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Is it quiet in here? Or is it just me?


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Yo yo yo, the prodigal son returns! : D Nah, just kidding, welcometh back!


Yeah, I agree that the whole Brawl tournament was very nicely organised. Created such great feeling overall, people practising and getting to know each other by battling them. Dannyboy was using Ike, Tys-on-toast was very good with Cpn Olimar, and Sprout just kicked ass all over the place! There was also another Game and Watch user, Starman was it? Anyway, good memories...The Mario Kart League looks nice as well, too bad I don't have any MK games now...


Brawl would be fine my man, but don't have it here with me! Last online game I've played with the Wii was Monster Hunter Tri. Have you tried that? Man, what a game... : o


I always played Marth. :heh:


Starman (actually a classmate of mine I convinced to join) was an epic G&W user, indeed. He also played a nice Olimar IIRC.

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I always played Marth. :heh:


Starman (actually a classmate of mine I convinced to join) was an epic G&W user, indeed. He also played a nice Olimar IIRC.


Well whatever, one of those emo Fire Emblem guys ; D I did remember he was purple-ish in colour, but for some reason I always mix up Marth and Ike. Roy's the only one I can remember for sure, red hair...(right?)

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I originally saw this thread after coming back from holidays. Like Dannyboy, I think this was just a summer slump, and we're already starting to see activity pick up.


But really, I just posted to say


Well whatever, one of those emo Fire Emblem guys ; D


Boooooo... You suuuuck! ;D

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I've noticed weekends are definitely providing me with more unread threads to peruse. We're getting old' date=' N-E![/quote']


You're also in a very different time-zone to most of the forum. I'm finding this also, as my evenings (about 3-4am UK time) is quiet and there's a lot of threads to go through from the rest of the day.


I haven't really noticed any difference, just different coming back and others disappearing off elsewhere, I continuously find myself reading threads and not actively taking part, then realising its been a few weeks since I posted - oops.


So needless to say I'm making more of an effort.

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I kind of stopped posting because there weren't many threads to post in, really. I liked the ones that got a big debate going, which I would learn from but also have a laugh at the jokes within. Moar effort needed for new threads? Not that I'm being a brilliant poster, I disappeared due to college business and lack of laptop for a few months...


But yeah, main reason seems to be that everyone is growing up and finding other things to do. Less time and effort spent on here = less activity and appeal. Inevitable, really, but it would be a shame as this is the only forum I got into to this degree. I miss ReZ and his artichokes. I experienced something similar with the J-rock community, I used to be really into it a few years ago but I pretty much know nothing about it anymore. Growing out of N-E would be ok if some awesome newcomers arrived to keep it going instead of it dying a quiet death, I think! Better than everyone forcing themselves to take part if they don't actually feel like it. I'm not sure how it works, but maybe some advertising is needed (aware that someone already mentioned it a few pages back)? :)

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Though if we all abide by this, we'll have to put up with everyone complaining about being single for eternity :p


Hey, if it's a choice between people being miserable here or being happy somewhere else... ;)


You know, listening to your back and forth discussion, I just can't help envisioning a horrible, horrible future for this site...One, where people have either found someone and left this place for good, or stayed here for all eternity. Filled with horny, single gamers, left to die a painful death in the virtual ruins of a place once called N-E. Forever alone in the cold vastness of cyber space, just fellow sweaty sadness coupled with another. And then, suddenly...the already alarming level of homosexual camaraderie and tension starts to enlarge to even more disturbing hights... o_O


Please god, NO.

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I'll admit my posting frequency has dropped through the floor. I didn't post much in general boards anyway but even in the gaming boards, I don't post. I don't even lurk either. It's not so much me being too lazy to log in, I just don't even come here that often full stop.


But even when I do, there are a bunch of things that prevent me posting. Sometimes, it's just a case of not wanting to bother to type a response even if I feel like ranting at someone's ridiculous post. Other times I feel like it will just be another comment lost in the sea of message board posts, glanced at but never read and understood which of course carries the "why do I bother" mentality.


I think ultimately it comes down to a distancing myself from any online persona/activity. I deleted my twitter account, closed a few other online accounts I don't need for other sites, I haven't posted to my facebook page in over a year. No idea the last time I used MSN - if I want to check my email, I will check on my phone even if I'm on the computer and I've left my phone in another room. I sometimes use skype to speak to someone if there are there but it really feels like wasted effort these days.


I think I'm just a little jaded and disallusionsed with people in general right now and with so many other things on my mind, my first reaction is to keep my mouth shut and just retreat a little into my own world to try and regain some focus.

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It's also important to realise that, without the input of others, the 'focus' you provide to yourself is going to be inevitably misguided and perhaps a bit paranoid.


Better to open up and be laughed at than to keep closed and enver know if the laughter is aimed at you or not.

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Right now, I'm chuckling at Jayseven. If he had never posted, how would he know? :heh:


On a more serious note, I actually respect your posts a lot, Falcon :) You always know how to keep things civil, and respect other people's opinion. Sadly, it's not something many people know how to do.

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I'm sure there might be a couple of people who grace my posts with more than a cursory look but to be honest, I've stopped caring. I don't care if people don't care. Once upon a time I was looking for some kind of acceptance... which is clearly something I've never been able to given myself on a personal level but things never stay the same and people change, including me. Maybe my not caring is the indication that I'm happier in my being, at least in some ways. I never really felt I was short on people I could pour my heart out to in real life, but over this past 12 months, a few have definitely slipped by the way side. Perhaps I could have done things differently with all of them but it's not like I wasn't trying in the first place so perhaps I tried too hard. Either way, they can join the rest of the pile.


But there are still some people where the passage of time makes little difference. I was out on a boys outing at the weekend and I guess after getting a little drunk, my mind started to wander and I got a little red eyed and emotional. I think only one of them noticed but he came over to me and put his arm round my shoulders and spoke to me. I didn't say a word at first but then I didn't need to because it was like he read my mind and really helped to bring me around. And it's that kind of thing that I need. I've hardly seen the guy over the past year because of some unpleasantness with him and the rest of my main social group, but it didn't matter.


So that tired nature I have towards people isn't just relagated to "internet" people, but all people. It all comes down to the rather superficial level of certain "friendships" that you don't realise until too late. Does it really hurt to ask someone how they are? Obviously that doesn't work on message boards as such because it requires a person to post in the first place but if you're commuicating with someone on a regular basis, I don't see what's so difficult about it. Ironically, given this post, I'm not normally that forthcoming about things so a gentle prod doesn't hurt and yet if someone understands me, that should also be apparant. I have a "friend" who has been promising me something for the last four months but has failed to act on that promise when all it would take is 10mins of her time.


I value the unspoken bond but it doesn't take much to shatter the illusion if that's all it really is. I probably sound like a bit of an "arse" to people now, and if you didn't already know me, that's another illusion shattered. I'm not sure how clear this is to anybody reading, heck, even I don't know how sure it is and I'm typing it but it's the best I can manage right now.


Basically, I just want to surround myself with people I can genuinely trust and who I know won't let me down... if they can help it. And I think I need to get my house in order before I start inviting new people in.

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