Falcon_BlizZACK Posted April 25, 2016 Posted April 25, 2016 I watched a review of Star Fox: Zero earlier and was struck by how primitive the enemy ship models were. They've hardly evolved from the stapled-together polygons from the original, and the lack of action in the proper 3D sections was woeful. Insomniac's congested cityscapes from their R&C games cast a humiliating shadow over the whole thing. Something that caught me too... What always gets me are those gold rings that are meant to be circular, yet still retain edges... @Hero\-of\-Time Heres hoping the dismal Wii U performance will make Nintendo realise their BS.
Hero-of-Time Posted April 25, 2016 Posted April 25, 2016 @Hero\-of\-Time Heres hoping the dismal Wii U performance will make Nintendo realise their BS. Hopefully. The little bubble that the company lives in needs to burst. They need to take a good hard look at what is making the other 2 consoles sell so well and apply this to the NX.
peterl0 Posted April 26, 2016 Posted April 26, 2016 It feels like a shame to be posting in here and bringing this thread back. The Star Fox Zero thread doesn't really seem like there is a problem there.
Kav Posted April 26, 2016 Posted April 26, 2016 (edited) I figured I would post this video in here because quite frankly I can't be bothered with the backlash that said video will probably be met with on the Nintendo side of the forum. For me, Jim has it spot on. Star Fox, much like the Wii U, is trying to fix a problem that wasn't there in the first place. Raising the level of entry, splitting reviewers and the fan base, all in the name of adding a control scheme that simply doesn't suit many people. It's not just SF that needed a new hook to get made. Last year Miyamoto said this about F-Zero. Why the hell does it need a new control scheme/controller? The GameCube pad was perfect and the game played brilliantly on the thing. The fact that Nintendo are obsessed with trying to reinvent the wheel is very annoying. This conversation also cropped up the other week when people on here were discussing the NX. Jim was spot on in saying that certain things are standard because they work. Yesterday I was reading through the SF topic on Neogaf and the amount of people having trouble with the controls of the game was staggering. Of course there were those who had gotten used to them or just didn't mind them but there were a hell of a lot you felt let down and disappointed by what they had played. I'm fairly confident that the game would have been much better received had it just been what SF used to be about in the SNES and N64 eras. A straight, arcade shooting game that could be enjoyed by everyone, rather than a confusing mess that has people finishing then shelving, selling or giving up on the game altogether. I couldn't agree any more with this post and the video. Nintendo are alienating too large a part of their audience with their decisions. It feels like a shame to be posting in here and bringing this thread back. The Star Fox Zero thread doesn't really seem like there is a problem there. There would be though as soon as those that blindly defend Nintendo consider the posts "attacking" Nintendo... when it's just putting forward thoughts and opinions. Edited April 26, 2016 by Kav Automerged Doublepost
Ashley Posted April 26, 2016 Posted April 26, 2016 In fairness the video has been posted in the SFZ thread and has not been met with pitchforks so it might be worth trying. This thread was last active 3 years ago, a lot has changed.
peterl0 Posted April 26, 2016 Posted April 26, 2016 Perhaps, but the same video has actually been posted in that thread and I don't think it has caused that reaction. Similar thoughts have been expressed about the controls. EDIT: Too slow.
Hero-of-Time Posted April 26, 2016 Posted April 26, 2016 I couldn't agree any more with this post and the video. Nintendo are alienating too large a part of their audience with their decisions. Indeed. He hits the nail right on the head. I see Zechs was a braver man than me and posted the video in the actual topic.
dazzybee Posted April 26, 2016 Posted April 26, 2016 Yeah, this video HAS been posted in the wii u thread with no problems... But yeah, I actually don't hate the controls and finding it really fun to play. But it's not what gamers want or what the game needs; the time to get the controls to work could've been spent getting an online dogfighting mode implemented... And same with F Zero, don't fuck with it, just give its F Zero; they have no problem churning out NSMB games, the franchises we actually want them to churn out they feel they need to do something new... Bizarre.
