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N-E Awards 2011 Results


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Good stuff, Goafer! This was done really quickly. :o Results in January, what is this shit?




Screw yooooooooooooooooooooou.

Although I voted for Gentleman's Mafia (I think), Xpert11 is a beast. It's insanely addictive and every games feels like an emotional rollercoaster. I know the men are not real in the game, but to me, they're real dammit.




I don't understand why anyone would go to X11 instead of like...Fifa, but that's just me :P I must be a category 2984030zknksdiw girl!

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I don't understand why anyone would go to X11 instead of like...Fifa, but that's just me :P I must be a category 2984030zknksdiw girl!


Because Fifa is...and Xpert11 is...what?


Xpert11 is like an RPG. It's a management game. You're in charge of a whole team, the development of that team, tactics etc.


Fifa, every game is a 1-off. There's no real development over a long term. Also, you're directly influencing each game by controlling the players. You don't do that in Xpert11 as it's strictly just a management game.


Edit: This is why men never talk to women about football. :heh:

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Because Fifa is...and Xpert11 is...what?




...jk. I suppose my main gripe is lack of visualisation in X11 - but aren't there football manager games like X11 by EA? In my mind, it would make more sense/seem more fun if the two were combined, somehow.


Hey now, I don't do too badly in Fifa when heroicjanitor is coaching me through a match :p


Oh god - forum pair.


Does this mean I'm stuck with him til the next awards?




YES. You know you like it. :D

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...jk. I suppose my main gripe is lack of visualisation in X11 - but aren't there football manager games like X11 by EA? In my mind, it would make more sense/seem more fun if the two were combined, somehow.


Hey now, I don't do too badly in Fifa when heroicjanitor is coaching me through a match :p




YES. You know you like it. :D


Hmm, I think the two would conflict. Xpert11 is all about developing your players. So, you buy players, nurture them, and they develop over the years. You have something called a development value, which contributes to their skill level. The more matches they play, and the better they do, the higher their Development value. After the season ends, in a player has a certain value, they go up a skill level. If they don't, they go down.


It's much more akin to an RPG than something like Fifa. Especially the "rock, paper, scissors" type of gameplay when it comes to choosing tactics and formations. One system beats another, there's always ways to nullify the threat of an opponent, etc.


If it were crossed with Fifa, the problem is that it would really just boil down to who could play better during the game...all this development stuff and tactics would be made redundant. In theory, somebody could be a great manager on Xpert11, but be lousy when playing Fifa.

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Congratulations to everybody who won and to everybody who were voted for. Also, a thank-you to Daft for voting for me! :D


Next year, I aim to win the Best Playground game. Granted, I'm a little bit late with starting the game, I'm pretty sure this could potentially kick some ass! I'm 90% through the game so hopefully, it will be up and running pretty soon.

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Fifa, every game is a 1-off. There's no real development over a long term. Also, you're directly influencing each game by controlling the players. You don't do that in Xpert11 as it's strictly just a management game.


Not strictly true, you can play careers as a manager in fifa if you want. Or as a player-manager. And players do get better/worse over time.


Haven't played Fifa in ages though :( But they are way different.

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We'll never, ever learn to get along, Oxi, my friend. :p


The fact that I expect you to like most things I don't doesn't interfere with me liking you one bit, rest assured! :heart:


I don't really watch it (only seen a handful of episodes, back when it was airing here), but it is pretty enjoyable. Nothing to be taken seriously, of course, but it is good at being silly.


Unless it drastically changed direction in more recent times or something, I'm not really getting the hate (not exactly from you, I just noticed all the thanks you got :heh:)


There's no hate, I just think it's weird that it's so many people's favourite show. You know, every vote it got means a person who think's it's the best show on TV. And I can't process that.


It's definitely silly, but there are certainly also deeper elements, especially as the series progresses.


I watch it when I'm zapping and it happens to be on. I don't hate it, at all. I just don't understand watching it unless you're getting a laugh out of it. It feels like watching a B movie. But I don't hate it, at all.

I do get annoyed at their tendency to phrase the concepts in a way that will make them sound intelligent just to attempt to elevate their level (you know, like The Big Bang Theory, or some parts of The Matrix trilogy)... but that's about it. I just don't understand how it could be anyone's fav TV show unless it's the only one they watch, basically... but I'm not saying it's as bad as Two And A Half Men, or anything. But there's no denying how camp it is.


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There's no hate, I just think it's weird that it's so many people's favourite show. You know, every vote it got means a person who think's it's the best show on TV. And I can't process that.


Somebody's favourite isn't always what they consider the "highest quality".

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I watch it when I'm zapping and it happens to be on. I don't hate it, at all. I just don't understand watching it unless you're getting a laugh out of it. It feels like watching a B movie. But I don't hate it, at all.

I do get annoyed at their tendency to phrase the concepts in a way that will make them sound intelligent just to attempt to elevate their level (you know, like The Big Bang Theory, or some parts of The Matrix trilogy)... but that's about it. I just don't understand how it could be anyone's fav TV show unless it's the only one they watch, basically... but I'm not saying it's as bad as Two And A Half Men, or anything. But there's no denying how camp it is.



If you think they're trying to make it sound intelligent, I believe you're mistaken. The focus of Doctor Who isn't the science, it's the stories that explore a world without the boundaries of reality that we know it. It's obvious they don't take the science seriously - most of the time the tech speak is intentionally funny gibberish.


Why is it so hard to understand that someone can like something you don't? And/or not like something that you do? Plus there's the illusion of objective quality that you're clinging to, but let's not go into that again. ;)

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