking you weren't loving it. Think it's unbelievable. Glad you're enjoying it more now.


As for amiibo. Is it worth it then? Not game ruining? The game is so oerfceni don't want any little niggles.... even wolf link seems a bit much, but if it's cool and doesn't take away I might play with the amiibo.


@Shorty I was going to post what @Ashley said :) literally all the way to the top. But the fact you didn't need to use it also demonstrates your point but I did laugh.

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After playing this it kind of surprised me thinking you weren't loving it. Think it's unbelievable. Glad you're enjoying it more now.


As for amiibo. Is it worth it then? Not game ruining? The game is so oerfceni don't want any little niggles.... even wolf link seems a bit much, but if it's cool and doesn't take away I might play with the amiibo.


Dunno why it would surprise you. I not the biggest fan of games that are big for the sake of being big. I've spoke about this at length at various points in time on here. I prefer direction and structure rather openness.


The amiibo I've used don't seem to break the game. They do save time though. Having a bunch of fish drop out the sky saves you looking for food for a while. I don't have any of the BotW amiibo so I can't say if the weapons they offer are game breaking.

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Just woke up from an unexpectedly long slumber. Feels like I slept for 100 years...ehem.


Anyway, I'm almost completely healthy again. That sleep helped a lot. :D Fired up the WiiU and can't wait to get back to exploring the world. One more tower left and after that it's time for some good old exploration : peace: Already set up my laptop so I can watch Bundesliga while playing later today :laughing:


Edit: Ok, so the game got me. After 16 hours it got me.


Just now I fought a Fire Keese at night. Killed it and the grass caught fire. Right then 3 Stalmoblins rose from the ground and surrounded me. I used the upstream caused by the fire to ascend, aimed my bow and froze the enemies with Ice Arrows. I plunged down and destroyed them :D


Fights like this make me forget how much I dislike breakable weapons :)

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