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Tricky one. In all honesty its been a huge disappointment, but I think that's my fault. I don't regret getting it kane bit as I enjoyed resogun, infamous and love fifa as always, but nothing else. I sort of feel this generation as a whole has been the most underwhelming yet. By some distance. It doesn't feel next next gem in the slightest, I don't really care for the "services" and I feel, for me having had a PS3, the games have been probably the worst on a console after one year I can remember.


I also think it's made me realise something else about myself, and maybe it's getting older and having less time, but I've gone past caring about most 3rd party games, especially the more "adult" ones, and that actually Id rather just play Nintendo games in the main. I think it's partly to do with the severe backlog I've built up over the years and the sheer amount off games I haven't played but desperate too. I want to thin out my gaming purchases and play the games I love more. And also play more classic games. I'm trying to get into destiny for example, but I'd rather play pretty much anything else, and with having 50 odd Nintendo VC games they appeal to me more.


Anyways, it's all come together to make me realise I'm probably not going to buy that many ps4 games, plus give away so much free, and nothing rewlly appeals to me anyway. I'm excited for batman, uncharted, and quite a few indies so I'll pick up the games I really really want!


My half year with the PS4 has been pretty subpar but I kinda expected it.


What made me jump in (pun intended) with next gen was the release of FIFA 15 so you can immediately tell what type of gamer I am - yes I have COD too :P Being a casual gamer (or a normal person with a job haha) I am restricted with how much time I spend gaming and so far I don't think there's much of a big step up from PS3/360 to PS4/One apart from the standard improvement in the graphics department. Even that is contentious for me - the last game to truly wow me on the graphics front was The Last of Us - on PS3.


Moving away from graphics and onto gameplay, I haven't seem much innovation in this aspect either. Maybe the nemesis system in Shadow of Mordor but this generation seemed to promise more than that. But then on the other hand, 'why fix something that isn't broken' - I enjoyed Far Cry 4 (which is basically Far Cry 3.5).


I've always thought next gen (or current gen) was introduced too soon and with games coming half finished/delayed, it's only strengthened this opinion.


I'm optimistic for this year though and I hope we can see the true potential of the next gen systems (not just PS4)


Peace and love homies


*Goes back to playing COD online*


I'm the opposite to most of you, towards the end of last gen I was extremely underwhelmed. I wasn't enjoying the PS3 or 360 and my love for the Wii U ended really quickly (and the fact that I cant re-download games iv already paid for means I will never buy another one) and I had numerous problems with my xbox one that meant that went back after about a week.


The Pas4 has reignited my passion for gaming, it has been years since I have played and finished so many games. I have a huge number of games still to play, there is that much available it kind of puts me in awe. Everyone talks about their being no games and maybe that's the case for you if you did alot with the last gen machines towards the end but for me... Games. Games everywhere!

  dazzybee said:
I also think it's made me realise something else about myself, and maybe it's getting older and having less time, but I've gone past caring about most 3rd party games, especially the more "adult" ones, and that actually Id rather just play Nintendo games in the main. I think it's partly to do with the severe backlog I've built up over the years and the sheer amount off games I haven't played but desperate too. I want to thin out my gaming purchases and play the games I love more. And also play more classic games. I'm trying to get into destiny for example, but I'd rather play pretty much anything else, and with having 50 odd Nintendo VC games they appeal to me more.


I'm pretty sure you said something similar last year. :D


The solution is simple...stop buying more games! If you're buying them only for them to sit on the shelf then what's the point? You end up with a massive collection of games that you overpaid for and are now gathering dust. It also has the effect of having all these games to play but not wanting to play any of them. You become over whelmed.


You also need to learn to pick your battles. Games like Destiny are a huge time sink and if you don't have the time to put into it then it's pointless starting the thing, especially if you have other games you would rather play.


If you have a retro gaming itch then scratch it. Don't play something because you feel you have to, rather play it because you genuinely want to.

  Esequiel said:
I'm the opposite to most of you, towards the end of last gen I was extremely underwhelmed. I wasn't enjoying the PS3 or 360 and my love for the Wii U ended really quickly (and the fact that I cant re-download games iv already paid for means I will never buy another one) and I had numerous problems with my xbox one that meant that went back after about a week.


The Pas4 has reignited my passion for gaming, it has been years since I have played and finished so many games. I have a huge number of games still to play, there is that much available it kind of puts me in awe. Everyone talks about their being no games and maybe that's the case for you if you did alot with the last gen machines towards the end but for me... Games. Games everywhere!


