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I'm too tired from counting to come up with some witty banter. So here's the results.


There were a few instances of people not being clear if they were voting or not (people quoting other peoples votes and saying "I agree" etc), so I leaned towards whichever result ended up with the most people sharing awards. More names in the awards = more happy people.



Personal Awards


Member of the Year

Winner: jayseven

Runner Up: Dannyboy-The-Dane


Respected Member of the Year

Winner: jayseven

Runners Up: Supergrunch and Jonnas


Most Attractive Male

Winners: The Bard and Serebii

Runner Up: Flink


Most Attractive Female

Winner: EddieColeslaw

Runners Up: Nightwolf and Pancake


Newcomer of the Year

Winner: Magnus

Runner Up: Anares11


Funniest Member

Winners: ReZ and The Peeps

Runner Up: Magnus


Forum Pair of the Year

Winners: Goafer and Nightwolf

Runners Up: Ashley and Ellmeistier, ReZ and Daft and The Peeps and Magnus


Creative Member

Winner: HamishMash

Runner Up: Eenuh


Best Multiplayer Buddy

Winner: Mike1988UK

Runner Up: ReZ


Positive Member of the Year

Winners: Dannyboy The Dane and Ville

Runners Up: Fused King, Eddie Coleslaw, Beverage and Coolness Bears


Best Playground Player

Winner Yvonne

Runner Up: The Peeps


Negative Member of the Year

Winner: Kurtle

Runner Up: Serebii


Spammer of the Year

Winner: PokemonCraft

Runner Up: Nikos9


Best Signatures and Avatars

Winner: Eddage

Runners Up: Diageo, Fresh, Dazz, Paj and Zechs Merquise


Real Live Achievement Award

Winner: Murr

Runners Up: Goafer and jayseven


Contribution Award

Winner: jayseven

Runners Up: Magnus, S.C.G., Shorty and Lostmario



Forum Awards


Playground Game

Winner: X11

Runner Up Gentlemen's Mafia


Mod of the Year

Winner: Hero-of-Time

Runners Up: jayseven and Retro_Link


Best Thread

Winner: NE Love Thread

Runner Up: Funny Stuff Thread


Forum Moment

Winner: N-E Meet

Runner Up: Server Change


Admin of the Year

Winner: Shorty

Runner Up: NA


Staff Member of the Year

Winners: Iun, Mokong and S.C.G.

