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GAME Group what next?


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This is so much fun to deal with at work right now.


Oh, wait. Had a woman come up to me today to express frustration that we wouldn't be stocking any more copies of SSX (but did she pre-order? No) and when I replied with an apology and the fact that we were frustrated by it too she came out with "Well you would be frustrated, yeah, you'll shut down" which is the last thing anyone wants to hear. I stopped serving her and went about my day but that comment stuck in my head for the rest of the day. I could've reached out and slapped her.


So yeah, really fun times right now. We had an EA representative in our store today with one of the executives (I'm the Senior Sales at my branch, which just happens to be next to EA HQ) looking around. Could've asked him what nerve he had coming in but bit my tongue.


Then to come online and see news stories that seemingly ring the bell for GAME and my employer and the flagship mainstream retail store for my favourite hobby, and it seems like I don't have much incentive to give a shit any more. Luckily I'm covering another store tomorrow (one that's closing in a month as a result actually - with some of the nicest people working there you'll ever meet who are all about to lose their job) so have their reputation to uphold or else I'd struggle to keep my enthusiasm and support up. Morale is at an all time low amongst us guys with a few of the team asking me directly if they should start looking for another job. You know how hard it is to try and stay positive when this is happening?


This ended up being more of a rant than I'd anticipated. I guess I have a lot to say on the matter (after not posting for several months, it's amazing how quickly I feel like I can spill my heart on to the page) and a different perspective than most..

Edited by Dyson
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Interesting take on things, Dyson. Not too sure why you'd be pissed off with the EA rep though, he'll want to be doing business with Game but if they can't pay for anything then his hands are tied really.


How much are Head Office sharing with you guys at the moment? If you weren't able to read up on stuff online would you have any idea of how bad the situation is? Internally does it seem like that have any sort of plan other than shutting down before they lose even more money?

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Im with you there Dyson, i work for them too and the customers seem to think its our fault. As a staff member on the frontline I have absolutely no say and barely any information yet customers treat me as if its my fault entirely. Id love to sell them SSX and ME3 and all the rest but what can I do? Very frustrating

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It is a shame that many good staff will be paying for the management's mistakes.


And the reason the staff are getting the blame is because it's much easier than finding a way to contact the higher ups.


The thing with GAME is that seems (I'm not sure how true this it) much more the fault of the company rather than the economy (like, for example, the downfall of Woolies and their mighty Pick N Mix, which is sorely missed).

Edited by Cube
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Interesting take on things' date=' Dyson. Not too sure why you'd be pissed off with the EA rep though, he'll want to be doing business with Game but if they can't pay for anything then his hands are tied really.[/quote']

You're right. You can imagine the team banter is quite rife right now though behind the scenes and there's a lot of frustration being directed at EA for putting us in this situation - not to say, of course, that it is entirely EA that are responsible for the muck up, if GAME weren't having trouble this wouldn't have occurred regardless - but you can imagine how it goes down. You do make a fair point, though, much like us guys at store level the rep wasn't to blame for his companies' actions. The executive is what tipped the scale for me actually.


How much are Head Office sharing with you guys at the moment? If you weren't able to read up on stuff online would you have any idea of how bad the situation is? Internally does it seem like that have any sort of plan other than shutting down before they lose even more money?

You know all the memo's that get leaked online? That's the communication we get. I'm quite lucky in that my manager is quite close to the Regional Manager who has a good grasp on the situation.. and I have a good relationship with my manager. As such I do hear about things that H/O haven't mentioned to the public or the staff internally (certain stores closing for example - the stores have been instructed not to tell their customers they are closing).


As for internal stuff, the entire company was just asked to perform hours reviews amongst the stores. Asking people if they would voluntarily reduce their contracts or move to other stores. It does seem like GAME are trying to stick around, in that new PC's for the back office in every store have just been rolled out and other business is continuing as normal (our annual stocktake went off without a hitch - extra hours included) so it doesn't look as if they're going to just roll over as suggested in the article over at the Express. But then again I wouldn't have imagined what would happen re: ME3 after the huge pre-order campaign we've been running.


It is a shame that many good staff will be paying for the management's mistakes.


And the reason the staff are getting the blame is because it's much easier than finding a way to contact the higher ups.

Absolutely. Easy outlet, I suppose. Yes, it's frustrating that you won't get your game. No, it's not my fault, but I will help you however I can to ensure you're not too pissed off.


On the flipside however, we have had some customers come in who have been very supportive and friendly to us, wishing us the best and such. Those people keep us going.


The thing with GAME is that seems (I'm not sure how true this it) much more the fault of the company rather than the economy (like, for example, the downfall of Woolies and their mighty Pick N Mix, which is sorely missed).

