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Dem' moments in gaming...

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Where you always feel some goosebumps surface/have the sudden urge to scream FUCK YEAH! (Apologies if this thread has been done before)


Recently, I've been giving Tetris DS a whirl again and blasted out an all-Tetris game on the 200 line marathon. Something that I had completely forgot about my first experience with the game when it first came out, and thus managed to creep up on me again, is when you hit Stage 20 and this fucking tune hits you after playing all those remixed classic Nintendo themes that progressively got faster..




Not sure why, but god damn it felt good. Both times. Had a lot of other feels with video games that I can't remember/be bothered to write right now, so how about you guys? Favourite moments in video games that crank out some unexpected emotions..

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I remember when i played Spiderman 2 for the Gamecube, I was doing the last boss Dr Octopus (Spoilers!).


Anyway, so i was having a hard time of it, as he kept knocking me down with his tentacles anytime i came near him, so i ended up swinging around the room, nipping in and doing some quick damage before running away again. It was a very long, slow process, which was taking ages. I'd been doing it for about 30 mins and had taking barely any health off him.


Then one time i got in too close and he trapped me in a corner, and raised his arms to bitchslap me, which was when i noticed the 'spidey sense' alert thing come up as he did so, something i hadn't noticed before. Quick as a fucking spider, i press the dodge button, and Spidey counters the slap, and counters with a punch of his own; i didn't even realise you could do that! Then I counter another punch, and another, until Dr Oct has little to no health left, before i rise up and kick the crap out of that biotch.


It was amazing, it felt like a movie when the hero is getting beaten, and then goes for one last push when he's trapped in the corner, and rises up and destroys him like the bit in the end of the Matrix.



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I'm with you Dcubed i had a lot of those moments in MM


In fact one always did make me really feel for the characters, when on the final day you have reunited the betrothed couple and they pledge to stay together to the end, that was always powerful

Edited by Agent Gibbs
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I remember playing super mario world with my brother and the very first time we found one of those ! blocks that fill in certain colour blocks throughout the world, light shone through the curtains (which we had closed to avoid glare) and I guess they still had a gap in the middle because it lit up the wall in a perfect ! shape. Funny coincidence.


Again, playing super mario world we were very young and it was before the internet so we didn't really know about all the secret paths and such. We'd done a couple but we kept noticing that some of the levels on the overworld were red circles and some were yellow. I worked out that the red ones were the ones with split paths so we scrawled through every single red level to find the secret paths. So fantastic at the time to have worked it out and then find all the secret paths.


Defeating Gruntilda for the first time in Banjo Kazooie was the first epic moment I truly had in a video game. It was so built up and the fight lasted ages and was a real challenge. Such a brilliant game.


Playing the original halo on co-op with my brother. There's a moment when you fight the flood for the first time and you have to escape the halo complex or where-ever. We were fighting through and each section was separated by these massive, slow-closing double doors. My brother told me to run ahead and get through the door and close it to get the checkpoint. He'd stay and fight and if he died it wouldn't matter as he'd respawn with me at the checkpoint.


So I'm running ahead and I press the button to close the door and we're both shouting, I'm saying 'go quick! The door's closing!' etc. He's running for the door with like a thousand enemies (it seemed) chasing him and shooting at him and he reached the door just as its closing, honestly could not have been a split second later. He squeezed through just in time and it was that close that a couple of the enemies that were right behind him got shut in the door and killed. It's the kind of thing you only see in action movies!


And basically any zelda game :p but most significant for me is getting the master sword for the first time in OoT (the first one I played in the series) and beating Ganon.


And Pokémon Red. All of it.

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Just remembered two, both from Sonic 2:


Broadcast Yourself




Not too long after defeating Robo-Sonic, you know shit got serious when the music changes (the only boss in the game to use a different music).


This is it, the final battle. You don't have any rings, and you're stuck with the giant robot that can launch his claws from across the screen and bombs out the back. A robot that can kill in one hit, should you make a single slip-up.


As his crossfires target you, you're reminded that you're stuck on a space station above Earth, and there's no way back. If you run out of lives and continues, this is it, you'll need to restart the whole game. Worse, this is your cousin's Mega Drive, and you don't know when you'll get another chance to try again (this last part might be different for other people... :heh:)


When you're a kid, defeating this guy is the biggest accomplishment ever.


But the game is not done with you! What about them emeralds...? You go ahead, collect them all. They've been mocking you, expecting you to clear the special stages and collect them, like you did in the first game! After getting them all, you get a message telling you about "Super Sonic"...wha...?


No change seems to happen, Sonic is the same as usual. And then, this happens, out of the blue.


Broadcast Yourself




Sure, it was done better in the following games, but this first moment was mindblowing when I was a kid (already a DBZ fan, no less). It just came out of nowhere!

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Playing the original halo on co-op with my brother. There's a moment when you fight the flood for the first time and you have to escape the halo complex or where-ever. We were fighting through and each section was separated by these massive, slow-closing double doors. My brother told me to run ahead and get through the door and close it to get the checkpoint. He'd stay and fight and if he died it wouldn't matter as he'd respawn with me at the checkpoint.


So I'm running ahead and I press the button to close the door and we're both shouting, I'm saying 'go quick! The door's closing!' etc. He's running for the door with like a thousand enemies (it seemed) chasing him and shooting at him and he reached the door just as its closing, honestly could not have been a split second later. He squeezed through just in time and it was that close that a couple of the enemies that were right behind him got shut in the door and killed. It's the kind of thing you only see in action movies!


Reminds me of when me and my three friends were playing Halo years ago. We were playing through the co-op, taking turns to play in pairs. We were stuck on one of those bridges across a chasm on the Halo itself, you know where there are like 30 Covenant guarding one end and a hunter either side blasting the crap out of you?


