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Restored faith in nintendo?


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You're right, they have learned lessons. The 3rd-party support is really quite remarkable and I shouldn't have tried to take away from it. Another thing they've learned is to have a New Super Mario Bros game ready at launch, which hopefully will help a lot, commercially.


TBH, 3rd party support isn't all that remarkable at the moment. Sure, I'm super happy about Assassins Creed, Mass Effect, Arkham and Aliens. But so far, there's a lot missing. The new Medal of Honor and Need For Speed is due soon after the Wii U's launch, but haven't been anounced for the format. MGS: Ground Zeroes was unveiled a week or so ago, but no mention of a Wii U version.


I'm more happy about Nintendo's online integration, and the transferability from Wii to Wii U.

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TBH, 3rd party support isn't all that remarkable at the moment. Sure, I'm super happy about Assassins Creed, Mass Effect, Arkham and Aliens. But so far, there's a lot missing. The new Medal of Honor and Need For Speed is due soon after the Wii U's launch, but haven't been anounced for the format. MGS: Ground Zeroes was unveiled a week or so ago, but no mention of a Wii U version.


I think we'll hear more from EA over the next month or so.


Regarding Konami and the Metal Gear Solid franchise, any new game in the MGS series will most likely remain only on Sony & Microsoft consoles.


When was the last time Hideo Kojima was involved in developing a game for a Nintendo console? (Metal Gear Solid Twin Snakes & Snake Eater don't count)

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Has my faith been restored? Well, not really, as I haven't really lost faith in them during this generation.


Have I lost a little faith in this since E3? Undoubtedly, yes. I can't say I'm excited about the WiiU. The concept doesn't entice me at all, not even in the same league as the DS and Wii did. What really let me down was the poor showing at E3. There isn't a killer game that sells the system like there has been in the past. I remember getting my GameCube and being blown away by 2 games - Luigi's Mansion, and then Rogue Leader. Apart from Ubisoft's efforts (one of which may go tits-up), the launch lineup doesn't have a wow factor.

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For someone who already owns a 360 or PS3, there isn't really that much appeal in the Wii U. I want it, but the games aren't quite there.


Black Ops 2, Assassin's Creed, Aliens, etc, I'm happy with getting on other consoles (they currently aren't on my radar anyway - Aliens looks interesting but it's too close to Bioshock, Tomb Raider and others), Mass Effect 3 is a sin on PS3 and Wii U and should only be played as a Trilogy on 360 or PC. Arkham City is a year old now.


As for Nintendo's own/published stuff. Nintendoland doesn't look that great unless you have access to four other people. I've never liked the NSMB series.


Ninja Gaiden 3 sounds like it could be good if it's as fixed as it sounds. LEGO City looks great, as does Pikmin. Bayonetta 2 should be great as well. To me, none are system sellers.


I know I will get a Wii U at some point. There will be a Zelda/Metroid/Proper Mario with hopes from other franchises like F-Zero/Star Fox and possibly new stuff (Nintendo publishing Ninja Gaiden/Bayonetta makes me think one of this will be an 18+ game). But how long will it be?

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Has my faith been restored? Well, not really, as I haven't really lost faith in them during this generation.


Have I lost a little faith in this since E3? Undoubtedly, yes. I can't say I'm excited about the WiiU. The concept doesn't entice me at all, not even in the same league as the DS and Wii did. What really let me down was the poor showing at E3. There isn't a killer game that sells the system like there has been in the past. I remember getting my GameCube and being blown away by 2 games - Luigi's Mansion, and then Rogue Leader. Apart from Ubisoft's efforts (one of which may go tits-up), the launch lineup doesn't have a wow factor.


Word up. Such a good game, the graphics were top notch back in the day.


I wrote a longer reply but I'll make it more concise now my comp deleted it...


I didn't have faith before now, this hasn't restored it. I still think they can make the occasional AAA game when they feel like it, but that's it. The casual gamer market may well have moved on so they won't be getting those sales anymore. I can't see this enticing over 360/PS3 fans and apparently (as proved in this thread) they're alienating their core base at the moment.


As I understand it, their financial state currently leaves something to be desired. If things go from bad to worse as I think they might, I think this could end up being Nintendo's Dreamcast....