I didn't pick up a PS3 or 360 last generation, so going from being Nintendo-only to a PS4 has opened a new doorway for me. I can see how the jumpy from PS3 to PS4 won't be as big for some. The first year for a new console is always strange though and you don't really see the console's true potential until some time has passed. This time next year, we should have some idea of what the new machines are capable of.

  Esequiel said:
I'm the opposite to most of you, towards the end of last gen I was extremely underwhelmed. I wasn't enjoying the PS3 or 360 and my love for the Wii U ended really quickly (and the fact that I cant re-download games iv already paid for means I will never buy another one) and I had numerous problems with my xbox one that meant that went back after about a week.


The Pas4 has reignited my passion for gaming, it has been years since I have played and finished so many games. I have a huge number of games still to play, there is that much available it kind of puts me in awe. Everyone talks about their being no games and maybe that's the case for you if you did alot with the last gen machines towards the end but for me... Games. Games everywhere!


Feel same about my PS4 as @Esequiel.


Fifa & Destiny online have been my gaming highlights this year, the weekly Pro club nights and doing raids with you guys, well, they are something else. Showcases what a great gaming community we have here.


I don't understand it either when people say PS4 has no games. It has to be the blue cases that are making people confuse the Wii U games with PS4 games. There is no other explanation :awesome:


Regarding games not feeling next gen, this will be the year when cross gen support is dropped and you'll see it more.


I'm just glad I have a console that is future proof and will receive ALL 3rd party titles.

Posted (edited)

Was wondering if they'd give an extension. Five days, while proportional to this downtime, is a bit low. Given the various network problems over the last few months I thought they might have just whacked on a few weeks for everyone. T'is the season and all that!


  Cookyman said:
Can we stop with the "this is for the players" at the end of every Sony advert I fucking hate it.




In fairness it's the slogan for the console.

Edited by Ashley
  Hero-of-Time said:
A taste of things to come...


Tomorrow Children and RIME are still the standout titles for me, but Tearaway and Uncharted look pretty cool too, still need to check out that franchise on the PS3 actually! :woops:Don't reckon I'll be able to get through all of them now though, so was thinking about just getting the 3rd one (it's part of ShopTo's January sale). :hmm:

Those that have played 'em all, if you could only recommend one, which would it be?


I've also got Alien Isolation on the to buy list (decided to skip the PS3/PC version of that in the end) and will probably be getting GTA V again (must play as cat :heh:) so yeah, looks like I'll be picking up a PS4 sometime soon. :)

  RedShell said:

I've also got Alien Isolation on the to buy list (decided to skip the PS3/PC version of that in the end) and will probably be getting GTA V again (must play as cat :heh:) so yeah, looks like I'll be picking up a PS4 sometime soon. :)


Shame your not after one now. £280 is a bargain for the machine.

  Choze said:
SO what do you guys think of the year so far? :) and perhaps going forward?


It's been an interesting year. The PS4 has got me back into gaming, which has helped me clear my backlog. There have been some successes in the form of inFamous, The Last of Us and Far Cry 4. However, there have been some disappointment in Murdered: Soul Suspect and Destiny. In terms of arcade/indie games it's been 50/50

  RedShell said:
Tomorrow Children and RIME are still the standout titles for me, but Tearaway and Uncharted look pretty cool too, still need to check out that franchise on the PS3 actually! :woops:Don't reckon I'll be able to get through all of them now though, so was thinking about just getting the 3rd one (it's part of ShopTo's January sale). :hmm:

Those that have played 'em all, if you could only recommend one, which would it be?

Uncharted 2 is by far the best one, but they're not exactly long games, so there's no reason to skip the others.


I'm in the VAST minority who liked Uncharted 2 the least.


Uncharted and Uncharted 3 were very close IMO, both fantastic games. Uncharted 1 more for the characters/location and Uncharted 3 for being what I felt Uncharted 2 should have been.

  Hero-of-Time said:
Shame your not after one now. £280 is a bargain for the machine.
Yeah, very tempting to just get one right now at that price. But with many of the games I'm most interested in still some time away I wouldn't use it much at the moment. :hmm:
  Hero-of-Time said:
I'm pretty sure you said something similar last year. :D


The solution is simple...stop buying more games! If you're buying them only for them to sit on the shelf then what's the point? You end up with a massive collection of games that you overpaid for and are now gathering dust. It also has the effect of having all these games to play but not wanting to play any of them. You become over whelmed.


You also need to learn to pick your battles. Games like Destiny are a huge time sink and if you don't have the time to put into it then it's pointless starting the thing, especially if you have other games you would rather play.


If you have a retro gaming itch then scratch it. Don't play something because you feel you have to, rather play it because you genuinely want to.


