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How does that imply that? I DO think they will but how does it imply it?


I quoted this bit:


The only thing damaging Nintendo's future is nintendo. They sort their problems it'll be fine.


Mainly that second sentence with the it'll be fine part...it just seems to downplay the problems as being minor, or at least it reads that way. To me, the problems are of a great number and it's going to take years to turn this around. It's not like all they need to do is flick a switch.


1. If Nintendo created a console at parity with the other console archtecturally then they'd get way more third party ports.


In thceory, yes. But, there's more to it than being in-line with the others. Nintendo are seen as out-of-touch by many and they've seriously harmed their relationship with third parties. Just having a new, shiny console isn't enough. They will need to rethink their philosophy and image...something you can't just do overnight.


2. They don't have them now, doesn't mean they won't have them next gen? Who'd have thought the insane amount of xbox players would've jumped ship so quickly? Or all the sega/nintendo gamers to sonys new playstation? You underestimate how fickle young people are.


I know exactly how fickle young people are as I come into contact with them everyday. Nintendo is not even in the picture to a large portion of that audience and I don't think Nintendo currently have what it takes to change the mindset of these younger gamers. Their relationship with EA has been harmed and it's going to take a lot of work to repair that. If younger gamers/teenagers have already played on the 360/ps3 and are jumping to the One/PS4, they're going to be already familiar with that particular brand. There's no real incentive for them to change.


3. I don't think this is that big an issue. Especially into the future when everything is digital downloads and streaming services.


It's an issue now and it also shows Nintendo's perception about what the console is all about. Even now with digital downloads, the PS4 and One ship with a 500gb hard-drive, which will no doubt need replacing eventually. But...the WiiU came with a paltry 32gb...digital downloads are coming to the forefront now and the WiiU is behind there from day one. Based on the trend of how things have been since the GameCube (even back with the N64 where they stuck with unpopular cartridges over CDs),history is going against Nintendo in this respect. They will need to seriously rethink their stance on all of this. Again, not easy to fix and it will take time.


4. Possibly. I don't think relying on old IP is a bad thing though. Zelda attracts an older crowd, metered does, zero could, smash and Mario kart do. Who's to say they WON'T create new IP. I don't think this is that important though.


This is a huge problem for Nintendo because they need to step into the future and start drawing in new crowds. The Wii did this so well but it also alienated a certain type of gamer. Relying on old IPs is both good and bad; good because it means that you have a repertoire to work with, bad because it means that the same few titles keep cropping up. New games are going to be what draws new people in. Just like WiiSports did at the time or Brain Training.


5. But a lot of people bought the wii so not that many people were put off by it. Who's to say the next console will have some huge gimmick


It worked for the Wii at the time, so where is the same audience who bought that console? They've abandoned Nintendo. The ones who got burned by the motion controls simply haven't come back and the casuals see no real reason to pick up the WiiU as it doesn't really have the same pick-up-and-play feel that the Wiimote and WiiSports brought at the time. The moment has come and gone in this respect. (plus they fucked up the branding right at the start...I still don't think many of the casuals know that the WiiU is an entirely new console. Not convinced in the slightest)



6. They have a huge image problem. It's what's hurting them and the only thing lifting Sony to such giddy heights (partly down to things dine right before people start crying)


It's not the ONLY thing lifting Sony or even putting Microsoft on the gaming map. They've established a reputation with gamers and there's a trust there that certain games will appear, or that the majority of third party releases will release on both. There's a trust there that the new CoD will get released, or Battlefield, or Fifa, or the newest thing from Ubisoft. There's a trust that the version planned for these systems will not be missing any key features or online modes, etc. Nintendo's reputation, by contrast, isn't the same. How many of us still ask daily if Splatoon will have voice-chat? How many of us were uncertain if WatchDogs would actually release on the WiiU? What about when Colonial Marines got canned? (the game is shit, but the point still stands. At least it still came out on the other systems, so they had a chance to try it for themselves. Nintendo owners got shafted, yet again)


7. They're embracing it more, but who's to say they won't go all in over the next few years and be absolutely ready for next gen, it wouldn't be difficult to do.


If it was as simple as you say, it would be there now. This goes for basically all of your points. Nintendo, supposedly, have the brightest minds in the business working for them. They've been in the business for so long that they should know what gamers expect by now and they should know when they've fucked up. The 360 had party chat, the PS2 had DVDs (blu-rays for PS3) and even the SNES had FIFA. To have NONE of these available is shocking business. You won't necessarily gain sales by having one of these features, but you can sure as hell lose sales if the consumer knows that they can get a better deal elsewhere.



All of your problems are relatively easy fixes, you've completely assumed nintendo won't/can't do any of these things. I'm not saying they will, but my only point was, they fix their huge errors and they'll be in a far better position. What they need to fix, as your list proves in my opinion, is that it isn't actually much!