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The Wii made me lose faith in Nintendo, much like most people on here. Most Nintendo fans migrated to the Xbox 360 and so did I, but the lack of Nintendo's core franchises on such a platform made me lose 90% of my interest in gaming, which is a shame as I miss the glory days of the GameCube, which was an absolutely stunning console.


The DS maintained my interest in Nintendo for a few more years, but game makers eventually ran out of new ideas on how to utilise the handheld's features and the 3DS has done absolutely 0 to fix that... I haven't bought a 3DS and I don't think I will buy a Wii U either because I hate tablets and can't see how one will ever fit into my life. I'll buy a 3DS when they release a Pokemon game on it, but I am not sure if I'd even buy a Wii U if they released F Zero on it since the Wii U is already an ugly and obsolete console and it hasn't even been released yet. Its a shame that Nintendo games have to run on such terrible hardware these days...


Like others have said, the Wii U will get the last few multi platform games being released on the Xbox 360 and PS3, much like how the Wii got PS2 ports.. People who think that the Wii U will be remotely close in terms of specs to the PS4 and Xbox 720 are kidding themselves! If they try to release the same games on the Wii U, they will look horrific in comparison, so why waste your money? Half the cost of the Wii U is probably spent on that ugly tablet controller that will give people nothing but a headache. Nintendo just seem to be trying to copy things they think will become popular, like 3D and tablets.. Where did the innovation go? Sony and Microsoft are going to have twice the amount of money to spend on producing a console with decent specifications, unless they also decide to waste the same amount of money on useless peripherals and sell at the same budget price with the aim of making a profit. If companies want to bring multi platform games out on the Wii U in the future, they will have to make the graphics look horrible and spend ages adding lots of useless features to utilise the second screen, which wont even be available if using the controller as the main screen? The whole concept of the Wii U sounds like a mess.

Edited by Pyxis
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I don't even now where to begin with the above statement. Thr amount of guess work, slating a insole they don't and seemingly hasn't played, saying they never bought a wii but didn't like gaming because Nintendo games weren't on the 360... Did it wasn't so long I'd think it was a spambot

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Its a shame that Nintendo games have to run on such terrible hardware these days...


People who think that the Wii U will be remotely close in terms of specs to the PS4 and Xbox 720 are kidding themselves!



Sony and Microsoft are going to have twice the amount of money to spend on producing a console with decent specifications, unless they also decide to waste the same amount of money on useless peripherals and sell at the same budget price with the aim of making a profit.


These two bits stood out

Firstly you state WiiU and the next Xbox/PS won't be close in power and think people who think so are deluded, then follow it up by saying MS and sony need to think twice about plowing money into consoles with decent specs, oh and useless peripherals see MS's SMART GLASS (a wiiu rip off) and Sony's using the Vita like the WiiU controller, so since they are just coming about, expect them to be integrated to next gen consoles


Unless they throw PS3 development cost type money at "next gen" then they will be close in specs so i guess you are deluded too...

Edited by Agent Gibbs
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I don't even now where to begin with the above statement. Thr amount of guess work, slating a insole they don't and seemingly hasn't played, saying they never bought a wii but didn't like gaming because Nintendo games weren't on the 360... Did it wasn't so long I'd think it was a spambot


I am pretty sure I didn't say that since I did own a Wii. I have owned every Nintendo console apart from the 3DS. I hated the Wii as the graphics were terrible and the controller just didn't work for me. The GameCube controller and the Xbox 360 controller were so much better, but that is just my opinion. Nintendo had to re-release the controller with motion plus because it was so bad.


These two bits stood out

Firstly you state WiiU and the next Xbox/PS won't be close in power and think people who think so are deluded, then follow it up by saying MS and sony need to think twice about plowing money into consoles with decent specs, oh and useless peripherals see MS's SMART GLASS (a wiiu rip off) and Sony's using the Vita like the WiiU controller, so since they are just coming about, expect them to be integrated to next gen consoles


Unless they throw PS3 development cost type money at "next gen" then they will be close in specs so i guess you are deluded too...


I didn't say that Sony and Microsoft need to think twice about plowing money into consoles with decent specs. I hope they do because the Xbox 360 and PS4 were bargains for the consumer, unlike the Wii, which was a rebranded GameCube (you could buy one for £79.99) with a new controller.


@Pyxis that is one of the most retarded and uninformed posts I've ever seen. For a second I though you were Choze!


