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Moving House


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A few people seem to be moving/looking at the moment so let's thread it up!


Looked around two places today. One cancelled on us this morning which was annoying. The first place as okay considering it wasn't in a great area but needed work. The second was a new development which I like but its a bit small/pricey. Comes with a free TV though! :p


One agent told us about this place that does seem really good, just getting hold of the current tenant is apparently quite difficult but we'll be persistent! Thursday evening we're seeing a place that looks quite nice (dubbed 'gay eurotrash kitchen place' due to its black units/tiling and wooden counter).


Hopefully something good will come of it because I want to GTFO!

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Sounds good Ashley.


Currently I'm looking at housing across the country due to jobs I've been applying too, it's a bit mad.


There's a few flats I'm falling in love with in Sheffield, which are a lot cheaper than in Cambridge, I pretty much cannot afford to keep living here on the money I'm on, which is a shame.


But we'll see how it goes. Pictures!

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Me and Dan have been looking round houses to rent in Sheffield recently, we saw a nice one today:










It has two double bedrooms and is £495 a month. It's very nicely furnished. The only downside is there isn't a separate dining room and it's a little far out of where we'd ideally like to be (Hunters Bar, Sheffield area).


However, there is a house to rent in the exact spot we want. I call it the dream house:
















It comes with everything you see in the photos, it's 3 bed.. however... it comes in at £700 a month!! I'd totally be up for paying half of that, but unfortunately, Dan is not :nono:!

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3 bedrooms for only £700 a month! Bargain! </London frame of mind>


Even so, rent it out to someone else? Or you two, Nami and Shorty and a brand new single attractive female could share a house together and make sitcom gold!

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Wow Emma that second house is lovely.


The first is great too but the second one is very well done.


There's very much a big mix of modern and contemporary throughout it though what with the fireplaces in most of the rooms and then THAT kitchen!!


But it works. Tell him to pay up. :laughing:

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Holy shit Emma, that second place looks amazing! =O

And for that price... mannn. I'm moving to the wrong part of the UK it seems. =P


That first place looks nice too though, and has a very nice price tag!




I won't be moving until the first weekend of March, but I've already started packing. So far got five big cardboard boxes filled with stuff, and that's only from my games, dvds, cds and some towels and kitchen stuff. Still have soooooo much to go through (like all my art supplies and drawings, oh dear). Gonna be fun haha.

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I have a question(s).


I'm getting on a bit now (26) and would like to find my own place one day, problem is I don't really understand the whole process and I'm single + don't have a job and only have a few I.T qualifications.


Am I pretty much fucked unless I get a g/f or a high paying job?

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Well.... having a job is probably required for owning property.


EDIT: Unless you have a secret vagina.


Then you can let kids out of it and get given a house.


Obviously I need a job, I'm just saying how much do I need to be earning, et.al...


Also how does one apply for a job some where in a different part of the country/ or world? - Sorry if that's a stupid question, I'm a stupid person.

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2nd appointment with Mortgage advisor tonight, will be finding out just how much we can borrow. As mentioned previously we're aiming to borrow £160k, as we'll have estimated £40k deposit.


£10k on legal fee's. That's what hurts the most.


Weekend just gone we started boxing up our stuff to put in storage to make the current house look more tidy when people start viewing it.




Having people view our house seems weird. We won't be there and people will be nosing around where we live. Hopefully our kitten Millie is on best behaviour and hasn't used the litter tray before people arrive.

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This is the first year in about 10 I haven't moved house, nice to have a bit of continuation but it somehow feels a little static. Might need to rectify that later in the year.


Obviously I need a job, I'm just saying how much do I need to be earning, et.al...


Also how does one apply for a job some where in a different part of the country/ or world? - Sorry if that's a stupid question, I'm a stupid person.


I don't think you need to earn too much, it's getting some sort of deposit together that's the hard part.


As for getting jobs elsewhere, you, err... Apply for them?

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This is the first year in about 10 I haven't moved house' date=' nice to have a bit of continuation but it somehow feels a little static. Might need to rectify that later in the year.




I don't think you need to earn too much, it's getting some sort of deposit together that's the hard part.


As for getting jobs elsewhere, you, err... Apply for them?[/quote']


Mortgages lenders are pretty strict on the amount they'll lend. For single people it's a maxish of 5x salary and for couples something like 3x joint salary. Varies by lender though obviously.

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Oh for sure, but once you have one they're relatively affordable, more so than renting when I was looking into it. I just mean that the main issue is generally getting a deposit big enough for the 3/5x salary to combine to buy somewhere.


