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Man, I'd hate to play Blops2 with anything other than a WiiMote.. the linear movement on a control pad depresses me.


You are correct!


On topic though, that really was underwhelming. I thought last year's was laughable, but this was utter shite! I mean they're just surviving on Halo and Gears - that's it!


I like



Splinter Cell

South Park

Parker and Stone



Tomb Raider


The rest of the show was just awful.


Peter Molyneux reckons Nintendo needs to be worried about Smart Glass?


lol yeah all you have to do is buy an Xbox, Tablet and then keep switching between the two.


Dear lord that was dull.


South Park the only new game worth more than 30 seconds. New Splinter Cell and Tomb Raider looked decent. Halo 4 I'm not so sure about. Gears, might well have not bothered with that trailer. Resi6 same as Halo really. And the rest same old shit different year.


2 hours for 25 minutes worth of game talk. Worst end to a conference ever with that CoD crap.

Posted (edited)

I thought they did a professional job, it just wasn't very fun or interesting. Halo looks nice, Black Ops 2 might be different enough to be worth dipping into.


Usher looked and acted like Usher, that is to say, like a twatty megalomaniac.


Kinect is lol.

Edited by dwarf
Peter Molyneux reckons Nintendo needs to be worried about Smart Glass?


I'm fairly sure he wanted to say Fable looked crap but wouldn't dare :p


As for the smart glass, Nintendo have it built in so it's not like they have to worry really. I do think the fact that Smart Glass will be done with multi-touch capacitive screens will allow for instances where the the Wii U GamePad will feel a bit antiquated technologically but those instances are probably going to be few and far between.


For me, Tomb Raider is the take away from that conference but I agree they perhaps showed too much. Halo 4 looked rather Metroid-esque but still looked interesting enough to keep me piqued. Other than those two, and the South Park game, little else that interested me (although the Nike + thing does appeal as I'm looking to get back into a fitness regime).

Also, what the f*ck was Halo 4, are the calling it Halo Prime? Have they just totally shamelessly ripped off Retro's Metroid HUD? WTF!


I think they grabbed some designers/developers from Retro.

Posted (edited)

So last year we had Gears of War, Fable, Halo, Forza and a bunch of media stuff and Kinect rubbish. This year we had *copies and pastes* Gears of War, Fable, Halo, Forza and a bunch of media stuff and Kinect rubbish.


The best thing about that conference was Trey and Matt. I wasn't disappointed because I expected this kind of showing from Microsoft.

Edited by Hero-of-Time



Halo: Wasn't too interested. Thought that the new enemies looked a lot like Metroid Space Pirates. Then they showed visor changes.


Splinter Cell: Nice graphics, bored of the Middle East, the ultra slow-mo move was overused.


Kinect Stuff: It was mostly voice stuff in sports games, wasn't too impressed.


Smart Glass: It all sounds useless - personally, I like to concentrate on what I'm watching. The game related controls will likely be nowhere near as well done as Wii U and you need a controller and tablet/phone on you.


New XBLA games: You didn't really see much of them, apart form Boom Blox/Angry Birds.


Tomb Raider: I don't want to see anything else, I just want the game already.


Resident Evil 6: Like Tomb Raider, you can tell it got some inspiration from Uncharted's set pieces.


Blops 2: If the conference didn't already seem like a rehash of last year, this even had the same "for the interest of time" thing.


Also, did the South Park creators come on stage and straight away made fun of Smart Glass?

Also, did the South Park creators come on stage and straight away made fun of Smart Glass?


Yup, was pure gold.


The one thing I was interested in was the NBA channel but then quickly realised we will never get that over here. :(


I think they showed a lot of good stuff, even if a fair chunk of it isn't relevant to me personally. SmartGlass is potentially a big deal, although it really depends on whether developers make use of it.


The show's main issue was that it had zero personality. It was used-car-salesman-slick, but the type of people that make time to watch a conference on the internet are only going to buck at that.


I'm interested in almost all the games they showed, but most of them are multi-platform and they chose to demo very similar roller-coaster moments: I know there's more to those games, but all we saw was the same trailer-bait material making everything blur together.


Also, timed exclusive DLC is just annoying. At least with proper exclusives something that otherwise wouldn't have existed is getting made; these "exclusively first" deals have no benefit for the user.

Posted (edited)

I only just got home, missed the show... can someone sum it up for me?


Any surprises? I assume no Xbox720 appeared :heh:


How long till a website has the conference available to download/re-watch via stream?

Edited by Mokong
I only just got home, missed the show... can someone sum it up for me?


Any surprises? I assume no Xbox720 appeared :heh:

Basically, this




Same stuff as always, Halo, CoD, Gears shown. Some third party stuff with timed exclusives. IE integration into it and Smartglass, which acts a bit likeApple connectivity (watch a show on your device then continue it on the TV from the exact point) and duplicates Wii U functionality for games, all on any smartphone or tablet


Did they get a random rapper up to promote a random game?


My money was on Nicki Minaj promoting Fifa 13. Please tell me it happened!

Also, what the f*ck was Halo 4, are the calling it Halo Prime? Have they just totally shamelessly ripped off Retro's Metroid HUD? WTF!


Halo: Wasn't too interested. Thought that the new enemies looked a lot like Metroid Space Pirates. Then they showed visor changes.


My thoughts exactly. I didn't wanna say anything just in case I got some facts wrong or sounded fanboyish lol. But total rippoff!


The most boring, derivative and depressing conference I can ever remember watching. Every game looks exactly the same (brown, dudebro, QTE riddled "Press A To Win" quasi interactive movies)


While Halo 4 looks a bit more interesting than the other ones (thanks to stealing from Metroid Prime), the only somewhat interesting game wasn't even shown (South Park The Stick of Truth)


If this is to be the future of gaming, I want to see it crash and burn. Fuck this industry.


My final thoughts on the conference, even though it was well organised and presented well. They presented nothing really worth showing at E3, except the games. I firmly believe Microsoft have stuck 2 fingers up at the gamers who bought them here today.

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