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Pokemon Black & White 2

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So I've now completed Hana Samurai, my Backlog is also well and truly under control and I'm looking for a new game to play in the run-up to Wii U, was thinking this could be it, but have a few questions first...


1. Are there areas/aspects of this game that aren't accessible if you haven't played Black/White? And if so, how much content are we talking?


2. Can you transfer over Pokémon from Diamond/HeartGold, and is it required in order to "catch 'em all"?


3. How's the story in the game, is it funny? In other words (and anyone that has played both Red/Blue/FireRed/LeafGreen & HeartGold/SoulSilver will know what I'm on about) does the old man outside the gym love it because it's full of women? :laughing:icon14.gif or because it's full of strong trainers? :zzz:icon13.gif


I'm not that far in (just did the first gym), but you can link saves from B/W to B2/W2 which adds a little to the story. @Serebii will be best to ask, he's the king-pin of Pokemon titles.


Regarding the transferring from HG/SS. There are trade points in HG/SS and B2/W2. You'll need two 3DS's to do that though from what i've seen.

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So I've now completed Hana Samurai, my Backlog is also well and truly under control and I'm looking for a new game to play in the run-up to Wii U, was thinking this could be it, but have a few questions first...


1. Are there areas/aspects of this game that aren't accessible if you haven't played Black/White? And if so, how much content are we talking?


2. Can you transfer over Pokémon from Diamond/HeartGold, and is it required in order to "catch 'em all"?


3. How's the story in the game, is it funny? In other words (and anyone that has played both Red/Blue/FireRed/LeafGreen & HeartGold/SoulSilver will know what I'm on about) does the old man outside the gym love it because it's full of women? :laughing:icon14.gif or because it's full of strong trainers? :zzz:icon13.gif


1: You'll only miss out on a few non-essential encounters, so you don't have to really play B&W beforehand, but really you should play Black/White first anyway because they're damn awesome! (Probably my favourite in the series; at least tied with Gold/Silver)


2: You will need to trade across the other GBA and DS games to nab each and every one, or just ask around to trade with other people online/locally. Pokemon is all about communication after all! (But just getting the specific ones you want isn't really that hard if you just ask around online or use the GTS)


3: 51941_3294472859777_1576014799_o.jpg


Don't worry. The dialogue is as hilarious as ever.

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I finally got my first Dream World Pokemon, it's Onix!

Nature -Impish

Ability -Weak Armor


My Black 2 FC: 3225 3451 4315


Any of you guys play competitively? I've been thinking about giving it a go after I finish this game.



Any time you want a Poke beat down let me know.

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Any of you guys play competitively? I've been thinking about giving it a go after I finish this game.


Might try it again. Did it a bit before but got annoyed trying to get good IV's/Natures/Abilities. Plus had no one to battle. :laughing:


@Goron_3 Yeah you can. Playing it on my 3DS XL. It's already taken my highest average playtime spot (2hours 45 mins).


Amazon hasn't shipped my guide yet :( (Not that I need it :P)

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I finally got my first Dream World Pokemon, it's Onix!

Nature -Impish

Ability -Weak Armor


My Black 2 FC: 3225 3451 4315


Any of you guys play competitively? I've been thinking about giving it a go after I finish this game.


I'm going to build a decent team this time round so ill join you on this one. I've added your friend code in my Pal Pad, here's Mine: 4771-5390-1727.


Ive got White 2 so any version exclusives im happy to scratch your back :hug:

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Might try it again. Did it a bit before but got annoyed trying to get good IV's/Natures/Abilities. Plus had no one to battle. :laughing:


@Goron_3 Yeah you can. Playing it on my 3DS XL. It's already taken my highest average playtime spot (2hours 45 mins).


Amazon hasn't shipped my guide yet :( (Not that I need it :P)


Ah cheers man! My DS has decided not to connect to my new internet router which spis mega frustrating..bah!


As for competitive teams, Im in as always. Love that aspect of the game and apparently it's much easier this time round too.

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Ah cheers man! My DS has decided not to connect to my new internet router which spis mega frustrating..bah!


Oh, that depends on what the issue is, the 3DS has separate wifi setup for DS games. B/W 2 support WPA if it's the security that's causing the problem.

