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Are You Hyped?

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Yes, but not nearly as much as with past consoles and that's mostly down to Nintendo being overly tight lipped about what's coming up & how their eShop/OS stuff will work and the fact that they haven't really started their marketing blitz yet.


While I'm sure the upcoming Nintendo Direct will psyche me up for the console's launch, it'll almost certainly be overshadowed in my mind with what's coming up by March next year! :D

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I have been super hyped in the past about getting my hands on everything, the controller, ZombiU, Nintendo LAnd, etc. ATM I have completely lost interest. There has been a lack of new information from Nintendo and the fact that mine has to be shipped abroad means I'll get it 3 weeks after launch. So, an extra wait for me. Just hope Nintendo lay down the goods and start talking about the Miiverse and stuff

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Yeah. With America launching less than a month away, surely they can't leave it too much longer to declare how accounts, miiverse and online in general work. I fear that they're trying to get everything ready and not sure what is and isn't going to be there, when its nailed down they'll unleash.

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Nintendo have a lot of work to do before people will get hyped. There are very few core exclusives. And that's a very bad thing, because to sell this new system, when people already have 360's and PS3's, you're going to need exclusive games.

Launch is almost upon us, so where's the info of post-launch window releases?



However, I think it's an amazing machine, and I'll be getting it on day 1. Too bad that there's only one potentially good game (ZombiU, although I've heard some talk about it not being so great to play) at launch, and it's not even first party.

Edited by Hogge
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The title of this thread feels like a rhetorical question. Another thread in which the implicit purpose is for everyone who doesn't want a WiiU to pile in with glee, while those of us who do (and even more since actually trying it) try desperately to justify ourselves or hang our heads in shame.


There's no 'right' to be hyped. There's nothing so crazily 'wrong' about the WiiU that's it's night-and-day from any other Nintendo console. In fact, it's doing a lot right. It hasn't abandoned what was good about about the Wii, while moving beyond it in all the ways I hoped it would.


If this comes down to something as prosaic as no 3D Mario or Metroid for launch, well... yawn. It's been rehearsed time and time again since E3.


If I wasn't interested I'd be relieved, not worried. You'll save £300! ;)


This is an awful thread, it's essentially an excuse for everyone who has some dislike for the Wii U to pile in and lay on the hate.




Wow, I bet you've been around for a LOT of Nintendo launches! You do realise Nintendo have made more consoles than the Wii. Just because your mum got you that on day one doesn't mean you've been at every Nintendo launch on day one.


Just for the record, this isn't intended to be a "haters" thread. It's just a relatively simple question: Are you hyped for the Wii? Yes or no, or maybe somewhere in the middle?


Just because the opening post was a somewhat negative post doesn't mean I've made this thread for us all to jump on and "hate the WiiU". It's simply seeing what other forumers think.


Not every thread has to be filled with sunshine and rainbows. I'm slightly alarmed that we don't know all that much about the WiiU's online system, which is something previous Nintendo consoles have been picked up on in the past. Given that there are so many things that we don't know about, I can't really blame people for being sceptical about this.


Again, just for the record, I WILL be picking one up in the future, because it's a Nintendo system and they will no doubt do something to blow our minds.

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This is an awful thread, it's essentially an excuse for everyone who has some dislike for the Wii U to pile in and lay on the hate.




Wow, I bet you've been around for a LOT of Nintendo launches! You do realise Nintendo have made more consoles than the Wii. Just because your mum got you that on day one doesn't mean you've been at every Nintendo launch on day one.


Right. Well done. I got a warning and my comment removed before for responding to you. But it's alright for you to type tripe like this? A question was asked "Are you hyped?", surely people are entitled to respond without getting insults from you and make things personal? It's a forum and an open ended question and debate is healthy. Just because you don't like the answers, well so what, tough shit, deal with it.


Just so you know I own every Nintendo system, both console and portable, barring Virtual Boy and 3DS. I will at some point buy the latter. I've personally bought all systems from N64 onwards. I have 40+ Wii games and 60-70 Gamecube games, that's an answer to another question you asked in another thread.

