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England Riots


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Absolutely wonderful. What a joyously stupid comment.


You've chosen to highlight and crop a certain section of his post very carefully there Daft, although not carefully enough.


He says mass immigration, not immigration itself. He goes on to say how this mass immigration probably isn't controlled as well as it should be and he does say that immigration is a good thing.


Why you chose to ignore all that is beyond me.


...oh no it isn't, you and Zechs blatantly don't get along. But still, when he gives reasons and validates points you could at least be mindful enough to shut your daft mouth.

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Yvonne, exactly how bad is it in Orpington? I'm getting constantly annoyed hearing lots of 'oh, it's hapenning in X' 'oh, theres trouble in Y' 'the police are setting up in Z!' yet not actually knowing anything about what's happening.

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Kicking off in wolverhampton, lets hope it doesnt to bad. All I can hear are sirens.


From what I can gather the new bus station is on fire.


There have been rumours going since last night. I couldn't see anything on my drive through town, just police cars, helicopters, and ambulances. All the shops are shuttered. The car dealerships are bare.

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Heard an unsettling rumour it's hitting Bournemouth tonight :/


I hope you're wrong. I live around the corner from the town centre and I'll be back there tomorrow...


This is so disgraceful. Sooner or later, a building will get burned and there will be somebody caught inside. It's only a matter of time before somebody gets killed. Not sure if it's related or how related it is, but somebody got shot in Croydon.

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I hope you're wrong. I live around the corner from the town centre and I'll be back there tomorrow...


This is so disgraceful. Sooner or later, a building will get burned and there will be somebody caught inside. It's only a matter of time before somebody gets killed. Not sure if it's related or how related it is, but somebody got shot in Croydon.

Rumour I heard was that it's hitting Castlepoint. However, Twitter reports have said it's to be in town

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There are reports flying around on the news that the man killed by police that the first riot broke out about (before being hijacked by looters), had in fact not fired his gun like the police had stated he did.


This is going to open one massive can of worms. The whole story was sensationalised because of the fact one of the officers avoided death because the bullet from this man's gun was lodged into his police radio. So, if he didn't fire, who the fuck did?


Looks like this might turn out to be another suspicious death at the hands of the Police...

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I hope you're wrong. I live around the corner from the town centre and I'll be back there tomorrow...


This is so disgraceful. Sooner or later, a building will get burned and there will be somebody caught inside. It's only a matter of time before somebody gets killed. Not sure if it's related or how related it is, but somebody got shot in Croydon.


It's related.


I would say ironic due to the reason the rioting started. But this has quickly turned into something else - five finger discount daily.

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Must say, I was rather shocked to wake up this morning to find that these riots had spread to Bristol, Liverpool, Birmingham, etc. Really no need for it to have done so but obviously people have seen what's happening in London and thought, "Oh well... the Met are stretched as it is. Lets go and make some trouble."


Had heard someone in Glasgow had been arrested for posting something on Facebook about trying to insight riots in the city but TBH, you'd be hard pushed to tell the difference between non-riot Glasgow and one in a riot :heh:. But it does show the idiocy of teenagers/youths/what have you these days that it is spreading with no real reason or need for it to have escalated and spread as such.


And the footage of a group of yobs crowding round an injured teenager, looking like they were offering help only to ransack his rucksack while he was bleeding heavily was just shocking.

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There are reports flying around on the news that the man killed by police that the first riot broke out about (before being hijacked by looters), had in fact not fired his gun like the police had stated he did.


This is going to open one massive can of worms. The whole story was sensationalised because of the fact one of the officers avoided death because the bullet from this man's gun was lodged into his police radio. So, if he didn't fire, who the fuck did?


Looks like this might turn out to be another suspicious death at the hands of the Police...


Which, I believe, is why they aren't allowed to say anything. Apparently any information on police-related deaths is supposed only to be released to the public by the IPCC when all the facts have been accurately investigated, lest we have another de-menzies(sp) situation.

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Yvonne, exactly how bad is it in Orpington? I'm getting constantly annoyed hearing lots of 'oh, it's hapenning in X' 'oh, theres trouble in Y' 'the police are setting up in Z!' yet not actually knowing anything about what's happening.


I think it's largely pre-emptive, shops shutting etc. To be honest I'd be shocked if there was anything big in Orpington.


Also bmth??? Seems so unlikely, it's just students and retirees isn't it? And all the students are at home...


charminster maybe?

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There are reports flying around on the news that the man killed by police that the first riot broke out about (before being hijacked by looters), had in fact not fired his gun like the police had stated he did.


This is going to open one massive can of worms. The whole story was sensationalised because of the fact one of the officers avoided death because the bullet from this man's gun was lodged into his police radio. So, if he didn't fire, who the fuck did?


Looks like this might turn out to be another suspicious death at the hands of the Police...


As well as Rummy's post above it is worth mentioning that the news reports i have read and statements from the police, the police never actually said a shot was fired at them.


The only facts have been that: (from what i can make out)

  • Police shot and killed a man
  • Police officer had bullet lodged in his radio
  • A non standard police handgun found at the scene
  • Police were trying to arrest the male under a operation targeting criminals using guns in the black community


So anything else is media spin etc etc until the IPCC tell us what actually happened.

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I think it's largely pre-emptive, shops shutting etc. To be honest I'd be shocked if there was anything big in Orpington.


Also bmth??? Seems so unlikely, it's just students and retirees isn't it? And all the students are at home...


charminster maybe?

Charminster isn't likely as that's a student/foreign place. It's places like Townsend near the north part of town, and Boscombe to the east, which are more likely to have people willing to join in

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Heard an unsettling rumour it's hitting Bournemouth tonight :/


From the sounds of it chuck, it's going to hit everywhere, people will see how easy it was for destruction to happen, others will likely follow. My friends keep updating on facebook about how many police there are in Sheffield, I've not been so grateful for a while to be living in such a sleepy village, the kids all know each other here - I know most of them from high school, so there's bound to be nothing of alarm around here.


Told my dad just to ignore work and come home, he's in a hotel in Ealing?, you could hear all the sirens on the phone when I was speaking to him.


Honestly, I don't think it really matters what started it anymore, because it's obviously not about that anymore, people seem to be doing this for free stuff and to cause havoc, sigh, what a disgrace.

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Charminster isn't likely as that's a student/foreign place. It's places like Townsend near the north part of town, and Boscombe to the east, which are more likely to have people willing to join in


ffffffffff sorry its been a while since I was in bmth. I did indeed mean boscombe when I said charminster

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Looks like Manchester has started up again, apparently a shop is on fire


A college friend has just told me about stafford, apparently turned over cars on her street are on fire.


Eeep! :sad:


EDIT: I realised I put Stafford not Salford. Herp derp.

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