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The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild Wii U / Switch


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I still think NX might be less powerful than Wii U - after all, 3DS needs replacing more than Nintendo's home console - and so we might see a lesser version of Zelda U rather than a superior one.


It does actually concern me a bit that things like the landscapes might be simplified in order to work across two versions.

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I still think NX might be less powerful than Wii U - after all, 3DS needs replacing more than Nintendo's home console - and so we might see a lesser version of Zelda U rather than a superior one.


It does actually concern me a bit that things like the landscapes might be simplified in order to work across two versions.


Ha, don't worry, never in a million years will NX be less powerful than Wii U. They would get absolutely slaughtered if they did that. It would make zero sense. Anyway the Wii U is the thing that needs replacing, HD development for a dead console is a waste of time, whereas 3DS games can still truck along and do well with a 50+ million install base.

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  • 2 months later...

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It's been so long since we heard anything about the game that I couldn't resist. :D






Anyway, King_V posted this in the TP thread.


Yeah - I want this game [Zelda U] to be a PURE NX game if atleast for a better release schedule for future Zeldas ie get an NX sequel in something like two years after the release of the console.



How many people on here would be annoyed/bothered if Zelda U ended up as a NX exclusive? I don't want to discuss whether or not this would happen but rather, if it did happen, would you be annoyed by it?


Personally, I wouldn't be fussed, just as long as the game is good. I'll be getting a NX whenever it arrives so I would get to play it anyway.

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How many people on here would be annoyed/bothered if Zelda U ended up as a NX exclusive? I don't want to discuss whether or not this would happen but rather, if it did happen, would you be annoyed by it?


Personally, I wouldn't be fussed, just as long as the game is good. I'll be getting a NX whenever it arrives so I would get to play it anyway.


Yeah I would be. Simply because I was planning on buying this new Zelda game but I'm not bothering with the NX so I wont be able to play it.

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Yeah I would be. Simply because I was planning on buying this new Zelda game but I'm not bothering with the NX so I wont be able to play it.


Would the pull of a new Zelda game not be enough to warrant buying another console? I suppose, given how badly a lot of people were burned by the Wii U, many would be reluctant to buy the NX, even if it does have Zelda on it.

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How many people on here would be annoyed/bothered if Zelda U ended up as a NX exclusive? I don't want to discuss whether or not this would happen but rather, if it did happen, would you be annoyed by it?


Not really, I got more than enough enjoyment from my WiiU to justify my purchase.


I would, however, find it a little baffling and amusing that the WiiU would be the first home console to not have a new Zelda game.

And that's precisely why I don't think it will ever be NX exclusive.

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Would the pull of a new Zelda game not be enough to warrant buying another console? I suppose, given how badly a lot of people were burned by the Wii U, many would be reluctant to buy the NX, even if it does have Zelda on it.


No not really. Nintendo games just arent a pull for me anymore. I was interested in playing the new Zelda because I already owned the console.

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Expecting a Twilight Princess scenario, where the Wii U version will still release but there will also be an NX version for launch. Got no problems with this - wouldn't even care if the game ended up as an NXclusive either, Wii U has given me plenty of hours of fun this gen - just hope there's a way to play Splatoon, Mario Kart 8 and Smash on the new system as soon as possible.


Hoping for launch day ports, or some kinda backwards compatibility.

Edited by Guy
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Expecting a Twilight Princess scenario, where the Wii U version will still release but there will also be an NX version for launch.


Ok, but...


How many people on here would be annoyed/bothered if Zelda U ended up as a NX exclusive? I don't want to discuss whether or not this would happen but rather, if it did happen, would you be annoyed by it?


EDIT: Never mind, you edited your post to reflect your answer. :D

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It's been so long since we heard anything about the game that I couldn't resist. :D






:angry: Grrr. Got me there.


Anyway, I would still play it as I would also get the NX anyway, but if it did not need a more powerful console and only came out on the NX that would be very annoying.

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Not 100% I'll be able to afford an NX on launch (if it's this year)...


But I'd still prefer to see this either NX exclusive or the Twilight Princess scenario.


It's too big a game to send out to die at the end of the Wii U's life time, and to big a game not to be a system seller for a brand new console. Best of both worlds would be the TP solution.


I would admire Nintendo for keeping Wii U exclusive, but it would also break my heart a little!

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I'd be gutted because I'd be paying £240 to play it :p


I would much rather they took the time now to make it NX only and took advantage of whatever additional power it comes with rather than it being compromised like Twilight Princess. But that ain't gonna happen, so I just hope it is coming to NX.

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We will have two Zelda's on the Wii U (none of them original one, I know) so I think it will be better to just port it to NX but make it as good as possible, without any sacrifices. I would not be able to get it at least till summer 2017 (probably), but what can you do. People have waited so long for this game so it should really be "perfect".


I would like the same thing with Star Fox, but that's not going to happen (again, probably).

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It's been so long since we heard anything about the game that I couldn't resist. :D






Anyway, King_V posted this in the TP thread.