Having said that, I don't think I'll ever be able to afford to buy somewhere :cry:

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Mortgage appointment went ALOT better than anticipated.


We've said we can put a £40k deposit down on a new place once we sell, and we're looking at houses in the £200k bracket. So doing the maths... we've asked if we can borrow £160k.


Well.... last night we were told we could borrow £187k.


Quite shell shocked. Won't be borrowing that much as it shouldn't be needed. But if we were to borrow that much, our monthly mortgage payments would be £850 per month, if we were to include mortgage protection it would be £950 per month. We've actually opted to include mortgage protection in our budget as given today's world... redundancy is a very real possibility. That's the main reason we've opted for it really. There are other benefits like sickness, critical illness, death etc etc cover....


Anyways... very very chuffed.


We've booked the estate agency to come and value our place in 2 weeks time. So now begins the cosmetic touch ups to house.

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I have a question(s).


I'm getting on a bit now (26) and would like to find my own place one day, problem is I don't really understand the whole process and I'm single + don't have a job and only have a few I.T qualifications.


Am I pretty much fucked unless I get a g/f or a high paying job?


First, get a job and save up a deposit. Look for places within your budget. View places. Sign a lease. Rent place. Live there. :)


If you're stuck for jobs, do a course/get more qualifications? Do you have a degree?

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i was looking into mortgage for a relatively cheap house (talking about 100k, say 20k deposit) and it was out of my reach, while i'm earning 1.1k after tax per month. If you wanted to buy on your own you'd need to let a room out to make it at all affordable. And finding the 20k is a nightmare.... where's them elderly relatives.... lol

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i was looking into mortgage for a relatively cheap house (talking about 100k, say 20k deposit) and it was out of my reach, while i'm earning 1.1k after tax per month. If you wanted to buy on your own you'd need to let a room out to make it at all affordable. And finding the 20k is a nightmare.... where's them elderly relatives.... lol


Go to Donegal, houses are worth like...nothing over there right now, apparently :D /unhelpful

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Well, we put an offer down on that house I was going on about in the good shit thread, and the owned accepted. Now comes the long winded process of sifting everything through the hands of a solicitor to see if it's all legit, which will probably be a couple of months, and then I can finally move into the batcave.


Can't fucking wait, life's had its brakes on far too long for my liking, time to get this shit in gear.

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I'm currently looking around for a house where I can live in 3rd year.


Being the numpty that I am, I've made things rather more problematic than they ought to have been. Currently I'm in a house with 8 others and although I like them all, a house this size is just a fucking nightmare. Added to that the fact it isn't the most secure location in the world (we've been burgled once already) and I have to pay for many weeks out of the year when I'm not even here.


There was some difficulty splitting the 9 of us up as some people didn't want to share with others and I decided that I would much rather save some money and move back into halls, so I told them this. They all have houses sorted now and I was working on the assumption that getting back into halls would be a doddle. I'd seen plenty of 3rd years do it before.


Apparently it's not so easy. I have no specifics but the uni's website claims that it is unlikely any 3rd years will be guaranteed an offer of accommodation. I'll have to go in and have a talk with them at student services tomorrow.


Even if I can't get into halls though I'm not too phased. I have a back up plan, private halls, although it's quite expensive there and thus rather negates the whole saving money angle I was going for. Aside from that, I guess if needs be I could look at one bedroom flats to rent or see if there's a group of people in need of a flatmate.


The whole thing should probably be more unnerving than it is. I can't help but find it a little bit exciting :heh:

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Mortgage appointment went ALOT better than anticipated.


We've said we can put a £40k deposit down on a new place once we sell, and we're looking at houses in the £200k bracket. So doing the maths... we've asked if we can borrow £160k.


Well.... last night we were told we could borrow £187k.


Quite shell shocked. Won't be borrowing that much as it shouldn't be needed. But if we were to borrow that much, our monthly mortgage payments would be £850 per month, if we were to include mortgage protection it would be £950 per month. We've actually opted to include mortgage protection in our budget as given today's world... redundancy is a very real possibility. That's the main reason we've opted for it really. There are other benefits like sickness, critical illness, death etc etc cover....


Anyways... very very chuffed.


We've booked the estate agency to come and value our place in 2 weeks time. So now begins the cosmetic touch ups to house.


£100 for mortgage protection is expensive. Mortgage advisors make their money by selling expensive protection. You should check out other options. Martin Lewis' website is a good source.

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