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Xbox One Console Discussion


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Concerning the Xbox One and myself, unless the used game garbage changes and the consistent 24 hour surveilance on Kinect stops (as in, you can remove Kinect at will) and the DRM changes on connecting to the Internet once every 24 hours and the price is reduced (unlikely at the moment) then i'm not in the purchasing market.


Which will mean not renewing Xbox Live this year, i mean why should i give my hard earned money to Micro$oft from November. I know i'm keeping the 360, but will keep it on Silver whilst i invest on the PS4.


Makes me laugh reading comments on Gamespot, Xbox UK with players. Do people not realise the DRM is shafting the consumer up the jacksie?

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i really think xbox1 is going to tank.


It will obviously shift units in the first few weeks, but with costs, DRM, Gold etc PS4 has really blown it out of the water.


Makes me think of the Sega Saturn. What are Nintendo and MS smoking in regards to their prices as well?

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It will be very interesting to see how retailers will deal with the Xbox One.


Retails chains like GAME and HMV: The possibility that any Xbox One game could be blocked for trade-in, even if they're an approved retailer, is certainly not ideal. Not to mention angry customers when they're refused a trade-in. It makes no sense for them to push Xbox One sales. They'll stock it, but I suspect the PS4 will be front and centre.


Amazon: As well as the Amazon trade-in system, Microsoft have pretty much blocked all games from the Amazon Marketplace. Not to mention Amazon Prime/Lovefilm rentals. I think we'll start seeing the PS4 appearing as a "recommended product" for all Xbox One products and not the other way round.


eBay: eBay still has advertising power. They put the Wii U on the front page the day Microsoft announced the restrictions which completely blocks sales on eBay. I can see the PS4 being included in many eBay adverts and on the homepage.


Independent Game stores: Microsoft are trying to kill them. They probably have no chance getting "approved" and I can see many not selling the Xbox One or it's games.


Apart from retailers who don't deal in used games in any way - so supermarkets (except Tesco), online shops like ShopTo - I don't see why any of them would want to support the Xbox One. Most will probably stock it, but I think they'll be pushing for PS4 sales.

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Makes me laugh reading comments on Gamespot, Xbox UK with players. Do people not realise the DRM is shafting the consumer up the jacksie?


Good lord i thought you were exaggerating and you aren't!

saying stuff like MS have all the games, bullshit about DRM, sony only impressed by using flashy tactics and diversionary tactics......



are they watching E3 in opposite land?

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Good lord i thought you were exaggerating and you aren't!

saying stuff like MS have all the games, bullshit about DRM, sony only impressed by using flashy tactics and diversionary tactics......


are they watching E3 in opposite land?


Let's not get crazy. Microsoft did show a lot of good games and arguably did have a better first and third party line-up with plenty of quality exclusives.


What has killed them is their anti-consumer stance and their awful pricing. Had the XBO been the same price as the PS4 and not had the anti-used games policy or the 24 hour check in, it would have been an interesting fight between them.


Whilst I appreciate some people may prefer Final Fantasy, Kingdom Hearts, Drive Club and Killzone, a lot of others would prefer Titanfall, Dead Rising, Halo and Forza.


Makes me think of the Sega Saturn. What are Nintendo and MS smoking in regards to their prices as well?


MS are bundling Kinect, Sony clearly dropped the idea of bundling their camera. Nintendo don't like to make a loss on hardware. Sony's business model has always been to use hardware as a loss leader and recoup that on software sales.


Just like back in 1995 when Sega couldn't afford to sell their console at a loss.

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Apart from retailers who don't deal in used games in any way - so supermarkets (except Tesco), online shops like ShopTo - I don't see why any of them would want to support the Xbox One. Most will probably stock it, but I think they'll be pushing for PS4 sales.


Which publishers have came out and said they are blocking or putting some sort of restriction on used games ?

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Which publishers have came out and said they are blocking or putting some sort of restriction on used games ?


None so far - According to EA, the article the other day was the first they heard about the system so they haven't had time to decide (probably a lie).


Still, surely the option is in there because someone plans on using it?

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None so far - According to EA, the article the other day was the first they heard about the system so they haven't had time to decide (probably a lie).


Still, surely the option is in there because someone plans on using it?


Yeah the option is there because console change. The 360 from launch till now is totally different.


So if no publishers put a restriction on games then its the same as PS4. (Apart from the 24 hour check)


All this rant and rave about used games is stupid when no publisher has said anything

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So if no publishers put a restriction on games then its the same as PS4. (Apart from the 24 hour check)


If no publisher blocks trading games, you still have the following problems:


- No lending a game to a friend.

- You can only trade in at selected retailers.

- No private selling (Amazon Marketplace/eBay).

- No game will work if you're disconnected for over 24 hours.