Runners Up: Cube, Ashley and Shorty


Best News Article

Winner: Shigeru Miyamoto Semi-Retires

Runner Up: NA


Best Site Article

Winner: The Legend of Zelda: Inspiring a Legend

Runner Up: Skyward Sword Could be Zelda's Galaxy



Media Awards


2011 Game of the Year

Winner: Skyward Sword

Runner Up: Skyrim


Best New Gaming Product

Winner: 3DS

Runner Up: iPad 2


Disappointing Game of the Year

Winner: LA Noire

Runners Up: Uncharted 3 and Skyward Sword


Best Local Multiplayer

Winner: Portal 2

Runner Up: Mario Kart 7


Best Gaming Soundtrack

Winner: Xenoblade Chronicles

Runner Up: Sonic Generations


iOS/Android/Mobile Game of the Year

Winners: Jetpack Joyride and Tiny Tower

Runners Up: Sonic CD, Angry Birds and Quell Reflect


Best Story

Winners: Portal 2, Ghost Trick and Xenoblade Chronicles

Runner up: Skyrim


Downloadable Game of the Year

Winner: Bastion

Runners Up: Pullblox


Wii Game of the Year

Winner: Skyward Sword

Runner Up: Xenoblade Chronicles


Album of the Year

Winner: Lady Gaga: Born This Way

Runner Up: Florence and the Machine: Ceremonials


360 Game of the Year

Winner: Gears of War 3

Runner Up: NA


Best Online Multiplayer

Winner: Battlefield 3

Runners Up: Modern Warfare 3 and Uncharted 3


Biggest Surprise of the Year

Winner: Xenoblade Chronicles

Runners Up: Dead Island and Skyrim


Best Film of the Year

Winner: Drive

Runner Up: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2


Best TV Show

Winner: Game of Thrones

Runners Up: Chuck and Doctor Who


Best New IP of the Year

Winner: LA Noire

Runner Up: Ghost Trick: Phantom Detective


PC Game of the Year

Winner: Minecraft

Runners Up: The Witcher 2, Star Wars: The Old Republic, To The Moon and Terraria


PS3 Game of the Year

Winner: Uncharted 3

Runner Up: Infamous 2


Most Aniticipated Game of 2012

Winner: Mass Effect 3

Runner Up: GTA 5 and Kid Icarus Rising


DS Game of the Year

Winner: Pokemon Black/White

Runner Up: Ghost Trick: Phantom Detective


Best Graphics of the Year

Winner: Uncharted 3

Runner Up: Rayman Origins


3DS Game of the Year

Winner: Super Mario 3D Land

Runner Up: Mario Kart 7



Playground game


Winner: X11

Runner Up Gentlemen's Mafia


Xpert 11: 17

Gentlemens Mafia II: 7

End of the World Mafia: 2

Ace Attourney: Turnabout Mafia: 6

GIF: 1

007 Mafia: 1





Member of the Year


Winner: JaySeven

Runner Up: Dannyboy-The-Dane


Dannyboy: 4

ReZ: 3

J7: 5

Peeps: 3

Smeagol: 1

Frank: 2

Daft: 1

Cube: 2

Dan Dare: 1

Jonnas :1

Goafer: 1





Respected Member of the Year


Winner: JaySeven

Runners Up: Supergrunch and Jonnas


Goafer: 1

JaySeven: 7

Supergrunch: 3

Aimless: 2

D_Prodigy: 1

Cube: 2

TheMadMonkey: 1

Jonnas: 3

Mokong X-C: 1

RedShell: 1

Ashley: 1

Happenstance: 1

Daft: 1

Mazzi: 1

Fierce Link: 1




2011 Game of the Year


Winner: Skyward Sword

Runner Up: Skyrim


Batman: Arkham City: 2

Uncharted 3: 3

Skyward Sword: 12

Skyrim: 5

Portal 2: 1

Dark Souls: 3

Shantae: Risky's Revenge: 1

The Witcher 2: 1

Infamous 2: 2

Assassins Creed Revelations: 1

Mario 3D: 1

Ghost Trick: 2

LA Noire: 1

Deus Ex: 2




Mod of the Year


Winner: Hero-of-Time

Runners Up: JaySeven and Retro_Link


JaySeven: 3

Hero-of-Time: 4

Retro_Link: 3

Mr_Odwin: 1




Most Attractive Male


Winners: The Bard and Serebii

Runner Up: Flink


The Bard: 4

Dannyboy: 2

Flink: 3

Ellemeister: 1

Magnus: 1

Serebii: 4

The Peeps: 1

HeroicJanitor: 2

Hamishmash: 2

JaySeven: 1

Daft: 1

Gaggle64: 2

ReZ: 1

Goron 3: 2

Paj: 1





Best New Gaming Product


Winner: 3DS

Runner Up: iPad 2


3DS: 17

iPhone 4: 1

Razer Onza: 1

iPad 2: 2

Circle Pad Pro: 1

Black Wii Balance Board: 1




Disappointing Game of the Year


Winner: LA Noire

Runners Up: Uncharted 3 and Skyward Sword


Uncharted 3: 5

LA Noire: 6

Test Drive Unlimited 2: 1

Brink: 2

Dragon Age 2: 1

Pokemon Black and White: 1

Skyward Sword: 5

Catherine: 1

Super Mario 3D: 1

Sonic Generations 3DS: 1

Batman Arkham City: 2

Skyrim: 1

Super Monkey Ball 3DS: 1

Ocarina of Time 3DS: 1

Mario Kart 7: 1

Homefront: 1

Need For Speed: The Run: 1

