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The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild Wii U / Switch


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Tbf didn't they say they started developing the Switch version 1 year ago.


I would have thought it could have been implemented, however I'm sure the rumble in there is used sufficiently, and like I said I wasn't even expecting it. It's right that they prioritise everything else. I hope they haven't cut out to much and it's their full vision. Has there been any word on this? I haven't really been following to closely.

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Anouma said a new game he'd have hd rumble puzzles and such, which could be amazing. But this is no surprise, I guess more subtle uses would've been nice, like an arrow moving from the bottom of the controller to out of it (presuming it can be this detailed); and getting hit from different directions affecting different areas of the pad.

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I didn't expect them to include puzzles that made use of HD rumble - in fact, I'd rather play it as close as possible to how they originally intended, rather than have Wii-inspired tilt puzzles like Twilight Princess - but HD rumble would have added to the immersion. Presumably they could have the sort of things that have been discussed, such as feeling an impact on the right, and it travelling through to the left. I don't actually know what HD rumble can do, and don't intend to buy any game that's likely to make use of it until Super Mario Odyssey. Oh well.

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I doubt I'd do it unless it's easy to find, but I do think it would be quite interesting to see. Reminds me of stuff in like Xenoblade where you'd come across it early on and it's well out of your depth - jump forward 20 hours or so and you're wrecking said beasts in no time!


What happens if you defeat this 'final' boss anyhow? Is it actually a 'final' boss or just the hardest one?

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Haha yeah. Its gonna be a race to get the fastest horse the quickest. That changes the formula of speed runs a lot.


Well also possibly balancing out powerful items etc.

It may take 3 hours to defeat the boss with starter gear, but take a 10 minute detour and you can beat him in 2.40

Exaggerating to make the point that maybe in this instance the most direct route may not be the fastest.

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Well also possibly balancing out powerful items etc.

It may take 3 hours to defeat the boss with starter gear, but take a 10 minute detour and you can beat him in 2.40

Exaggerating to make the point that maybe in this instance the most direct route may not be the fastest.


Exciting though! I always like non-linearity and choice in games, and I'm really hoping we're going to get to see lots of that in this game. ALBW was a nice project in the right direction, but flawed in certain ways - but I'm hopeful for this building off of things they might have considered in that.

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I think speed runs will depend on how much randomness is involved. Too much would probably make people uninterested in a speed run.


Random how? Nothing major is procedurally generated in this, is it? Like you wouldn't have a different experience to me or yourself even if we took the exact same route each time, would we?


Though a Zelda with that level of variety....



4.5 weeks :bouncy:! Need to go get my Wii U soooon!

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I'm not quite sure if this has been asked guys, but do you know if the Wii U version of this game supports the Pro Contoller???


It most certainly does. :)


This is how I was planning on playing the game before news of the Switch version came about, I now intend to play it with the Switch Pro Controller.


When the game comes out on both platforms it will be interesting to see just how much difference there is in the control methods.

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It most certainly does. :)


This is how I was planning on playing the game before news of the Switch version came about, I now intend to play it with the Switch Pro Controller.


When the game comes out on both platforms it will be interesting to see just how much difference there is in the control methods.


Thanks for the info, I'll most definitely be playing this with my Wii U Pro Controller!

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Random how? Nothing major is procedurally generated in this, is it? Like you wouldn't have a different experience to me or yourself even if we took the exact same route each time, would we?


Random as in item drops, weapon/horse stats and things like that.

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Well I didn't pre-order Breath of the Wild for Wii U because I didn't think I'd need to (I've never had to pre-order any Wii U games in the past) but it seems to have sold out on amazon, which kinda sucks for me. Looks like I'll be buying it digitally unless it comes back in stock somehow.

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Well I didn't pre-order Breath of the Wild for Wii U because I didn't think I'd need to (I've never had to pre-order any Wii U games in the past) but it seems to have sold out on amazon, which kinda sucks for me. Looks like I'll be buying it digitally unless it comes back in stock somehow.


One of the first things I did the day after the Switch reveal conference was pre-order a copy on Amazon; knew demand for it was about to shoot up. Could be worth seeing if any folks here end up double-dipping or buying from somewhere else?

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Well I didn't pre-order Breath of the Wild for Wii U because I didn't think I'd need to (I've never had to pre-order any Wii U games in the past) but it seems to have sold out on amazon, which kinda sucks for me. Looks like I'll be buying it digitally unless it comes back in stock somehow.


Nintendo Store still has it, although at full price, but if you're willing to get it digital I guess it doesn't matter.

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I've just realised I haven't actually preordered this yet.

Where do people think the best place / price is?

I could look... but you all will prob know more! :D


Literally the conversation of 3 posta above you :p


I'd say if Amazon are sold out on their pre-orders either keep watching them in hope, go down the official lines as @Ike suggests - or otherwise consider any of your other favoured online retailers who have it in stock. I'd be wary of going for a company I'm unfamiliar with if I wanted this on launch; but I don't/haven't ordered so much for speed in the last few years. Everywhere I look seems more expensive than Amazon! What's the official download price when it's released? That same as the official store's retail price?

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