Oh I know, to be fair I didn't buy close to as many games as I used to. I'm getting better :) But I've always played all consoles, I've owned them all bar the xbox one so it al last feels wrong if I didnt, but it's too much now. Honestly, some of the games I haven't played, supposed masterpieces, it's embarassing.


A game I've felt obliged to play is batman origins, no idea why but ended up playing that this christmas, it was a chore at first, but actually ended up really enjoying it.


As for Uncharted, surely it's objective that Uncharted 2 is leagues ahead of the others. 1 was great but I wonder what it would feel like now, 2 was incredible. 3 was still fun, but easily the weakest for me.


So I caved in at the £280 price point... I be weak. :hehe: That, and I figure it's best to get playing through Alien and a few other current games before everything else I'm looking forward to playing on 3DS, Wii U and PS4 comes out. Don't wanna end up doing a @dazzybee. :heh::hug:


Quick question though, does the PS4 use exactly the same power cable as the PS3? Not got much space in my current setup, so I'm planning to just plonk the PS4 where my PS3 is now (and switch 'em whenever I wanna play something else) but all the cables are kind of stuck around the back of my cabinet (it's spaghetti junction back there :laughing:) and I don't fancy trying to get them out again. :zzz:

  RedShell said:
So I caved in at the £280 price point... I be weak. :hehe: That, and I figure it's best to get playing through Alien and a few other current games before everything else I'm looking forward to playing on 3DS, Wii U and PS4 comes out. Don't wanna end up doing a @dazzybee. :heh::hug:


One of us. One of us.


Which colour did you end up getting? You get a game with it? I know Amazon are doing the white one with DriveClub for £280 with DriveClub.

  Hero-of-Time said:
One of us. One of us.


Which colour did you end up getting? You get a game with it? I know Amazon are doing the white one with DriveClub for £280 with DriveClub.

Got the black one with LBP3 (which is handy as that's another game I wanted to check out), also ordered a copy of Alien for £20. :)
  Clownferret said:
heads up to anybody looking for additional PS4 controllers. Gamestop currently have them for £36.99 with free postage, which in the current climate is a very cheap.


The controllers vary in price hugely and there are often good deals. I think they retailed on Amazon for £30 before in some sort of deal. I ended up getting mine for around the same price that Gamestop are charging for the blue one, which is gorgeous.


  RedShell said:
So I caved in at the £280 price point... I be weak. :hehe: That, and I figure it's best to get playing through Alien and a few other current games before everything else I'm looking forward to playing on 3DS, Wii U and PS4 comes out. Don't wanna end up doing a @dazzybee. :heh::hug:


Quick question though, does the PS4 use exactly the same power cable as the PS3? Not got much space in my current setup, so I'm planning to just plonk the PS4 where my PS3 is now (and switch 'em whenever I wanna play something else) but all the cables are kind of stuck around the back of my cabinet (it's spaghetti junction back there :laughing:) and I don't fancy trying to get them out again. :zzz:


  RedShell said:
Got the black one with LBP3 (which is handy as that's another game I wanted to check out), also ordered a copy of Alien for £20. :)


Well done, braaaaah!

Alien is wonderful. :) Are you a fan of the films?

If you've got Plus, add Injustice to your cart for free and download it later. It's a great fighting game and I think a lot of it.

Also also, if you're into racing games, I'm pretty sure DriveClub is still around £35 in the PSstore. All of the problems seemed to be ironed out now and the photo mode, dynamic weather and challenge features are all working like a treat. I'd consider it. It's the best looking game on the system. (although Alien also does look wonderful)

  Fierce_LiNk said:
Alien is wonderful. :) Are you a fan of the films?
Huge fan of the first film. The rest... not so much. So yeah, think I'm really gonna enjoy Isolation. :)


  Fierce_LiNk said:
If you've got Plus, add Injustice to your cart for free and download it later. It's a great fighting game and I think a lot of it.
Don't have plus (still got the 30 day trial @Hero\-of\-Time sent me back when I bought the PS3 :heh:) I probably won't get that sorted until The Tomorrow Children arrives, but we'll see. :hehe:


  Fierce_LiNk said:
Also also, if you're into racing games, I'm pretty sure DriveClub is still around £35 in the PSstore. All of the problems seemed to be ironed out now and the photo mode, dynamic weather and challenge features are all working like a treat. I'd consider it. It's the best looking game on the system. (although Alien also does look wonderful)
It does indeed look pretty spectacular, I'll focus on Alien and a bit of LBP3 for now though. Would prefer to get the retail version anyway, which seems to be around 20 quid online.
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