Aimless Posted September 20, 2012 Posted September 20, 2012 Each press of RB heals you for one segment of health — tap it a number of times in quick succession to restore several at once. To refill the tablets in your container you move herbs over from your inventory, either manually or pressing RB+X for a quick refill. I'm not sure if there's any benefit to not moving herbs to your dispenser as soon as possible; perhaps you can craft them into first-aid sprays instead? The demo's full of niggles, such as the tripping over bodies, not being able to shoot corpses that are clearly going to lunge at you, and a rather disorientating camera. Hopefully the final game irons out some of these elements, as there are some fairly interesting combat dynamics going on if you experiment. At the moment I'm not convinced the game will live up to RE5, much less 4, but I'll give it a rent.
Retro_Link Posted September 21, 2012 Posted September 21, 2012 (edited) Is this a new trailer for the TGS or one they're showing off again? Either way it's an EPIC trailer and actually makes me kinda want to play the game despite all the other crap gameplay videos I've seen! But that's what a trailer meant to do! Plus it's probably just spoilt the entire game anyway! :p The trailer at least makes it look so much better than RE5! It just doesn't look like Resident Evil! I've seen too many bad gameplay videos from this game though, so if I do get it, it's definately gonna be after a sub £15 price drop, or news on a Wii U Wiimote edition. Edited September 21, 2012 by Retro_Link
The Bard Posted September 21, 2012 Posted September 21, 2012 I wonder when this is going to be out on PC. I'd much prefer to play it at a massive resolution at 60+ fps, rather than the inevitably borked console version.
Cube Posted September 21, 2012 Posted September 21, 2012 The Bard said: I wonder when this is going to be out on PC. I'd much prefer to play it at a massive resolution at 60+ fps, rather than the inevitably borked console version. I'm confused. Aren't Capcom known for incredibly borked PC ports?
The Bard Posted September 22, 2012 Posted September 22, 2012 Recently, all their PC ports have been pretty much up to par. To be honest the only ones I've really played are DMC4 and Resi 5, but both were far superior experiences on PC. At this point in the hardware cycle, I want any game I buy to look as good as it possibly can.
f00had Posted September 23, 2012 Posted September 23, 2012 Capcom's PC ports these days are really good, the only trouble is that they take a while to come out but if you have a good PC it's definitely worth the wait.
Sheikah Posted September 24, 2012 Posted September 24, 2012 Hmm I am sensing some lack of Resi 5 love here. I thought it was brilliant, the fact this takes the same RE4/RE5 mechanics and has Leon makes it a no-brainer day 1 purchase for me.
Beast Posted September 27, 2012 Posted September 27, 2012 I loved all the Resident Evils (not Dead Aim or Gun Survivor but I just don't class those as Resi games and pretend they don't exist :p) and I must admit, at first, I didn't like Resident Evil 6 so much. It just felt awkward controlling the characters and Chris's campaign didn't feel like Resident Evil at all (well, the middle part of the level did but after that, it just went back to being something different). However, after playing the demo several times with myself and a couple of times with my mate, I do like it. I loved playing Leon's campaign though so I will be getting this. Maybe not straight away but I will get this.
Retro_Link Posted September 27, 2012 Posted September 27, 2012 Literally only played about 5mins of Leons campaign yesterday, and what I played I did kinda like, so I'll definately go back and play it again. But I notice how everyone talks about/or plays Leons campaign, because I think let's face it, the other two aren't really what anyone wants. I do think the camera was too close to Leon though, and also the running animation is terrible!... he runs all wooden and awkward (as we've seen with that "Good Job" move) I mean WTF! I don't know why they've changed the camera from Resi 4 and 5, and how character movement has somehow taken a step back?