Doctor Lautrex and the Forgotten Knights: 1

Ace Attorney Mafia: 1

Rage: 1

Duke Nukem Forever: 1




Newcomer of the Year


Winner: Magnus

Runner Up: Anares11


Magnus: 20

Anares11: 7

Nightmare: 1

Agent Gibbs: 1




Funniest Member


Winners: ReZ and The Peeps

Runner Up: Magnus


ReZ: 5

Magnus: 3

The Peeps: 5

MoogleViper: 2

Jonnas: 1

Magnus: 2

Goafer: 1

Welsh Gamer: 1

Wesley: 2

Martinist: 2

DarkSnowman: 1




Best Local Multiplayer


Winner: Portal 2

Runner Up: Mario Kart 7


Portal 2: 3

Lylat Wars 3DS: 1

Mario Kart 7: 2




Best Thread


Winner: NE Love Thread

Runner Up: Funny Stuff Thread


Comic Book Discussion Issue 2: 2

Nintendo 3DS Thread: 1

Funny Stuff Thread: 3

Turnabout Mafia: 1

The Music Thread: 1

Good Stuff Thread: 2

NE Love Thread: 7

What Songs Are You Really Into: 1

Photography Thread: 1

General Gallery: 1

Football Thread: 1

E3 Thread: 1




Best Gaming Soundtrack


Winner: Xenoblade Chronicles

Runner Up: Sonic Generations


Batman Arkham City: 1

SOCOM 4: 1

Bastion: 1

Ghost Trick: 1

Sonic Generations: 4

Ocarina of Time 3DS: 1

Skyward Sword: 2

Pilotwings Resort: 1

Xenoblade: 5

Deus Ex: 2

LA Noire: 1

Uncharted 3: 1

Professor Layton and the Spectre's Call: 1

Portal 2: 1

Kriby's Epic Yarn: 1

Skyrim: 1

Dark Souls: 1

Conduit 2: 1





iOS/Android/Mobile Game of the Year


Winners: Jetpack Joyride and Tiny Tower

Runners Up: Sonic CD, Angry Birds and Quell Reflect


Jetpack Joyride: 2

Tiny Tower: 2

Sonic CD: 1

Angry Birds: 1

Quell Reflect: 1




Forum Pair of the Year


Winners: Goafer and Nightwolf

Runners Up: Ashley and Ellmeistier, ReZ and Daft and The Peeps and Magnus


Ashley and Ellemeister: 4

Mike 1988uk and Flameboy: 1

Frank and EddieColeslaw: 2

ReZ and Daft: 4

The Peeps and Magnus: 4

Goafer and Nightwolf: 5

Chair and Paj: 2




Creative Member


Winner: HamishMash

Runner Up: Eenuh


Eenuh: 6

Hamishmash: 13

Dan-Likes-Trees: 1

Magnus: 5

EddieColeslaw: 1

EevilMurray: 1

RedShell: 1




Best Story


Winners: Portal 2, Ghost Trick and Xenoblade Chronicles

Runner up: Skyrim


Portal 2: 4

Ghost Trick: 4

Skyrim: 2

Mario 3D: 1

LA Noire: 1

Uncharted 3: 1

Xenoblade Chronicles: 4

Infamous 2: 1

Skyward Sword: 1

Pokemon Super Rumble Blast: 1

Homefront: 1





Downloadable Game of the Year


Winner: Bastion

Runners Up: Pullblox


Bastion: 5

Freaky Forms: Your Creations Alive!: 2

Minecraft: 2

Stacking: 1

To the Moon: 1

Trackmania 2: Canyon: 2

Shantae: Risky's Revenge: 1

Zen Pinball: 1

Pullblox: 3

Links Awakening DX: 1




Forum Moment


Winner: N-E Meet

Runner Up: Server Change


Return of Larger Threads: 1

Banning of MadMonkey: 1

NE Meet 2012: 10

NE Mini Meet (Alton Towers): 2

Server Change: 3

Bish 2011: 2

Kurtle's Letter of Apology: 1

Mighty Spate of 503s: 1




Best Multiplayer Buddy


Winner: Mike1988UK

Runner Up: ReZ


Nightwolf: 1

ReZ: 3

Happenstance 2

Mike1988UK: 4

Daft: 1

Hero of Time: 1

Welsh Gamer: 1

CookyMan: 1

Ben: 1

Flameboy: 1

RedShell: 1

LostMario: 1


Mokong: 2

Anares11: 1




Admin of the Year


Winner: Shorty

Runner Up: NA


Shorty: 12




Wii Game of the Year


Winner: Skyward Sword

Runner Up: Xenoblade Chronicles


Skyward Sword: 11

Xenoblade Chronicles: 6

Kirby's Epic Yarn: 2

Epic Mickey: 1




Album of the Year


Winner: Lady Gaga: Born This Way

Runner Up: Florence and the Machine: Ceremonials


Charlie Simpson: Young Pilgrim: 1

Florence and the Machine: Ceremonials: 2

Will Young: Echoes: 1

Rhianna: Talk That Talk: 1

Mogwai: Harcore Will Never Die, But You Will: 1

New Found Glory: Radiosurgery: 1

Cults: Cults: 1

Lady Gaga: Born This Way: 4

Beyonce: 4: 1

City and Colour: Little Hell: 1

Kay Z and Kanye West: Watch the Throne: 1

Bon Iver: Bon Iver: 1

Lisa Hannigan: Passenger: 1

PNAU: Soft Universe: 1

PJ Harvey: Let England Shake: 1




Positive Member of the Year


Winners: Dannyboy The Dane and Ville

Runners Up: Fused King, Eddie Coleslaw, Bevrage and Coolness Bears


(Goron 3 Technically did't vote, otherwise it would have been Ville as winner and Dannyboy as runner up).


