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Ace Attorney: The Turnabout Mafia


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(I'm still sending out the role PMs. Be patient)


The Law


-The Townies win once the mafia has been eliminated. The Mafia wins once the number of non-mafiosos becomes equal to (or lower than) the number of mafiosos (Double Voters, Vigilantes and Neutrals are irrelevant).


-The day phase has no set time. If I feel like the day has gone for too long or if discussion has died, I will warn you before ending the day prematurely;


-The night phase is 48 hours long at most. However, if I regularly receive the targets on time, I may reduce this limit permanently;


-If you have a night power, and you do not wish to use it, send me a PM along the lines of "Not using my power tonight, please";


-Please do not post game-related discussion during the night. Automerge prevention will be appreciated, though;


-Do not post after you died. I will only tolerate one post lamenting your death, but that's it;


-Editing posts is forbidden. Anyone caught doing so will be punished;


-Posting PMs (whether they be Role PMs or nightly PMs) is strictly forbidden. Players doing so will also be punished;


-If you did not receive a PM at the end of the night, your power simply worked successfully, with not much of note to say.



-In this game, days will be called “Courtroom Sessions” (or simply “Sessions”), while nights will be called “Breaks”. They still work exactly the same way;


-The day phase only ends when the write-up is posted. This means that anything that is allowed during the day phase (including game-related discussion and using day powers) can be done even after majority is reached.


-Posting images or gifs is not forbidden, though I do ask that you do not abuse pictures at every opportunity (such as “Objection!” bubbles), as to not clog up the thread. Normally this is not an issue, but this is Ace Attorney :heh: Posting pictures occasionally is fine, but try not to ping-pong “Objection!”s around needlessly;


-If you wish to post "Objection!" bubbles and the sort, use the images from my Photobucket account. "Hold it!", "Take That!", "Gotcha!", "Not So Fast!" and "Eureka!" should have you covered. As previously said, be responsible with their use;


-If you have any questions about your role or gameplay mechanics, just send me a PM with your question. This is particularly important in this game, since I’m testing so much new stuff, I want to make sure everything is understood.



Spoilers for the AA games are forbidden. Revealing a big spoiler may net you punishment or even an outright insta-kill, depending on its severity. Either way, keep in mind that “canon” guilt is irrelevant to “mafia” guilt.

The list below sheds more clarity on what constitutes a spoiler:


-Details regarding specific cases are considered minor spoilers, and won’t be punished. However, remember to be responsible with the things you say.


-General rule, revealing the villain(s) of a case is considered a spoiler (with a few exceptions).


-Frank Sahwit and Redd White are among the exceptions.

-Mia’s death is considered a minor spoiler. Revealing it will not be punished, but try not to do it if possible

-Aside from mentioning that Gregory Edgeworth is Miles’ father, a defense attorney who is now dead, anything about DL-6 is considered a big spoiler. This includes Gregory’s rivalry with Manfred von Karma.

-Naturally, mentioning the truth regarding SL-9 is also considered a spoiler. Assume Damon Gant to be as honest as any other character/player (and this goes for any characters introduced in that case, obviously).



-Richard Wellington is one of the exceptions

-The Fey family drama is largely irrelevant to this game. No need to mention it.

-Anything about the Nickel Samurai case is considered a spoiler. Oldbag’s reappearance is the exception (minor spoiler).



-The Fey family drama, as well as Dahlia and Iris, are largely irrelevant to this game. No need to mention any of that.

-Godot’s identity and relationship to Mia is irrelevant, and considered a spoiler

-Anything about Mask*DeMasque is a spoiler (except his apparent rivalry with Luke Atmey)

-The name and appearance of Phoenix’s impostor is a minor spoiler.

-Larry Butz’s new jobs are minor spoilers.



I myself have only played the first case in this game, however…


-Mentioning that Kristoph Gavin turns out to be guilty/evil is forbidden

-Ditto for any spoilery circumstances regarding Phoenix’s disbarment or where Trucy came from


When it comes to AJ, even I can become a victim of spoilers, remember that.