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EDIT: beat by @Cube like a pimp beats his ho



@Zechs, no they had some good games but Halo was the only exclusive i'd actually want that will stay exclusive, titanfall is already confirmed for PC (and supposedly a PS4 version is already in development)

As for dead rising....i can see that going multiplatform too.

for me they had no must have exclusive games at all, just lots of third party games that are multiplatform or timed exclusives

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If no publisher blocks trading games, you still have the following problems:


- No lending a game to a friend

- You can only trade in at selected retailers.

- No private selling (Amazon Marketplace/eBay)

- No game will work if you're disconnected for over 24 hours.


Ok fair point on the lending a game to your friend (Never lent a game in years)


But if there are no restrictions on games then selected retailers and private selling are not points

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But if there are no restrictions on games then selected retailers and private selling are not points


No, the two things are separate.


Those points are part of the console. The Xbox One can't run games from the disc. They're installed on the console and the disc is discarded. If you send someone the disc, it's useless.


It's like buying an eShop code from a shop, but having the data put on your console without needing to download it.


Microsoft are only allowing approved retailers to deal with trading these digital games, and publishers can block these trades.

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No, the two things are separate.


Those points are part of the console. The Xbox One can't run games from the disc. They're installed on the console and the disc is discarded. If you send someone the disc, it's useless.


It's like buying an eShop code from a shop, but having the data put on your console without needing to download it.


Microsoft are only allowing approved retailers to deal with trading these digital games, and publishers can block these trades.


Really ? Just I thought if there are no publisher restrictions then if I gave you the disc and you install it then you will have to pay a fee to play it. Just like fifa is today

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Good lord i thought you were exaggerating and you aren't!

saying stuff like MS have all the games, bullshit about DRM, sony only impressed by using flashy tactics and diversionary tactics......



are they watching E3 in opposite land?


Probably were, maybe they were watching the X360 E3 conference or something. I'll laugh when they realise that buying the One will prevent them from lending games to friends, like normal people do.


I told my mates the prices of the Xbone and the PS4 and the corresponding DRM's, they are getting PS4's.

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Really ? Just I thought if there are no publisher restrictions then if I gave you the disc and you install it then you will have to pay a fee to play it. Just like fifa is today


Although, if I was on your friends list for over 30 days, you could gift me the digital version (I would then be unable to trade it further).


Which still cuts out private trades.

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Don't forget, some people just have a lot of money, if they want to play Halo or whatever, it's not going to matter to them.


Also, this used game thing will bother a lot of people, but I pretty much pre-order all my games and rarely sell them. I'm against the whole concept of it but it wouldn't actually affect me.

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I think MS had the better conference this year. The flow was way better than Sony's and the games seemed better.


That said, I won't buy Xbone this year at least. Maybe a year down the line, when everything has been properly explained and thought out (and revised!).


I just really like the controller over DualShock and I'd miss my gamerscore; trophies are not the same in some sense. (Yeah, it's stupid.)

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Yeah, if the Xbone becomes heavily discounted i may buy one just to play Halo 5. Or perhaps i'll buy a second hand one so i can still 'stick it to the man' as it were.


Wait, you can't. It would be offline for more than 24 hours. Most expensive blu-ray player in the world.

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Just when you thought Microsoft couldn't have any more shitty PR, EA distance themselves from them.


EA Denies Asking Microsoft For Used Games DRM


Asked by Polygon whether EA had lobbied Microsoft to implement the restrictions, Moore replied, "Absolutely incorrect. As the guy who is the chief operating officer of Electronic Arts I can tell you that EA did not aggressively lobby for the platform holders to put some gating function in there to allow or disallow used games. I am on record as being a proponent of used games."


"EA has never had a conversation", he later adds, "and I have been present at all of them, with all of the manufacturers, saying you must put a system in place that allows us to take a piece of the action or even stop it. Absolutely incorrect."

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more hilarious "PR" from Don on the Xboned


In an interview filmed prior to Microsoft’s E3 2013 press briefing and published on GameTrailers, Microsoft’s Don Mattrick has addressed concerns about the compulsory connectivity requirements of Xbox One.


“"Fortunately we have a product for people who aren't able to get some form of connectivity; it’s called Xbox 360,” said Mattrick.




the article is epic he actually goes on about people playing xbox on submarines.......

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I was in GAME yesterday chatting with a few of the staff, they said Microsoft have shot themselves in both feet. Upon asking about pre-orders, they said that the PS4 pre-orders have shot up and the One pre-orders, they've had a couple with 3 people cancelling and going for the PS4 option.


They believe (and so do most people) that Microsoft are going to regret going for the DRM restrictions and the always attached spy-camera approach.


I pre-ordered a PS4


And concerning Don Mattocks latest comments, dear oh dear.



Edited by Jimbob
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One thing I find amusing is that I think a lot of people will opt for "DRM games" on the PS4. I think Sony are going to be competitive with digital pricing (not to mention PS+ games) as well as having lots of sales. People are going to choose these non-trade-able digital versions due to convenience and pricing.


Making it optional changes is from a restriction to a feature.

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