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The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild Wii U / Switch


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Looks like it's been delayed to 2017. :(


[News] had been scheduled to be released in 2016, but is the Wii U, "The Legend of Zelda: The latest", for further quality improvement, now that I am allowed to delay the release in 2017. Humbly thank you for your understanding. It should be noted that, in the Wii U version and the simultaneous release schedule, we are also developing the NX version.
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Looks like it's been delayed to 2017. :(


WOW! This was originally scheduled for last Christmas. I knew it was going to end up on the NX as well, but 2017 suggests that the NX won't be launching until next year. As for the Wii U - well that's basically cleared the release schedule for the rest of the year.

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Looks like it's been delayed to 2017. :(


Its sad and im disappointed but if what they are doing to it means that they will make the game better than I am not personally too bothered.


I would rather wait for potentially the best Zelda ever than a probably early buggy mess that often plagues modern games.

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Its sad and im disappointed but if what they are doing to it means that they will make the game better than I am not personally too bothered.


I would rather wait for potentially the best Zelda ever than a probably early buggy mess that often plagues modern games.


It just means it misses out on releasing on the 30th anniversary of the franchise. Shame.


I wonder if we will get anything else Zelda related to honour the anniversary?

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I just hope this further delay doesn't mean that the development isn't a mess as it currently is.

They said it'd be ready for last year, then said it needed the delay to 2016 to ensure it would be as good as it could be... but now they need an extra delay? It screams development trouble to me... or Miyamoto upending a table. ::shrug: I hope not!

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A Skyward Sword remaster!


With the option to remove motion controls? That's something I would stand in line for.


In reality we will probably just get SS added to the Wii Virtual Console for the Wii U. :D


I just hope this further delay doesn't mean that the development isn't a mess as it currently is.

They said it'd be ready for last year, then said it needed the delay to 2016 to ensure it would be as good as it could be... but now they need an extra delay? It screams development trouble to me... or Miyamoto upending a table. ::shrug: I hope not!


Dude is probably complaining there's too much story in the game and that it needs removed.

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I just hope this further delay doesn't mean that the development isn't a mess as it currently is.

They said it'd be ready for last year, then said it needed the delay to 2016 to ensure it would be as good as it could be... but now they need an extra delay? It screams development trouble to me... or Miyamoto upending a table. ::shrug: I hope not!

It's obvious that this time the Zelda game has been delayed to go with the NX delay

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Skyward Sword - November 2011.

Ocarina of Time 3D: 2012

Wind Waker HD: 2013

A Link Between Worlds: 2013

Hyrule Warriors: 2014

Majora's Mask 3D: 2015

Triforce Heroes: 2015

Twilight Princess HD: 2016

Hyrule Warriors Legends: 2016

Zelda Wii U - 2017.


Not good enough Nintendo.

Sure, it might be the best game ever. But a six year gap is just too long.


Fixed that for you. Nintendo has been pumping Zelda HARD these last 6 years! (even ignoring remakes/remasters, that's 3 brand new games in that timeframe! :o )

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Fixed that for you. Nintendo has been pumping Zelda HARD these last 6 years! (even ignoring remakes/remasters, that's 3 brand new games in that timeframe! :o )


Hyrule Warriors, although I love it and is maybe my favourite Wii U game, wasn't made by Nintendo. A Link Between Worlds was brilliant. Remasters don't count, and now I kind of feel they should've scrapped them altogether and just put more resources towards Zelda Wii U rather than release these to try and satisfy the fans.


Almost six years between mainline console Zelda games is just not good enough.

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@Dcubed. I think he was talking about home console Zelda games... and Hyrule Warriors is NOT one of them!


Exactly. I thought it was pretty obvious what Mr Paul was getting at.


Looking at that list I would only class ALBW as a true new and original Zelda game. The rest are remakes and spin-offs. Yes, I class TH as a spin-off.

