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Seems this is the year for all kinds of Nintendo related anniversaries. There's all those quarter century NES related celebrations that are kicking off, but elsewhere, another piece of Nintendo history has reached a milestone - the Wikipedia reference-linkGameboy Advance came out a decade ago! :yay:


The GBA was a portable Snes. Thats it in a nutshell, and what greater selling point could it want? Fair enough, the original GBA was in need of being backlit, but Nintendo rectified that with the SP and perfected it with the sublime Micro. I got Wario Land 4 with my GBA and never looked back, tearing it up with an all new Mode 7 F-Zero, pumping hours upon hours into Pokémon Ruby and more.


Technically, this thread is a few months late (can't believe no one pointed this out during June. We've clearly had our priorities all wrong) but lets make up for lost time. So, pop on a party hat, grab a paper plate with some nibbles, pull up a pew and let's reminisce. :hug:

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I had a clear purple one. Had it for many years until it was stolen. Strangely, I never actually got many games for it.


- Konami Krazy Racers

- Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone

- The Legend of Zelda: Minish Cap

- Metroid Fusion

- Metroid Zero Mission


That was actually it. I recently had the desire to get a new one (which I got of Eddage). So now I have


- Metroid Fusion

- The Legend of Zelda: Minish Cap

- Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2

- Golden Sun

- Harvest Moon: Friends of Mineral Town

- Sonic Advance

- Banjo-Kazooie: Grunty's Revenge


Hated the Gameboy Advance due to the lack of a backlit screen. So held off until the SP came out which I still have to this day. Bought a Micro too, which was great to carry around, though not very comfortable to hold. So still prefer the SP.


Great handheld! Looking forward to the Ambassador rewards on 3DS.

  Dog-amoto said:
Hated the Gameboy Advance due to the lack of a backlit screen. So held off until the SP came out which I still have to this day. Bought a Micro too, which was great to carry around, though not very comfortable to hold. So still prefer the SP.


The original one was great in your hands.

  Cube said:
The original one was great in your hands.


Agreed. But the lack of a backlight made it near unplayable at times so my preferred model is definitely the SP.


I had a launch Model which i traded in for the LOZ special edition Gold SP


ahh good times still have it in a drawer, yet some how it seems there is a hairline crack in the bottom corner of the screen thats developed while its been in its box unmoved for years.... :hmm:


I've had many good times with my GBA in its various forms, indeed only today I decided to take my GBA Micro with me to work so that I could play Mario Kart Super Circuit on the bus; it's still easilly one of the best games in the series that I've ever played.

Sonic Advance was perhaps on of the best surprises on the system because it was the closest thing to the original games at the time, the series kept getting better with each entry, the third being particularly excellent with the dual character system... to me it felt like a modern take on Chaotix but with Sonic and it was just really fun.


Metroid Fusion to me is pure pleasure in portable form because it's such a brilliant game in its own right and is easily one of the best titles in the series thanks to excellent gameplay, an engaging storyline and all-round excellent aesthetics almost making it equal alongside Super Metroid; a true gamers game.


And then we have The Legend of Zelda : Minish Cap which quite honestly is so good that I consider it to be a modern-day version of A Link to the Past but even though it may owe part of its design to the all time classic, it has so much original content of its own that over the years its become a classic within its own right; a magical experience from start to finish and without a doubt one of the best portable Zelda titles ever made.


So many other titles I could talk about but those are the ones that stick in my mind, whichever way you look at it though... the GBA is an amazing console which has a stunning library of games which I would recommend to anyone who loves not just Nintendo but playing good games in general because in many respects many of the most classic of games are right here, on a console that's truely portable and now easilly affordable.


Long live the GBA! :D


The GBA is sadly not a console I have a particularly strong bond with :hmm:


I never really had many games with it back when it came out and the lack of any sort of light on the original model makes it almost impossible to go back to :hmm:


My purchase of a DS lite in 2006, however, helped turned my attention towards a few games I felt I had missed out on thanks to the GBA slot at the bottom of the console :smile: The excellent Golden Sun, Metroid Fusion, F-Zero: GP Legend, The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past, Yoshi's Island, Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow, Wario Ware: Twisted and the visually impressive V-Rally 3, amongst others, made their way into my collection to join the likes of Mario Kart: Super Circuit :hehe:


As I look through my GBA collection, I definitely see plenty of games that I have enjoyed and know that games I have loved on SNES, such as Donkey Kong Country and Super Mario World, are available on the console for others to enjoy. Having said that, I still don't feel a very strong connection to the console but part of that may be down to me having my good times with the GBA games on DS..