Fused King: 2

EddieColeslaw: 2

Ville: 4

Mokong X-C: 1

Dannyboy: 4

Beverage: 2

Coolness Bears: 2




360 Game of the Year


Winner: Gears of War 3

Runner Up: NA


Gears of War 3: 11





Best Online Multiplayer


Winner: Battlefield 3

Runners Up: Modern Warfare 3 and Uncharted 3


Minecraft: 2

Uncharted 3: 3

Gears of War 3: 1

Battlefield 3: 5

MW3: 3

Dark Souls: 1




Biggest Surprise of the Year


Winner: Xenoblade Chronicles

Runners Up: Dead Island and Skyrim


Dead Island: 3

Child of Eden: 2

Radiant Historia: 1

Ghost Trick: 2

Pilotwings Resort: 2

Skyrim: 3

Bastion: 1

Dynasty Warriors Gundam 3: 1

Dark Souls: 2

Ghost Recon: Shadow Wars: 1

Xenoblade: 6

Resident Evil Mercenaries 3D: 1

Saints Row the Third: 1

Fifa 2012: 1





Best News Article


Winner: Shigeru Miyamoto Semi-Retires

Runner Up: NA


Shigeru Miyamoto Semi-Retires: 1



Best Film of the Year


Winner: Drive

Runner Up: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2


Thor: 3

Green Lantern: 1

Rise of the Planet of the Apes: 2

Melancholia: 2

Super 8: 2

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2: 4

Biutiful: 1

The Artist: 1

Drive: 5

Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows: 1

Kings Speech: 1

Submarine: 1

Warrior: 1

50/50: 1

Senna: 3

Norwiegan Wood: 1

Black Swan: 1

Captain America: 1

The Guard: 1




Best Playground Player


Winner Yvonne

Runner Up: The Peeps


Yvonne: 7

The Peeps: 4

Sprout: 2

Haden: 2

Mr Paul: 2

Nintendohnut: 1

Cube: 1




Negative Member of the Year


Winner: Kurtle

Runner Up: Serebii


Kurtle: 11

Serebii: 4

Diageo: 3

Oxygen Waste: 1





Best TV Show


Winner: Game of Thrones

Runners Up: Chuck and Doctor Who


Chuck: 4

Dexter: 2

Breaking Bad: 2

Doctor Who: 4

Misfits: 1

Black Mirror: 3

How I met Your Mother: 1

House: 1

Game of Thrones: 8

Curb Your Enthusiasm: 2

My Little Pony: 1

Merlin: 1

Spartacus: Gods of the Arena: 2

American Horro Story: 1

Walking Dead: 2

Being Human: 1

The Event: 1

Two and a Half Men: 1

Caprica: 1

Eastenders: 1

Survivor 23: South Pacific: 1

Masterchef: The Professionals: 1




Most Attractive Female


Winner: EddieColeslaw

Runners Up: Nightwolf and Pancake


Nightwolf: 4

EddieColeslaw: 8

Eenuh: 2

Aztec Rose: 1

Pancake: 4

Raining Again: 2




Best New IP of the Year


Winner: LA Noire

Runner Up: Ghost Trick: Phantom Detective


LA Noire: 7

Ghost Trick: 5

Pullblox: 1

Superbrothers: Sword and Sworcery: 1

Stacking: 1

Xenoblade: 3




PC Game of the Year


Winner: Minecraft

Runners Up: The Witcher 2, Star Wars: The Old Republic, To The Moon and Terraria


The Witcher 2: 1

Minecraft: 3

Star Wars: The Old Republic: 1

To the Moon: 1

Terraria: 1




