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Xenoblade Chronicles Official Thread


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138 hours

44 minutes


It is nigh.

It is coming.


So this quote actually referred to the fact that me and my mate finished the game last week in 138 hours and 44 minutes.

Over an extended period of 1 and a half year.


It has been a crazy journey. We were but boys when we started the game, but finished it as men. Men who rejoiced, cried and hugged when it was finally over. Finally.


This game has been the foundation for our friendship, because I met him at a camp organised by Japan Studies and when we started talking about games, it was clear that we were on the same wave length.

So I proposed going through Xenoblade together, seeing as I had never goen through an epic JRPG on a console and I had heard that this one was particularly special for it seemed to sort of redefine the genre.

But oh boy, did we get more than we bargained for.....WAY MORE!


We were so amazed at the size of Colony 9, but, as we later found out, this was mere peanuts, mere peanuts. Every area that followed was greater than its previous one in certain aspects, be it music, size, colours, you name it! Constant amazement I tell you!


There is, however, a darker side to this tale, because, for all its beauty in story, visuals and music, the gameplay itself became so incredibly tedious that we wondered if we were ever able to finish this game on our own.

The endless crafting of gems, doing fetch quests and taking part in genocide for various Nopons could only be counterbalanced by the both of us, on the couch, just having a laugh and talking about Xenoblade, life, the games industry and Japanese porn. We laughed even harder at the fact that, as the game progressed, we still knew very little about all the terms that are used in Xenoblade, and to this day we have our doubts about if we ever fully understood the meaning of certain game elements.

It were these pleasantries that got us through the game. Well, that and the craving to know how the story would end of course!


So, Xenoblade is an amazing game, but I am quite clueless as to what makes it so damn special that makes loads of people praise it into Saturn's orbit. This is probably due to me not having played many JRPGs on consoles, so all I can go on is my own personal experience.

I think the most dissapointing thing for us were the quests. Practically 90% are of the 'kill this' or 'collect that' nature, but I guess this is part of the JRPG experience.

The artistic vision of the game plus the story are two entirely different beasts though. Especially the colours used and the way the enemies look are incredible, and it makes one wonder what kind of technical wizards are working for MonolithSoft who are able to pull this off on the Wii.

The story was a thing of pure genius. I liked the cutscenes and the ending was a brutal, yet lovely mindfuck especially. We also played through the thing with the Japanese voices (we are studying Japan after all), but when we switched it to English once just for the fun of it, we were astounded as to how Rikki's voice completely differs from his Japanese version which, in turn, gives him a completely different character.


We didn't do all the heart-to-hearts, but we did get to complete the rebuilding of Colony 6, but not attracting everyone to it. After nearly 140 hours we were determined to finish it and not linger on any quests that involved monsters above our level 80.

Still, we both are gamers who take their time doing quests and completing stuff (especially my mate) but even for him Xenoblade became too much when we discovered that there were still super-duper special-secret collectables to be found all over the Bionis...:blank:

We speculated on how anyone could 100% this game without using the internet and not let it take a life-time, whilst thinking about certain people, who have a family, completing this game twice and still have time to go through Skyward Sword again.



When all was said and done, when the whiskey bottle was empty at about 22:00, we wondered. We wondered how we should now live our lives post-Xenoblade. We wondered about the shock of completing our next project (Castlevania: Lords of Shadow) in under 20 hours. We wondered about what memes and other jokes we might still be using in the years to come that had found their origin during our time with Xenoblade. And most of all, WE WONDERED ABOUT WHAT TO DO WHEN THE SEQUEL ARRIVES.


I sent my good friend off.


The next day I received a text message: 'Dude! Zanza Klaus!'



Edited by Fused King
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@Mokong X\-C


I need closure man...

Some words of praise from the man, the myth, the legend...


Haha, sorry dude, been obviously busy with Monster Hunter didn't even notice there were new posts here.