Hero-of-Time Posted April 26, 2016 Posted April 26, 2016 (edited) In fairness the video has been posted in the SFZ thread and has not been met with pitchforks so it might be worth trying. This thread was last active 3 years ago, a lot has changed. You really think so? :p But yeah, I actually don't hate the controls and finding it really fun to play. But it's not what gamers want or what the game needs; the time to get the controls to work could've been spent getting an online dogfighting mode implemented... And same with F Zero, don't fuck with it, just give its F Zero; they have no problem churning out NSMB games, the franchises we actually want them to churn out they feel they need to do something new... Bizarre. What annoys me is that this series has finally been given a chance again and they go and cock it up with a control scheme that annoys many players. This will no doubt have an effect on sales and then the series will be left on the shelf again. I imagine F-Zero would suffer the same fate if they start messing with stuff, instead of just giving us a standard game. The console is pretty much dead at this point, so why try and show what the pad can do when it's not going to benefit anyone. Edited April 26, 2016 by Hero-of-Time Automerged Doublepost
Kav Posted April 26, 2016 Posted April 26, 2016 I stand corrected in thinking people would've flown off the handle at the defence of Nintendo (regarding the vid)... but I'd guess it's because of who posted it, there's no anti-Nintendo stigma attached to him.
Ashley Posted April 26, 2016 Posted April 26, 2016 You really think so? :p What annoys me is that this series has finally been given a chance again and they go and cock it up with a control scheme that annoys many players. This will no doubt have an effect on sales and then the series will be left on the shelf again. I imagine F-Zero would suffer the same fate if they start messing with stuff, instead of just giving us a standard game. The console is pretty much dead at this point, so why try and show what the pad can do when it's not going to benefit anyone. I have to bayleef It charted at number 6 here. Not sure about other regions but I wonder what Nintendo was anticipating.
Kav Posted April 26, 2016 Posted April 26, 2016 6 is a decent charting for it. I'd imagine a sharp drop-off looking at the trend of other WiiU titles, but it's still as good as they could've hoped for I imagine.
Blade Posted April 26, 2016 Posted April 26, 2016 No one knows if charted at 6 is amazing or shit though. We don't know the raw numbers. Ive looked back at this thread, looks like the Wii U has faced the same complaints throughout its short lifespan. To me the console was dead at the end of 2014 really.
Retro_Link Posted April 26, 2016 Posted April 26, 2016 The console is pretty much dead at this point, so why try and show what the pad can do when it's not going to benefit anyone.Because Miyamoto. Honestly, I feel the guy is so out of touch and in his own game design world. He seems to be in control of what games get made and his passion projects seem to get the green light. He's still trying to justify the GamePad... and wasting time and money doing so.
Fierce_LiNk Posted April 26, 2016 Posted April 26, 2016 I watched the Jimquisition video yesterday and thought it was an interesting watch. The video has pretty much killed what little urge I had to play Star Fox Zero and that disappoints me. I've been waiting for a top class Star Fox game that has moved along with the times and I can't believe that in 2016 we still haven't got that. It worries me because we don't know how long we've got to wait until the next one, or even what state it'll arrive in. Even if Nintendo dropped the bomb right now and announced F Zero tomorrow (F Zero Tomorrow would be an amaaaaazing name), I wouldn't be confident because they are so concerned about "fixing" control schemes that aren't broken in the first place that they're actually ignoring all of the other stuff which makes a game a great experience.
Retro_Link Posted April 26, 2016 Posted April 26, 2016 I'm so desperate for a new F-Zero. They could add water sections to some tracks for you to hover over, if they have to add something... that'd be pretty cool. Your ship could handle a little differently whilst on it.
Fierce_LiNk Posted April 26, 2016 Posted April 26, 2016 I'm so desperate for a new F-Zero. They could add water sections to some tracks for you to hover over, if they have to add something... that'd be pretty cool. Your ship could handle a little differently whilst on it. I don't trust Nintendo to not fuck it up. I could just see them focusing on a control scheme and nerfing the game completely. The definition of "not being able to see the forest for the trees".
