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Wii U Price Check


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Hmmm not happy with those prices at the moment. I may leave buying for a few months. I'm not overly excited (maybe my age :( ) and I have a busy December so won't really be able to play it. I might pick it up in Jan/Feb time.


Was thinking of not buying at all to be honest. It would be the first Nintendo console I haven't bought if I don't get it. What's happening to me?! O_O


Just like you said, maybe your age/ period in your life. I'm 31 one now and owned all Nintendo consoles and hardware since the NES. I get all excited when I see new interesting games but when I buy them, I rarely put the same amount of time in them as I did "back in the days". It doesn't really justify spending all that money anymore............. maybe........ :(

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I've switched from a zombieU bundle to a premium one as its cheaper for now since i win't use the pro controller for a while, plus i can ask for it for christmas

would have liked the zombieu bundle to have nintendoland, i can see it being the wiisports and something i'll play with my girlfriend


I've been thinking that this generation i might not buy all three consoles, cars and houses are more important now so i can survive on one console a WiiU - where when corrie goes on i can still keep playing

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Just like you said, maybe your age/ period in your life. I'm 31 one now and owned all Nintendo consoles and hardware since the NES. I get all excited when I see new interesting games but when I buy them, I rarely put the same amount of time in them as I did "back in the days". It doesn't really justify spending all that money anymore............. maybe........ :(


I'm trying not to be negative now like I was earlier but I think we have to be honest that buying a Wii U is nothing like getting an N64 with Mario 64. It might be comparable to the GameCube launch though, so let's hope its big games are as good!!


Anyway, yeah, I think the Premium bundle is the one to go for, although it does help that I don't play zombie games.

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The price was all over the place for a good few hours yesterday on Amazon. At one point it went from £250 to £269 and then to £199.99 thats when I got my order in. I reckon there alot of people with different prices for the same item. I'm still worried they will cancel it but they have confirmed to me 3 times now that they will honour the price and not cancel it. A few others who got it for that price also have had it confirmed that the orders will be honoured.


It'd be nice to have a little bit of luck for once but as I never have any I'm expecting another email this week saying fuck you Bryanee its cancelled.

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I think I may hold off buying until Pikmin 3 comes out.


The launch line up looks ok, but none of the games have that must-buy factor. The Wii had Twilight Princess, so I picked that up at launch mainly for that. Not really that interested in the NSMB games, NintendoLand looks like a mess, ZombiU looks ok but I'm sure I can wait a few more months for that.

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I'm sticking with ShopTo...


Nintendo Wii U ZombiU Bundle - £324.85

Nintendoland - £39.85

New Super Mario Bros U - £39.85

Rayman Legends - £39.85


So all of that will come to... £444.04 though because I'm a Gold member I'll get £16.24 back on the console and £1.99 back per game so that'll be £22.21 credited back to me at least plus I may decide to use whatever credit I have accumulated against the bundle which will be at least £40 so one way or another I should be paying around £400 for all of the above.


Not bad... :)



...best start saving! :p

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Well as I'm saving for a wedding, the only way I'm going to be able to afford this is by trading in my old stuff. Just got £90 credit for stuff at CEX so I'm quite a way there already. It's just the roulette of whether they will have one in stock anywhere around launch and quite how much they will charge everyone for it!

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Well the WiiU Premium Pack is going for £254.99 @expansys



Never shopped with them myself though.

atm, I'll be sticking with Shopto.


Good prices, but knowing my luck it'd be delivered late and i'd be sat there that weekend wiiu-less, going insane, jealously reading you guys bigging up how awesome it is.

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