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I must be the only one who's pretty much fine with the OS. It might not be the most feature-filled or organised but it's lightning fast, I always get where I want to easily, things like sharing and swapping between applications are really efficient. I wouldn't sacrifice the speed for more capabilities by any means.


Nah, I'd agree with you.


If I were to give some examples, let's take Drive Club for starters. Whilst the game is loading up, I can jump into Spotify and get a playlist going. If I already had a playlist going on my laptop or phone, then I'd use that to switch it to the PS4. If I wanted to take a screen-shot or video, jumping between the capture gallery and that is dead easy.


The other would be Battlefront. You'd know already from Destiny. Getting a party up and running, inviting people over or just seeing who is online at the moment and what they're playing is a piece of cake. Like you say, it's quick. @Eenuh and I must play on Battlefront daily now and getting a game up and running on separate PS4s is a simple. @Cookyman and @Tales usually jump in, too.


Like with everything, there's always room for improvements. The activity log built into the OS is what I'd want most. I can live without folders quite easily and I'm a fan of how the bar actually works, where it bumps your recently played stuff to the front. I use the console for everything now, so jumping from PS store to a disc game to Spotify to NowTV and to another digital game is an everyday occurrence. Maybe a way of being able to sort out your library, where you can put folders in there, that might sort things out for people.

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I must be the only one who's pretty much fine with the OS. It might not be the most feature-filled or organised but it's lightning fast, I always get where I want to easily, things like sharing and swapping between applications are really efficient. I wouldn't sacrifice the speed for more capabilities by any means.


Yeah I have no problems. Sure, improvements could be made but I don't feel there's much of a need for them right now. I find the UI is something I can use naturally without thinking which really helps. Hell, I can pretty much start up the machine and jump into Netflix without having to look at the screen :heh:

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As good as the Wii U quick launch screen is, surely it represents the same thing that people are complaining about the PS4's home screen. It only shows your recently used games/apps.


And anyway, even with the quick launch screen on the Wii U, I'm sure it's quicker to get into a game on the PS4 than it is on Wii U. Rest Mode is absolutely brilliant.

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I'd like them to add an activity log, it may not be for everyone but i always liked being able to look back at my gaming activity.


This is the only really pressing(if you could call it that) thing that I want from the PS4 - it's such a simple/basic thing and Nintendo have been doing it of sorts since the Wii, and nailed it excellently with the 3DS and then WiiU for me. Would absolutely love to have something like that on PS4/PSN, possibly even with some sharing features too.


Notifications of friends coming online would also be sensible - maybe with options to set it for certain friends rather than everyone. Given how many times I get those bloody 'joined a party' notifications having actual friends coming online notifications would be better.


UI's fine for me mostly though. Can't say it makes me want to say it's exceptional or anything - but a lot of what the PS4 does for me is all the smaller things adding together for the whole experience. The UI works for me atm plus it's swift and responsive, so I don't really have any complaint to make about it.


It's a shame they can't implement the Wii U's quick launch screen, that's amazing for jumping straight into a game and bypassing the home screen altogether. Lots of fixes and tweaks needed but hopefully the PS4 will get there eventually


Thing is, time for time, I still feel like I'm getting into Destiny on my PS4 faster than I am Splatoon on my WiiU. Feature it up with quick launch whatever etc - but if it isn't actually quicker, then I don't see the need.

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As good as the Wii U quick launch screen is, surely it represents the same thing that people are complaining about the PS4's home screen. It only shows your recently used games/apps.


But then the Wii U main screen is actually easy to organise and see all your games in one place, unlike the PS4 screen.


I find the quick launch screen on the gamepad amazing for jumping straight into a game, far quicker than booting up the PS4, logging in, then finding the right game and launching. Great little feature. The PS4 can certainly learn a lot from Wii U in terms of that, folders, activity log, online friend notifications, Miiverse etc

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But then the Wii U main screen is actually easy to organise and see all your games in one place, unlike the PS4 screen.


I find the quick launch screen on the gamepad amazing for jumping straight into a game, far quicker than booting up the PS4, logging in, then finding the right game and launching. Great little feature. The PS4 can certainly learn a lot from Wii U in terms of that, folders, activity log, online friend notifications, Miiverse etc


Are you not automatically logged in when you switch it on? I always am. It's far quicker than the WiiU quick start screen.


Friend notifications?! Has the WiiU had an update and added these?! I've not switched it on for a fair while so I don't know.

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But then the Wii U main screen is actually easy to organise and see all your games in one place, unlike the PS4 screen.


I find the quick launch screen on the gamepad amazing for jumping straight into a game, far quicker than booting up the PS4, logging in, then finding the right game and launching. Great little feature. The PS4 can certainly learn a lot from Wii U in terms of that, folders, activity log, online friend notifications, Miiverse etc


Aren't you always logged in? Surely you don't type in a password every time?


And I just tested it, I can suspend a game, put into rest mode, then from pressing the butting on my controller be back into the game playing in 10 seconds. No menu screens, picking up exactly where I left off. That's quicker than using the Wii U quick launch. And if the Wii U game you want to play isn't on the quick launch screen, it'll take you longer.