-Jacques Portsman is one of the exceptions

-Anything about Case 4 is a spoiler (way too many details there can be considered one). The exception is Tyrell Badd’s existence.

-Anything about the Yatagarasu is considered a big spoiler

-Shih-na’s true identity is a spoiler.

-The return of familiar characters (Ema Skye, Wendy Oldbag, etc.) are minor spoilers



I know nothing about AAI2’s plot. If you do, keep it secret.


As usual, if you have any questions on what is considered a spoiler or not, send me a PM.



Have fun :)




(It all started with a single trial. A murder was committed. A masterfully executed crime, actually, very little traces of evidence were left behind. And yet, someone was judged and found guilty, thanks to a few key pieces of evidence that, all things considered, didn’t exist before the trial.)


(Naturally, investigations related to that incident were conducted, but they never reached any conclusions: the people conducting these investigations were suddenly revealed to be corrupt themselves, or turned out to have committed heinous crimes)


(We could all see they were innocent, we’re law enforcers after all, we deal with these things consistently. Someone was manipulating the truth, the facts, the evidence. More than one person, actually, a group, was manipulating trials as they saw fit. Forging evidence, bribing witnesses, hiding facts… All so the desired verdict would be achieved)


(This group, or “The Mafia”, as we called it, seemed to play their cards well. Nobody suspected them, that’s for sure. Until that one day, when we found an opportunity…)



October 14, 7:30 AM

District Court

Courtroom No.2



Broadcast Yourself


“The court is now in session for the trial of Mr. Larry Butz.”


Miles Edgeworth spoke first, as usual. “The prosecution is ready, Your Honor”


Phoenix Wright was his adversary “The defense is-”


“Actually…” interrupted the Judge “This will not be a traditional trial. There will be no need for a prosecutor or an attorney”


“Excuse me?”


“The defendant is being accused of breaking into a public locker, and setting its contents on fire, is this correct?”


“Y-Yes. It is believed that the contents were actually important documents, evidence on a case involving…uh…The Mafia”


“Exactly. How do we know this?”


“Well, it was common knowledge among us law enforcers, that these documents were to be kept in that locker. It’s a public spot, it would be hard to break in without leaving traces of…”


“Actually… It wasn’t common knowledge at all.” Announced the Judge “In fact, there was never any important evidence in that locker: my locker. I sent a few memos that day, one to every person involved in the past trials: the same trials where The Mafia was most likely involved. Only they knew of the supposed contents in that locker, and only they could’ve burned the contents of that locker, a few hours after I sent the misleading information.”


Broadcast Yourself




“Then, that means…”


“Indeed. The Mafia is among the 20 people to whom I sent a note. The same 20 people who are currently involved in, or witnessing this trial.”

Everyone was surprised with this development. In fact, only these 20 people knew of this trial’s importance. The Judge was telling the truth.


“The Mafia has eluded us for too long” explained the Judge “This was the only way we could find them, without them manipulating the results once again. If we are to catch them…we must utilize our instincts. With the special permission I’ve been given by the Supreme Court, we will play, fittingly, a mafia game. We should be able to find the truth from there.”


Larry Butz spoke up “Uhhh…I didn’t really get a memo, since I’m not a law enforcer…Sooo, can I go?”


“Of course not, you’re the defendant, we know nothing about you yet”






Player Profiles (21):


-Cube (Manfred von Karma): Prosecutor. Known for his ruthless tactics.



-Dannyboy (Phoenix Wright): Defense Attorney. Known for his incredible comebacks



-Darksnowman (Larry Butz): The Defendant. Mafia henchman or unlucky bystander?



-Dazz (Luke Atmey): Detective. “Ace” Detective, as he calls himself



-Diageo (Apollo Justice): Defense Attorney. A rookie. Only became a lawyer recently.



-Dyson Heroicjanitor (Klavier Gavin): Prosecutor. He is also a famous rockstar.



-Eddiecoleslaw (Mia Fey): Defense Attorney. Respected for her kind and understanding nature.



-Eevilmurray Cube (Jacques Portsman): Prosecutor. Disliked for his cocky attitude.