The economic shrinkage over the past few years hasn't helped, but there have been questionable decisions made at head office in recent years. Gamestation, however, was not one of those. I keep seeing that comment thrown around but business wise, it was the only way to go.


Happy to answer any questions anyone has if I can. I do it all day at work except I run with the BS excuses that "We know as much as you do, I'm afraid".

Edited by Dyson
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You're right. You can imagine the team banter is quite rife right now though behind the scenes and there's a lot of frustration being directed at EA for putting us in this situation - not to say, of course, that it is entirely EA that are responsible for the muck up, if GAME weren't having trouble this wouldn't have occurred regardless - but you can imagine how it goes down. You do make a fair point, though, much like us guys at store level the rep wasn't to blame for his companies' actions. The executive is what tipped the scale for me actually.



You know all the memo's that get leaked online? That's the communication we get. I'm quite lucky in that my manager is quite close to the Regional Manager who has a good grasp on the situation.. and I have a good relationship with my manager. As such I do hear about things that H/O haven't mentioned to the public or the staff internally (certain stores closing for example - the stores have been instructed not to tell their customers they are closing).


As for internal stuff, the entire company was just asked to perform hours reviews amongst the stores. Asking people if they would voluntarily reduce their contracts or move to other stores. It does seem like GAME are trying to stick around, in that new PC's for the back office in every store have just been rolled out and other business is continuing as normal (our annual stocktake went off without a hitch - extra hours included) so it doesn't look as if they're going to just roll over as suggested in the article over at the Express. But then again I wouldn't have imagined what would happen re: ME3 after the huge pre-order campaign we've been running.



Absolutely. Easy outlet, I suppose. Yes, it's frustrating that you won't get your game. No, it's not my fault, but I will help you however I can to ensure you're not too pissed off.


On the flipside however, we have had some customers come in who have been very supportive and friendly to us, wishing us the best and such. Those people keep us going.



The economic shrinkage over the past few years hasn't helped, but there have been questionable decisions made at head office in recent years. Gamestation, however, was not one of those. I keep seeing that comment thrown around but business wise, it was the only way to go.


Happy to answer any questions anyone has if I can. I do it all day at work except I run with the BS excuses that "We know as much as you do, I'm afraid".


Dyson are Game still geting Metal Gear Solid 3D Snake Eater and Unit 13 this Friday?

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It is a shame that many good staff will be paying for the management's mistakes.


And the reason the staff are getting the blame is because it's much easier than finding a way to contact the higher ups.


The thing with GAME is that seems (I'm not sure how true this it) much more the fault of the company rather than the economy (like, for example, the downfall of Woolies and their mighty Pick N Mix, which is sorely missed).


You can buy Woolies Pick-N-Mix online


To be fair, it isn't the staff's fault instore. It is management i believe overall who are at fault. I don't go in and have a go at the staff, i do feel sorry for them because eventually (soon perhaps), they could be out of work.

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Oh, wait. Had a woman come up to me today to express frustration that we wouldn't be stocking any more copies of SSX (but did she pre-order? No) and when I replied with an apology and the fact that we were frustrated by it too she came out with "Well you would be frustrated, yeah, you'll shut down"


What a whore. I wouldn't have stood for that shit. I'd ask her how dare she say that. You never know, maybe she feels bad about it now.


Still.....good luck? A good life experience to tuck under the belt. (Every cloud)

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@Dyson@Daniel I don't think anyone here blames the staff directly


I feel for you i really do, i loved GAME and Gamestation before they became the same company. Before you joined there was a friendly rivalry between the companies that kept costs competitive.

After you merged however (as consumers) we saw competitive pricing stop and it turned customers off gradually, worst still it seemed to coincide with the internet shops taking off.

Worst still (for me anyway) it felt like both companies lost their souls so to speak and were somehow less than they were


And since then we've seen poor decision after poor decision.


Can you see where we are as consumers?

why do you think buying Gamestation wasn't a bad decision and the way to go?


Have staff suggested to management ways to save the company? like competitive pricing again? a more friendly atmosphere*


How do you guys feel about having to have store greeters? and having to constantly go round offering help? because i know the clothes store style of jumping on customers is a turn off for everyone i speak to.....what were management thinking making that something you had to do?


Dan which store do you work in?


As for rude customers, if i were you i'd give them upper management's email and tell em to speak to them, that or to fuck off! if you might loose your jobs anyway what's to loose? and since your management is in the same boat they probably won't even care...

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Have staff suggested to management ways to save the company? [...] a more friendly atmosphere*

It's a bit cheeky and naive to suggest that such a strategy would quickly transform the company and get it out of the red. Improving the 'atmosphere' of a shop is a very hard thing to pin down, and how exactly do you sell that idea to your employees? Tell them refrain from their instincts to act like pricks and instead do their job well?