When it come to the GBA, it does not come much better than Advance Wars 1 & 2. Super addictive turn-based gold, me and my brothers would pump hours into these during our holidays. The DS instalments are great, but I definitely think the first two are the best in the series. I really hope that both of these games make it to the 3DS shop.


This is the last handheld i owned since my newly acquired 3DS which im finding rather unwieldy to hold in comparison.


I only had a few games, most notably Advance Wars, Circle of the Moon and Mario Kart but whatever fun i had with those games was ''eclipsed'' by the backlight issue.


It was only late SP models that had backlit screens. All of them up until the end of 2005 were front-lit.




The SP is definitely my favourite handheld in terms of the form factor. Still play all my GB/GBC/GBA games on it. Using a DS for GB games is sooo wrong.


*braces for impact*


This is the one Nintendo console/handheld I could easily live without. I'll give it it's dues, it did give us two kickass Metroid games. I love Fusion. Played that again recently and cried at how good it was.


But, as far as I know, that's it. There may have been some good games here and there, but there were some abominations. Plenty of those. Mario Kart Super Circuit was awful. I don't mean bad. It was soul destroying. The other game which I remember not too fondly of was Pokemon Ruby. After adoring Red and Yellow, I thought I'd give Ruby a try. Whilst Red was a complete joy to play, Ruby was dull, lifeless and a chore.


The only redeeming games I can think of for the system are probably Golden Sun, the Advance Wars games and Fire Emblem. Everything else was just...done much better on the SNES. It was a portable SNES without the charm.


Maybe my opinion would be different had I got the SP, but the original GBA just destroyed any possible enjoyment I might have had with the games. When the DS was released, it was...just vastly superior to the majority of what the GBA had accomplished. Completely blew it out of the water.


But, it gave me Fusion. So, for that, I'm grateful. But, even then, the last time I played that game, I used my DS instead of the GBA. :hmm:


*enters thread*


  Fierce_LiNk said:
Mario Kart Super Circuit was awful. I don't mean bad. It was soul destroying.




*leaves thread*

Posted (edited)



It was my favouritest console until the DS was released then again my favourite console before the GBA was released was the Gameboy colour. Plus the DS has now been taken over by the 3DS so yeah. :p I'm just a whore for a new handheld.


A N Y W A Y.


I bought my GBA with my Birthday money that I saved up. :D The first game I got with it was the excellent Yoshis Island, which is an an amazing game.


I had no problems with it not being backlit. Only if it was in the sun but lets face it I don't go outside. When it first came out its not like I had anything with a light at the front or back to compare it to anyway I mean the GBC is just as dark.


Then the SP came out which had a great front light but I didn't bu one as my GBA served me fine. I do want a Micro however as that would be a fun thing to carry in my pocket and I feel would be the best way to play a GBA game now. DS is just too clunky.


I loved the feel of the GBA it just felt sexual in my hands. In someways I miss the one screen because Having to flip open isn't as instantly accessible.


I felt it got me to appreciate games I'd missed out on when I was young so introduced me to Link to the Past and Super Mario World/Bros 3 which are both excellent games. Isla, Final Fantasy 1 and 2 (didn't play the others they released), Street Fighter Alpha 3.


As well as bringing Advance Wars 1 and 2, Wario Ware, Fire Emblem, Golden Sun, Astroboy, Mario and Luigi, Castlevania, F-zero, Alien Hominid.


Personally I love Pokemon Ruby and Emerald. I played Ruby excessively. It's possibly my favourite Pokemon game. I bled it dry.


Don't get me started on Harvest Moon I will cry.


I miss sprites. Give me Minish Cap over the two DS games any day.


I massively enjoyed all 3 Sonic Advances as well. I feel they are great additions. Prefer them to Rush and Rush Adventure personally. Man I want to play those now.


OMJ and Kuru Kuru Kururin what an immensely difficult but fun game.


OH what am I forgetting now: Kingdom Hearts Chain of Memories and DK King Of Swing.


I haven't mentioned Kirby and the Amazing Mirror.


Plus it has the best game:





There is a big spot for this lovely little machine in my heart. :heart:


I hope they do do GBA VC because I would get so much. :grin:

Edited by Coolness Bears
  Fierce_LiNk said:

But, as far as I know, that's it. There may have been some good games here and there, but there were some abominations. Plenty of those. Mario Kart Super Circuit was awful. I don't mean bad. It was soul destroying. The other game which I remember not too fondly of was Pokemon Ruby. After adoring Red and Yellow, I thought I'd give Ruby a try. Whilst Red was a complete joy to play, Ruby was dull, lifeless and a chore.