-Heroicjanitor (Shi-Long Lang): Interpol Agent. Is known to dislike lawyers.



-jayseven (Jake Marshall): Detective. Known for his eccentric Cowboy mannerisms.



-MadDog Eenuh (Wendy Oldbag): Court bailiff. Infamous for her rants.



-mr-paul (Ema Skye): Detective. Loved for her cheerful behavior.



-Nintendohnut (Damon Gant): Chief of Police. Very nice and friendly.



-ReZ (Winston Payne): Prosecutor. His losing streak is something of a running joke.



-Rummy (Tyrell Badd): Detective. Quiet, but effective.



-Sprout (Dick Gumshoe): Detective. Clumsy, but hard-working.



-Supergrunch (Kristoph Gavin): Defense Attorney. Respected for his behavior and wisdom



-Tales (Franziska von Karma): Prosecutor. As ruthless as her father.



-The Peeps (Miles Edgeworth): Prosecutor. A young gentleman in court.



-Yvonne (Lana Skye): Chief Prosecutor. Known for her cold behavior.



-Zell (Gregory Edgeworth): Defense Attorney. A true gentleman in court.



Others (2):


-The Judge: Responsible for this game. Can be somewhat air-headed.



-Godot: A mystery. Eventually revealed to be Jake Marshall in disguise.




Note: While all the pictures are being uploaded from Photobucket, Court-Records.net is the site that hosted the original pictures, so credits to them (specifically, the users responsible for the rips).


Majority is 11


Courtroom Session 1 is now in place




Session 2 - Heroicjanitor leaves, Cube is arrested

Session 3 - Rummy leaves, ReZ's pitiful defense fails

Session 4 - Jayseven is arrested, Supergrunch is lynched

Session 5 - After lunch, Healthy break

Session 6 - Yvonne confesses, Have some chocolate rolls!

Session 7 - Nintendohnut was shot!, Diageo melts down

Session 8 - Darksnowman obstructs, Zell is murdered!

Session 9 - Herojan keeps on rockin'!, Session ends according to protocol

Session 10 - Session begins according to protocol

Edited by Jonnas
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Interesting that we see all the characters. Looking forward to this, will hopefully be amazingly brilliantly wonderfully astonishingly stunningly brilliant! I have only actually played the first game, and completed three cases i think, but i certainly enjoyed the time i did playing them. The third case i think it was, stood out as a really good one.


Vote: No Lynch

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Heh, I get the feeling us detectives aren't gonna be here for long, pals. =P


Vote: Instant noodles break!


The good thing about it is that goes two ways. Also I'm not sure how 'detectivey' we all are or if it's just character type, especially as I doubt all of us are town!

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Vote Standings


No lynch (11): jayseven, mr-paul, MadDog, Zell, Eddiecoleslaw, Herojan, Diageo, Tales, Cube, Darksnowman, Supergrunch, Dannyboy, Rummy, The Peeps, Sprout, Yvonne, ReZ


Majority has been reached (and surpassed)




October 14, 7:45 AM

District Court

Courtroom No.2


"You shouldn't smoke! It would be hazardous to my lungs of steel!"


"Pardner, I'm thinkin' you're just one o'them paranoid young'uns. Relax, will ya?"


*ahem* The judge had interrupted. "It seems majority was reached early. Everyone wants a break already! And I agree, I haven't eaten breakfast yet!


A 15-minute break it is, see you here at 8:00."


October 14, 7:45 AM

The Internet

The Mafia's private Twitter Account


"Guys, trouble. Suggestions?"


"I have a few ideas"


"Private forum? Character limit sucks =("


"Done. Link below..."




Remaining Players (21):




















-The Peeps




The 1st break will now begin.




Also, a few things I forgot to put in The Law (but will now add):


-If you wish to post "Objection!" bubbles and the sort, use the images from my Photobucket account. "Hold it!", "Take That!", "Gotcha!", "Not So Fast!" and "Eureka!" should have you covered.


-While all the pictures are being uploaded from Photobucket, Court-Records.net is the site that hosted the original pictures, so credits to them (specifically, the users responsible for the rips).

Edited by Jonnas
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