Best Site Article


Winner: The Legend of Zelda: Inspiring a Legend

Runner Up: Skyward Sword Could be Zelda's Galaxy


The Legend of Zelda: Inspiring a Legend: 5

NE ReZ thing: 1

Skyward Sword Could be Zelda's Galaxy: 2




Staff Member of the Year


Winners: Iun, Mokong and S.C.G.

Runners Up: Cube, Ashley and Shorty


Iun: 3

Cube: 2

Ashley: 2

D_pr0digy: 1

Shorty: 2

S.C.G.: 3

Mokong: 3




PS3 Game of the Year


Winner: Uncharted 3

Runner Up: Infamous 2


Yakuza 4: 1

Uncharted 3: 6

Gran Turismo 5: 1

Infamous 2: 2

Dark Souls: 2 (Void, not PS3 Exclusive)





Spammer of the Year


Winner: PokemonCraft

Runner Up: Nikos9


Goafer: 1

Nikos9: 2

PokemonCraft: 5

MadMonkey: 1

Wesley: 1




Most Aniticipated Game of 2012


Winner: Mass Effect 3

Runner Up: GTA 5 and Kid Icarus Rising


Mass Effect 3: 11

Tomb Raider: 1

GTA 5: 2

Kid Icarus Rising: 2

Resident Evil Revelations: 1

Dragon Quest X: 1

Twisted Metal: 1

Metal Gear Solid HD Collection: 1

Hitman Absolution: 1

The Last of Us: 1




Ds Game of the Year


Winner: Pokemon Black/White

Runner Up: Ghost Trick: Phantom Detective


Professor Layton and the Spectres Call: 2

Ghost Trick: 5

Pokemon Black and White: 7

Shantae: Risky's Revenge: 1

Kirby Mass Attack: 1

Radiant Historia: 1




Best Signatures and Avatars


Winner: Eddage

Runners Up: Diageo, Fresh, Dazz, Paj and Zechs Merquise


Eddage: 12

Diageo: 1

Fresh: 1

Dazz: 1

Paj: 1

Zechs Merquise: 1




Best Graphics of the Year


Winner: Uncharted 3

Runner Up: Rayman Origins


Skyrim: 2

Uncharted 3: 8

Skyward Sword: 2

Ghost Trick: 1

Rage: 1

Dark Souls: 1

Kirby's Epic Yarn: 2

Shantae: Risky's Revenge: 1

The Witcher 2: 1

Xenoblade: 1

Rayman Origins: 4

Alice: Madness Returns: 1

Portal 2: 1

Ocarina of Time 3D: 1





Real Live Achievement Award


Winner: Murr

Runners Up: Goafer and JaySeven


Murr: 6

Goafer: 2

Will: 1

ReZ: 1

JaySeven: 2

Mike 1988UK: 1

Flameboy: 1




3DS Game of the Year


Winner: Super Mario 3D Land

Runner Up: Mario Kart 7


Mario Kart 7: 6

Pilotwings Resort: 4

Super Mario 3D: 8

Lylat Wars: 2

Ghost Recon: Shadow Wars: 1

Tales of the Abyss: 1

Pokemon Rumble Blast: 1

Ocarina of Time 3D: 1




Contribution Award


Winner: jayseven

Runners Up: Magnus, S.C.G., Shorty and Lostmario


JaySeven: 3

Magnus: 1

S.C.G.: 1

Shorty: 1

Lostmario: 1



So yeah, congratulations all!

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Awesome! :D Thanks for doing this, Goafer. :)


Positive Member of the Year


Winners: Dannyboy The Dane and Ville

Runners Up: Fused King, Eddie Coleslaw, Bevrage and Coolness Bears


(Goron 3 Technically did't vote, otherwise it would have been Ville as winner and Dannyboy as runner up).