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Just for the record, this isn't intended to be a "haters" thread. It's just a relatively simple question: Are you hyped for the Wii? Yes or no, or maybe somewhere in the middle?


Just because the opening post was a somewhat negative post doesn't mean I've made this thread for us all to jump on and "hate the WiiU". It's simply seeing what other forumers think.


Not every thread has to be filled with sunshine and rainbows. I'm slightly alarmed that we don't know all that much about the WiiU's online system, which is something previous Nintendo consoles have been picked up on in the past. Given that there are so many things that we don't know about, I can't really blame people for being sceptical about this.


Well said, Fierce Link. It's actually incredibly childish to "hate" (or unconditionally love) a console or company, and arguably childish to see the world this way (as full of people who "hate"). Honestly, why would people who want to hate Nintendo sign up to a Nintendo forum?


I'm pretty sure everyone here wants the Wii U to knock their socks off, but those of us who are genuine and honest with ourselves feel the need to express what it'd take to do that, and whether Nintendo is currently achieving it.

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Just for the record, this isn't intended to be a "haters" thread. It's just a relatively simple question: Are you hyped for the Wii? Yes or no, or maybe somewhere in the middle?


Not every thread has to be filled with sunshine and rainbows.

Sorry if I misread the tone of your opening post : peace: And I wasn't asking for sunshine and rainbows :laughing: I've just been noticing a certain amount of venom emerging over the WiiU that I think is unwarranted.. as I say, as though it were night-and-day compared to other consoles. Personally I don't think this is the case. But then I'm one of those deluded folk that has really enjoyed the 3DS.


To answer your question properly, yes I'm hyped. More for the console itself as a whole package than any one big game. With the Wii it was Twilight Princess, but I ended up hating the mirrored world and buying the Gamecube version. I personally think the launch lineup is healthy and varied, but of course I do agree with anyone that says there isn't a single earth-shattering title.

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I'm hyped but not as much as I was with the Wii.

The reason for this though is that three kids under three don't leave me with a lot of time to build up that hype. I don't really give a fiddlers about how well other peeps take to this machine. I may not be getting it on launch day due to crèche fees slaughtering my wallet these days but I will have it by chrimbo.


Will I worry about how the miiverse and other online stuff turns out? Nope...fully trust that whatever Ninty do, they'll put a smile on my face.

I'm not going in with any expectations, I'll just let them spray their genius all over my face 'til I'm full.


Unlike others, I have been at launches dating back to the NES in '86/'87 (might have been after chrimbo that one) so I can say with some authority here that this launch is looking nowhere near the "worst launch eva". That was the gameboy micro imo.


Even if I ended up getting no game whatsoever, I'm sure I'll be kept busy with what's on the system menu to begin with. Look at what they did with the 3DS - do you really think they'll go backwards and reduce the number of things you can do with the machine if you're not actually playing a game on it? I'm guessing "no".


Come November 30th, I'll probably be in a bit of a foul mood.

As soon as I do get my hands on it though, I'll probably scream like a Flandereses.

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Can't get hyped for anything anymore, it's a waste of time (That includes hating on things and being disappointed, you know first world problem shit)


Same as this. I don't really get hyped for games any more. I let a Pokémon release go by and I've not even thought about finding £30 for Black 2. It's not just Nintendo stuff either, Halo 4 is coming out soon and I'm not too fussed if I buy that on release either.

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The night before Wii was released, I couldn't sleep. And that's NEVER happened before with regards to a new console, or anything material like that. Of course it may have been the fact that it was Wii AND a new console Zelda on the same day, but regardless, I'm nowhere near as hyped this time around. I'm only buying Mario U at launch, but I'm so bored of NSMB that I'm not exactly beside myself with excitement at that either.

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I have mixed feelings in the fact that I know I want one. It goes without saying as it's a Nintendo system with an interesting premise and will have my favourite franchises pile onto it. I also don't have a 360 or a PS3 anymore so I'm not willing to drop the £450 it's going to cost me to get their new consoles with a game.


In terms of games, ZombiU is sounding excellent and so does Rayman. Along with the multiplayer experience of Nintendo Land I think it's all going to be pretty tasty and as I don't have a billion hours a week spare on my hands to play games, I don't need many to keep my interest.