Retro_Link Posted April 26, 2016 Posted April 26, 2016 Oh absolutely. I wonder if Nintendo approached Amusement Vision over F-Zero X, or the other way round. I wonder an F-Zero X sequel would have turned out if it wasn't for that team... or even if it would have happened? I don't get why such partnerships have happened in the past but not since. Give it to someone else!
Mandalore Posted April 30, 2016 Posted April 30, 2016 I remember reading that Miyamoto was disappointed with F-Zero GX. Not sure if an actual reason was given though.
Retro_Link Posted May 1, 2016 Posted May 1, 2016 Supposedly he was disappointed with Super Mario Galaxy...
flameboy Posted May 9, 2016 Posted May 9, 2016 I remember reading that Miyamoto was disappointed with F-Zero GX. Not sure if an actual reason was given though. Yes I remember reading something along those lines that he didn't think amusement visions/Sega did the series justice.
drahkon Posted June 27, 2016 Posted June 27, 2016 (edited) Now that I've put some thought into how I feel about Breath of the Wild I'm ready to give my opinion. First of all: It will be a good, quite possibly even a great game. I will most likely enjoy it, but won't buy it anytime in the next 1 or 2 years (after the Wii U fiasco I will hold off on getting the NX at launch, no matter how good it seems to be). Secondly: My post won't have a "real" structure. It will be a collection of my thoughts about Breath of the Wild without any coherence. If I contradict myself, I apologize. To preface my opinion: I haven't seen a lot. I have seen the trailer and the first segment of the treehouse stream and a video about a couple of shrines. I won't watch anymore because spoilers. That is why my opinion is based on a fraction of the apparent fraction that was shown to the public. Now to the main event... As much as I can see how this new Zelda reinvents the Zelda formula, I just can't get behind how many view this as some kind of Second Coming. What I've seen is a game that takes lots and lots of things from other games, slaps it into one and thinks it's enough. In my opinion, it's not. All the little aspects like cooking, equipment stats, climbing, cutting down trees, etc might cause a "disconnection" (is that a real word?) between dungeons (what I think make Zelda games) and everything else. Of course, I don't know if what I suspect will turn out to be true because I don't know anything about dungeons. What I would love to see: HUGE dungeons with varying environments in each so that exploring them will be interesting. If the outside world is as large as it seems then having the usual-sized dungeons will cause the "disconnection" I mentioned. Then there are the 100 shrines. I don't like the idea because from what I've seen the puzzles seem to be generic, easy and boring. Combat rooms won't really help me sway towards positivity because I think the combat looks as boring and easy as it does in all the 3D Zelda games. Now on to something that I think is just weird (and that is a little nitpicky for some): I've seen someone "build" a bridge out of trees to get to a raft. Can you not swim? If you can't, why not? If you can, why would anybody make a bridge to reach that raft? Mind you, I do like playing around with things I have at my disposal in video games, but if it should serve a "real" purpose I will always choose the easy way, which in this case would be: Swim to the raft. Here's what worries me most about the game: Story. I think Zelda is due for an epic tale of heroism, kingdoms at war, love, hate, uprising, rebellion, etc. We've heard that you could play the game without unfolding the story and I'm fine with that. It gives us a choice. What we haven't heard (and that is what worries me): What is the story about? Will it change up the usual Zelda-formula? Will it have meaningful/interesting sidequests? Will the towns be populated and lively? Until I hear more about that (as spoilerfree as it can be) I suspect that only the Zelda-gameplay will get much needed additions/changes and the story will remain as flat and 2-dimensional as it has always been. Now the combat...I'll say it again: 3D-Zelda combat has always been boring and it looks to me that it'll stay that way. A two button combo system would work great, I think. One button for heavy attacks, one for fast attacks, different combos. Each weapon has a different move set, some enemies are more suspectible to heavy attacks, etc. You catch my drift. My 2 cents about the technical side: I don't think it looks all that beautiful visually. The art style is great, don't get me wrong, but the world so far just seems empty. With the NX coming up, I really hope that everything we've seen will get a major upgrade. The audio will - as always - be awesome. I'm sure of that. tl;dr: I can see the hype, but I don't understand the IMMENSE hype that it gets. It will most likely reinvent Zelda, but it isn't as new, creative and inventive as some think