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Advent Calendars.


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Do you have one?


I used to get a chocolate advent calendar every year, until my mum started listening to my idiotic teenage grunts and didn't send me one during my first year at Uni, even though she sent my older-by-two-years sister one! Humph!


I also tended to just 'forget' about it for a few days, then amass a glorious quantity of chocolate to devour in one sitting.


By habit, we just tried to get calendars that counted down to NYE -- y'know, for that extra chocolatey goodness.


THIS year is a little different. I'm spending much of the run-up with a couple of teenagers who are still very much invested in all that xmas nonsense. Their dad has, for the last couple of years, borrowed from the more authentic tradition of boxing a 'toy' in each day. The calendar itself is a nicely constructed wooden set of boxes, all arranged in a faux-dispersed way. Each day so far (bear in mind it's 3rd today!) has included not the gift itself but instead a short riddle to find the gift, and each household member has a turn.


Essentially, I was very surprised today to be gifted with an awesome penknife -- it has a pen, knife, bottle opener and bright LED light attached to a keyring. Very well suited!


Calendars in the shops only started appearing about a week ago, whereas I imagine back home they've been there for months..!


Anyone here still get them, or have you recognised that they're a load of nonsense? Does anyone do anything more interesting?

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I've been getting an advent calender from my mum for as long as I can remember, and even me moving into my own apartment hasn't stopped her from making one every year. :heh: She also makes one for my dad and for one of our close friends. Every day there's an interesting little thing she's stumbled upon throughout the year, like a book or a decoration or a pack of chocolate. It's so kind of her, and it reminds me of Christmas back home. :)


Oh, and I also got a chocolate calendar this year. :heh:

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I have a Lindt chocolate one which I thought was awesome, but upon closer inspection it appears there's only one Lindt reindeer and one Santa, the rest of the windows are just small chocolates! What a scam! Plus there are no pictures in the doors so there's pretty much zero surprise each day. Sad times :(


I miss the days when the chocolates were actually shaped almost exactly like the pictures, and not just those embossed attempts on generic squares you get these days. Maybe it just seemed more awesome back in the day because we were young? I often wonder that about Christmas, it's never as amazing as it used to be. Stupid kids steal all the attention now! :p

Edited by Jav_NE
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Who are you working for platty?


No, no, no.... That's ot how you say that at all... You say it like:




Who are you working for, Platty?





Anyway, haven't had one in years. Used to have a fantastic glow-in-the-dark one from a catalogue that I got out every year. But no chocolate one for a while.

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