WELL DONE to both of ye on completing this as a team. No idea how ye managed it. I certainly wouldn't be able to just wait till a mate comes round and only play a game with them. I'd be itching to keep going on my own. But For ye it must have made it seem even more of an epic journey in how it took ye so long to finally get through it... probably like watching a TV show together.


On that level I can totally relate actually. As I remember doing something similar with a cousin of mine and the Battlestar Galactica remake. Although I had seen the show on TV (of course) he hadn't seen it yet and I back the full boxset. Convinced him to watch the Mini Series (took awhile as he not into sci-fi) and he was hooked. Offered to let him borrow the boxset but he said he'd only watch it with me whenever he visited me or I visited him (usually only on bank holidays). Even though I knew what was gonna happen I totally enjoyed rewatching and doing it with a mate helped enhance the experience and we had a good laugh too while doing our numerous BSG-marathons... there was one Bank Holiday weekend when all we did for 2 days was watch BSG... think we got through the whole of season 2 that weekend!



Anyway back to you and Xenoblade :D


Read the whole of your post above and great to see your final thoughts. What were yer reactions when ye passed that point of no return? And teh final boss? You said the ending was a mind fuck.... I'd image both ye saying in unison "No F'ing Way" when the final twists happened :D



We speculated on how anyone could 100% this game without using the internet and not let it take a life-time, whilst thinking about certain people, who have a family, completing this game twice and still have time to go through Skyward Sword again.



Haha. Ye actually talked about me while playing the game?

I feel honored :D


For the record though I never 100%'d this game :(

I only managed to beat 2 of the 4 "Super Bosses" that appear after you finish the game. And because of that I am still missing 2 items from the item list :( And I only focused on the story on my 2nd play... didn't do even half the side quests and stuff :)



But once again well done to both of ye




(Congratulations) :D




Now get yourself a Wii U and join me on Monster Hunter :wink:





that enough closure for ya, haha

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I just couldn't keep going with this. It was like a beautiful, sexual fling that I knew was taking me away from the mundane world.

So yeah, it consumed me and my mind and threatened to take over everything. I was going missing for hours playing this. Not eating, sleeping, seeing the (un)lucky lady in my life. Totally consumed me.


And so I had to end it and embrace the real world. Do I regret it? Like any good fling, it remains bittersweet.

I miss the swaying grass, beautiful vistas, enchanting stars at night and the VO work.

So I did the unthinkable...I YouTubed the ending. :o


Haven't stopped listening to the song at the end since.


May be the game I sink my teeth into when I retire...(if I have any teeth by then!)


@Mokong X\-C


I need closure man...

Some words of praise from the man, the myth, the legend...


Lol. Love it.

Edited by tapedeck
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I'm continuously tempted to replay this game, I have to say it ranks as one of my favourites of all time, but just the sheer scale of it puts me off when I have so many games I haven't finished or even still haven't started. One day though, and on that playthrough I will be aiming for 100%!

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I bought this a few months ago, thought I'd be wise to pick it up with it being increasingly rare and got a mint condition copy off eBay for just under £40. Really want to start it but I'm quite intimidated by it :hmm:


Don't worry - I'm personally intimidated by slipper socks.

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I bought this a few months ago, thought I'd be wise to pick it up with it being increasingly rare and got a mint condition copy off eBay for just under £40. Really want to start it but I'm quite intimidated by it :hmm:


Don't be intimidated by it, the game is vast but much of the content is optional side quests, you always have the option of pushing the story along if you feel you are sinking too much time in, although it really is a game worth sinking hundreds of hours into as the game world is a joy to explore.

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Don't be intimidated by it, the game is vast but much of the content is optional side quests, you always have the option of pushing the story along if you feel you are sinking too much time in, although it really is a game worth sinking hundreds of hours into as the game world is a joy to explore.


I was intimidated at first, it actually put me off the game. But once you get used to it and are immersed in the world, it's probably one of the greatest games I've ever played. The vastness and beauty of the world is an even greater achievement when you realise it's all being done on a humble Wii!