Aw, way for taking away the sweet taste of victory. :heh:


Next year I plan to win every award - including the ones I'm not eligible for - but for now I'm flattered that so many people voted for me for Newcomer of the Year. :smile:


Congratulations to everyone that won, everyone that was a runner-up or just anyone who feels like they want to be congratulated.


Also, that's a lot of categories, so it must have taken a while to count all of the votes, Goafer!


I'm actually honoured to have as many votes of "Most Respected Member" as Supergrunch did :blush: My name even sounds odd, next to him and Jayseven.


Also, dayumn, X11 got as many votes as everything else combined! Ah, well, I still won best AND second best, among the mafia games :heh:



Congratulations to everybody who won, got second place, or simply voted. I love you all :heart:


Congrats to everyone who received votes and thank you to everyone that voted for me for anything :)


Thanks Goafer for doing the awards this year. It's outrageous that you didn't receive more votes for respected member or member of the year imo :p


Me and Magnus are totally going to win best couple next year ;)

Yay, I jointly win an award for which no input is required :heh:

The Best Genes award. Foam.gif



Me and Magnus are totally going to win best couple next year ;)

A vote for Peenus is a vote for pleasure.


... We'll keep working on it.


Wait, what... ok, I may be hitting a nerve here, but... people actually seriously watch Dr. Who? I mean, there are people who actually like it for real and aren't just watching it for shits and giggles? Oo

What... in the hell? oO


Only one that irks me is the Meet winning best Forum Moment. I'm not discrediting the good times that the attendees had. I just find it a bit bad there wasn't an actual forum event, a thread (RezDiculous/Epic Thread) that we could all remember in the year. Might say something about some of the topics we have here, I dunno.


Either way, congrats to winners and well done to Goafer for organising it all!


Yay! Recognition a last! It's only taken me five years, and admittedly I have to share it with someone who is actually better than me and someone who is totally gay for the sound of his own voice...but yay!


I won most attractive male? Sweet Jesus.


That actually means a lot considering I used to be 18 stone and have poor self esteem. Wow


Saw the runner-up for most negative person coming


Thanks everyone!

Wait, what... ok, I may be hitting a nerve here, but... people actually seriously watch Dr. Who? I mean, there are people who actually like it for real and aren't just watching it for shits and giggles? Oo

What... in the hell? oO


We'll never, ever learn to get along, Oxi, my friend. :p


Yay! I didn't think I was a seasoned-enough member of N-E to win anything for at least another year or two! Thanks and congrats everyone, especially Goafer :)


Also yay and /surprise @ the DS Game of the Year! Boo for X11 though, because I don't play it, and I watched herojan at it last week and it looked boring :p

Wait, what... ok, I may be hitting a nerve here, but... people actually seriously watch Dr. Who? I mean, there are people who actually like it for real and aren't just watching it for shits and giggles? Oo

What... in the hell? oO


I don't really watch it (only seen a handful of episodes, back when it was airing here), but it is pretty enjoyable. Nothing to be taken seriously, of course, but it is good at being silly.


Unless it drastically changed direction in more recent times or something, I'm not really getting the hate (not exactly from you, I just noticed all the thanks you got :heh:)

I don't really watch it (only seen a handful of episodes, back when it was airing here), but it is pretty enjoyable. Nothing to be taken seriously, of course, but it is good at being silly.


Unless it drastically changed direction in more recent times or something, I'm not really getting the hate (not exactly from you, I just noticed all the thanks you got :heh:)


It's definitely silly, but there are certainly also deeper elements, especially as the series progresses.


Good stuff, Goafer! This was done really quickly. :o Results in January, what is this shit?


Yay! I didn't think I was a seasoned-enough member of N-E to win anything for at least another year or two! Thanks and congrats everyone, especially Goafer :)


Also yay and /surprise @ the DS Game of the Year! Boo for X11 though, because I don't play it, and I watched herojan at it last week and it looked boring :p


Screw yooooooooooooooooooooou.

Although I voted for Gentleman's Mafia (I think), Xpert11 is a beast. It's insanely addictive and every games feels like an emotional rollercoaster. I know the men are not real in the game, but to me, they're real dammit.



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