You probably had a run-in with a certain branch and you let that experience tarnish your view of GAME as a whole. Above all else, a friendly atmosphere means friendly staff. Dyson and undoubtedly hundreds of other employees for the company are passionate about what they do and they have helpful, specialist knowledge to pass on to customers. It might just be the case that they're the minority though. That can't really be helped.


A post-GAME gaming high street, if we see the smaller outlets popping into the picture, could be fantastic. Chances are though that those times really have passed and we'll see the more diverse entertainment retailers snap up the market.

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I'm still in the belief that GAME purchasing Gamestation was a bad move overall. A bit of friendly competition wasn't harming anyone, heck GAME always offered better trade-ins than Gamestation if you mentioned what they offered for your games, you usually got a few quid more.

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One of the most frustrating things about this is the fact that even as an employee we don't know much about whats going on. I wasn't even aware that we weren't stocking Street Fighter X Tekken and I found out through a senior sales from my store sending me a link to an article on some random website. It seems a lot of the news is being found out this way when surely if jobs are on the line the staff should be some of the first to know?


I worked at Woolworths before and this is all starting to feel very familiar. No one wants to explain the situation, it's all "oh everything's fine" but you just know at some point it's going to be like "yeah, we're closing in a month" with no warning.

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To be frank I see GAME's demise as pretty inevitable at this point. Not securing stock for titles like ME3 isn't just a financial hit, it completely undermines consumer confidence; who's going to want to pre-order anything there now?


From the outside looking in it seems that GAME only really has itself to blame for this mess. Not the store staff, obviously, but the policy makers at the top of the chain. They've been driving away customers by making staff reel off scripts, hamstringing price matching policies and losing the pricing advantage over other specialist retailers. Similarly they appear to have made a habit of throwing their weight around when it comes to publishers, which is a bit rich given the cornerstone of their business — pre-owned — is seen by many as a bigger issue than piracy. They haven't really ingratiated themselves with anyone and it's come back to bite them now that times are tough.


Getting bought by GameStop seems like the chain's best hope. Problem being that the American company has no reason to do so when they can simply wait things out and play pick 'n' mix with the administrators; they don't want the overseas business and would only need a fraction of the UK stores. If they did take over it's possible some store staff would be retained, but I think everything would need to be rebranded as there's no point carrying on with a tainted name.


Of course the problem with GameStop is that they're pretty much GAME. Perhaps they could manage their business better, but essentially it's built upon the same rocky foundations of pre-owned, badgering consumers and bullying distributors. If dedicated games retail is to dodge impending irrelevance it's going to have to go through a pretty radical shift, but I'm not sure it's one anyone's willing to take.

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It's a bit cheeky and naive to suggest that such a strategy would quickly transform the company and get it out of the red. Improving the 'atmosphere' of a shop is a very hard thing to pin down, and how exactly do you sell that idea to your employees? Tell them refrain from their instincts to act like pricks and instead do their job well?


You probably had a run-in with a certain branch and you let that experience tarnish your view of GAME as a whole. Above all else, a friendly atmosphere means friendly staff. Dyson and undoubtedly hundreds of other employees for the company are passionate about what they do and they have helpful, specialist knowledge to pass on to customers. It might just be the case that they're the minority though. That can't really be helped.


A post-GAME gaming high street, if we see the smaller outlets popping into the picture, could be fantastic. Chances are though that those times really have passed and we'll see the more diverse entertainment retailers snap up the market.


Where did I suggest that it would alone quickly transform the company? I simply asked if staff were asked to or had the opportunity to suggest ways in which they could help to save the company.


Meaning ways(multiple) not one way which will be the cure all miracle saviour! You shouldn’t read into things which clearly aren’t there, and really name changing? Okay fishboy or should I say Trichogaster lalius you got me there it made me laugh


Improving the “atmosphere” , you may notice I made reference to the current store greeter and sales assistants who go round the shop putting people off, that is certainly something that could be altered. It’s a very American Walmart approach and we all know how that soulless company is perceived, (the whole buy the competition and jack up the prices seems very wallmart too……)


As for refraining from their instincts, I’d have thought the current approach is against their instincts, having staff go round trying to drum up sales and offering “upsales” (extended warranties, additional extras).

It maybe presumptuous but when I worked in retail and later customer service, it eventually changed so we had to push sales for more products or accessories and in the terms of the bank I worked for personal loans (which I found particularly distasteful – oh your in debt would you like a loan to help?), I didn’t know one single member of staff who enjoyed that part of their job, pushing things on people. I’m assuming most GAME employees feel similarly to the current company approach.


Can’t say I’ve had a bad experience with GAME once, however when I saw the above style implemented into GAME I felt an affinity towards the poor staff and a hatred to the management, when I coupled that with the increasing prices I just liked them less than others.


I get the impression you work from them in your post, or at the least a similar company, if you do what do you feel is wrong with the company?

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