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Which series' are you bored of?

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I remember growing up and discovering Mario Kart 64 for the first time. My eyes were open for the first time. There was no way that this could ever get old!


Fast forward to Mario Kart Wii, and it was old. Double Dash was ok, I didn't think much of it. DS was fantastic. Wii just...blew. It really disappointed me. I haven't picked up 7 as a result of it.


Could happily live without it for a long, long time.

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I was actually going to start a thread on this too called 'Franchise Fatigue'.


And tbh I think my answer might well be... Mario.


I could quite easily do without Mario for an entire console generation... Zelda too potentially, provided that it meant other Nintendo franchises being given their chance to shine/re-appear. We've had so much Mario over the last few years (and Zelda gets regular entries).


I'd rather Mario and Zelda came back with a bang in 5 years time and it be something incredible, if it meant we saw Nintendo developing new First Party franchises whilst the pressure of Mario and Zelda was off their shoulders for a generation.

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I loved Mario Kart Wii, @Fierce_LiNk.. and then it really started to irritate me :hmm: I felt that 12 racers were too many for Mario Kart as it became TOO hectic and a couple of the new weapons were annoying :nono:Mario Kart 7 is fantastic, though, and I'm looking forward to the inevitable Mario Kart U in the hope that they make some exciting additions to it :smile:


I've been wavering a bit on New Super Mario Bros, though. NSMB2 on the 3DS is possibly the least enthusiastic I've ever been playing a Mario game but NSMBU is pretty good. Playing Super Mario World today, however, only enforces the point that maybe it's time to do something different where 2D Mario games are concerned to help rekindle some of that old magic that we grew up on :heh:


Also, I've never been into Call of Duty but I'm bored of it being one of the only games ever mentioned to me when I try to talk to anyone about games. That, and the horribly overrated FIFA..

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-NSMB: same graphics, sounds, music, level designs... o_O

-Mario Kart: yeah, it's getting a bit old, especially when half of the tracks are from older games.

-Pokémon: gathering same monsters again and again, no thanks. Plus I don't like the new designs at all, they look quite horrible : o

-Zelda: I don't know, it's no longer as awesome as it used to be, but just ok. Same formula repeated...


Surprise surprise, all Nintendo franchises...

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A few days ago I'd have said Mario in general, but I always love them when I play them. Mario has become something that I don't get excited about and I don't like the idea of E3 (and other shows) relying on him, but I have to hand it to Nintendo... the games themselves are always great.

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-NSMB: same graphics, sounds, music, level designs... o_O

-Mario Kart: yeah, it's getting a bit old, especially when half of the tracks are from older games.

-Pokémon: gathering same monsters again and again, no thanks. Plus I don't like the new designs at all, they look quite horrible : o

-Zelda: I don't know, it's no longer as awesome as it used to be, but just ok. Same formula repeated...


Surprise surprise, all Nintendo franchises...

Pokémon isn't technically Nintendo ;)

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Definitely Pokemon and Zelda. And to some extent Final Fantasy (but that's more to do with S-E taking a poor direction with their series). Mostly Nintendo because of their cookie-cutter conservative approach to their large cash generating franchises.


Pokémon isn't technically Nintendo ;)


Just like a tomato isn't technically a vegetable. Yet really for all intents and purposes it is.

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Zelda - I borrowed Skyward Sword off Ashley and couldn't be any less interested after playing it for about three hours. Every time I start talking to someone I just thing SHUT UP! WHO THE HELL CARES!?


Controversial here, GTA. Don't care. America LOL. I get it. I'm bored. Please, there's a whole world to explore. V will be the fifth GTA in a row set in America. I know you can quite happily argue that GTA is meant to be set in America but, no, don't care. It bores me.


Assassin's Creed, again, America. I don't care. Also, there's no mystery anymore. The series has become progressively convoluted both in terms of story and game mechanics. The first game was my favourite; it was all about simplicity, none of this bomb crafting, hook blade, gun crap. It was just you, a blade, a million places to hide and someone who needed killing. Brutal simplicity is best.

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I was thinking about this earlier.i agree with what others have said about Mario and Mario Kart. Id be quite happy not for anything to be announced with mario in the name at E3. The NSMB series needs a rest. Two games in one year is quite enough. Although im really enjoying NSMBU but i didnt enjoy NSMB2

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2D Mario platformers bore me to no end, especially the New Super Mario Bros. Series, thankfully if it is one per system we won't have to put up with those bland graphics and shockingly bad music again for some time.


Pokémon is up there too, unlike 2D Mario games, I don't despise them, they are just very samey. I have to agree with the Zelda point as well, I also played Skyward Sword for a few hours and just couldn't bring myself to go back to it.

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I was thinking about this earlier.i agree with what others have said about Mario and Mario Kart. Id be quite happy not for anything to be announced with mario in the name at E3. The NSMB series needs a rest. Two games in one year is quite enough. Although im really enjoying NSMBU but i didnt enjoy NSMB2

To be fair, they've said that it's one per console so it's unlikely we'll see any others for a while


I don't get the Zelda complaint. They aren't exactly common so they don't suffer from franchise fatigue. There was 5 years between TP and Skyward Sword. Yeah, there were two DS games in between (and a remake but that's irrelevant), but they were very different

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To be fair, they've said that it's one per console so it's unlikely we'll see any others for a while


I don't get the Zelda complaint. They aren't exactly common so they don't suffer from franchise fatigue. There was 5 years between TP and Skyward Sword. Yeah, there were two DS games in between (and a remake but that's irrelevant), but they were very different

I think for some people it's the Zelda formula that's getting tired (personally I enjoyed Skyward Sword, but then I didn't Twilight Princess, to samey, so maybe that was my chance for a bit of a break from it).