The home screen then acts as a quick launch, showing the most recently used stuff - seriously, it's not hard to find what you're looking for on it - I think folders would just make it harder! And if you do want to see all of your games, which for me, is very very rare, it's just a quick scroll right to the library where everything can be sorted A-Z or by recently used. The finding the right game point you made makes no difference which console you're using.


As I said, the Wii U quick launch is great, but it's just a recently used menu, which is exactly what the PS4 home screen is and people seem to be complaining about. And overall the PS4 UI is so much quicker, even without a 'quick launch' menu.


I'm also not that bothered about an activity log - never use it on the Wii U/3DS, but I guess it's a nice feature to have!


EDIT: Kav made the same point! And Ronnie, it takes longer because it takes an age for a game to boot up on the Wii U, even if you've selected it in a couple of seconds! The PS4 is overall much quicker to start.

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How can it be quicker than launching a game instantly from the gamepad before the console even boots up?


The Wii U has had friend notifications since it launched.

You can go from rest mode to back in the game in about 20% of the time it takes the Wii U to boot, and right back to where you were playing.


The PS3 and Xbox 360 both had friend notifications too... at the launch of the current gen both providers said it was because they extended the friend list size (1000 on Xbox One, 2000 on PS4 iirc) so they didn't want people getting notifications all the time (maybe the truth is more to do with the server strain of pushing these notifications).


However I think they could let you get notifications of some favourite lists, maybe with fixed limits.

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What's rest mode? How do you do that? Sounds useful.


Hold the PS button in the middle of the controller, select enter rest mode. Simples.


I wouldn't count what the Wii U has as friend notifications. It's a flashing home button. So if you're using a pro controller, you're out of luck. And then you can't join your friends from the gamepad menu in most things, so what's the point?

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How can it be quicker than launching a game instantly from the gamepad before the console even boots up?


The Wii U has had friend notifications since it launched.


Like others say, rest mode. Literally the quickest way to get back into a game - you press the PS button, see the PS logo on the screen, then straight into the game/app.

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You can't get pop up notifications of people messaging/inviting you on Wii U so as far as I'm concerned it has no useful notification system. You literally can't matchmake, which is the main reason you even need notifications. We can't seriously be recommending the PS4 take a leaf out of Wii U's book regarding notifications?


Regarding the activity log - I'm not sure I ever really checked this or found a need for it on the 3DS. I suppose you would call this information mildly interesting. The activity log is recapitulated within many games themselves anyway, either on save states or a stats page (ie. "total hours played").

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Sorry all, the PS4 OS is perfect, it dumps all over the Wii U. Nothing to learn from Nintendo at all.


Was Ronnie seriously touting the flashing home button as a friend notification?!


Fuck me, if he considers that to be all that's required he's easy to please!


No, on the Gamepad a notification pops up saying that 'so and so' has come online. I would have thought that would have been standard on the PS4 by now.

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No, on the Gamepad a notification pops up saying that 'so and so' has come online. I would have thought that would have been standard on the PS4 by now.


I think the point Kav was making is that if you're in a game then the only notification is a blue light flashing on the GamePad. There's no pop up on screen like there is with the PS3/Xboxes and if you aren't looking at the GamePad then you would miss the light anyway. Not that it matters as the light could also mean a friend request or a received message. There's also the fact that you sometimes can't open up the menu screen anyway if playing a game online.


In an nutshell, the PS3/360 had it spot on and its baffling why the Wii U and PS4 got it completely wrong this generation. Microsoft did suffer from the same issue but quickly sorted it due to fan feedback.

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I think the point Kav was making is that if you're in a game then the only notification is a blue light flashing on the GamePad. There's no pop up on screen like there is with the PS3/Xboxes and if you aren't looking at the GamePad then you would miss the light anyway. Not that it matters as the light could also mean a friend request or a received message. There's also the fact that you sometimes can't open up the menu screen anyway if playing a game online.


In an nutshell, the PS3/360 had it spot on and its baffling why the Wii U and PS4 got it completely wrong this generation. Microsoft did suffer from the same issue but quickly sorted it due to fan feedback.


Yep. Completely this.

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Sorry all, the PS4 OS is perfect, it dumps all over the Wii U. Nothing to learn from Nintendo at all.




How old are you? You sound like a defensive 12 year old.


But "Sorry all, the PS4 OS is perfect, it dumps all over the Wii U." is essentially true.


I haven't timed it but booting up the PS4 without rest mode feels so much quicker than the WiiU, even with its quick boot screen.

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Sorry all, the PS4 OS is perfect, it dumps all over the Wii U. Nothing to learn from Nintendo at all.

Now now, I clearly addressed my comment towards notifications rather than the system OS at a whole.


That said...what you said is really not far from the truth. :heh: I find it a little funny that you're trying to compare the features of two OS when you clearly didn't know the core features of the PS4 OS. Maybe do a little research before you throw out snarky comments like this?

Edited by Sheikah
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