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The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker HD


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But doing a ALTTP or MM remake on Wi U would be creating a brand new game. Why would you want that instead of actually creating a brand new Zelda?

Perhaps Link To The Past... but I don't see how a remake of Majora's Mask would constitute more of "creating a brand new game" when compared to the unfinished mess that was Wind Waker.

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Unfinished mess?! I can barely read this thread without turning back into an angry 13 year old fanboy :p


WindWaker may not have been completely finished (they missed two dungeons I hear?) but as far as style, gameplay and open worlds are concerned, Wind Waker is incredible. It's the first game that got me into Zelda and my favourite in the series.


But I do think the game would have been fine without the triforce hunt, Nintendo don't have any excuses for expanding the title in such a cheap way.

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One thing I'd love is for the combat to be tweaked. The combat was a bit too basic. Add a bit more depth (like Twilight Princess) and it would be great.


Yeah, if Amusement Vision did still exist we'd also still be enjoying great Super Monkey Ball games.


They still exist, they were just merged with a couple of other teams (such as the Jet Set Radio team). Since F-Zero they've made 7 Yakuza games and Binary Domain (which was somewhat of a cult hit).

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I feel like I'm the only person who loves the lighting exactly as it is. :heh:


Also, I'm more of the opinion that, ironically, Wind Waker's art style did a lot to keep the "dumb kids" away.


Yeah, I did know some people in real life who played OOT, MM and TP but refused to play Wind Waker. Their loss.


On the other hand, I know others in real life who love it and think it is the best Zelda, or even the only one they really like.


But doing a ALTTP or MM remake on Wi U would be creating a brand new game. Why would you want that instead of actually creating a brand new Zelda?


Yeah, I always thought the intention of a Link to the Past remake was to make it similar to the "3D Classics" range (ie. a 3DS game). Majora's Mask was natural/expected precisely because they'd upgraded the OOT/MM engine for OOT 3D (again, on 3DS).


I wouldn't be against an MM remake on Wii U but it'd seem weird without doing OOT as well. Do 'em both, I say! Ocarina of Time HD!

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Definitely take my money. Im looking forward to this game. Ive not actually played it since i was 12 so it will almost be new again. Hope they do add further content. As far as i remember i didnt actually mind the triforce hunt. The sea however in WW is far superior than the boring sky in skyward sword

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Yeah I don't see what all the fuss is about re: the triforce hunt, I enjoyed it as well.


But the bit where Jabun simply hands you the third pearl (at the expense of a third dungeon early in the game) felt very jarring and out of place. It's equivalent dungeon in the second half of the game would also be nice but isn't quite as necessary. Sadly I doubt we'll get any new content like that anyway.

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Definitely take my money. Im looking forward to this game. Ive not actually played it since i was 12 so it will almost be new again. Hope they do add further content. As far as i remember i didnt actually mind the triforce hunt. The sea however in WW is far superior than the boring sky in skyward sword


Yeah, I heard a lot of complaints about the sea and how long it took to get from one place to another but I've never felt so free! It was also so exciting finding those tiny islands that weren't marked on the map.

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I hope they have 3 extra triforce quests which are all 100 times longer.


Not really.


But the Triforce Quest is genuinely (honestly) my favourite part of the game, which is my favourite game...

It's the only time in gaming I've felt like a proper explorer.


For me it just killed the whole momentum of the game. It came at a point when it should have been building towards pushing the player towards the finale, when the game should have been creating a sense of urgency. But that whole Triforce Hunt just slowed things down to a crawl.


Thinking about it, if they were to keep it in the game one way they could make it better is if you could find out about it earlier in the game and get the chance to go looking for a few pieces while enroute to or as a little side quest before going to the next dungeon.


That way when you get to the part when all you have to do is get the Triforce parts you'll have most of them by then, so you don't have to go looking for all 8 parts and it won't slow things down as much... unless you chose not to go for the ones you could have gotten earlier.


The whole decoing of the maps thing should be done away it too to speed things up, you find teh map it tells you where to look and that's it...or at least make them not cost as much rupees or something if they really must have it

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Yeah I don't see what all the fuss is about re: the triforce hunt, I enjoyed it as well.


But the bit where Jabun simply hands you the third pearl (at the expense of a third dungeon early in the game) felt very jarring and out of place. It's equivalent dungeon in the second half of the game would also be nice but isn't quite as necessary. Sadly I doubt we'll get any new content like that anyway.

The fact you could tell there should have been a temple there was a bit jarring, but I did enjoy the race back to Outset Island across the stormy sea! Felt like something quite different and epic for Zelda!
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I still hold out hope for that hitting the 3DS one day :D


I guess the remake of Wind Waker means no 3DS Majora's Mask, at least in the near future. Looks like we may get a brand new 3DS Zelda game in the next year or two, which can only be a good thing :)

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the n64 zeldas make sense to be updated on 3ds and gamecube onto wii u...the generational gap between them makes sense, technologically and gameplay wise I reckon.


Im so stoked for WW though, i wasnt even considering a wii u until today now i really want one. It's amazing what a couple of games can do for your enthusiasm isnt it?

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Im so stoked for WW though, i wasnt even considering a wii u until today now i really want one. It's amazing what a couple of games can do for your enthusiasm isnt it?


It is indeed!


But honestly, nobody's going to not want a WiiU once we see those Smash Bros. screens.

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