Thanks kav82, you are welcome to call my post one of the most retarded and uninformed you've ever seen, but it's quite similar to what everybody else here is saying, apart from the fan boys.


Just out of curiosity, why do you have CoD on the Wii? Don't you have an Xbox or PS3?


Anyway, you guys are welcome to feel outraged by somebody giving their opinion.. I might buy a Wii U at some point, but I don't even know where I would put the controller when not using it, so can't fathom even owning one at the moment. I'll probably get the next Xbox or Playstation and rely more on my PC.

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As I understand it, their financial state currently leaves something to be desired. If things go from bad to worse as I think they might, I think this could end up being Nintendo's Dreamcast....


That's very interesting actually, as their recent losses, far from being a product of the N64/GameCube approach are actually a direct result of the "Blue Ocean" strategy. In other words, the gimmicks/innovations are so expensive they have a massive effect on the machine. The Wii was priced well but the motion control meant the console was hardly an improvement on the GameCube. The 3DS's Parallax Barrier, Twin Lens camera and other features of stereoscopy (such as double the processing power you'd otherwise need) must surely have gone a long way towards the £230 price tag (and thus the losses).


People often cite the GameCube as something Nintendo would want to avoid repeating, but if they released a £200 console with £195's worth of CPU, GPU and RAM, it would be instantly profitable and might even be more powerful than the Wii U. If a spare Wii U Gamepad costs £100, sure, they'll be making a profit, but you can also bet the one you get with the machine adds an immense amount to the Wii U's overall price.


People will need to spend £300 on the Wii U (console + Nintendo Land) to get the experience they got with the Wii for £180 (console + Wii Sports). Will they? Well, supposedly pre-orders are going very well, so I may well be wrong about that! We'll see.


The big question is: Do people still want gimmicks/innovations, or would they just be happy with a "GameCube" philosophy console + New Super Mario Bros and Mario Kart? Sure, they like the Mii games, but you could have Nintendo Land without asymmetrical gameplay (ie. with a traditional controller). It's just that with the 3DS, no one cared about the stereoscopic 3D, but the handheld did really well when it had Mario, Mario Kart and the right price.


I hope people don't think I'm being negative for the sake of it. Don't get me wrong, I can't wait to get my hands on an HD Nintendo console with traditional-ish controls. In terms of games, there's every potential for the best ones yet! It's just that I think there's a lot of food for thought.

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...the Wii U will get the last few multi platform games being released on the Xbox 360 and PS3, much like how the Wii got PS2 ports.. People who think that the Wii U will be remotely close in terms of specs to the PS4 and Xbox 720 are kidding themselves! If they try to release the same games on the Wii U, they will look horrific in comparison...


It's this quote right here that shows you know next to nothing. Do you even realise just how much it would cost to make a console with graphics that would make a Wii U game look horrific? The price that the consumer would have to pay for the console would then be stupidly expensive and it just wouldn't sell.

It'd make the PS3 release price look cheap!


I have a 360, I played CoD on that through MW, WaW and MW2 and I kicked ass on them. Loved it!

After gaming with a few guys on here on Monster Hunter Tri I thought I'd get MWR and give it a go with them just to check it out. My eyes were then opened. Wiimote aiming is without doubt the best control method for a console FPS, dual analogue is good don't get me wrong, but Wiimote aiming is far superior and as a result I find myself enjoying it more... also, you don't get as many kids playing CoD on the Wii as you do on the 360.


But going back to the quoted post, yes, it is a retarded and uninformed comment. Completely.

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As I understand it, their financial state currently leaves something to be desired. If things go from bad to worse as I think they might, I think this could end up being Nintendo's Dreamcast....


WiiU pre-orders are through the roof in the US with most pre-orders already sold out.


I went to a game store today where I asked the manager there how the pre-orders are like, his reply was basically HUGE, bigger then anything else except the Wii, which he then said that by the end of next week it will have gone past the pre-orders for the Wii the way things are going.


And while 3DS is not the best as can be, it's ripping to shreds the sales in Japan, it's almost beating PS3 LTD in Japan already, I think in a couple of weeks it will have.

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As someone who emphatically hated the Wii, I still wish Nintendo would embrace their roots and drop this whole pompous Wii, Apple-wannabe facade they've been cultivating over the past decade. The aesthetics and branding of the hardware is just as hideous as the PR doublespeak that accompanies it.