I've sorta answered this above. If they were supposedly easy fixes, then I'm confident that Nintendo could have done this by now. This either shows that they seriously didn't have a clue what they were doing with the WiiU or that their entire outlook on what modern gaming is does not fit in with what the current gamer expects.


Sorry Dazzy, I love you brah and would lose to you at FIFA anytime until the end of time, but...that last part is absolutely ridiculous. There is so, so much work that needs to be done that I'm not even sure one generation (after the WiiU) is enough time to do it. They've made basic errors since the N64 days and basically all of their problems have come back to haunt them in some capacity. These are deep-rooted problems that are now 4 generations old! If they were seriously easy to fix, we would have seen some results by now and I mean meaningful results.

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If they had party chat and notification system they wouldn't need much more. It's not like they haven't been developing their own service for years either. They still have shops, DLC, smooth online play etc.


It's a host of things that can't even be tested in the current state. Think about how many multiplayer games there were on 360/PS3, and how they mostly all were making heavy use of the internet (ie. players fighting against or co-operating with each other). Imagine tons of games all running on your network at once, people voice chatting with each other at once, people messaging each other...then throw into the mix twitch streaming, comparing trophies/achievements, party chat...because if they don't adopt all that on their next machine, people will just be complaining how it's yet again a generation behind (as PS4 would be the previous gen then). Tell me that their network can support all that at a level they've never even been close to and that it will be 'easy' for them. And all that from never having done all of this before, either. Heck, even Sony's messaging is struggling! You think Nintendo could easily manage it without there being serious problems, despite not even having an (initially rather wonky) PS3 style online service to play around with the generation before? No chance there, I reckon.


As for image, this is the biggest barrier of all, I agree. But what is the ultimate criteria, I'm a little confused? I feel their bad image is primarily because they seem to not take online seriously and don't have 3rd party support; these seem huge barriers - it's been going on for years. Post SNES they've had reasons to turn 3rd parties away, and they still haven't shown they're willing to take online seriously; so actually, we haven't seen a nintendo compete in these areas to redact their image.


Far worse now dazzy - much of the third party support that they used to have is gone. Nintendo always had some level of support but you have to admit, now it is truly gone and the other two consoles are more differentiated than ever. The system hardware is leagues apart and it's seen as a lite console. You can't just say it's the same as how it's always been, because it's far worse. And also, if you go down the path of "this is how it always is" then why would you consider that they might be something else - ie. competing with the others again? Surely if they behave as they always have, not getting third party support, then that's agreeing that they're going to continue to struggle?

Edited by Sheikah
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Thats the problem with echo chambers. Dont turn into those nintendo fans who blindly buy amiibos.


Plenty of us were complaining about nintendo back in the n64 and GC days. If anything they are worse than before. The success of the Wii really set things back for the worse long term! : peace:


On a side note I am wondering if anyone here got the touch pad working on the dualshock 4 for mac. I have windows installed anyhow but it would be cool to also have it on the mac osx so i dont have to get up, carry the macbook etc. when connected to tv. Its really nice on windows.

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Rime is releasing 2015 i think.


To add to the Nintendo situation. There arent any direct parallels to the past. The trajectory has been here for a long time. WiiU and DS being the exceptions if anything.


They are still a great developer but a shadow of their former selves. The games i want most that are not on the PS4 are Nintendo games (and non shows by Namco or Sega :( ). Mario Kart being top of the list. Nintendo are very much a toy company first and it shows with everything they do(Amiibos, high mark up prices, low build quality, low specs, too many add ons/accesories etc.). They really let go of Zelda after oot and now the franchise is stuck in a rut. Mario has been simplified too much. Its like as if Mario 64 was a bad game? They desperately want another wii.


MS in comparison also have their long term problems. They have been on the market long enough for us to discern how they do business in enetertainment (Hint: not that different from their Windows/Office/Devices businesses). Fun exmaple are their UI failiures across the board right now but they were also bad at UI back in the 80's compared to everyone else (let alone apple, amiga etc.). The overly restrictive drm was them pretty much going in too confident. I was myself confident they would be market leader for this gen. Initial rumours regarding MS hardware were along the line of using octcore intel cpu(was actually to virtualise the AMD CPU in the APU). I am sure they were absolutely sure hence the whole online activation BS being introduced. Anyone who uses win8 knows how much of a pain UEFI bios and the current system of activation is. MS are very strict regarding this stuff.

Edited by Choze
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I think one big thing people underestimate is the technological change the PS3 introduced. Not in graphics but everything else. PS3 was also more open and standards oriented than wii and 360.


HDMI was introduced for example and people were threatened by the changes with fanboys even defending liscenced, inferior and proprietary Component cables!


Blu Ray was another. MS supported HD DVD at the time(they were vocal regarding open source and Java at the time). Wii had dvd (but no movie playback). Remember when people actually used to say you could just buy an upscaling dvd player, it looked just as good ;) or how the space would never be used.


