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Okami HD


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The PS2 classic is coming back to the modern console with a graphics upgrade.


Okami will get a re-release for the PS3 with a new high definition look, according to Adriasang.com.


It's going to get some kind of adaptability for the PS Move and has a tentative title "Okami Zekkie-ban," which the blog roughly translated to "Okami Magnificent Version". We're sure the edition that heads to the States will have a title that makes more sense in our native language, but part of me hopes they don't.


It also has a release date of Nov. 1 and a special offer for those who buy the first printed copies. Could this news get any sweeter?

So sounds like it's gonna be a full retail title!


Can't imagine playing it with a standard controller after the Wii-mote, but I might pick this version up if the 'special offer' is any good; plus the HD visuals should look great!


It's a surprising release though! I mean why?... and why now?... I'd love to think it was because a sequel was in the works, but dare to dream?

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It's confirmed for a European release. The game's a digital title outside Japan, though.


It has Move controls, a Platinum Trophy and will allegedly be full 1080p, so it already sounds more loved than RE4 HD. One similarity it does have with the latter is that it'll cost you £15.99, €19.99 or $19.99.


Two questions remain:

  1. Will the PS2 version's paper filter be an option?
  2. Why isn't this a Vita game? The machine was practically made for it.

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Does this version require the Move or is it an optional extra? I'm asking because I never played the PS2 version of the game, so I bought it on the Wii. However, I found the motion controls a bit of a nightmare and it stopped me from getting into it. If this has standard controls, then i'll be all over it.

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I'd imagine Move would be superior to the Wiimote anyway, so it shouldn't be as janky as the Wii release provided they put the work in. Does it make too much sense to put this out on the Wii U with GamePad touch screen controls...? Even if they did, Okami's a monstrous game (that I haven't finished) that I'm not sure I will ever fancy going back through.

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Does this version require the Move or is it an optional extra? I'm asking because I never played the PS2 version of the game, so I bought it on the Wii. However, I found the motion controls a bit of a nightmare and it stopped me from getting into it. If this has standard controls, then i'll be all over it.


Controller support confirmed! Check near the end of the reveal trailer. : peace:

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Whilst I don't think the HD version looks hugely different to the Wii version (because the clarity and colours had already been improved for that)... it really is a testament to the art style that this game looks this good and just continues to improve with each version! I mean, this could be a new PS3 game, it looks that good/beautiful!


Gives me some hope for Wind Waker on Wii U.

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That looks like it could be awesome! :D


I'd be interested to see a translation to find out what the tree actually is, whether it's a statue, or some kind of grow your own tree thing or something... didn't they have something like this for Zelda 3DS with the Deku Tree?


Also what's on the scroll, or whether that's an in game thing.




Ooooooh it's a Snow Globe!! :D


Box contents


•PS3 Game: "Okami Zekkeiban"


•Issun Fluorescent Strap


•Okami Cherry Blossom Globe


The e-capcom edition comes with a snow globe. The unforgettable scene where Amaterasu descends to the world is printed into the player's memory. Now they can put that memory on display. Give the snow globe a shake to see the flutter of the sakura petals.

Edited by Retro_Link
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I'd be interested to see a translation to find out what the tree actually is, whether it's a statue, or some kind of grow your own tree thing or something... didn't they have something like this for Zelda 3DS with the Deku Tree?

It looks like a snow globe?


Though I guess it could be something else.

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Hmm... I know that's only a Youtube video but I don't think it looks visually improved enough over the Wii version to warrant another purchase actually.


Plus there's no way I'd want to use analogue sticks in this game over the speed and precision of the Wiimote (I'm not gonna buy a Move just for this).

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