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I'm just being deliberately disingenuous, I know exactly what he was getting at :p


But even so, you can hardly just discount ALBW (and though Triforce Heroes was a spinoff like Four Swords was, it still is something that should be considered). 6 years is a long time, but it's not like we've gotten nothing in that time.


It is the longest gap we've seen in new console releases since ALTTP-OoT. Well, that's what Nintendo get for biting off more than they could chew with this one :p

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I agree with DCubed here. We have had an unprecedented number of new Zelda titles in the past 6 years. The remakes have all been the definitive versions of their respective games and it has been a pleasure to replay them all. Hyrule Warriors scratched the Zelda itch I didn't even know I had and the two new games on 3DS also provided a few hours of fun. At least we know that a 6 year develoment cycle will make Zelda Wii U the Best Zelda Ever™.


I do think we'll see Skyward Sword HD before Zelda Wii U, then they would've re-released their whole back catalogue in the run up to the new one. Of all the HD remasters, that would be the one I'm most looking forward too, a criminally underrated and underappreciated game. My WiiMotion+ controller and body are ready.

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Would any else feel kind of insulted with "sorry, the next Zelda title is going to be ~16 months later than we promised but here's another remaster of a Zelda title".


Yeah they're great games but it feels like a clip show episode at this point.

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I agree with DCubed here. We have had an unprecedented number of new Zelda titles in the past 6 years. The remakes have all been the definitive versions of their respective games and it has been a pleasure to replay them all. Hyrule Warriors scratched the Zelda itch I didn't even know I had and the two new games on 3DS also provided a few hours of fun. At least we know that a 6 year develoment cycle will make Zelda Wii U the Best Zelda Ever™.


I do think we'll see Skyward Sword HD before Zelda Wii U, then they would've re-released their whole back catalogue in the run up to the new one. Of all the HD remasters, that would be the one I'm most looking forward too, a criminally underrated and underappreciated game. My WiiMotion+ controller and body are ready.



If they re-release Skyward Sword it will HAVE to have a button only option for those that have not got a wiimote and for those of us that disliked the controls

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At this point, I would be surprised if Skyward Sword didn't get the HD treatment at some point as well (if not on Wii U, then on the future NX console). They've gone and remade every other 3D Zelda, so there's nothing but a big skyloft shaped hole now...


If they re-release Skyward Sword it will HAVE to have a button only option for those that have not got a wiimote and for those of us that disliked the controls


Why? It's not like they haven't released Wii U games that require Wii Remotes before (and a good few Motionplus only games as well to boot). Nintendo Land? Wii Party U? Wii Sports Club? Mario Party 10?


Skyward Sword couldn't be made compatible with any other controller without being completely redesigned and re-built as a completely different game anyway, so it's the only way it can be done. Knowing them, they'd go full hog and make the Gamepad your shield and the Wii Remote Plus your sword! :p

Edited by Dcubed
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If they re-release Skyward Sword it will HAVE to have a button only option for those that have not got a wiimote and for those of us that disliked the controls


That's my dream. Get rid of the waggle and let me play with buttons and i'll be there day one.


They could also do with sorting out the padding in the game as well.

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That's my dream. Get rid of the waggle and let me play with buttons and i'll be there day one.


If they re-release Skyward Sword it will HAVE to have a button only option for those that have not got a wiimote and for those of us that disliked the controls


See, I don't get this. I thought the controls were incredible in SS. It was the game which finally showcased what the Wii remote could do without just resorting to waggle. They took a while to learn of course, but once mastered I for one didn't want to go back. The final boss showdown in particular was amazing, mainly thanks to the controls. Reworking the entire game for button controls would be a lengthy process and would, in my opinion, negetively impact the experience.


I definitely agree about padding though. If they could streamline it, like they did with WW, it would be great. They'd also have to remove at least one of the fights with The Imprisioned as there was too much of that nonsence.


I still think in Zelda U we'll see some degree of motion control. At least as much as in the WW and TP remakes.

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