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PlayStation 4 Console Discussion


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Yeah i had fun at eurogamer. I played Killzone and Resogun. Both were excellent fun. So quite happy with buying a PS4 so far. Controller is a nice improvement. Its different but also similar. Touchpad is very clever. Triggers are actually decent this time but i am so used to R1 and L1 now lol.


I'll give more detailed impressions later. PS4 stuff looked good graphically though. No worries there. Even Knack looked like a shrek Blu ray at times. The indie games were also good looking like high end pc stuff (Warframe and War Thunder included). Planetside 2 was missing lol. I wanna how those million particle explosions translate ;)


Some of the Xbone stuff was odd. Variable resolutions and Bf4 looked bad. Killer instinct and bf4 looked closer to 720p than 1080p. Bf4 was also very blurry. Low res textures. Worse than Bf3 low settings on pc in some ways... Hoping its early. 360 was also oddly out of action. Loads of PS3 instead. Which was odd to see.


The wiiU was popular with kids. I think this was the most family friendly eurogamer so far. So it helped Nintendo i think. Tearaway was also awesome. they gave badges and a hat.

Edited by Choze
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I don't even know what you mean when you say a dead zone. You mean if you turn the stick in a particular direction, nothing happens? I've never experienced anything like that.


It means that for the first X degrees, moving the stick will do nothing. The 360's was too small, as the stick could wear and the default position would be off-centre (resulting in you moving sideways).

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When is this bundle going to go live? I want to do my ShopTo swap!!


It's gone Live, at least at GAME.


As Eurogamer revealed yesterday, retailers have begun alerting those who pre-ordered a PlayStation 4 about the new official bundle options that are available to them.


First off the bat is GAME. It's offering an upgrade to the PS4 mega bundle, which includes the console, Killzone Shadow Fall, a second DualShock 4 controller and the PlayStation Camera for £449.99 - that's £21 more expensive than an Xbox One.


Yesterday Sony UK boss Fergal Gara told Eurogamer he expected retailers to sell the bundle for £10 either side of Microsoft's Xbox One UK price, so GAME's offer comes in a little expensive.


Also available is a PS4 with Killzone bundle for £399.99, and a PS4 with Watch Dogs, also for £399.99. The PS4 on its own costs £349 in the UK.

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Got this email from ShopTo


Thank you for pre-ordering PlayStation 4 with us.


We have some fantastic news - we are delighted to let you know that we can guarantee your PlayStation 4 console for launch on 29th November!


As you may have read Sony have recently announced three new PlayStation 4 console bundles. We are currently working on our stock allocation for these and will notify you next week if a swap option from your current pre-order to one of these new bundles will be available to you.

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Shopto I could kiss you!


Despite not preordering my PS4 until August the 21st this is well after the August 6th deadline to guarantee to get a PS4 on launch day - I got this email today.


Thank you for pre-ordering PlayStation 4 with us.


We have some fantastic news - we are delighted to let you know that we can guarantee your PlayStation 4 console for launch on 29th November!


As you may have read Sony have recently announced three new PlayStation 4 console bundles. We are currently working on our stock allocation for these and will notify you next week if a swap option from your current pre-order to one of these new bundles will be available to you.


We hope that you have a great weekend and that this exciting news makes it even better! We're off to relax for a couple of days but if you have any queries please note we are open Monday to Friday between 9am-6pm.


I'm fucking delighted and hope i can get me a bundle!


Killzone Bundle Please!



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Shopto I could kiss you!


Despite not preordering my PS4 until August the 21st this is well after the August 6th deadline to guarantee to get a PS4 on launch day - I got this email today.




I'm fucking delighted and hope i can get me a bundle!


Killzone Bundle Please!




I got a pre order with amazon i hope i can upgrade?

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