I was never a big fan of the original Super Mario Kart but I loved MK64. Going back to the mode 7 inspired gameplay of Super Circuit did feel like a bit of a kick in the groin but then that was the most I could have ever hoped for.


As for Pokémon - I think most cite Ruby/Sapphire as the worst main entry titles. For one, it was the start of the questionable creature designs after running out of real world animals with Gold/Silver. Second, graphically, it was quite primitive for the GBA (and the audio wasn't impressive either) and didn't seem much of a step up over the previous games - there was just more screen realestate. Also, the world map was pretty dull with lots of boring water sections. Plus, it dropped the time features that made G/S compelling to play all throughout the week.



The only redeeming games I can think of for the system are probably Golden Sun, the Advance Wars games and Fire Emblem. Everything else was just...done much better on the SNES. It was a portable SNES without the charm.


I never played Advance Wars but I'm a massive Golden Sun and Fire Emblem fan. Fire Emblem was better than the Sacred Stones but it was as till a fun entry with a decent story and wonderful music.


Golden Sun was immense but I was so gutted when it ended. It came as a total shock to me as I knew nothing of it and thought I was only half way through the game. I don't think I've ever hit a credit sequence and been more upset that the game was over. But The Lost Age was more of the same and yet that's all I wanted. That said, it still managed to exceed my expectations with the graphics, audio and sheer sense of scale.



Metroid: Zero Mission... what is there left to say about this game. It's 2 hours of gameplay perfection. Compared to the floating jumps and slightly slippy controls of Super (yes, I said that), this handles better than any 2D game I've ever played. Whilst appearing as linear as Fusion initially, there were plenty of opportunities to go off and find your own way around the map if you wanted. As soon as I receached the credits on my first run, I started again from scratch and just played it all the way to the end again. It's just that good.


My GBA is an original one in Purple which I still have to this day though there is a noticeable scratch on the screen. Back in the day, I could see that screen quite easily enough in pretty shoddy conditions but thanks to the spoils of my DSL, I can barely make anything on on the thing - it's either way too dark or all I can see it the reflection of the light source.


After the tiny Gameboy Color, the thing was a delight to hold in the hands and never gave me any issues no matter how long I played with it for.


I just wish I picked up the second two Castlevania games - maybe I should go see if I can't hunt down that double pak they released. Also, I wanted to try the Mega Man Zero series but never did. Why didn't they release MMZ Collection for the DS over here? Maybe the thought of breaking tradition after screwing us over with the last two compliations on the GC was too much for them.


The GBA is one of the best consoles of all time, I think. Brilliant library of games.


-3 Castlevania games

-Mother 3 (technically)

-Several games ported from the SNES (including several games from Super Mario, Donkey Kong Country and Final Fantasy)

-Fire Emblem (one of my favourite games of all time)

-Golden Sun & Lost Age

-Two excellent Metroid games (of different flavours, no less)

-Minish Cap

-Mario&Luigi: Superstar Saga

-All sorts of gems for all tastes. Drill Dozer, Astro Boy, Riviera, Megaman&Bass, Megaman Zero, Kirby games, WarioWare, Mr. Driller, Toki Tori, Shantae, Boktai... The list goes on and on!

Posted (edited)
  Captain Falcon said:
I was never a big fan of the original Super Mario Kart but I loved MK64. Going back to the mode 7 inspired gameplay of Super Circuit did feel like a bit of a kick in the groin but then that was the most I could have ever hoped for.


I loved MK64 to bits. It was an exciting game to play but it also was interesting with the track designs, soundtrack and weapons, etc. It was just fun. I didn't find Super Circuit fun. It just seemed to lack something that Super Mario Kart and MK64 had.



As for Pokémon - I think most cite Ruby/Sapphire as the worst main entry titles. For one, it was the start of the questionable creature designs after running out of real world animals with Gold/Silver. Second, graphically, it was quite primitive for the GBA (and the audio wasn't impressive either) and didn't seem much of a step up over the previous games - there was just more screen realestate. Also, the world map was pretty dull with lots of boring water sections. Plus, it dropped the time features that made G/S compelling to play all throughout the week.


I totally agree with this. You had this big world with very little charm within it. Plus, the Pokemon themselves seemed almost desperate, the designs were pretty poor and many just seemed like they were there to get the numbers up. I can't recall a single Pokemon where I thought "Fuck yes, I need you in my squad." It had absolutely nothing on its previous editions.




