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The latest Castle was awesome. So many sci-fi references, and while most of them were Firefly, it was full of references to other sci-fi shows, too. Great cameo from director Jonathan Frakes and Armin Shimerman has a great guest role which was played very much like Quark. Also, Castle's daughter has grown up.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Ah, i see. Well it was time to bump an older thread anyway i thought. Just checked now, it were there. Not sure what to make of it myself. If they are remaking the series just with the "Girl" over the "Boy" in the title then meh.


Apparently, the girl is supposed to be Cory's daughter. I just hope Mr.Feeny appears.

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Yes, this was posted on the last page. :p


Mokong was very excited.


Very excited.


Edit: I probably should have said that everyone knew about the show, not this news specifically.


In fairness my post was "they're considering" and now they are indeed doing it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

After not being impressed by the 1st ep of Arrow I've been giving it another go and am loving it. Caught up to the latest ep now.


Love the eps where it gives flashbacks to Olivers time on island and the cameos of other DC characters.

Especially the Huntress in the last 2 eps....though her mask in the new ep reminded me too much of "Batman & Robin" type costumes :heh:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Watched the Gossip Girl finale last night. Not watched it since the season four premiere (and only watched that to see Paris). It was always trashy but entertaining, it's amazing how bad it got. The finale was eye-rollingly bad. The highlight was seeing Kristen Bell (who provides the titular voice).


What amazes me though is how bad this show is for females. They completely gloss over the fact Chuck Bass tried to rape someone in the pilot and then went on to have a very abusive, manipulative and downright hideous relationship with Blair. Then they try and make them out as "meant to be" and "epic" and all this. Everyone on that show is an awful human being, but even so, this is what they're trying to sell to their (predominantly female) audience?


And the fandom laps it up. They bicker and argue about which fictional character should end up with which one, and then get very destructive in their arguments.


Anyway, just a moan about the show.

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Women also love Twilight, and the men are pretty terrible in that too. Though I'm not sure if Edward ever tries to rape anyone.


So Chuck spends the entire season trying to bring down his dad (and he can't be with Blair until he's done it because they had a pact), and then he doesn't even get to defeat him? He just falls off a roof. Bleh.


I always wanted Gossip Girl to be Kristen Bell and for none of the characters to have any idea who she was. I liked how Nate decided to go back to figuring out who Gossip Girl was, then was just told who it was before he did.


I'm disappointed that Lily and Rufus didn't end up together, as they were the only couple I actually cared about (in the early seasons, anyway).


I literally can't think of anything else to say about the finale, it was so boring.


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Watched the Gossip Girl finale last night. Not watched it since the season four premiere (and only watched that to see Paris). It was always trashy but entertaining, it's amazing

how bad it got. The finale was eye-rollingly bad. The highlight was seeing Kristen Bell (who provides the titular voice).


My cousin has been big into GG this year. I was asking her some general questions about it; "so what's the idea? Is GG a single person? Do you know who it is yet?" sort of stuff. I ended up IMDBing the show and was all "OMG Kristen Bell is in it?!" and after explaining to my cousin who she was and showing her pictures, she just said "er... no she's not." I said "But she's in, like, every episode! Look it says she's .... oh.."


She was trying really hard not to get pissed off at me for essentially (well, potentially) spoiling the whole thing for her.



I don't really know why I spoilered that.

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Your cousin really should know that Kristen Bell is the voice of Gossip Girl. That's hardly a secret. :p


My favorite thing about Gossip Girl is how people just walk into people's apartments without knocking. So inevitably they end up walking in just in time to overhear something they weren't supposed to. And if they need something from someone's apartment, they can just wait until they're not home and walk right in and take it, because no one ever locks their front door.


Also, the music during the rooftop scene in the second to last episode was hilarious. It was all, DUN DU-DU-DUNNN DUN DUN, like it was a dramatic scene in Star Wars or something. I'd say it was supposed to be parody, but they played it completely straight.

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  • 5 weeks later...

I had to bump this thread to mention that Glee is ripping off Jonathan Coulton. (Sorry for linking to Kotaku.) Basically, Coulton did a cover of Baby Got Back with an original melody, and whoever's in charge of the song selection on Glee liked the arrangement so much that they stole it without asking.


Also: Archer is back! I love how cable shows return when you least expect it.


Also also: I'm so glad Private Practice is finally ending next week. It's always been boring, but I really hate the way every character has had their own episode this season. And how boring everyone is. Poor Amelia has done nothing at all this season, until last week's episode, which was all about her budding relationship with some doctor. That's her one last big storyline. A recovering addict who's a brain surgeon and gave birth to a baby with no brain, but sure, let's spend an entire episode watching her get wooed by some guy. Because this is Shonda-verse, and your life is not complete unless you're in a relationship. Except for Violet, but if there's a time jump in the final episode, I expect she'll start dating again too.


It was weird watching the Christmas special knowing that Dan Stevens thinks filming ~8 episodes a year is too much work. It was kind of funny how his character got to hold his daughter and kiss his wife one last time before he died. If it had been my TV show and someone decided to leave after a measly three seasons, I'd have their character drown in a vat of manure. "And we'd better use real manure, so it looks good on camera."


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The Glee/Coulton thing is pretty disgraceful. I know we're dealing with covers, but this kind of behaviour shows a complete disregard for Coulton's work and achievements. Whoever found his cover and decided he was some quiet Internet nobody should have done their homework. I'm sure they're being paid enough to.

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Undoubtedly Ryan Muphey will throw his toys out of his pram just like every time an artist has requested not to be included.


Also, Glee is the worst.


In unrelated news, I can't believe there are only 2 episodes of 30 Rock left :(

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I really liked the concept of Glee at first, then I realised how wrong I had been.


Never gonna live that signature and avatar down.


No, you're not.


Conceptually Glee had promise, but it's delivery was awful. And it's steadfast determination to have shitty plots, dialogue and characters.

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