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Circle Pad Pro Impressions Thread


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Just got RE Revelations along with the Circle Pad Pro. Figured that some would like to hear impressions on how the Frankenstick Circle Pad Pro feels.


Overall, I actually quite like it! It has a nice amount of heft to it and makes the 3DS feel like a console controller. It has about the same weight as a GCN controller and I have no trouble reaching the middle of the touch screen with my fingers (unlike on say the Vita or the iPad)


The extra buttons feel really good, very solid. They're more like the shoulder buttons on the Wii's CC Pro (less clicky than the ones on the console itself) and the same goes for the Zl/Zr buttons (though these have a bit more of a trigger like feel than the ones on the CCPro) It does feel a bit weird when trying to use your index fingers on both shoulder buttons though; I find that I need to reposition my hands slightly (moving them up a bit) and that I have to rely on my middle fingers to prop up the console. Not the most comfortable of setups, but it's not terrible. Using just the two shoulder buttons at a time feels great though!


The 3DS just slots in and can be taken out without a struggle and the console can be held upside down and shook around, with no issue of it falling or any kind of movement at all (so there's no issues with playing it in bed :D)


The 2nd Circle Pad feels exactly the same as the 1st one on the console itself. There's plenty of space to keep your hands held apart so there's no issues of it feeling cramped at all; I also find that it makes the D-pad a bit easier to get to too! No problems with reaching the face buttons or switching between the face buttons and 2nd circle pad either!


My most major complaint though is that the R button on the CPP itself does not work when playing a non Circle Pad Pro game. This means that you have to reach far over to hit the 3DS' own R button when playing a game that does not use the CPP. Not very comfy :( (Oh and the 3DS menu doesn't recognise it either) I really hope that Nintendo finds a way of patching this basic support in, just to allow the CPP's R button to replace the 3DS' one in non CPP games because it does take away a lot from the added comfort that it provides as a grip! (May as well map L/Zl to the 3DS' L button and R/Zr to the 3DS' R button too. Could come in handy if someone's shoulder buttons break!)


Other complaints (that to be fair are unavoidable really) is that it blocks the Stylus holder and the 3DS game card slot. Meaning that the CPP needs to be removed when changing a game or taking the Stylus out (so make sure that you remove it from the 3DS holder before you play a game that uses it!)


While it's not really needed for Revelations (it controls just fine without it) it's a solidly built piece of kit and is very comfy (when used properly!).


Edit: Bonus Impressions! I just tried out Metroid Prime Hunters using the Circle Pad Pro (For fans of DS FPS games and those looking forward to Kid Icarus Uprising - obviously, the extra buttons aren't recognised by DS games :geek:). The extra weight makes it more difficult to hold the console in one hand, but I found a nice surprise! If you place the console on your lap, the extra empty space allows you to rest your right hand (sorry lefties!) on the CPP when using the stylus. This makes playing the game extremely comfortable and makes the system fully stable while playing! :D


That's my two cents, how about yours?

Edited by Dcubed
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Well... after reading your impressions I finally cracked and decided to buy one! :woops:


... don't judge me. :p


But in all seriousness I reckon it will be worth it in the long run as I plan to play a lot of Raid Mode in Resident Evil : Revelations for starters, then there will be Kid Icarus : Uprising so yeah, I'm sure it will pay for itself in time.

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Guys why didn't you get the Circle Pad Pro Free with Resi from Zavvi?


Zavvi even got the game out on launch day!


Anyways, I haven't started Resi yet, but good to hear some great impressions! :D


Though @Dcubed I don't understand your complaint... why are you using it for non circle pad pro games anyway?

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at first my accuracy was taking a serious dip, when moving the 2nd stick for the camera/movement controls it felt like it was far too sensitive. but this all changed by the end of chapter 2. it feels much better and my acc has gone up a bit, although I'm still nowhere near my level from 4 or 5. what's even better, I got it with the game. :laughing:

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Oh ok, I didn't realise that was the case, seeing as I find the 3DS comfy as it is.


I thought I'd only be using it as and when games needed it, not leave it on all the time.


I have no problems with the 3DS on its own either. But I do know a few people who get hand cramps using the 3DS, so it would be nice if the CPP could be used properly with non CPP games too (just by mapping the L & R buttons to the CPP's equivalents) Should be trivial to do really.

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I have mixed feelings about the thing.


It makes playing R Evil ALOT better than the usual controls BUT I find the position of the stick is just too uncomfortable. I keep ending up with pains in my trigger finger because the stick and the R trigger are too close together, it's kinda like playing MH on the PSP using the claw techinque. I didn't bother with that technique as it hurt my hand so I adjusted the way I played, but on this I can't.


Basically my options are to play with a control scheme I hate, which is the one without the CPP or play with one that works much better for me but destroys my finger in the process.


I await the 3DS revision. Do it Nintendo!



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Well, I got through Resi Revelations fine without the CPP.

So yeah, I've not used it, but I hate it... I hate it a lot. :laughing:


[selfish]I'm just hoping that it fails miserably at retail, so that we don't get any games that require it in order to play.[/selfish]

Mind you, going on Nintendo's track record of supporting their peripherals, I won't have much to worry about. :heh:


Got no problem at all with it being an optional thing, but would be seriously pissed off if it ever became a requirement. :nono:

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WHy are you so against it redshell?! I don't get how extra shoulder triggers and another stick isn't a good thing? Is it the annoyance of it looking ugly? That it should have been there in the first place etc?!
Pretty much, yeah.

I'm normally not bothered by stuff like that either, but I think I've just had enough of all this add-on malarkey that Nintendo are so into.


