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Retro Studios Talk


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A thread to talk Retro Studios and what we'd like to see from them on Wii U!


Both Reggie and Miyamoto have mentioned them recently in interviews off the back of E3, and both say they're hard at work...




IGN: Switching gears, because I'm getting bombarded on Twitter to ask this... Everyone wants to know what Retro is up to. It's been a couple of years since we really heard from them. When will we hear from them?


Fils-Aime: Rich, if I disclosed what Retro is doing, I would have the president of Retro literally calling me right now saying, "Reggie, what are you doing?" We love that people are interested. We love surprising people. I remember getting the questions before we announced Donkey Kong Country Returns. And I loved unveiling that. So... Rest assured, the team is hard at work. But I'm not gonna tell you what they're working on.


IGN: Probably not something we'll hear about any time soon? Or...


Fils-Aime: Um... Likely not.



Retro Studios 'Too Busy' to Work on Zelda

Cross one project off the list - for now.


Ever since the release of Donkey Kong Country Returns in late 2010, Nintendo fans have been wondering what Retro Studios would work on next. Speculation has ranged from Star Fox to another Metroid title, but since late last year a dark horse candidate surfaced, thanks to some comments by Nintendo's own Shigeru Miyamoto. However it turns out the possibility of Retro working on Zelda will have to remain just that - a possibility.


"Retro is very busy right now, but I'm afraid I can't say exactly what it is that they're very busy [working] on," Miyamoto told me, when I asked for a sense of what the studio is quietly doing. That Miyamoto declined to get too specific didn't surprise me, but I had another question in mind - would Nintendo actually allow Retro to work directly and fully on a Zelda game? I asked for further perspective on Miyamoto's previous comments.


"In terms of them working on a Zelda, it's not out of the question, certainly, for them to work on an entire Zelda game amongst themselves," Miyamoto said. "Traditionally I think that the Zelda team has always had a close contact with anyone who's working on a Zelda game. If you were going to have that happen in the US at Retro, that would be kind of difficult for them to be able to coordinate. Certainly they're too busy for that sort of thing right now. It would probably require me to be involved to a great extent as well, so I would have to get over quite a bit too. I'd probably have to live in Texas... [laughs]"

Edited by Retro_Link
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If Retro are working on a classic Nintendo franchise then I'd want it to with be Metroid or Zelda. F-Zero and Starfox just aren't the calibre of game that Retro deserve to be working on.

I hope they're working on a new IP, something epic!

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I want them to do a third person Gears of War style game using Starfox, it would also include vehicles - obviously. There would be Arwing sections that were a throwback to the N64 classic! The N64 classic would also be fully remastered in gorgeous new graphics and come on a second disk for those who pre-ordered and got the special edition.

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i want F-zero to go a different direction something similar to Crackdown 2, but with Captain falcon or so, and that u can do Multiplayer Races like F-zero has always done, more like an openworld with lots of missions and sidequests, online Co-op etc, and Multiplayer Races, that was something i always had in my mind,

how would all of you want F-zero to be?

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I'm with Kav, was saying to dakota how I don't want Retro working on Starfox or FZero, they're th sonly Nintendo developer to be able to do more dark, more epic games, I want them to do Metroid Prime 4, or even better a new IP.


IF they would do a Mass Effect style Starfox then maybe, but I love Starfox, I'd like an amazing new version of Starfox as it is, primarily on rails with a few free roaming levels, just done exceptionally well.


And FZero, again, doesn't need to radically change the way it plays for me. Just a an incredible racer game with online would make me happy. If they could whack in an awesome single player then even better.

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i want F-zero to go a different direction something similar to Crackdown 2, but with Captain falcon or so, and that u can do Multiplayer Races like F-zero has always done, more like an openworld with lots of missions and sidequests, online Co-op etc, and Multiplayer Races, that was something i always had in my mind,

how would all of you want F-zero to be?


How about this - Captain Falcon has fallen from grace, he's hit the bottle and has lost his way after an accident he was blamed for. He then gets a tip off that all is not what it seems, he starts investigating tha accident LA Noire style. Over the course of the game he begins to get his confidence back and starts racing again. The game is split between racing pro, street racing (chasing villains) and detective work as Falcon sorts his life out, finds out who set him up and framed him - eventually alieviating the blame he was living with - and wins the trophies all over again in epic sytle!!!

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How about this - Captain Falcon has fallen from grace, he's hit the bottle and has lost his way after an accident he was blamed for. He then gets a tip off that all is not what it seems, he starts investigating tha accident LA Noire style. Over the course of the game he begins to get his confidence back and starts racing again. The game is split between racing pro, street racing (chasing villains) and detective work as Falcon sorts his life out, finds out who set him up and framed him - eventually alieviating the blame he was living with - and wins the trophies all over again in epic sytle!!!


Best thing I've read all day. And I read a lot of good things in a day.

