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When you are not on the Internet, what do you do?


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Not many people have mentioned meeting up with friends, or is that just a given?


I just took it as a given. But yeah to add to mine when im not on the internet im also with mates whether thats at the pub, cinema, just chilling out or at the football.

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Not many people have mentioned meeting up with friends, or is that just a given?


Since pretty much all my friends in close proximity are uni friends, hanging out with them most often coincides with being and/or having just been at uni. My original post was a bit rushed and thus in broad strokes. Another thing I forgot was watching TV, films and series because they're also a form of electronic entertainment.

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I spend a lot of time on the internet. When I am not on the internet....


- At work, customer service and administration for a stockbrokers (the best in the country....jus' saying)

- At home watching TV, Blu-Rays, Downloaded TV shows, possibly a movie.

- Cooking or eating a meal.

- Building or customising LEGO.

- Reading comic books.

- Playing a video game.

- Go to the cinema.

- Go shopping.


I do literally nothing else.

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I spend a lot of time on the internet. When I am not on the internet....


- At work, customer service and administration for a stockbrokers (the best in the country....jus' saying)

- At home watching TV, Blu-Rays, Downloaded TV shows, possibly a movie.

- Cooking or eating a meal.

- Building or customising LEGO.

- Reading comic books.

- Playing a video game.

- Go to the cinema.

- Go shopping.


I do literally nothing else.


You really need to learn the meaning of the word "literally". :heh:

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Or sleeping at work. Multitasking!


I've done that, i call it "Investment" time. As it is very quiet at the moment, i've done everything that is meant to be done on scheduled off the phone time in Available. So when i'm given this offline time, i tend to have a little kip for 1/2 hour or so. I was asked by a team manager why i was sleeping, i said i'm "investing my time" by "enhancing my focus by being more awake and functional". It kinda worked.


Lets see now, when i'm not on the internet. I'm doing any of the following when not "online"



  • Playing on the 360
  • Out with friends*
  • Work*
  • Reading a book
  • Spending time with the family*
  • Cooking/Eating
  • Watching TV/Blu-ray*
  • Housework
  • Out with the dog*

*I tend to have a check on the mobile on Twitter/facebook doing any of these



Other than that, that's about it really. Nothing special about my life at all.

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Not many people have mentioned meeting up with friends, or is that just a given?


Oh yeah, they're an important part, but it's difficult with work and such. Plus, when you move about a bit, you end up with friends all over the place. Makes meeting up difficult.


Other things I do when I'm not on the net:


- addicted to Pro Evo Wii. Love eeet.

- sometimes play guitar, but that's hard as I fall in and out of love with it.

- I mentioned exercise earlier, but it probably takes up a huge portion of my life. It's almost like a second-life.

- meeting up with people, like at New Years. Usually quite relaxed, my clubbing days seem to be over.

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Good fred.


For me it's mainly working (screw you world), seeing my friends, pub, gaming and sleepings. On occasions it would be playing 5-a-side football, watching football, watching Ice Hockey and eating pizza.


Everything else in my life either involves the internet or I multi-task with the internet. Like right now I am writing this post whilst watching the TV. I do this a lot. I am a man and we are not meant to be able to do this but I can.

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I would say working first and foremost, but i am on the internet at work most of the time anyway :p


Other than that, on a daily basis i am either at home or a hotel, watching TV or a movie, playing a game, reading, having a bath, eating out or sleeping. Will go out and see the gf too a lot of the time, mostly weekends if i am working away, and we'll do the usual stuff, cinema, restaurants, live shows, theatre, bars and pubs etc. There used to be some swimming/badminton/ping pong in there as well, but i've been lazy over winter. Hopefully i'll get that in more regularly again. I'll see my mates once in a while too, maybe once a month, that's about all we can stand of each other :D

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work work.. but yeah pretty much on the net the whole time there, using it to do work though unfortunately :(


Seriously though.. a lot of my spare time is taken up by playing sport, I have indoor soccer two nights a week, outdoor soccer during the winter season on saturdays, and cricket once a fortnight on sundays year round.


Besides that, hanging out with mates. I just love sitting down and talking shit with friends. Either at the pub, or having people around to play some cards or board games, mainly Settlers of Catan.

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work work.. but yeah pretty much on the net the whole time there, using it to do work though unfortunately :(


Seriously though.. a lot of my spare time is taken up by playing sport, I have indoor soccer two nights a week, outdoor soccer during the winter season on saturdays, and cricket once a fortnight on sundays year round.


Besides that, hanging out with mates. I just love sitting down and talking shit with friends. Either at the pub, or having people around to play some cards or board games, mainly Settlers of Catan.


Settlers is awesome. I am unbeaten in my last 5 games :cool:

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Games (Lately, PSO2 and Bravely Default)


Thinking of ways to skip class

Teaching English (I feel so dirty)

Assisting in English (I don't feel so dirty)


And of course, hanging out with people when things are arranged. Going to a game centre and eating at a yaki niku with a friend on Sunday, she hasn't elaborated too much on it rather than said "We should hang out!" (the verb for this in Japanese is 遊ぶ: To play, it sounds so weird), so I'll just assume there's going to be other people coming.

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Not on the internet? Pah! Even when I'm at work I'm on the internet! I don't really watch TV anymore either, it's become my backgrounnd activity for when I'm on the internet! However when I'm mostly NOT on the internet, it's because I'm either out with friends(usually at the pub...talking about funnny internet things), or will be board gaming/drinking/general hanging with folks. Been reading a lot recently though, albeit that's because it was a Harry Potter re-read. Vast majority of non-internet activity is gaming(xbox or 3DS) or socialising. My life's pretty basic.

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Games (Lately, PSO2 and Bravely Default)


Thinking of ways to skip class

Teaching English (I feel so dirty)

Assisting in English (I don't feel so dirty)


And of course, hanging out with people when things are arranged. Going to a game centre and eating at a yaki niku with a friend on Sunday, she hasn't elaborated too much on it rather than said "We should hang out!" (the verb for this in Japanese is 遊ぶ: To play, it sounds so weird), so I'll just assume there's going to be other people coming.


Nah, take it literally and turn up in your gym kit.

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