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England Riots


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A college friend has just told me about stafford, apparently turned over cars on her street are on fire.


Eeep! :sad:


I love how you've made that sound like the cars are always turned over and that the strange thing is that they're on fire.

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Any confirmation on Swindon?


I'm in 2 minds about playing football at Filton tonight, that's a few miles away from Gloucester Road, where there was trouble last night :-/


9pm kick off too. Hmmm



Edit - ah right Swindon Not really kicking off then?

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Did anyone else see the BBC interview with Ken Livingstone yesterday when he was basically using all this to promote his bid for mayor? I dont know who was interviewing him but they did call him on it.


I think I read a transcript. Urgh. I have no time for Livingstone despite the fact I'm very Labour, I might even choose Boris Johnson over him...

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Miss Selfridges, Primark and possibly Debenham in Manchester are on fire, and the Arndale Centre is currently being smashed up. There are reportedly 2000 youths destroying the city centre.

Please tell me the 2,000 is a typo and you meant 200

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I simply cannot get my head around how utterly fucking moronic and staggeringly stupid and lacking in any kind of fucking sense whatsoever EVEN IF YOU'RE A FUCKING CHAVVY STUPID WANKER TWAT....EVEN THEN....to be getting involved in the riots.


What the fucking hell is going on...

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