Shorty Posted September 27, 2012 Posted September 27, 2012 I was really surprised when I went from the Leon demo to the Chris demo. That one feels more like Call of Duty than Resident Evil :/
LegoMan1031 Posted September 27, 2012 Posted September 27, 2012 Well I had the steel book one pre-ordered with ShopTo (same price as normal edition) while I was deciding wether to get it at launch or not... This has well snuck up and I my decision was made for me, ShopTo charged my account yesterday! lol. It doesn't say it has been dispatched yet but it is packaged as the pic is up on the website showing my parcel. I loved Resident Evil, Resident Evil Zero, Resident Evil 4, Resident Evil 5, Resident Evil: Mercanaries & Revelations (never actually played the other 3 'main' ones due to not having a playstation. Because I loved the above I just think how can I not like this one!? :p
jayseven Posted September 28, 2012 Posted September 28, 2012 The other 3 main ones came out on the GC. Capcom's 'dedication' to the GC was one of the reasons I got the console! never experienced any resi besides a 5-minute capped demo of Resi 2 for the PC, but played the f- out of REmake, CV, 2, Zero, 2 and 3 were released at poor pricepoints and would, in today's market, have instead been released as HD downloadable games - their sales were really affected by that as well as poor marketing in general. Capcom's "big 4" games -- viewtiful joe, PN05, Killer 7 and thatwesterngamethatneverhappened Deadlysomethingorother. Alongside RE4 they were supposed to be 'exclusives' but that was later amended to temporarily exclusive. ... Sorry. The GC was the last time I was massively into the news behind it all. RE4 was a great change in direction but dropping the survival element means that, to me, it really is just the start of a new generation of games. RE5 shoehorned co-op and RE6... It's so far removed from the original brand. It is what Assassin's Creed is to Prince of Persia, only it wasn't good enough/different enough to get its own branding, and as a consequence I think that what we have is a genre-defining game struggling to be hip and trendy rather than setting the standards. [insert paragraph about b-movies here]
Cube Posted September 28, 2012 Posted September 28, 2012 So this butchers is what Capcom used to advertise the game. I think @ReZourceman would have loved the sausages. And the money they raised went to a charity called the Limbless Association.
Hero-of-Time Posted September 29, 2012 Posted September 29, 2012 My copy arrived this morning from Shopto and i've finished a couple of chapters from Leon's campaign and i'm not a fan of it at all. Bear in mind im a big RE fan and have played all of the game. I was also a big fan of Resi 5 and enjoyed it more than I did Resi 4. So what's so bad? The camera for one is far too close. Was it the same in Resi 4 + 5? I honestly can't remember. This may be because zombies seem to appear out of nowhere, so by having the camera close to you, you can't see where they are spawning from. At one point I was being attacked by many enemies in a close space and for the life of me I couldn't see what the hell was going on. At this point I just started hammering away at the punch/kick button, which brings me to my next point. For a while I have always wondering why the developers of the early RE games never decided to put a melee button into the game and now I know why. I have been just running around beating the hell out of the normal enemies rather than wasting ammo on them and it's made it stupidly easy. Not that it makes a difference because there is an abundance of ammo everywhere. Which is just as well because of my next point. I have finished 2 chapters and so far I think I have had about 6 moments where you have to hold your ground against a horde of enemies. Seriously, I may as well be playing horde mode on Gears of War at this rate. It's like the developers hit a mental block and decide to just throw a scene like this in the game to lengthen it. Puzzle wise I have had one or to, if you can even call them that. One looked pretty promising until you realise that the game puts a marker for you to follow for your next objective, which includes puzzle items. QTEs are back and there are more of them than ever. Every time you get caught off an enemy one plays out, which is fine, I mean RE 4 + 5 had them. The problem is it happens A LOT in RE6. Zombies that are lying on the floor constantly attack you and drag you down and even if you do spot them before they attack you can't kill them until they are animated. So, yeah, not a good start at all. I will still crack on with it but I can't see it being any better. To be hones I think the series that I fell in love with is pretty much done, with Capcom instead favouring the run and gun methods of many other games. Farewell, classic RE, I knew thee well.
Retro_Link Posted September 29, 2012 Posted September 29, 2012 Yeah I played 5 mins of Leon's demo earlier this week and found that the camera was far too close. It's quite a bit closer than it was in 4 and 5 and as a result you take up too much of the screen. No idea why they changed it, no other game I can think of has a camera this close to the main character; and it was perfect in Resi 4 and 5. Urgh, not more 'defend your position'. The further you got into Revelations, the more of those it had too! They're so predictably boring and repetative Capcom! Resi 4 was successful because it was a unique scenario. Capcom obviously think if somethings well recieved, times it by 10 and your game will be 10 times better! Those QTE's were annoying in the demo, so I can only imagine what a whole game of them is like. Well I'm right back to either not buying this, or waiting for it to be around £10-£15.