In terms of money though that's a different kettle of pickled herring for me. With the wedding next year and debts to pay off, I can only afford the system if I trade in a ton of stuff and generate most of the money as credit with Cex then I should be able to. It might even end up being bluey and my Christmas present to ourselves :-)


So yeah, I'd be excited if I knew I could afford one. But as I can't, I'll just say that it's looking fun and I hope that you lot with cash enjoy it lots :D

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i am not really really hyped, i wanted to see more..

a game like mario galaxy (a 3d mario game) or something else, like fzero, starfox, (more from nintendo)


Yeah, the thread needs to be specified a bit more. Are you hyped for what's been announced or what hopefully will be announced?


Because I'm more hyped for what Nintendo haven't showed than what they have. The prospect of an HD Zelda, Starfox and (no mii please) Pilotwings is incredible. And of course, I hope Nintendo step their game up and deliver a whole bunch of stuff we didn't get for the GC and Wii.

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Can't say that I'm hyped at all. Maybe it's an age thing (I'll be 50 next year!). But it hasn't stopped me pre-ordering one. I knew that I'd end up getting one anyway, so thought I might as well buy one at launch.


Am going to the MCM Expo at the Excel this Sunday. Hopefully they'll be demo'ing it there and it may hype me up a little. Thing is, I'm working the day of release (I took the day off for the Wii release). I'll go and collect it at lunchtime, but won't be able to do anything with it until Saturday as we're seeing Michael McIntyre that Friday night.


Haven't said anything to my family about getting one. I'm hoping to sneak it indoors, and then set it up when the kids are out at their various clubs on Saturday morning so that it's ready when they get back.

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This is the first Nintendo console that I'm going to be able to buy on day of release, so I'm pretty hyped for it. I switched my pre-order to Game earlier this week, as I live about a minutes walk away from the nearest store and don't mind paying a premium to be guaranteed receiving the console on launch day.


Still unsure about which games to get though, I am looking to get 2 on top of the Zombiu pack in, but I can't decide between NSMB. U, Nintendo land and Fifa 13. But I can't wait, booked the day off work so I can spend the day messing around with the system.

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I'm not hyped about the Wii U at the moment for three reasons-


I don't have too money for it right now.

I'd like to see what the console can do before I pass judgement.

I've got too many games to play before I'd buy it.


Of course I will get a Wii U in the future but I can wait until the price drops. I intend to buy a 3DS before anyway.

Edited by sumo73
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I'm not hyped about the Wii U at the moment for three reasons-


I don't have to money for it right now.

I'd like to see what the console can do before I pass judgement.

I've got too many games to play before I'd buy it.


Pretty much this, but i'd also add - not enough time to play it right now.

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Haven't said anything to my family about getting one. I'm hoping to sneak it indoors, and then set it up when the kids are out at their various clubs on Saturday morning so that it's ready when they get back.


Best of luck with that dude, if I tried that, I'd have hell to pay.

I did get away with it on new games and even the headbanger headset ("What? This ole thing?! I've had that for aaaaages!)

A whole new console though? Nope, would never get away with that!

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I've been oscillating a bit. Due to various commitments on my time and money this isn't an immediate purchase but very much will be down the road. With no news on anything like a new Starfox, F-Zero or Zelda maybe I'm not in a fever pitch state but games like ZombiU, Pikmin 3 and Bayonetta 2 have definitely piqued my interest. Will this finally be the era I abandon Nintendo and dedicate my console resources for a Sony or Microsoft brand product? Hell no.

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Best of luck with that dude, if I tried that, I'd have hell to pay.

I did get away with it on new games and even the headbanger headset ("What? This ole thing?! I've had that for aaaaages!)

A whole new console though? Nope, would never get away with that!


Haha I did that with Project Zero 2 :heh:


My wife knows I've got something on pre-order but I don't think she quite fully knows what it is... I think she thinks it's just a new game :heh:

But I have said "I pre-ordered a new Nintendo" (didn't say console or game :heh:)... plus she's been with me a few times when I went to pay off some money on it.... she just doesn't go in to the store with me :heh:

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