How many people on here would be annoyed/bothered if Zelda U ended up as a NX exclusive? I don't want to discuss whether or not this would happen but rather, if it did happen, would you be annoyed by it?


Personally, I wouldn't be fussed, just as long as the game is good. I'll be getting a NX whenever it arrives so I would get to play it anyway.



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I think Nintendo porting it would be pretty bad. The GameCube had enough to satisfy games: a proper Mario, Zelda, Metroid and various other great stuff.


If Zelda Wii U is on NX, then it shows a lack of commitment to their platform, and could potentially put people off the NX as they can't expect Nintendo to live up to expectations.

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I'm in the camp that believes it'll get released in November on the Wii U and then at launch with the NX. It'll be interesting to see if it comes out for the NX Handheld though, obviously we're all expecting that to be the one to launch this year if Nintendo launch one of them, but will it be powerful enough to play Zelda Wii U, or will Nintendo release it alongside the NX home console instead?


And damn you Hero Of Time, I totally fell for that.

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How many people on here would be annoyed/bothered if Zelda U ended up as a NX exclusive? I don't want to discuss whether or not this would happen but rather, if it did happen, would you be annoyed by it?


Personally, I wouldn't be fussed, just as long as the game is good. I'll be getting a NX whenever it arrives so I would get to play it anyway.


I would be pretty pissed off. When I bought a GameCube, part of that was because I knew I'd be getting a new Mario, a new Zelda, a follow up to F Zero X, a new Wave Race and a brand new Mario Kart. (there were other titles like Eternal Darkness and the REmake, but these were a big reason for me to get a Cube)


We've not had follow ups for F Zero and Wave Race for a while. But, we've had Zelda and Mario. I'm not going to pretend like I've enjoyed the WiiU's offerings because I really haven't. However, having no new Zelda for the system is unthinkable.


It's a staple. It's expected. When you buy a Nintendo console, you expect a new Mario and a new Zelda. For those reasons alone, that's why I think it'll launch on the WiiU first. Whether it releases on NX is another matter, but it'll be a huge embarrassment to back at the WiiU in a few years time and to remember it as a console without a Zelda.


I'm disappointed at the lack of news, previews or even general knowledge surrounding this game. It worries me that we know so little about it.

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I still think NX might be less powerful than Wii U - after all, 3DS needs replacing more than Nintendo's home console - and so we might see a lesser version of Zelda U rather than a superior one.


It does actually concern me a bit that things like the landscapes might be simplified in order to work across two versions.


Don't agree with you at all. The Wii U was already underpowered on launch, even if it were a portable console, Nintendo would be fools to make it weaker than the U. I mean, the Vita has been out since late 2011 and that's almost on-par with PS3.


And of course: the 3DS still sells quite well and the New 3DS range has only been out for little over a year, while the Wii U has bombed.


The NX is not going to be a third pillar, quite simply because the past few years have proven that they can't even remotely push out enough software to promote two pillars. My hope is that the NX will become the ONLY pillar.

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Nintendo need to release Zelda for the U, otherwise the NX will go the way of the Dreamcast.



(From TP Thread to stay on-topic)


In what way? In all likelihood they are definitely going for a dual release. But I still don't think Wii U owners/Zelda fans will moan/boycott about that.


New screens and details.




It's been so long since we heard anything about the game that I couldn't resist. :D






Anyway, King_V posted this in the TP thread.




How many people on here would be annoyed/bothered if Zelda U ended up as a NX exclusive? I don't want to discuss whether or not this would happen but rather, if it did happen, would you be annoyed by it?


Personally, I wouldn't be fussed, just as long as the game is good. I'll be getting a NX whenever it arrives so I would get to play it anyway.


Haha, I replied to a TP comment and re-posted here instead too! Great minds..


Anyway, following on from the post above and like you, I wouldn't be annoyed with that at all. The Wii U is on a drip-feed and the more Nintendo come out and raise their hands and admit they done goofed, the more I'll be more interested in how they turn things around.


A launch or launch window, 'truly HD', cinematic NX Zelda would be the boost Nintendo needs. Let the entire Wii brand RIP - and I really don't want them to tack on some forced dual screen malachy.


I suppose, given how badly a lot of people were burned by the Wii U, many would be reluctant to buy the NX, even if it does have Zelda on it.


I really don't believe that most gamers hold such a grudge, especially when its Zelda. We gamers need our game fix and we will cave in and fork out.

Edited by King_V
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I'm disappointed at the lack of news, previews or even general knowledge surrounding this game. It worries me that we know so little about it.


I really wouldn't worry, the hype for its reveal at E3 is going to be HUGE. I'm not a fan of their competition announcing and drip feeding info about games for years before release. I'd much rather take the shorter reveal > release window that Nintendo have been doing recently.


They timed the hype for Mario 3D World perfectly, announced six months before release with an ok trailer, than wow-ed everyone with their second one a couple of months before release.

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The problem is, it HAS been announced and drip fed over a long time - the problem is the drops have been so tiny it just leaves us all frustrated! We first saw footage from this game in June 2014. The previous console Zelda was in November 2011. I don't think it's wrong to have expected to have seen more by now!

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