Having said that, Im excited for the Wii U. Its powerful, or at least powerful enough for Nintendo devs to make their games look amazing again and 25 GB of disc to fill.


The Gamepad is the least gimmicky peripheral I've ever seen from Nintendo.

I'd even go so far as to say that it's not a gimmick at all. Seriously, the seamless TV/remote control interface excites me to no end.


Other nice touches like USB storage compatibility and free online multi are the icing on the cake.


I won't be getting one at launch , mainly because the PS3 still has alot of life left in it and im simply not ready to unplug it. But once Nintendo starts showing off some top secret 1st party stuff, ill probably cave.

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I don't know where people are getting this "Nintendo is financially DOOOMED!" malarkey from. They made a loss this year for the first time in their history, solely down to the poor opening performance of the 3DS. Sony and Microsoft consistently make losses in their gaming divisions. Yes, they have other divisions to subsidise losses, but you can't really make out that a company that has made one loss in it's history and had the highest selling console of this generation is in danger of going out of business any time soon.

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I don't know where people are getting this "Nintendo is financially DOOOMED!" malarkey from. They made a loss this year for the first time in their history, solely down to the poor opening performance of the 3DS. Sony and Microsoft consistently make losses in their gaming divisions. Yes, they have other divisions to subsidise losses, but you can't really make out that a company that has made one loss in it's history and had the highest selling console of this generation is in danger of going out of business any time soon.


Wasn't even due to the 3DS. 90% of the problem was due to the Japanese exchange rate. But yeah, totally agree with you. People should stop being morons and realise that Nintendo is financially doing well currently and that Sony is far more likely to die off before they do.

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I've never lost faith in Nintendo, but I have found alternative ways to enjoy games such as my Xbox 360, I never stopped enjoying Wii though. In fact, I rediscovered it again with Monster Hunter Tri, Twilight Princess and now i'm going back and playing the games I missed out on for Gamecube and Wii, so I think there's still plenty of life left in it yet for me personally.

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The Wii made me lose faith in Nintendo, much like most people on here. Most Nintendo fans migrated to the Xbox 360 and so did I, but the lack of Nintendo's core franchises on such a platform made me lose 90% of my interest in gaming, which is a shame as I miss the glory days of the GameCube, which was an absolutely stunning console.


The lack of Nintendo's core franchises on the Wii? Is this a joke? Two metroid games + the Trilogy disk. Two Zelda games, two 3D Mario games and one 2D one. Pikmin reborn with better controls. The frist online Smash Bros, the first home console online Mario Kart and c0-operate play in Battalion wars. Then there was Fire Emblem, Pokemon and new killer IPs like Wii Sports and Wii Fit which broke all sales records. Kirby returned with the amazing and beautiful Epic Yarn and Donkey Kong came back with a vengence too! The only thing it missed out on was F-Zero and Starfox.


The DS maintained my interest in Nintendo for a few more years, but game makers eventually ran out of new ideas on how to utilise the handheld's features and the 3DS has done absolutely 0 to fix that... I haven't bought a 3DS and I don't think I will buy a Wii U either because I hate tablets and can't see how one will ever fit into my life. I'll buy a 3DS when they release a Pokemon game on it, but I am not sure if I'd even buy a Wii U if they released F Zero on it since the Wii U is already an ugly and obsolete console and it hasn't even been released yet. Its a shame that Nintendo games have to run on such terrible hardware these days...


Terrible hardware? By terrible you must mean better than the existing consoles? In many ways the Wii is one of the most forward thinking and well planned pieces of hardware ever released - and it certainly ain't ugly. Now before you jump in I'll explain this so even you can understand: Infinitely upgradeable memory. Most consoles now come with a HDD. That's great, but when it runs out you have to delete stuff or buy another one that is larger, have the hassle of transfering stuff and it's always proprietory memory. This is expensive. Nintendo have staright away said, you've got 8gb or 32gb - but feel free to plug in ANY third party HDD or SD card. Do you realise how important a feature like that is?