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Anyway back to you and Xenoblade :D


Read the whole of your post above and great to see your final thoughts. What were yer reactions when ye passed that point of no return? And teh final boss? You said the ending was a mind fuck.... I'd image both ye saying in unison "No F'ing Way" when the final twists happened :D




that enough closure for ya, haha


After the point of no return, our jaws hit the floor.

Them visuals were so awesome and we kept expecting to see the NINTENDO logo X Team Ninja intro to Metroid: Other M :laughing:


We had to do the final boss over a good few times, but we eventually pulled it off. We loved how they combined both the bionis and the mechonis in his suit.

And the true nature of Alvis, ....we still had no idea up untill the point that he said it!


I loved the story's message and the ending's reliance on the Buddhist idea of cyclical time :D




I imagine the multiplayer in the sequel will make for some great times once more :D

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  • 2 weeks later...



I've been playing for a good 3 hours now. I definitely remember saving half way through that. I must have played another hour and a half and turned off my Wii without saving.


All dat progresssss. :'(


I'm now at


Sword Valley, just done the bit through Valek Mountain. FIORAAAAAAAAAA!



Definitely the best game on the Wii, by far. Skyward Sword can fuck right off.

Edited by Fierce_LiNk
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I've been playing for a good 3 hours now. I definitely remember saving half way through that. I must have played another hour and a half and turned off my Wii without saving.


All dat progresssss. :'(


I'm now at


Sword Valley, just done the bit through Valek Mountain. FIORAAAAAAAAAA!



Definitely the best game on the Wii, by far. Skyward Sword can fuck right off.


Its amazing. Ive not played on it or a while as MH has been consuming gaming time i di have.


Im at that High Entia place thing. I imagine ive got some way to go. It is an epic game.

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Was randomly looking at gaming themed cakes and came across this cake from a Japanese Wedding, with Riki and his Mrs. on top of it.





But even better was the special knife they had made for cutting the cake!







I'm looking forward to mine and Joy's 10th Anniversary... thinking a renewl of vows just so I can get a knife like that made for cutting the cake :D

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So basically, way before this game was even out in Europe, I soaked up all the praise this game's OST got and went along and ordered the CDs from play-asia.


Now, I have ripped it onto my computer and finally starting listening to all of it now that I've finished the game.


I'd say it is one of the best OSTs I've ever heard!

It has an incredible high ratio of beautiful music when looking at every piece of music which is probably unmatched by a lot of other games that have great tracks, but not in this quantity.


Going by the music that accompanied the 'X' trailer, I am very much looking forward to hearing more of that score :D

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've had this game for I don't know how long, started it once, but stopped playing it after about an hour because of a lack of free time.


Currently I have some free time, but can only play on weekends.


I'm scared to start again. Should I?

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I've had this game for I don't know how long, started it once, but stopped playing it after about an hour because of a lack of free time.


Currently I have some free time, but can only play on weekends.


I'm scared to start again. Should I?


If you're only an hour in, I'd say you may as well start again :heh: I think mine is suspended about 11 or 12 hours in so I certainly have no intention of returning to the very start when I eventually resume :indeed:

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I've had this game for I don't know how long, started it once, but stopped playing it after about an hour because of a lack of free time.


Currently I have some free time, but can only play on weekends.


I'm scared to start again. Should I?




If you're only an hour in, I'd say you may as well start again :heh: I think mine is suspended about 11 or 12 hours in so I certainly have no intention of returning to the very start when I eventually resume :indeed:


As for you.... if you don't resume and finish that EPIC adventure



... I know who you are... I know where you live (or at least the town)



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I've been playing this on my weekends. I call eet Xenoblade Sunday. I'm at...


The Mechonis "Field"


FIORRRRRRRA! I knew we'd see her again. Genuine man tears though, guyyys.



It's too addictive. Too much to see, too much to do. I've played about 70 hours so far and feel that I must be coming up to the end.

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