Bluetooth was open on PS3. Closed on Wii and 360. Infinitely more accessories than both formats combined.


Built in HDD as standard and upgradeable to any laptop hdd on the market. Wii had a SD slot as their storage(i kid you not lol). 360 had two overpriced properietary add on.


PS3 had both built in wifi and ethernet(gigabit too lol) port as standard on all consoles.


Internet browser which could allow you to run Youtube and numerous other services pre tv apps. Iplayer was huge this way first.


This was all day 1 stuff on PS3. If anything they downgraded the hardware by removing the PS2 chipsets fully later on in regards to BC. But what a system it was even if it cost so much. The 360 and Wii were very disjointed but significantly cheaper and pure gaming focused. The PS4 in comparison is a more elegant PS3 with a stronger gaming focus. The hardware is nicer relative to high end pc's compared to when PS3 came out too.


I will drop a bollock if Rime doesn't make it out this year.


Also, where the fuck is Journeeeeeey? Hope we get that soon. Never played it on PS3 so I'm itching to have a go.


Journey is soon I think. Played it and i still cant wait! PS4 has done really well with Indie.

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Bitches, I'm looking to upgrade my HDD and I'm thinking of going for this. £79.99 from Amazon. Is there any reason at all not to do this?


Let me just make sure I get this right. I've uploaded all of my saves to the cloud. It did this automatically when the PS4 was in rest mode yesterday, so I'm good there, right? It'll just be a case of swap out the HDD and redownloading my stuff, yes? Anyone else done it? 2TB is the size I'm going for.

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I did it on my PS3, yeah you're fine. You can manually check all your saves are in there or make another copy to a USB drive if it makes you feel better. Might want to save any videos you've made too if you haven't uploaded them by sharing them.


A cheaper option, get this extenal drive and remove it from its enclosure. As seen in



Mind you, you'd void the warranty and you know how I feel about Seagate :p The one you originally posted is slightly cheaper here

Edited by Shorty
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Bitches, I'm looking to upgrade my HDD and I'm thinking of going for this. £79.99 from Amazon. Is there any reason at all not to do this?


Let me just make sure I get this right. I've uploaded all of my saves to the cloud. It did this automatically when the PS4 was in rest mode yesterday, so I'm good there, right? It'll just be a case of swap out the HDD and redownloading my stuff, yes? Anyone else done it? 2TB is the size I'm going for.


I can confirm that the one Shorty posted is the same drive inside (Samsung M9) despite it being a Seagate. So you're just paying extra for the same thing.


Importantly, both links you and Shorty posted are 9.5 mm high which means it'll fit in the PS4.

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I did it on my PS3, yeah you're fine. You can manually check all your saves are in there or make another copy to a USB drive if it makes you feel better. Might want to save any videos you've made too if you haven't uploaded them by sharing them.


A cheaper option, get this extenal drive and remove it from its enclosure. As seen in



Mind you, you'd void the warranty and you know how I feel about Seagate :p The one you originally posted is slightly cheaper here


I can confirm that the one Shorty posted is the same drive inside (Samsung M9) despite it being a Seagate. So you're just paying extra for the same thing.


Importantly, both links you and Shorty posted are 9.5 mm high which means it'll fit in the PS4.


Thanks to both of you. But, I am now confused because Shorty took the piss out of seagate on Jordan's facebook post. So...are they actually ok or will my PS4 be borked within a month?


Help me, jeebus.

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You'll be fine Flink, of all the many hard drives I've ever had not one has ever fucked up. There's a purely anecdotal bit of consolation. ;) Sure they can fail, but I can't imagine the fail rate is all that high (and in my opinion, a lot of people who break their stuff are often the ones to treat their things like shit).

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Checked my hardrive the other day and was very surprised to see I had less than 40 gb left. So I am going to buy a new HDD too. this looks like the one I need right? It looks like it's same one Flink consider buying.

Edited by Tales
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My HDD already filled the other week and had to delete some downloaded games. I should probably get a bigger HDD but I am terrible at technical stuff and am quite scared I'll either blow myself or the PS4 up. Or just lose everything.

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My HDD already filled the other week and had to delete some downloaded games. I should probably get a bigger HDD but I am terrible at technical stuff and am quite scared I'll either blow myself or the PS4 up. Or just lose everything.


Don't worry, it's so easy. All you do is slide it in. Foolproof.

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The Last of Us Remastered to be bundled with PS4 as standard


Sony has today announced that its 500GB PS4 bundle will now include The Last of Us: Remastered as standard for no additional cost.


If you’ve managed to hold out on upgrading to PS4 for this long or if you have a stack of gift cards laying around after the holidays, now is the perfect time to get in on the action. This new bundle will begin appearing at participating retailers over the next few days for the usual price of around £329.99

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