Aneres11 Posted September 29, 2012 Posted September 29, 2012 Hero-of-Time said: Farewell, classic RE, I knew thee well. Uh-oh. This is not what I wanted to hear I had an order with LAME and had to cancel it due to it all going a bit wrong (long story) and part of me is a bit glad now... I will wait and see some official reviews before I definitely rule it out, but this is not a good start!
Fierce_LiNk Posted September 29, 2012 Posted September 29, 2012 Hero-of-Time said: My copy arrived this morning from Shopto and i've finished a couple of chapters from Leon's campaign and i'm not a fan of it at all. Bear in mind im a big RE fan and have played all of the game. I was also a big fan of Resi 5 and enjoyed it more than I did Resi 4. So what's so bad? The camera for one is far too close. Was it the same in Resi 4 + 5? I honestly can't remember. This may be because zombies seem to appear out of nowhere, so by having the camera close to you, you can't see where they are spawning from. At one point I was being attacked by many enemies in a close space and for the life of me I couldn't see what the hell was going on. At this point I just started hammering away at the punch/kick button, which brings me to my next point. For a while I have always wondering why the developers of the early RE games never decided to put a melee button into the game and now I know why. I have been just running around beating the hell out of the normal enemies rather than wasting ammo on them and it's made it stupidly easy. Not that it makes a difference because there is an abundance of ammo everywhere. Which is just as well because of my next point. I have finished 2 chapters and so far I think I have had about 6 moments where you have to hold your ground against a horde of enemies. Seriously, I may as well be playing horde mode on Gears of War at this rate. It's like the developers hit a mental block and decide to just throw a scene like this in the game to lengthen it. Puzzle wise I have had one or to, if you can even call them that. One looked pretty promising until you realise that the game puts a marker for you to follow for your next objective, which includes puzzle items. QTEs are back and there are more of them than ever. Every time you get caught off an enemy one plays out, which is fine, I mean RE 4 + 5 had them. The problem is it happens A LOT in RE6. Zombies that are lying on the floor constantly attack you and drag you down and even if you do spot them before they attack you can't kill them until they are animated. So, yeah, not a good start at all. I will still crack on with it but I can't see it being any better. To be hones I think the series that I fell in love with is pretty much done, with Capcom instead favouring the run and gun methods of many other games. Farewell, classic RE, I knew thee well. I have zero sympathy for you. It's looked like shite ever since it was revealed. I'm pretty sure you and I were even bitching about it earlier in this very thread!
Hero-of-Time Posted September 29, 2012 Posted September 29, 2012 Fierce_LiNk said: I have zero sympathy for you. It's looked like shite ever since it was revealed. I'm pretty sure you and I were even bitching about it earlier in this very thread! Who in the blue hell is looking for sympathy? All I was doing was giving my impressions on the game! Yes, I was bitching about it earlier and yes I even played the demo. I've often found that demos rarely give a good impression of what the full game offers, so I like to give games the benefit of the doubt. Besides, I was always going to buy the game as i'm heavily invested in the series, having played though not only all of the main games but also all of the spinoffs, as well as reading the novels. I want to see where the story goes, regardless of what the gameplay is like.
Sheikah Posted September 29, 2012 Posted September 29, 2012 Re the camera too close to the player - I can't say it seems that way compared to say Resi 5 from youtube vids? Time will tell...
Retro_Link Posted September 29, 2012 Posted September 29, 2012 I think when you play the game you realise it's too close for comfort. I think I almost immediately wondered whether you could zoom out more than this, as in, were there different camera settings. Never once did I question the camera position in 4 or 5 (well 5 I played in co-op and that always changes things slightly).
Fierce_LiNk Posted September 29, 2012 Posted September 29, 2012 Hero-of-Time said: Who in the blue hell is looking for sympathy? All I was doing was giving my impressions on the game! Yes, I was bitching about it earlier and yes I even played the demo. I've often found that demos rarely give a good impression of what the full game offers, so I like to give games the benefit of the doubt. Besides, I was always going to buy the game as i'm heavily invested in the series, having played though not only all of the main games but also all of the spinoffs, as well as reading the novels. I want to see where the story goes, regardless of what the gameplay is like. Normally, I'd agree with you. But, I don't, for two reasons: 1. This is Capcom. (see all their "hype" with MH4) 2. This is Resident Evil, a series which has massively lost its way. I would have walked on coals of fire for this if it carried on with the traditions of the series. But, it's evident we won't get that type of game from Capcom. I don't even think it's worth playing for the story anymore, it just doesn't seem to be worth it. I worry a great deal about this genre. It's become far too action-orientated.