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Considering how long it takes Zelda games to be made nowadays, I think Retro's best role would be to make Zelda substitutes, namely Metroid Prime games or Raven Blade. The latter in particular would help satisfy demand for the Twilight Princess style Zeldas and as for Metroid, well, it's too big a franchise to abandon as a 3D game. Doesn't mean it has to be exactly like Prime, but that would be a good starting point. Personally, I'd like to see what they could do with a full gamepad again - click the analogue stick to enter 3rd-person mode.

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Trouble afoot?


This information comes from none other than Emily Rogers. Her past features have been either spot-on or hit-and-miss. I just wanted to state that as you read on.


- Nintendo has been in panic mode over Retro for the last year

- Retro’s Wii U project is far along in development

- it has had a rocky development road

- Nintendo has flown a few employees from NST out to Austin, Texas to supervise Retro’s project

- major gaps in positions and staff have caused delays and frustrations

- Nintendo is currently rebuilding and restructuring Retro Studios

- more senior talent to leave Retro Studios after Retro’s Wii U game is completed

- id receiving resumes from current and former Retro staff

- “Yeah, we receive resumes from Retro employees. From what I understand, Retro Studios is bleeding away their talent.” - id dev

- Retro Studios employees considering a jump over to Bioware Austin after their obligations to the Wii U project are complete

- Wii U title will be created without the majority of the top designers and top engineers responsible for the Metroid Prime trilogy

- Nintendo believes Retro acted out in protest when employees left the company

- Nintendo sought out another developer to handle Metroid to show Retro that the series was bigger than them


From Gonintendo.

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- Nintendo sought out another developer to handle Metroid to show Retro that the series was bigger than them

I can't quite tell if this refers to Other M or not. If so, I think their point fell flat. Other M was a decent game, but it wasn't Metroid Prime great, it wasn't Metroid great.

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"Where there's smoke, there's fire" is one of my favourite sayings. I've thought something was up with Retro for years. And whilst I wouldn't want to make any accusations or unfair speculation, I've always wondered what that incident was about in 2008 when three of the biggest personnel left the studio.


All I can say is that I think Retro's philosophy suited the GameCube more than the Wii or Wii U. It's hard to deny they were at their best when given as powerful hardware as possible with a controller as sophisticated as the GC's. :hmm:

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Sound unlikely to me, Retro had a terrible time developing the original Prime. I don't understand why Nintendo would then go and do that. Because of the success of the trilogy? Seemed to me that the Metroid series was already bigger than them.

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F-Zero would certainly be awesome if done by Retro. Starfox equally as awesome, as long as it didn't turn into Starfox Adventures


Starfox Adventures would probably have been much better if Retro had developed it.

Edited by gaggle64
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Star Fox Adventures was good at the time. Not so much now. Think I lasted 20 minutes with it last time I tried to play through it again a while back before getting annoyed with it. Not even rose tinted spectacles for the series are enough to make me push through and play it again.


Anyway, I find some of those rumours about Retro Studios to be a bit iffy. We know they've been beefing up their development team(s) as they've hired guys from Vigil Games and Naughty Dog, amongst several other big studios. So I'm not sure there's gaps in the staff, unless these people were hired to fill those such places. If they were bleeding talent left, right and center, someone on the net would have surely found a bunch of LinkedIn profiles or something from employees looking to move elsewhere suggesting something was up.


Likewise, taking Metroid away from them and giving it to another developer to show that it was bigger than them is a bit odd. Not the reasons that have been mentioned previously. More Nintendo wanting to do something different with the series after the Prime Trilogy/attempt to go back to its roots a bit. And as Shorty said, didn't exactly work out as the Prime games are on a completely different level of quality in comparison to how Other M turned out (and I enjoyed Other M).


Who knows. Doubt we'll ever get a proper answer as to what's going on over there.

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Just makes me think of Rare.


Rare were a key part in the success of the SNES and even more so the N64 and Nintendo at that time, responsible for some of the greatest games of those two generation.


Retro Studios almost took over this position for the next two generations of Gamecube and Wii; the developer that Nintendo fans loved and could trust with any project.


And now, if the above article is true it almost seems like history is repeating.

Like Rare, there is no way Retro Studios can be the same company after all it's key founding members have moved on.


Does Nintendo do this to developers it works this closely with?... does it end up destroying them to restricting them too much?




Also Starfox Adventures had the potential to be a AAA game even with the Starfox License; expect Rare should have based the game around a more shooter Jet Force Gemini esque gameplay with Fox's fast pace and blaster, instead of the slower Zelda route and limited staff combat.

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Star Fox Adventure was brilliant..


It was and I've had some real desire to play through it again as I haven't played it for years!


..but would have probably been better if Miyamoto didn't make Rare shove Star Fox into it.


I'm not entirely sure it would have been better, exactly, but I would have loved to have seen how the original vision of Dinosaur Planet would have turned out on the N64 as it looked awesome :grin:

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I really hope Retro aren't in some form of internal trouble, as the Prime Trilogy were gaming gold and DKCR was amazing too. Whatever they are working on will surely turn out to be very very good.


Also, whilst people may have left Retro at different times (as is normal for any company) I'm sure they've been replaced by other very talented individuals. It's not like they won't hire new people or will just hire any old idiot. Studios like Retro will be inundated with offers the very best and most talented individuals.

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