it is. Now, with all the worries I have and all the things I'm not so fond of: This game, this approach that Nintendo is taking with one of their greatest franchises is hopefully a sign of things to come. I think I've said it once in the dedicated thread: Nintendo took one step out of their bubble. Now I want them to take a journey through the outside world, explore what there is to see, be inspired by what others do (software and hardware) and slowly but surely come back to glory. @Hero\-of\-Time, @King_V, I think it was you who wanted to read my impressions Edit: There are things that I haven't written down here, because I simply forgot them. I tend to think about stuff like this when I'm almost asleep so... Edited June 27, 2016 by drahkon
Ike Posted June 27, 2016 Posted June 27, 2016 (edited) As much as I can see how this new Zelda reinvents the Zelda formula, I just can't get behind how many view this as some kind of Second Coming. People keep claiming that, but it hasn't. They've simply gone back to Zelda 1, that game pretty much had the same amount of freedom. A lot less interactivity mind you, back then you could pretty much only burn bushes, bomb stuff or push rocks. Then there are the 100 shrines. I don't like the idea because from what I've seen the puzzles seem to be generic, easy and boring. Combat rooms won't really help me sway towards positivity because I think the combat looks as boring and easy as it does in all the 3D Zelda games. This does worry me a bit, the dungeons are usually the best part so I hope they haven't been cut down. They've only showed some early shrines and they did say the later ones are more difficult. Now on to something that I think is just weird (and that is a little nitpicky for some): I've seen someone "build" a bridge out of trees to get to a raft. Can you not swim? If you can't, why not? If you can, why would anybody make a bridge to reach that raft? Mind you, I do like playing around with things I have at my disposal in video games, but if it should serve a "real" purpose I will always choose the easy way, which in this case would be: Swim to the raft. Freedom of choice? The temperature system might make swimming a bad idea depending on how you're equipped. The art style is great, don't get me wrong, but the world so far just seems empty. I genuinely don't understand what people mean when they say this, what is it you want? From the footage it looked like there was plenty of stuff to do. Edited June 27, 2016 by Ike
Kav Posted June 27, 2016 Posted June 27, 2016 (edited) @drahkon he cut down the trees to form a bridge because the water was too cold in this region, you lose health rapidly when swimming in it. They've purposefully not given much away in regards to the story but have said that they removed the towns from the demo because interacting with NPCs would've given away the story. What you're best knowing is that ruin has befallen Hyrule and Link has "awoken" to save it from peril. There are different styles of weapons too which each have their own move-sets and effects on you weidling them (heavy weapons and you'll not be as nimble). It's been rumoured to have main dungeons in addition to the 100+ "shrines", but I don't know if it's been confirmed yet. I don't think it's a reinvention as such, more that it looks to be the Zelda I've always imagined! Edited June 27, 2016 by Kav
Ashley Posted June 27, 2016 Posted June 27, 2016 Here's what worries me most about the game: Story. I think Zelda is due for an epic tale of heroism, kingdoms at war, love, hate, uprising, rebellion, etc. We've heard that you could play the game without unfolding the story and I'm fine with that. It gives us a choice. What we haven't heard (and that is what worries me): What is the story about? Will it change up the usual Zelda-formula? Will it have meaningful/interesting sidequests? Will the towns be populated and lively? Until I hear more about that (as spoilerfree as it can be) I suspect that only the Zelda-gameplay will get much needed additions/changes and the story will remain as flat and 2-dimensional as it has always been. They've said very little (intentionally) but there was the telling comment that "Zelda can't be the hero because then what would Link do?" It's obviously not the same as saying this, but to me it's basically confirming Zelda will once again be playing her usual role of damsel/active princess (she is never really all of one or the other). So presumably there will be some big bad causing this...wonder who that might be. There might be more indepth story when it comes to the world/lore/universe, but then it might just be as deep as Wind Waker (i.e. it's there, it adds to it but nobody's going to look back at it in 30 years time and say it was the peak of storytelling). I would love this huge amazing detailed storyline that is genuinely engaging and enthralling. I'm not expecting it though.
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