Nintendo say that about NSMB, but there's no doubt if they're ever in trouble regarding Wii U, 3DS sales, they'll be more than happy to treat us to another one! :p

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I think for some people it's the Zelda formula that's getting tired (personally I enjoyed Skyward Sword, but then I didn't Twilight Princess, to samey, so maybe that was my chance for a bit of a break from it).


Nintendo say that about NSMB, but there's no doubt if they're ever in trouble regarding Wii U, 3DS sales, they'll be more than happy to treat us to another one! :p


I would be quiet happy for Zelda to have a 10 year break from any console, then release a high budget, non waggle assisted gimmicky title for a main console.

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Mario Kart.

Love it but needs a shake up. Be nice to try and make it more single player friendly. The DS version made a great stab at it in Mission Mode which was really fun, but since that there has been nothing.

Kind of gets boring having to play through 50cc 100cc and 150cc THEEEN Mirror Mode. And that's it. :blank:

More please. Plus, I've not cared much for some of the newer courses / tracks. The Wii ones didn't excite me at all really.

Having said that I do still love the series and will continue to play it, but I am starting to tire with the same formula.



Loved loved loved the Wii U one. And love playing them generally. But they are getting tired. Please change it up in some way. Give us some new imaginative worlds! Heck, maybe even give us a character roster. Luigi, Peach, Toad all playable. But each one plays differently and accesses different areas of a level due to their play style. Higher jumps, Peach's parasole etc. I dunno, something new.

Let someone else be captured rather than Peach!!!



All starting to feel the same. 2 was great. 1 was ok then went absolutely crazy stupid at the end. 3 just no.

Vita version just more of the same with some unnecessary swipes tacked on.

Having said this, I'm not sure where they could actually go with the series to freshen it up, but maybe get it out of the jungle for a start!

It's a good play through, and the best on PS3 but it's quite limited in terms of progression since 2.


Resident Evil

I have always loved RE. But after 6 - let's just change it up. Move back to survival horror please Capcom. It doesn't have to have action and guns to be good. It may need it to sell I guess, but it's certainly not making for a good gaming experience.

RE: Revelations got it right IMO. I know some were disappointed but comparing it to 6 you should all be freakin DRIPPIN over it.

Lets just get Chris and Jill and throw them back into a mansion that is infested with zombies. :laughing:

I kid. But lets take a few steps back to take some forward Capcom.


I think that's it for me.

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10 years is a bit extreme


10 years would be a minimum. Considering you get a Master Sword, save Zelda and 'seal away' Ganondorf in nearly every one you need at least 10 years to make it somewhat fresh.


In fact they should just kill Ganondorf. They need to stop sealing him away, he's just a pain in the tits.

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10 years is a bit extreme
Is it though?


It did Metroid the world of good.

Kid Icarus was recently reinvented and made relevant again.

The last F-Zero was 2003 so 10 years before we get a new one of those.

Luigi's Mansion 2002

Waverace 2002

1080 in 2004


Mario Golf etc...


What about fans of those series?

It's only because it's Mario and Zelda that it sounds extreme, but if it meant they were changed for the better and it allowed Nintendo the opportunity to work on other titles.

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Anything with yearly releases needs to go away and not come back for a couple of years.


I was going to say I have less of an issue with Nintendo's refusal to mix things up, but then I still haven't gotten around to buying Mario Kart 7 or New Super Mario Bros. 2, so maybe I am a bit tired of that too.



I know many people would disagree, but after playing scribblenauts and super scribblenauts I think I'm totally done with the franchise.

I felt the same after playing Scribblenauts Unlimited. Like, it was clearly the best game in the series, but it just wasn't very interesting anymore. :hmm:

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All starting to feel the same. 2 was great. 1 was ok then went absolutely crazy stupid at the end. 3 just no.

Vita version just more of the same with some unnecessary swipes tacked on.

Having said this, I'm not sure where they could actually go with the series to freshen it up, but maybe get it out of the jungle for a start!

It's a good play through, and the best on PS3 but it's quite limited in terms of progression since 2.


The awesome multiplayer made up for Uncharted 3 for me but I agree. I think it was a stupid move to make it in two year, came out way too fast after U2 and another six months in development would have done it wonders.


Got to say, the Vita game, while the first few chapters are utterly dull has the best gameplay of the entire series. It flows so much better, doesn't have any of the frustration of U3 (bullet sponge enemies, horrendously aggressive AI, etc) and the level design in terms of combat is easily the best. I was really surprised. Was expecting not very much.


I'm definitely eager to see what Naughty Dog can do on the PS4.

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The thing with Zelda games is that they're not always good, but I'm always gagging for the next one. Mario = platforming, Zelda = exploring. It's Nintendo's main and most important tool to cater to that need. Yes, I want them to calm down, forget about gimmicks, forget about trends and such, but Zelda can be about anything. I always want to see what they can do with any console, even if the results are sometimes better than others.

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Got to say, the Vita game, while the first few chapters are utterly dull has the best gameplay of the entire series. It flows so much better, doesn't have any of the frustration of U3 (bullet sponge enemies, horrendously aggressive AI, etc) and the level design in terms of combat is easily the best. I was really surprised. Was expecting not very much.


Yeah I have to agree re the Vita version.

If it wasn't punctuated with the touch / swipe sections (although I understand why they were put there due to it being a launch game / utilising Vita's features), then it would easily be up there with the enjoyability of 2. Well, almost.


I was skeptical of the Vita version at first but it's a huge achievement to get a game of that quality / scale down onto the Vita - and do it so well too.


Re moving it forward, I couldn't give you anything - yet I'm sat saying it needs a refresh lol. Whut.

Not sure what I want exactly?! :confused:

Very strange!

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