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Nintendo Direct: 5th December 5pm GMT


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Party chat wouldnt be that much of an issue if you could send an instant message, but sadly you can't.


Tekken is another game where you can't access the home button during certain sections. Its really annoying. Wanna see who's just come online? Well you can't unless you back out.


Other than these major issues that I have everything is fine.


You can instant message if the game allows you to access the home menu. But I agree it could be better and games need you to be able to access the menu, why would that happen? I'm worried, and presume that when the GAME is online it can't do it (like the 3DS) which means NIntendo really do need to come up with a work around.

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I'm not sure why people who haven't got a Wii U and have made it clear they won't be buying one are that bothered what people who have got a Wii U or will buying one will or will not be playing over the launch window.


Nintendo are unlikely to be announcing a shed load of games mere days after the launch.

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We'll definitely get some release dates for various 3DS titles (probably including Devilishly Difficult Brain Training, Animal Crossing New Leaf, Monster Hunter 3 U and Luigi's Mansion DM, but hopefully Fire Emblem Awakening as well!). Currently there are zero 3DS games with a confirmed release date in 2013, so that'll be rectified for certain!


I hope we see some more localization announcements as well. I don't expect any new 3DS game announcements, but localization confirmations for Harmo Knight, Bravely Default, Layton VS Ace Attorney and EX Troopers shouldn't be too much to ask for...


As for Wii U, we'll probably just get re-confirmation of what's coming out in Q1, with maybe a release date for Wii Fit U, Scribblenauts Unlimited and Game & Wario (as well as MH3U by proxy of the 3DS version's release date)

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I am quite curious as to what is going to happen with the line-up between march and say.... september.

With the amount of 1st party teams that are deep into projects there MUST be something of high quality if not more than one of those type of games coming in Q4 2013.


But then again, could this announcement be 3rd party? Could it be GTAV with all the Miiverse support that you would want?


Dreams are fun.

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Yoshi's Land is almost a cert. I'm hoping Satoru Shibata confirms more 3DS localisations, particularly Bravely Default ("All The Bravest?"), Code of Princess, Etrian Odyssey IV and Dragon Quest VII. Just some footage of that last one would be brilliant.


I'm afraid I don't think we'll see Zelda 3DS until GDC!

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Does anyone else wish they'd release remakes of both Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask on Wii U? They could keep the utterly perfect art style and character models from OOT 3D, just in 1080p and 60fps.


Yes, I'd like Majora's Mask on 3DS, but I feel it's a little bit late in the day - unless we're getting two 3DS Zelda games next year, that is. What I'm saying is that I suspect they could have released it by now, and I really, really want a 3DS Zelda in the style of Wind Waker!

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Yoshi's Land is almost a cert. I'm hoping Satoru Shibata confirms more 3DS localisations, particularly Bravely Default ("All The Bravest?"), Code of Princess, Etrian Odyssey IV and Dragon Quest VII. Just some footage of that last one would be brilliant.


I'm afraid I don't think we'll see Zelda 3DS until GDC!


So not expecting much then? :P


DQVII no way, it's not out Japan yet. If we get anything DQ it'll be Joker 2 Pro for the DS Terry's Wonderland.

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Oh crap, a post bled through from NeoGAF :p


They should make a Nintendo Direct app for the Wii U so you can watch it there on your TV


Not to mention the E3 app.

Too bad that Nintendo aren't going to spill the beans on any new titles. That could probably cheer a lot of people, including myself up.

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