I'm running out of space to store all of this additional plastic crap! :laughing:

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I'm running out of space to store all of this additional plastic crap! :laughing:


Good point, I gave the 3DS it's own entire Draw, but now that's starting to get busy. I've got my games, the charger, the charging dock, CPP and who knows I could even find a 3DS stand in there too!


I might end up with a 3DS accessories museum :laughing:

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I find it big and heavy and it's annoying how you can't change the game slot or even take out the stylus while the CPP is attached but whatever. It's not a pretty solution but it does the job and that's what matters - I'd probably have died a lot more in Resident Evil without it.

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Also I didn't get the CCP and am having no issues with playing it :D


Same, I played through the entire campaign plus a bit of Raid Mode with no issues and yet I've still decided to buy one now, I just figure that it will be a useful thing to have even if I don't completely agree with it.


Knowing that both Kid Icarus and Monster Hunter 3G will support it leads me to believe that it's something I'd rather have however I do agree with @Ike and @RedShell about ending up with a 'Museum of Plastic Crap' from the various generations... obviously the next thing will be the stand which is being bundled with all? copies of Kid Icarus...


... by that point I'll be playing 3DS games on a table-top with dual analogue controls and I bet i'll be thinking 'why isn't this a home console?' and I think the simple answer is when it has all these attachments it does becomes a home console just one that happens to be portable too. :p


However I do love my 3DS but it does make you think...

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I love it! :heart:


It's the perfect size for my hands, elegant, comfy and makes Resident Evil so much better for me. :D Not being able to take the game out is not really an issue since it takes about two seconds to do so and if I'm using a game that requires the stylus I don't usually put it back until I'm done playing with it. :)


I will not be removing this accessory. (apart from to put in a game.) :D

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Same, I played through the entire campaign plus a bit of Raid Mode with no issues and yet I've still decided to buy one now, I just figure that it will be a useful thing to have even if I don't completely agree with it.


Knowing that both Kid Icarus and Monster Hunter 3G will support it leads me to believe that it's something I'd rather have however I do agree with @Ike and @RedShell about ending up with a 'Museum of Plastic Crap' from the various generations... obviously the next thing will be the stand which is being bundled with all? copies of Kid Icarus...


... by that point I'll be playing 3DS games on a table-top with dual analogue controls and I bet i'll be thinking 'why isn't this a home console?' and I think the simple answer is when it has all these attachments it does becomes a home console just one that happens to be portable too. :p


However I do love my 3DS but it does make you think...


MH4 probably will too.... i doubt very much that 3G will make it here... but I'm primed and ready for 4 :D


I'm probably of the same mind set as Redshell so long as it doesn't become a required thing for any game I don't really need it.


I didn't even get a Classic Controller Pro for Monster Hunter 3 or Xenoblade, managed perfectly fine on both with just the Wiimote and nunchuck, I can adjust to "alternate" controls (which is odd actually as really things like the CCP and CCP (my god they both have same initials, which is which???) are really the "alternate" when you think of it), haha :laughing:


800 hours on MH3 and 150 on Xeno and never once did I think I needed a 2nd anolgue :D

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I personally love it. I'm still in claw mode, but it's a lot more comfortable for my hands. I hope there's more support for it, as a Phantasy Star on the 3DS would be heavenly with it. It'd also make Forces a lot easier to play as it'd actually allow for a quick launch menu with techs.


Overall, I think we can expect first party games to not support it to the full potential, but that's mainly because I very much doubt we'll see it incorporated into a revision (fully, that is). I can see the second analog incorporated into a revision, but the device would have to be incredibly bulky to fit in those two new shoulder buttons. Even the Vita has kept with the two shoulder button scheme as four buttons calls for a very bulky handheld.


And remember guys, Kid Icarus will not fully support it. You can't play with dual analog apparently, it only offers you to switch which analog you use in the case that you're a lefty. It's a shame, that little extra effort could have opened it up a lot more to those who don't like using the touch screen for aiming.


Overall, very pleased. There's some short falls due to the placement of the IR port on the console that requires the attachment to block off the stylus slot and game slot to fully secure the system, but it's nothing too big.

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I had a go on one and I adore it. I wish more modern technology was designed with comfort in mind rather than "how square and thin can be get it?" The 3DS and modern iPhones are not comfortable pieces of technology to use, they're just square.

Edited by Hamishmash
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I played about with it today and was surprised at how comfortable it actually is.


Having said that I'm not using it for RE:R as I personally find the controls work well enough for me without it.


Add to that the fact I have relatively small hands so the 3ds is comfortable for me to hold and doesn't give me any sort of hand cramp that I know some people do get with prolonged play.


But yeah so far so good - it's much better than first thought.

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I going to completely put off buying a 3DS again until we find out whether there is going to be a revision of the hardware. In my honest opinion Nintendo should do, because most if not all of the 3rd parties want them to. That's a good enough reason in itself.


Expect it at E3? Probably.

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And remember guys, Kid Icarus will not fully support it. You can't play with dual analog apparently, it only offers you to switch which analog you use in the case that you're a lefty. It's a shame, that little extra effort could have opened it up a lot more to those who don't like using the touch screen for aiming.


Or those who are left handed but play right handed - using the right stick for movement is a difficult as using the stylus in my right hand.


I'm running out of space to store all of this additional plastic crap! :laughing:


Don't forget the Kid Icarus stand or the Mario Kart 7 Wheel (although apparently that actually makes the 3DS more comfortable to hold when playing normally - not for the gyro controls).

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