Like others have said, the Wii U will get the last few multi platform games being released on the Xbox 360 and PS3, much like how the Wii got PS2 ports.. People who think that the Wii U will be remotely close in terms of specs to the PS4 and Xbox 720 are kidding themselves! If they try to release the same games on the Wii U, they will look horrific in comparison, so why waste your money? Half the cost of the Wii U is probably spent on that ugly tablet controller that will give people nothing but a headache. Nintendo just seem to be trying to copy things they think will become popular, like 3D and tablets.. Where did the innovation go? Sony and Microsoft are going to have twice the amount of money to spend on producing a console with decent specifications, unless they also decide to waste the same amount of money on useless peripherals and sell at the same budget price with the aim of making a profit. If companies want to bring multi platform games out on the Wii U in the future, they will have to make the graphics look horrible and spend ages adding lots of useless features to utilise the second screen, which wont even be available if using the controller as the main screen? The whole concept of the Wii U sounds like a mess.


If you think there's going to some momunetal jump in graphics for the PS4 or the XBOX720 then you're deluding yourself. You can buy a monster PC and spend literally thousands on it. The specs would be immense - but I'm telling you the graphics it pumps out, whilst better than current consoles, aren't some jaw dropping leap.


I don't know where people are getting this "Nintendo is financially DOOOMED!" malarkey from. They made a loss this year for the first time in their history, solely down to the poor opening performance of the 3DS. Sony and Microsoft consistently make losses in their gaming divisions. Yes, they have other divisions to subsidise losses, but you can't really make out that a company that has made one loss in it's history and had the highest selling console of this generation is in danger of going out of business any time soon.


You are 100% correct - especially in the case of Sony. If you look at the figures for their business it's scary how quickly they're moving toward a position of being insolvent. People also often say that Sony's other divisions are busy making super money, but they're not. Sony have been shafted by companies like LG and Samsung who are selling TVs and electronics much much cheaper and literally running Sony's premium products out of town.


Have a read of this if you're interested:


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TBH, 3rd party support isn't all that remarkable at the moment. Sure, I'm super happy about Assassins Creed, Mass Effect, Arkham and Aliens. But so far, there's a lot missing. The new Medal of Honor and Need For Speed is due soon after the Wii U's launch, but haven't been anounced for the format. MGS: Ground Zeroes was unveiled a week or so ago, but no mention of a Wii U version.


I'm more happy about Nintendo's online integration, and the transferability from Wii to Wii U.


I think the third-party situation is kind of in our hands. Publishers will be watching the Wii U's batch of third-party launch games very closely. If they turn a profit then companies will be falling over themselves to get their games ported across - they'd be daft not too if there's money to be made. But if every Nintendo gamer sticks to Nintendo titles only and ignores third party games (thus reinforcing the popular view held by most of the industry) then we can't be surprised if support dries up really quickly.


I'm doing my bit by getting Darksiders 2, AC 3, Rayman Legends and ZombiU at launch! :)

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Has my faith been restored? Well, not really, as I haven't really lost faith in them during this generation.


Have I lost a little faith in this since E3? Undoubtedly, yes. I can't say I'm excited about the WiiU.. There isn't a killer game that sells the system like there has been in the past.


You've basically hit the nail on the head there for me as I feel pretty much the same..


As good as it is that there's Mario game at launch, I wouldn't say I'm particularly excited about it.. especially when you consider that I haven't exactly fallen in love with New Super Mario Bros 2 :hmm:


I'm sure the games will come eventually but at the moment I look at the launch window and feel nothing :sad:

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Word up. Such a good game, the graphics were top notch back in the day.



Graphically it still looks very good. The sound quality in that game was superb, too. It really felt like you were part of the films. That opening with the Death Star Attack...so good. Blew me away at the time.


You've basically hit the nail on the head there for me as I feel pretty much the same..


As good as it is that there's Mario game at launch, I wouldn't say I'm particularly excited about it.. especially when you consider that I haven't exactly fallen in love with New Super Mario Bros 2 :hmm:


I'm sure the games will come eventually but at the moment I look at the launch window and feel nothing :sad:


There needs to be a Mario game at launch, but I don't think we got the one that we needed. It will sell, so Nintendo will be happy. But, I'm not happy.


I feel the same way as I did when the 3DS was launched on a whimper. There just isn't that eye-catching must-have game. I know eventually the games will come, but what are they exactly? Nintendo haven't done a good job of showing us what will be available within the next year, since they tend to reveal things for the short-term these days.