Metroid: Zero Mission... what is there left to say about this game. It's 2 hours of gameplay perfection. Compared to the floating jumps and slightly slippy controls of Super (yes, I said that), this handles better than any 2D game I've ever played. Whilst appearing as linear as Fusion initially, there were plenty of opportunities to go off and find your own way around the map if you wanted. As soon as I receached the credits on my first run, I started again from scratch and just played it all the way to the end again. It's just that good.


I'll pretend I didn't read that. ;)


One thing that pissed me off about the GBA: Wario Ware Twisted. I will never forgive Europe for this one. I remember being in school and talking to my mates about this for months. We were psyched. Then...the bombshell came that it would never come out in Europe. I did the FUUU face and much more.


I'm hoping it gets some sort of rejig and re-release on the 3DS. If that happens, I am so there.


I much prefer what the DS has done for handheld gaming. Rather than being a console for scaled down versions of SNES games, it became a unique device with its own merits. Nintendo, in my opinon, took the piss with the GBA, in some respects. One instance that springs to mind is the re-releasing of the SNES Super Mario Bros games, repacking them as Super Mario Advance. Poor show, Nintendo. I think they were sold for full price, as well? They were allowed to get away with that as well.

Edited by Fierce_LiNk
  Fierce_LiNk said:

I'll pretend I didn't read that. ;)

Well she was definitely floaty and purposely so to make shooting in the air easier - they always give that as the reason why she handles why she does. As for the slippy comment, maybe it was the wrong way to phrase it - perhaps saying she carries a bit too much momentum when moving would be more accurate.




I much prefer what the DS has done for handheld gaming. Rather than being a console for scaled down versions of SNES games, it became a unique device with its own merits. Nintendo, in my opinon, took the piss with the GBA, in some respects. One instance that springs to mind is the re-releasing of the SNES Super Mario Bros games, repacking them as Super Mario Advance. Poor show, Nintendo. I think they were sold for full price, as well? They were allowed to get away with that as well.


Not releasing one proper, original Super Mario Bros game was pretty criminal really. I remember reading that Iwata asked why there wasn't a new Mario game on the system and so I think the fabled Super Mario Advance 5 got scrapped in favour of someting new... something that would become New Super Mario Bros.


It does seem that Intelligent Systems and R&D1 were pretty much responsible for the entirety of Nintendo's original GBA games that were made in house. Both Wars, FE, Metroid, all Wario and even Super Circuit (according to Wiki) was made by them. And they still managed to throw out a few GC games in that time too. Puts the rest of Nintendo's studios to shame when you think about it.


I never owned a GameBoy Advance. Or, indeed, any handheld system before the DS.


But I have, of course, played most of the games on the system that you need to have played anyway.



  Jonnas said:
Toki Tori, Shantae

Both are excellent games, but they're GameBoy Color games, so it's not really fair to count them. :heh:

  Magnus said:

Both are excellent games, but they're GameBoy Color games, so it's not really fair to count them. :heh:


:X D'oh! I thought they were GBA for some reason.

  Jonnas said:
:X D'oh! I thought they were GBA for some reason.

Probably because they're so good. Right? ;)


Shantae was at least GBA enhanced, and would give you a pretty useful extra form to morph into if you played it on a GBA.

  Fierce_LiNk said:
But, as far as I know, that's it. There may have been some good games here and there, but there were some abominations. Plenty of those. Mario Kart Super Circuit was awful. I don't mean bad. It was soul destroying.


But the GBA had Konami Krazy Racers. Which was very awesome indeed.

  Magnus said:
Probably because they're so good. Right? ;)


I'll admit I never played Shantae (I was only listing lesser known, but good, games) and was mainly basing myself on its cult status.


I have no excuse about Toki Tori, though, because I did play that one :heh:


Why the lack of love for Mario Kart : Super Circuit? :( am I the only one who thought that going back to Mode 7 graphics was an excellent choice because it suited the system well... all of the Karts, backdrops etc were all beautifully detailed too.


I understand that Mario Kart 64 has the more 'exciting' track design due to the fact you have bumps, curves, slopes etc on the tracks but keeping them flat on the GBA worked, just like it did on the SNES... I feel that Super Circuit had its fair share of decent tracks too, granted not all of them were classics but it certainly had a lot of them plus it had all the SNES tracks too so to me it felt like a portable Super Mario Kart which is why I don't get why more people don't admit to liking it.


Personally I'd rather play Super Circuit then Double Dash so it's by no means the worst... :p

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