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Guardians of the Galaxy


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How did you see it early?



And since you have seen it... without giving anything away... bonus scenes? One or Two? Mid and/or actual End of credits?


Advanced screening which was at a few IMAX cinemas. There are credits scenes, but they weren't in the advanced screenings.

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Just got back from seeing it, i really enjoyed it. The film made me laugh a ton and everyone else in the cinema too. I probably heard more laughs during this movie then some of the comedies i've seen.


There's a really nice look to the film, especially the design of the ships and Xandar.


Great soundtrack too.


I'm a bit confused about Groot at the end, Rocket was crying like he died but we see a sapling Groot regrowing like a little pot plant during the credits and dancing. Is that a all new Groot or the original growing back? I guess there's no way of knowing until the sequel.




Also it was funny seeing Howard the Duck in the post credits stinger. Someone in the crowd where I watched it thought it was supposed to be Donald Duck


Edited by Helmsly
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BTW, can people put the credits scene in another box? I want to talk about the film, but I won't see the credits scene for a few days, so I don't want to risk clicking on spoiler boxes.


sorry about that, its probably too late now but I'll edit my post anyway

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sorry about that, its probably too late now but I'll edit my post anyway


No problem - I haven't clicked it yet, so thanks for the edit.


Like you said, we won't know until the next film if this is Groot regenerating, or if it will be the son of Groot (who will likely be called Groot and be similar in size by the next film).


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I don't think I can stand to watch Disney get away with another sub-par film because it's filled with one-time funny jokes.


This looks like a less intelligent version of Farscape...and that was hardly high art.

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This looks like a less intelligent version of Farscape...and that was hardly high art.


It's much closer to Star Wars and Firefly.


Edit: Also, the comedy is much more than the one-liners, it's ingrained into the whole feel of the film, in the visuals (movement and cinematography), dialogue, sound effects and music. It all fits together.

Edited by Cube
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A MacGuffin is a MacGuffin. It doesn't change half way through.


Hell, the Infinity Gauntlet is a MacGuffin. This whole movieverse is built on one massive reality breaking MacGuffin. Shit, Mulan has more depth than Disney's Marvel Films.

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Incredible movie.


So so so so fucking good. So much fun. So many serious feels. Nearly cried multiple times. Roared with laughter several times. Right up there for me.


This surprised me the most about the film, moments where I felt sad for the characters, like when:

Rocket Raccoon was drunk and having a fight with Drax, and he's screaming that "he called me vermin!" "Did I get asked to be torn apart and put back together like this!?"


The animation of his face and the way he screamed it was actually a sad moment in the movie.



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I watched this tonight and thought it was fantastic. Lots of action and lots of laughs. I have to agree with Cube and say the comedy is much more than just one-liners. The film itself is a joke and takes itself to be one. There's so much humour just in how the characters interact with each other. The soundtrack is also awesome :p

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Me and the lads absolutely loved it and from the sounds of it the rest of the audience did as well. The placed was packed. I think Disney/Marvel could have another hit on their hands with this.


I think I was the only person in the cinema who knew who Howard the Duck was. I still remember watching the movie when I was a kid. I proper loled when he showed up.


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Absolutely loved everything about it. The music, the casting, the action, the bantz. I also loved that whenever you expected some comic book cliche moment to happen, the complete opposite always occurred.


So much love.

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Saw it the other day with my son and nephew, we all loved it. :D


Going in I was worried the lenght of teh film might be too long for them and they might lose interest but they were as glued to the screen as I was :D


GotG is one of the Marvel comics I know very little about so wasn;t sure what to expect and was amazingly surprised by how good it was.


Of course worried about how could such characters as Rocket and Groot possibly be in the same Universe as the other Avenger movies. The initial thought of seeing them along side RDJ's Ironman didn't seem like it would work.


But now I cannot wait for the Avengers team and the GotG team to team-up which hopefully (and likely) will be in Avengers 3 I guess.


The GotG cast seemed to work so well together and I can't wait to see the kind of interations they have with the Avengers team :D


Batista as Drax also really impressed. Never considered him th ebest of "sellers" in WWE and was worried he only got the role of Drax for his looks, but if RDJ was born to Ironman, I'd say Drax has to be the role Batista was born to play :D


Also not knowing anything about the character, he way of talking was both unexpected and brilliant :D



Rocket: His people are very litteral, Metaphors go over their heads


Drax: Nothing goes over my head, I would catch it, I have great reflexes :D



The comedy was spot on through out, much more than one liners it all felt so natural from the characters and not forced at all.


And then a few well placed and unexpected serious moments...one of which just breaks your heart



Rockets drunken speech about how he was created and he felt about people looking down on him.... *tear*


And after Drax gets beat up by Ronan, not quite as powerful as Rockets scene but certainly a pleasent surprise too



And Groot..just GROOT! Didn't expect to like him as much as I did, I knew he didn't "talk much" and didn't expect him to do much other be Rockets muscle but he had his shining moments too :D


Also did anyone else think, Rocket & Groot = Han and Chewie... but didn't feel ina "rip-off" kind of way but more in a "yeah, might be similar but damn it works too well" :D



Went to see it earlier today. I really enjoyed it.


What the fuck is that duck thing?


The "Duck thing" was Howard the Duck





Another Marvel character.... bit of an odd one... admittidly I don't know much about him, always assumed he was a bit of a joke character and for awhile assumed he never crossed over with any of the other Marvel comics, but reading his wiki page for the first time right now it would appear he does exsist alongside the other Marvel characters. But from the quick read I had I don't think he is taken seriously...though as I said I only had a quick read so could be wrong....


There was a film in 1986 too



I thought it was a good wink and giggle to the wider Marvel fan community. I never expected they would ever try to. Me and my friend who was with us were the only ones in the cinema who both stayed to the end and knew who Howard was.



Guess I would have prefered somethig more.... like if they had a mid credits scene that was a little teaser towards Avengers 2 in someway (or even GotG2) and then this Howard the Duck scene as a joke on the end.


But my guess is, with Agents of SHIELD getting a 2nd season they'll be using the last few eps of that season 2 as the pre-Avengers 2 buildup and hype




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