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How should The Simpsons end?


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It is the longest running US programme* and it is seemingly going on and on but if it were to end. How would you make it end and what would happen in the final episode?



*longest comedy series, longest programme still being aired, or whatever it is! :heh:

Edited by Charlie
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I assume they'd win another free vacation and just not come back. I haven't watched The Simpsons in years so I don't really care how (if) they'll end it but it'll probably end with them leaving Springfield resulting in a clip show of 20 years of Simpsons.

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Something like the Lemon of Troy episode. No celebrity guests, no real-word parallels. Just focus on the Simpson family and Springfield.


Ive only seen a handful of episodes from the last 5 or 6 seasons and they all left me cold and bitter.

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Rocks fall, everybody dies. It would all be Homer's fault, but nobody would care.


Because they'd be dead.


More realistically, it'd probably just be like any other episode. I think I remember Groening saying at some point that he didn't want to make a "final" episode, so we'd probably end up with something as awful as the Lady Gaga episode as the series finale.


Ideally, I'd like them to actually make it as good as The Simpsons was at its peak, but that's probably expecting too much.

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Make the Marge Vs The Monorail episode into an entire full length film. The end credits could have the escalator to nowhere in the background as all the cast go up it, fall off and die, thus ending The Simpsons forever. This could be the song with which they draw the curtain, so to speak:


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The show begins with the family watching Itchy and Scratchy. They announce that the show is coming to an end and the entire family gasps in horror. They then announce that the last episode will be aired in a years time, and until then, a contest will be running; this contest will offer the winner the chance to write what will happen in the finale. The entire Simpson family applies. Krusty is in charge of choosing the winner. He falls in love with one of the Simpson's idea and puts it in winners box. He makes a mistake though, he puts all five of their ideas in the box by accident. He goes on his show to announce the winner and pulls out five cards out of the box. Stumped, he reads all five names out, "Homer, Marge, Bart, Lisa, and Maggie."


Flash forward a year later and Bart is in class describing his take on the Itchy and Scratchy finale to Milhouse, while showing us Itchy and Scratchy with Bart's voice-over. He finishes and the class is silent, Edna Krabappel is staring at him and says, "After-school detention." The scene then cuts to the power plant and Homer is describing his finale to Lenny and Carl. He finishes, a bell rings and he gets in a radiation suit.


The scene cuts to a supermarket and Marge is describing her take to Helen Lovejoy, she finishes and strolls Maggie in the trolley to another aisle. Here, Maggie sees the unibrow baby and starts describing her take via waving and motioning.


Maggie finishes and the scene cuts to Lisa, she begins describing her take to Sherri and Terri. She finishes and picks up her saxophone to go to music practice. She walks in the music room sits down and then sees the time. She realises the show is going to be on in ten minutes. She plays the Itchy and Scratchy melody on her sax and bolts out.


It cuts to Bart, he's writing on the black board: "I will not talk in class ever again" he hears a bell, realises the time and runs out.


Cut to Homer holding some plutonium at a conveyor belt when a bell rings at the plant and he too realises the time and runs off, dropping some plutonium.

Cut to the supermarket and we see Marge and Maggie checking out and running through the exit doors.

Cut to a birds eye view of their home and we see everyone rushing to take a seat in the couch. They look at each other, they smile, the Itchy and Scratchy music plays, and it cuts to credits.




Shamelessly stolen from Reddit.

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The show begins with the family watching Itchy and Scratchy. They announce that the show is coming to an end and the entire family gasps in horror. They then announce that the last episode will be aired in a years time, and until then, a contest will be running; this contest will offer the winner the chance to write what will happen in the finale. The entire Simpson family applies. Krusty is in charge of choosing the winner. He falls in love with one of the Simpson's idea and puts it in winners box. He makes a mistake though, he puts all five of their ideas in the box by accident. He goes on his show to announce the winner and pulls out five cards out of the box. Stumped, he reads all five names out, "Homer, Marge, Bart, Lisa, and Maggie."


Flash forward a year later and Bart is in class describing his take on the Itchy and Scratchy finale to Milhouse, while showing us Itchy and Scratchy with Bart's voice-over. He finishes and the class is silent, Edna Krabappel is staring at him and says, "After-school detention." The scene then cuts to the power plant and Homer is describing his finale to Lenny and Carl. He finishes, a bell rings and he gets in a radiation suit.


The scene cuts to a supermarket and Marge is describing her take to Helen Lovejoy, she finishes and strolls Maggie in the trolley to another aisle. Here, Maggie sees the unibrow baby and starts describing her take via waving and motioning.


Maggie finishes and the scene cuts to Lisa, she begins describing her take to Sherri and Terri. She finishes and picks up her saxophone to go to music practice. She walks in the music room sits down and then sees the time. She realises the show is going to be on in ten minutes. She plays the Itchy and Scratchy melody on her sax and bolts out.


It cuts to Bart, he's writing on the black board: "I will not talk in class ever again" he hears a bell, realises the time and runs out.


Cut to Homer holding some plutonium at a conveyor belt when a bell rings at the plant and he too realises the time and runs off, dropping some plutonium.

Cut to the supermarket and we see Marge and Maggie checking out and running through the exit doors.

Cut to a birds eye view of their home and we see everyone rushing to take a seat in the couch. They look at each other, they smile, the Itchy and Scratchy music plays, and it cuts to credits.




Shamelessly stolen from Reddit.

I was looking forward to calling out your thievery on this. :heh: I guess this topic were inspired by the AskReddit thread? But yeah, I don't think that's a particularly satisfying ending as it just recreates the opening for an "oh, cool," sort of effect, and doesn't really do much else. I'm not sure what a good ending would be though...

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I read somewhere (don't know how true it is) that Matt Groening wanted to do a season or two with Bart, Lisa and Maggie grown up, or growing up. Which would seem like a fitting end.


Agreed. Or at least, if they're going to end it, end it with one more movie and that's that. I think they should do one season of the whole family growing up from how we know them and the finale being how they would be twenty years older. The final episode would be present day.

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I didn't think it was either. Isn't it Law and Order?


If we're going with the generic term 'programme' it will be something like Sports Centre, that kind of thing. I'm sure there's something like that, that has been on for coming up to 50 years. At the very least I know SNL has been going since the 70's.


How should it end? Soon, and with an apology for every episode since 1999.


There's been some good ones! Last year's Christmas episode was good for example.

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