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The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild Wii U / Switch


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How different this Zelda feels is what's most exciting. The last two console Zeldas really did play by numbers. Yes there was Wolf Link and motion controls but overall the gameplay experiences felt very familiar and samey. Not so here.

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Due to work, I didn't catch any of the Nintendo Treehouse stuff and I'll miss it again this evening but what little I have seen of Breath of the Wild via the official trailer and a couple of other bits and pieces, it looks incredible :love:


Any comparisons with other open world games, such as Skyrim, make me a little nervous but the fact that this is all wrapped up in the Zelda universe and will be sprinkled with Nintendo magic means I'm totally in :yay:


Normally I would prefer a more structured experience, and I actually found Skyward Sword to be an amazing game that I couldn't put down, but I'm strangely excited to walk into the unknown with this and just make my own way in the world. The biggest disappointment is that this sort of experience would have been perfect if released now as I feel like I don't really have any other new games to distract me. Releasing the game in 2017 may mean that there's considerably more titles to play due to the launch of the NX and I may not end up giving the world of Breath of the Wild the attention it ultimately deserves!

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Sorry if someone has already mentioned it, but in the hype before E3 people raised the issue of the UI and how it would 'tell' us more of what the NX will be. Well, all deom Treehouse Live sessions used the inventory system by pressing the -button (or some other button). It looked as if the Inventory menu's were not present at the touch of a finger. Now, this may be to highlight what's going on for the viewer (full screen menu selection as to a little GamePad in the corner of previous games' demos. But does this indicate, along with the Pro Controller support of the Wii U version, a screen -less NX controller for the future.


The other thing that struck me was the shape and size of the Shiekah Slate, smaller than the GamePad, more large cellphone sized. What do you all think of a companion app? The second screen usage of the NX will be cellphone app based.


Absolutely loving what I have seen and this;




Seems Nintendo's more focused E3 is paying dividends.

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I love the idea of bitesize dungeons, on top of (four?) massive regular ones.


Seems Nintendo's more focused E3 is paying dividends.


As amazing as it would have been to have NX revealed at the same time, I also think Zelda would have gotten buried because of it, so maybe they do actually know what they're doing :smile:

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A full length version of the timelapse cycle. Keep an eye on the sides of the volcano, also at 16:30 something interesting happens.


Nice spot there!


That scene has to be the title screen, surely, with the cycle playing out if you leave the system alone.




Man, the real world sucks. I want to live in that world instead.

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Brilliant interview from TIME about the game.




There's a section of the interview that discusses how they brought a new, younger set of developers on board to make the game and how these younger people made Nintendo question why things have been done the way they have purely for the sake of tradition.


From the reaction the game has received ( most talked about game at E3 on social media ) and the phenomenon that is Splatoon, Nintendo need to start trusting more in this new blood of developers that are coming through the ranks.


Reading this makes me very hopeful for the future of their development teams.

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Sorry if someone has already mentioned it, but in the hype before E3 people raised the issue of the UI and how it would 'tell' us more of what the NX will be. Well, all deom Treehouse Live sessions used the inventory system by pressing the -button (or some other button). It looked as if the Inventory menu's were not present at the touch of a finger. Now, this may be to highlight what's going on for the viewer (full screen menu selection as to a little GamePad in the corner of previous games' demos. But does this indicate, along with the Pro Controller support of the Wii U version, a screen -less NX controller for the future.


The other thing that struck me was the shape and size of the Shiekah Slate, smaller than the GamePad, more large cellphone sized. What do you all think of a companion app? The second screen usage of the NX will be cellphone app based.


Absolutely loving what I have seen and this;




Seems Nintendo's more focused E3 is paying dividends.


I saw something on gaf about how they were going to have the map on the gamepad but anouma thought it was better on the same screen and where it was easily visible and he confirmed the gamepads only use is as a second screen for off tv play

you could take from that that gamepad elements have been stripped as the NX won't work the same, or it could be he didn't think they were needed, i absolutely hate the touch only inventory on Twillight princess it is awful and slow, maybe he thought the same

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Yes, it uses the same controls as Splatoon - stick for large movements gyro for fine tuning.


EDIT: Source


The clear highlight, however — even for a pacifist like this writer — was the bow and arrow. Using 'ZR' to zoom in and a Splatoon-like combo of the GamePad's gyroscope and the right stick to aim felt wonderful, and aiming for headshots — which deal the extra damage you'd expect — was incredibly satisfying.



Edited by peterl0
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My only real hope for it now is that the rumours about 4 main dungeons aren't true and that we get something more like 6, and that the Gerudo feature heavily in some fashion.


They did say that the shrines get bigger and more complicated.

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Isn't it just lava coming down the sides of the volcano?


I think that's ma boy Bigoron readying me up a bad boy sword.


My only real hope for it now is that the rumours about 4 main dungeons aren't true and that we get something more like 6, and that the Gerudo feature heavily in some fashion.


The desert portion in the trailer looks more reminiscent of Gerudo Fortress - I hope their in.


Btw I like how they have given the Sheikah dark skin in this game to perhaps make their inclusion in the game more poignant.


Edited by King_V
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Watched a few little bits and read @Murr's Nintendo summation on his page. It's very different(and sadly seems quite heavily focused) to what I'd expect of a Zelda, but it looks good and I'm enjoying the approach it's taken so far. I'm still upset about the delay and the dual-release, but from the little bits I'm seeing coming out of this and what people are talking to me about it's certainly a game I'd think about picking up on release now.

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My rounded up view of what I have seen, as posted in the General Thread:


I think its brilliant - and I have seen every video available.


I despised SS and to a lesser extent TPs linearity, and even with the little shown over E3 and how little this segment is compared to the world, its very easy to see this is not going to be a linear game - at the very least not as the aforementioned games.


Its refreshing. The sprawling, lush world and wildlife is like no other interpretation of Hyrule. I like the bold changes such as the omition of the classic overworld theme to differentiate and to state very boldly and immediately that this is different! In fact this is the only Zelda (outside of perhaps making a mission for myself in WW to complete the world map) where I don't just want to jump into the story first... I want discover the world over several in-game days, hunt and gather and cook combinations of food and potions to see their benefits. Hunt for treasure, new clothes, weapons - never really had this drive in a Zelda which typically gives you about three weapons and lesser choices of clothing.


And whats great is that these clothes and weapons and meal creations come with a reason - the stats - and that's just a great motivation for me. This is what aides exploration, and 90% of Zeldas weren't really good with this aspect of reward outside of rupees and hearts.


With the opening scene, I also can't wait to indulge in the storyline... BOTW has the most sensational opening yet. And the appearance of a race that were heavily tied with one Zelda and the seemingly mass appearance of a race that only usually appeared as extinct - this game seems to have incorporated the best of OOT, WW, SS and TP. Perhaps MM too if we hear of mass side quests and towns. Also visually, the water-coloured natural look, seems to have meld with the WW cartoony vibe (ala the enemy explosions) creating a unique HD Zelda look - the water and shrine rock heads look outstandingly HD in resolution, as do the fawner and environment in general.


Overall, I am pleasantly surprised and this is now my most anticipated Wii U title after Pikmin 3 - though admittedly I probably go for the new shiny NX version if they release together. Pleased that Nintendo have lived by their word for once with regards to REALLY shaking up the foundations of what a Zelda is and look to be sticking by it.

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That video is insane.... The things on death mountain, aren't they the same things as in the trailer, the weird spindly long limbed monster things? Amazing you can see them from here...


As for the meteor or whatever, amazing, would be amazing if they happen a few times - the light implies they could house great things, but how good would it be if they could land on you, or on an enemy or something?

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