Sheikah Posted September 30, 2012 Posted September 30, 2012 Fierce_LiNk said: 2. This is Resident Evil, a series which has massively lost its way. Yep. It lost its way and ended up somewhere absolutely wonderful. Seriously. Resident Evil 4 absolutely shits on the previous three in terms of enjoyment factor. And RE5 was pretty conserved, passing on most of what made RE4 great and adding awesome co-op. No idea why people clamour for the style of the first 3 games. Ok, the survival horror format was entertaining, but the gameplay was pretty ridiculous. Gathering up random objects of the floor and constantly backtracking to the room where you're supposed to use it as well as awkward movement mechanics, terrible voice acting and annoying door loading. I think it's a case of rose-tinted glasses if you think the series has got worse, tbh.
Dcubed Posted September 30, 2012 Posted September 30, 2012 (edited) Sheikah said: Yep. It lost its way and ended up somewhere absolutely wonderful. Seriously. Resident Evil 4 absolutely shits on the previous three in terms of enjoyment factor. And RE5 was pretty conserved, passing on most of what made RE4 great and adding awesome co-op. No idea why people clamour for the style of the first 3 games. Ok, the survival horror format was entertaining, but the gameplay was pretty ridiculous. Gathering up random objects of the floor and constantly backtracking to the room where you're supposed to use it as well as awkward movement mechanics, terrible voice acting and annoying door loading. I think it's a case of rose-tinted glasses if you think the series has got worse, tbh. RE5 can only dream of being anywhere near half as good as RE4. It has the outer shell of its predecessor, but the inside is completely hollow. For all that RE4 did to the series, it actually still clung on to being survival horror (albeit in a different way - focusing on creating fear through tension and horrifying set-pieces, rather than the jump shock scares and disturbing stories that defined the past games). RE5 was a pure action game, done using the same mechanics as RE4 and didn't even try to be a survival horror (not to mention was designed basically as a long set of linear Mercenaries maps strung together, rather than an interconnected world) RE6 however is an outright disaster in every respect. Forget how it compares to past RE games, it's just a bad action game - end of (even when compared to the games it's cloning!). It's the RE series' Final Fantasy 13. Edited September 30, 2012 by Dcubed
Hero-of-Time Posted September 30, 2012 Posted September 30, 2012 Dcubed said: RE5 can only dream of being anywhere near half as good as RE4. It has the outer shell of its predecessor, but the inside is completely hollow. RE6 however is an outright disaster in every respect. Forget how it compares to past RE games, it's just a bad action game - end of (even when compared to the games it's cloning!). It's the RE series' Final Fantasy 13. Storywise RE5 was much better than 4. It actually felt like a true RE sequel, with classic characters, both hero and villain making appearances. The start of RE4 still annoys the hell out of me. Umbrella went bankrupt? What the hell? Comparing RE6 to FFXIII is a good thing to me as I LOVED FFXIII and its sequel. I finished Leon's campaign this morning and I found it more enjoyable the further I went through it. I also found that there were no more hold your ground sections, which is just as well given the amount thrown at you during the early chapters. I'm quite liking the story and it's definitely the most cinematic RE game there has been. There are still a few questions need answering but seeing as the game is split into 3 part these will be answered during the other playthroughs. It kinda reminds me of Kingdom Hearts:BBB system where you have 3 characters to go through, each with their own story but at he same time linking up with the other characters at various point in the game. I'm looking forward to trying out Jakes scenario as I want to see what Sherry has been up to, but i'm playing through the game in the order it's set at which means Chris' section is next on the agenda. So, things are looking up. Whether this is because i'm just getting used to the game or whether the game is actually getting better i'm not sure. All I know is that i'm starting to have fun with it and that's all that matters.
LegoMan1031 Posted September 30, 2012 Posted September 30, 2012 Glad to hear your staying to enjoy it HoT! I too got mine yesterday from ShopTo but due to work was unable to play it. Just installing it now and I'm going to start on it.
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