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You bugger I've been after that t-shirt for months, but the only site I know that sells it (Grindstore) hasn't had any in stock for ages. Tell me there is a haven that stocks that t-shirt!


Retro T-shirt awesomeness


Depends what size you want though. Have a look around the site too, it's an awesome site. I got a Wyld Stallyns shirt from Bill and Ted from there too.

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So I got a haircut, here are some pictures! I'm kind of happy with it, it's ok and all, but my fucking parting won't fuck off! I don't want it there :(, and it's all just a bit too...perfect all round, maybe. I think it's just how it's sitting in the photos before I did anything.


Cacaphony of photography BAM!












With some water and gel, which is how I think I'll be wearing it out. Comes with complementary photo of Larry the Lobster in his pimp chair, who was indeed a tasty morsel.




And that's me and my hair and vanity all done. It certainly feels quite strange when I realise my hair isn't there anymore, and every time I brush over my parting only to look in the mirror half hour later and see it's reappeared. Anybody know how to get rid of it?

Edited by Rummy
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Nice haircut Rummy. =)

Though I prefer it shorter still, haha. Also, I think it looks better without the gel but maybe that's just me. =P


Anywayyyy, pictures from Italy and the children's book convention thing.


Sitting in the sun in Milan while we're waiting for our train. =P


Our room, which has like a small balcony inside it with two more beds there (for two other friends).


Standing in front of some walls that are covered in images and pictures from illustrators with their contact details. So cool!



In Bologna, looking at buildings.


Posing in front of a lovely tree. Wheee.


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Eenuh; you gotta tell us that you put a picture of your own on that wall too, right?


Yeah I did. I ripped two pictures out of my portfolio (they were prints), wrote my contact details on them and then stuck them to the wall. Though I doubt anyone would've noticed them as every inch of that wall was already covered. =P

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Awww, you guys always make me feel so grand! I love you guys!! Also love them photos Eenuh, especially the one with 'two more beds (for two other friends)', I'd just love to see that advertised in a brochure for accomodation somewhere :D What were the pictures you put up on the wall btw?

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Been to the Ball with my sexy girlfriend :)


Yes im on my tip toes

:) she said i have to be taller than her :P




Good enough to eat?




You both look adorable. :) I like how she chose not to butcher her face with excessive makeup, a lot of the girls I know don't let their natural beauty shine because of that.

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