We'll we'd been trying for ages to get past, attempting to pick off all the covenant carefully, edging forward along this bridge, getting nowhere. The other pair had just taken a really long go, waiting for their shields to recharge each time, then peeking out and shooting, but had eventually both died.


Me and my partner took up the controllers, looked at each other, and without saying a word, just charged down the bridge guns blazing, chucking grenades left right and centre. We burst through the Covenant, and legged it through the doors at the end. Then handed the controllers back and said, 'There you go, easy'.

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Sure, it was done better in the following games, but this first moment was mindblowing when I was a kid (already a DBZ fan, no less). It just came out of nowhere!





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Hmm... Well some of my gaming highlights and moments -



Resident Evil Remake - Gamecube


The Hunters.... wow... they always seemed to appear in the most scary of fashion, many jumps occurred in this game due to them.


Eternal Darkness - Gamecube


The bathtub scene, it's not even that scary a moment in the game, or in most games. but this cut scene, seeing Alex Roivas in a bathtub of blood.... ebbieee jeebies for me. A gaming moment that will stay with me for along time.



Star Wars Knights of the old Republic - Xbox


The end... I remember completing this with 2 of my friends over, and they had been over all the time i'd been playing this game, they watched it as if it were a film. and when it finished and the credits rolled and the incredible star wars theme played... I turned up my surround sound so loud, my friends were clapping... we just witnessed and watched a great game.


Wii Bowling - Wii


I picked up my Wii as soon as GAME opened, I had the day off, as did 2 of my friends, we got home, I set up the Wii, and we started off with Wii Bowling... A very huge Oh My God moment... The Revolution was real, it had begun,... it was in my bedroom and I was freaking bowling on it :)


Pokemon Red - Gameboy


I had Red version, My neighbor/friend had Blue version. We knew what mammoth task was ahead of us. We knew which Pokemon we had to capture to trade / evolve. We were both reliant on one of us capturing 1 more Pokemon to fill our dex's...


Kangaskahn, This fella evaded me sooo many times in the Safari Zone. Chanseys... Tauros... meh who needs them.... Sycther... No thanks.... JUST GIVE ME THE GODDAMNKANGASKHAN...... then it happened. It appeared. My friend and I are in a state of panic..."Throw a rock at him!", "Are you crazy, that'll scare him off!".... "I'm going straight at it..Safari Ball!"..... "No you fool.. it won't work....!"


It worked... I did the old Press down and B trick too just in case it did really work, and would help. But yeah, he was caught. My dex was full... now I could tease my friend about not trading him over :p


Grand Theft Auto: Vice City - PS2


I Was hooked to GTA3, I'd come home from school on my lunchbreaks to play it. In hindsight, it's probably why I did so terrible in my GCSE's. When I knew that Vice City was out a year later, I was at college at this point, So It wasn't as strict as school, technically you could miss classes, and wouldn't be punished. So Vice City came out, I bought it. The first song on the radio was Michael Jackson - Billie Jean. And that was it, I started one of the greatest gaming adventures ever.


Shenmue1 - Dreamcast


Simple reason, Why not. This was the first game I played where it felt like a normal life sim (other than the sims of course) You could wonder around Dobuita all day, wasting money on food, on toys, on the arcade, you could go into most buildings, and people had routines, you'd see business men head for the bus stops just past the arcade, then in the late afternoons, you'd see them come back to Dobuita, no doubt going to their families, or the bars haha.


I loved working in the docks, There was a part of the game, where if you didn't go to a certain warehouse to continue the story, that day would take place again, kinda like groundhog day. I did this for so long, I'd wait in the staff room playing darts, buying toys, then the bus would come, by the time it arrived in Dobuita the arcade and convinence store were all that was open. So More money spent there, but because you're working at the docks, and repeating the day, you had so much money.





Wow long post... Probably largely off topic, as it's not really specific moments in games that gripped me... but genuinely whole games that did. But never mind

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Another shout for Majora's Mask.


I love the bit where Pamela jumps between you and her farther to protect him, just really touching. Their brief scene at the end of the game where her dad is throwing up in the air and catching her is just as sweet.

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You fight her twice, 1st time at the end of the first disk (Which she impales squall with an ice shard that's useless) and you fight her again at the end of the 2nd disk, which you finally beat her.


Yeah I know. The one I originally meant was the end of disc 1, but got confused and said disc 2. But I meant disc 1.

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Wind Waker

Tingle... I was never sceptical about Wind Waker's art style, but I was curious about how they'd got to this stage from the fairly "serious" N64 installments. I had been on a hiatus from gaming and was enjoying WW just fine, but the moment I stepped into Windfall Jail and saw this dodgy fellow I knew I was truly back in the Zelda world.


Goddess Statues... Wind Waker delivered a Zelda on a much grander scale than before. After I had spent a reasonable time sailing between three small islands to place pearls in the statues, the way they linked up just blew me away. Never before had I seen such distance covered, and all in a fully explorable area too.


Restoring Colour... There's not much I can say about this, but I knew all those Moblin and Darknut statues were there for a reason. One of Zelda's true "genius" moments.



Dragon Quest VIII



The post-game... Dragon Quest VIII is a game that redefined my idea of how long, good and generally epic an RPG can be. Not that I've ever thought "longer = better", but it did it in a way that constantly developed how involved I was in the game world. When I thought I'd got used to it, there was another challenge to master.


Nothing fits this description more than the post-game, in which you face-off against a series of increasingly-tough dragons. The difficulty was such that it always seemed hard-yet-possible. After learning the right techniques and getting the badass (not a word I usually use!) equipment in the screenshot above, I was able to defeat the hardest dragon and get the typical "You don't need me to teach you anything message". :)


Ah, they don't make 'em like those two any more...

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