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The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild Wii U / Switch


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I very rarely buy DLC anyway so I cant see myself getting an expansion pass for Zelda. I only really get it when its story DLC, probably Mass Effect games and Witcher 3 are the only DLCs I've bought. Technically Destiny as well I guess but they're more expansions in the old PC term.


This is Story DLC

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Season pass and DLC...




EDIT: just beaten to it, haha.


"Thank you so much for your support"... now here's some extra basic content we have ready for the game's launch but want you to spend another £20 on.


I'm really disappointed over this, time will tell if the add on's are worthwhile but this is a bit of a slap in the face. They could have at least waited a few weeks after the games launch to announce it.

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I'm willing to bet rupees that the "new story" will feature Zelda as the main playable character.


There ya go. Everyone moaning about wanting to play as Female Link can shut up now ;)




In what universe is Zelda the same as "Female Link"?


Zelda wishes she was as awesome as Linkle!

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I'm willing to bet rupees that the "new story" will feature Zelda as the main playable character.


There ya go. Everyone moaning about wanting to play as Female Link can shut up now ;)


"Want equal representation, well then pay more!"


Yeah, could be problematic :heh:

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DLC 2 pack doesn't sound that bad, if I enjoy the game enough I'll pick it up later as paying for extra story seems like a good deal but the first two packs sound like utter garbage. A t-shirt and 'map features'? And just how much effort have they put into hard mode?


I wonder if those map features are the things that got scrapped from the early Wii U build.

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Legend of Zelda has always seemed the perfect series to mix things up a bit with the gender of the main character. If they want to keep it Link but have a character that is basically reincarnated for nearly every game then it would be easy to just make Link female every now and again.


...hell, maybe next time Link will come back as a screwdriver.

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DLC 2 pack doesn't sound that bad, if I enjoy the game enough I'll pick it up later as paying for extra story seems like a good deal but the first two packs sound like utter garbage. A t-shirt and 'map features'? And just how much effort have they put into hard mode?


I wonder if those map features are the things that got scrapped from the early Wii U build.


You're paying £18 primarily for a new storyline, a new dungeon, a boss/enemy rush Cave and a few little bits and pieces on the side. The former will take longer to develop, so they're releasing things in multiple packs.

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DLC 2 pack doesn't sound that bad, if I enjoy the game enough I'll pick it up later as paying for extra story seems like a good deal but the first two packs sound like utter garbage. A t-shirt and 'map features'? And just how much effort have they put into hard mode?


I wonder if those map features are the things that got scrapped from the early Wii U build.


Maybe the "map features" are to feature the map.


*glares angrily at Mario Kart 8*

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It's disingenuous to suggest we're paying £20 (18 actually) for things they've presumably already have developed like the hard mode, without mentioning the real meat of the DLC which comes later.


Precisely, and let's not forget for a moment just how massive this game is in the first place. The pacing of the DLC pack release seems just about right, considering everything that we know about the size of the world.


This does seem to open the door up to the possibility of more paid-for DLC in the future if it is a success, and considering that this is a first party Nintendo DLC? I don't think there's much to suggest that this pass won't be worth it.

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I'm really, really not a fan of them announcing DLC before the game is out. It's unbelievably cheap and devalues the final product in my eyes. Exactly why are we paying £50 for a game that has had bits potentially cut out of it?


I understand that BOTW has had a long and turbulent development cycle. I understand that they have gone way above any beyond any type of world building project the company has ever undertaken and that releasing DLC is a good way to make extra profit off these huge outlay costs, but did they REALLY need to do this now?


What would have been wrong with announcing all this stuff in, say, April or May for example? Give people a chance to play and finish the game and then hit them with the, "Oh, by the way, if you enjoyed that, check this out". I would much prefer to pay £20 for a new storyline, new dungeons etc. set in the same massive world, than wait 18 months - 3 years and pay 50 to play a game which uses the same engine and models, but a different world (a la Majora's Mask). Financially for gamers, and for Nintendo it makes sense, especially when so much cash has been sunk into BOTW already.


But WHY announce it now? Can we please just play the game first before you start telling us what it doesn't have? Dumb move, and it's really soured me on the game now. At least with MK8 they waited until people had actually played the game before the (excellent) DLC was eventually announced. I could have been really excited for this DLC coming off the completion of what looks to be an amazing game, now I couldn't care less, because I know the game I buy on March 3rd isn't the "full experience" I thought it was going to be.

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Sounds like praise for things that would have been ridiculed on the XB1 of PS4 to me, but hey ho.


DLC1 sounds awful and cheap. Zelda has managed to include a Boss rush, or Cave of trials thing before now, and paying for hard mode... wow.


DLC2 sounds great. Story expansions are always cool.


Not being able to buy them separately is strange and somewhat off putting.

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I'm really, really not a fan of them announcing DLC before the game is out.


I totally agree with this. I was more than happy to get the Wii U game on launch and would have been fine if this was announced a few months after, I probably would have been really pumped for it, but now if I don't get the DLC I'll feel as though I'm playing a slightly incomplete version of the game


I think it's a shitty practice anyway as it does give off the impression they're holding stuff back, whereas with Mario Kart you knew they'd been beavering away post release to make some great new content.


I just feel as though they're asking a lot already, with the higher than usual RRP and amiibo stuff. I'll give them credit for releasing this DLC on Wii U though, as when I first heard about it I assumed it would be a Switch exclusive as even more incentive to skip out on the Wii U version.

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I'm very disappointed with Nintendo.


DLC, by its very nature, cannot be a good thing. By definition, it is either a) pure froth or b) something that should have been in the original game.


Take DLC Pack 2, for example, with its extra dungeon. Hypothetically, let's say Breath of the Wild has 8 dungeons, or 9 with the DLC. Either 8 or 9 is the correct balance and design for that individual game. It can't be both.


It used to be that you'd pay £50 or so for a new Zelda and it was worth every penny, but Nintendo risks losing that reputation. Adding it all up, that's £279.99 (RRP) for the Switch, £59.99 for Breath of the Wild and £17.99 for the DLC. Greedy, Nintendo, greedy.

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