I really would have loved it if they had gone out on a limb and tried to give us a massive title for launch, from them personally. I'm watching Ine play Twilight Princess right now and I remember playing that in the early hours after going to the midnight launch for the Wii's release. There's nothing even near that quality.

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I wouldn't take the news about the selling of Wii U pre-orders to be really indicative of a bright future just yet...


The 3DS broke sales records upon release and we all know that the months following after launch didn't live up to expectations...


That being said, I'm feeling pretty bullish about its immediate future. Support looks pretty good ATM (particularily from Activision and Ubisoft) and the launch window at least looks pretty healthy. Whether or not that can be sustained however is another matter entirely (let alone what the impact will be when the PS4 and 720 comes out)


Speaking of which, that rumoured delay for Durango/720 till March 2014, could really work in Nintendo's favour if they can consitently build up western support over the next year (Japanese support should come from just about everyone other than Koji Pro at least)


Even just securing the likes of Watchdogs and Star Wars 1313 (let alone ports of already existing and soon to be released titles) as future releases somewhere down the line would really do wonders for the console's image and should be easily doable (they have a good relationship with Ubisoft and Lucasarts have no issues with Nintendo platforms)


Other than those games (and possibly a UE4 title or two), the only other real must have title that would really turn dudebro heads is GTA5 - and I really don't think that there's anything Nintendo can do to secure that one sadly (the Houser brothers are too proud and too powerful to let that happen); and on top of that, they really need at least one significant western focused title as an exclusive. Bayonetta 2 is a good start, but that's not nearly enough by itself (it is a niche title after all and will only turn the heads of forum goers). It has to be something big from an established team that is big in dudebro circles (at least on the sales level of something like Gears of War - though I don't see Epic as being willing to support Nintendo...)


Either way, this year head start is pretty much Nintendo's only chance to capture these major western 3rd party titles and subsequently the dudebro audience that dominates the PS360. If they can't make significant inroads in the west during this time period, then they can say goodbye to any significant western support for the rest of the generation.

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I don't know if I've lost my faith in Nintendo or gaming in general. The Wii has accrued the least amount of hours of any console I've owned, but recently I've barely played any games. So it may just be my interest waning in general.


I can't comment whether Wii U has restored faith, I've not played one. However the announced line-up doesn't sound refreshing at all. I think I've got bored of sequel after sequel..

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I wouldn't say I've ever lost faith. I've had times where I've been frustrated with Nintendo. They have the ability to make amazing games and add a touch of magic to them that only Nintendo can quite do. The problem is, not all of their games are like this and sometimes you can have a long wait between these games. The last game for me to have their magic was Skyward Sword, and Kid Icraus (kinda). The shame for me is that despite how many amazing franchises they own, the releases can be very staggered.


The last 2 years of the wii have been pretty quiet. And with the wii missing out on so many 3rd party titles, I've often had to get my fix from elsewhere. Until the other day, it was too quiet on the WiiU front, now there is more hope of better 3rd party support.


So, no, I have never lost faith in Nintendo. I just don't like the wait between the games. Now we have Nintendo in HD (at long last) to look forward to, 3rd party support. Still waiting for the big epic Nintendo game, but it'll come - plenty of things to keep us going till then.

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I wouldn't say I've ever lost faith. I've had times where I've been frustrated with Nintendo. They have the ability to make amazing games and add a touch of magic to them that only Nintendo can quite do. The problem is, not all of their games are like this and sometimes you can have a long wait between these games. The last game for me to have their magic was Skyward Sword, and Kid Icraus (kinda). The shame for me is that despite how many amazing franchises they own, the releases can be very staggered.


The last 2 years of the wii have been pretty quiet. And with the wii missing out on so many 3rd party titles, I've often had to get my fix from elsewhere. Until the other day, it was too quiet on the WiiU front, now there is more hope of better 3rd party support.


So, no, I have never lost faith in Nintendo. I just don't like the wait between the games. Now we have Nintendo in HD (at long last) to look forward to, 3rd party support. Still waiting for the big epic Nintendo game, but it'll come - plenty of things to keep us going till then.


Nintendo just offers something that little bit different and special that tempts me back. There is no way i'd travel half way across the country to play on a new Xbox or Playstation console, but I did it for Wii U, and i'd do it again. I love Nintendo, it was there for me from Pokémon growing up, and from there I played other titles. It has shaped me as a gamer and it has been a huge part of my life.

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