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What decent flying types can you get? Was gonna get an Archen but just found out you don't get the fossil until post game!


Just got the third badge so wanna get one fairly soon...

I've encountered Duckletts on one of the bridges. But I've got Volcarona using Fly.


Squad taken heavy remix. Volcarona has fucked Darumaka out of the fire slot and Baltoy has taken Sandile's place for the ground 'mon, plus it has psychic extras. Since with Volcarona being bug as well, it may mean Genesect may be kicked out... Last slot reserved for an electric/psychic/dark type.

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Pokémon Black Version 2 is in da house!... My house. :D

Just about to take on the first gym.


60fps battle scenes almost blew my socks off! :o I take it that was also the case on the original Black/White games? Anyway, it looks lovely. Seriously slick. icon14.gif


I also love how you can animate your signature on the back of the trainer card. :love:

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Ok so I'm on the way to Victory Road and... THAT just happened.


Man, they really make you wait until the story finally kicks in! (And boy does it kick in!! :o )


Still some questions left unanswered, but I feel satisfied after waiting so long since B&W came along to leave them! :D


Game Freak. You done good :cool:



Pokémon Black Version 2 is in da house!... My house. :D

Just about to take on the first gym.


60fps battle scenes almost blew my socks off! :o I take it that was also the case on the original Black/White games? Anyway, it looks lovely. Seriously slick. icon14.gif


Yeah it was like that in B&W. It's an enormous improvement all around and so much faster than before. The game engine and battle system has changed very little in general since the first game (mainly just the removal of poison damage outside of battles, the auto repel prompts, some new abilities given to different Pokemon and some small changes made to certain moves - it is the same generation and a direct sequel after all)


The areas and gameplay features have changed a lot though, so if you do ever want to go back and play the first B&W games at some point, it'll still be a very different experience. B&W2 doesn't make B&W redundant in the same way that the typical 3rd version (Yellow/Crystal/Emerald/Platinum) does to their respective predecessors.


I also love how you can animate your signature on the back of the trainer card. :love:


Yeah, there's tons of neat little touches like that. You can also play little tunes using the different badges by touching them on the badge screen as they make differently pitched sounds (I did an almost perfect rendition of the Tetris main theme using them :D )


Oh yeah also, you can change your trainer card details by touching the different parts, like your favourite hobby, saying etc (I WANT TO HAPPY WITH YOU is my current one :laughing: )


Edit: Just caught a wild Pokemon with Pokerus!!! (You even get a medal for it :) )


Today is my lucky day it seems :D

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Oh cool! I just found out that passing by someone with B&W1 with the C Gear works with B&W2! (And the live Twitter style updates work too! :D)


So does the friend code trading! (so B&W1 & 2 share the same online servers then?) and the Xtransciever (though you can't play the B&W2 mini games)


I wonder if the Entralink works too...


Edit:. Sadly no :(


Edit 2 But B&W passersby DO appear in Join Avenue :) (as do people with whom you've battled or traded with online! :D )

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Squad undergone another remix... I can't keep the same squad for long. And I just caught Coballion as well... Will it join?!


Is anyone playing this on their DS Lite? I found out (whilst trading) that the picture seems to be get a stretched on the 3DS and it doesn't look as crisp so have started using my regular DS Lite to play the game now, things look much more clearer.

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This game, like all other DS games, looks terrible on any type of 3DS. I'm not really up to speed on 3DS hardware/software and scaling of older titles, but is it not possible the horrible blur on original DS games is just due to a filter Nintendo are using to soften the display? If that's the case, a simple system update could surely fix the grody 3DS/DS image quality and save our eyes.


And now for something loosely related to Pokémon:


Caught a level 13 Growlithe. Boo and additionally YA.

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This game, like all other DS games, looks terrible on any type of 3DS. I'm not really up to speed on 3DS hardware/software and scaling of older titles, but is it not possible the horrible blur on original DS games is just due to a filter Nintendo are using to soften the display? If that's the case, a simple system update could surely fix the grody 3DS/DS image quality and save our eyes.


And now for something loosely related to Pokémon:


Caught a level 13 Growlithe. Boo and additionally YA.

It is, but it's because the 3DS is a larger resolution. Blur is natural when you increase something to a resolution which isn't a complete increase (100% etc)

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