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I would have (and think you should have) just walked away/not responded to it. Because A) I am a gigantic pussy. Very low pain threshold, never been in a fight (really) and am useless, physically. If it came down to it though, I'd go for the ears. Rip his ears off. He wouldn't be laughing then.




But yeah....you did well for walking away when you did, but you shouldn't have even gone back. For two reasons really - i) What did you expect from this guy? Did you expect to have a nice chat about racism with him? The best outcome of you going over to him happened - you weren't harmed/shit wasn't started. You know there is racism in the world, staring a turd-personified in the face isn't going to positively affect your life, just ignore the little shit and don't give him the pleasure of showing how tuff/ard' he is in front of his pussy "bro".


ii) There are psychopaths in the world. Lets propose he is a psycho with a knife. You hear on the news all the time of unconnected/unprovoked murders/attacks/assaults. Remove yourself from a situation where you might meet one and that is safer.




But yeah. Its fine. You did well not to END him, and he did poorly in trying to break the de-meaner' of one of the cooelst/smoothest mother fuckers I know.

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Some wisdom, Biggie style.


Wait for niggaz to step up on some fightin shit

We get hype and shit and start lifin shit

So step away with your fist fight ways

Motherfucker this ain't back in the days, but you don't hear me though


And I'm down with the shit too

For the stupid motherfuckers wanna try to use Kung-Fu

Instead of a Mac-10 he tried scrappin

Slugs in his back and, that's what the fuck happens

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You handled it well Rummy.


When I was about 21, I was randomly scanning round the room at a pub, as you do, and I accidentally caught the eye of this meathead who came steaming over demanding to know what I was looking at. In my head I'm thinking "oh fuck, at least I've had a good life" but the smartest thing I've ever said came out of my mouth which was "Your name isn't Paul is it?" and he said that it wasn't and I replied "Sorry mate, I thought I knew you from school...you didn't go to ****** School did you" (I made one up) so he'd obviously say no. Then I just said, "Fucking hell, sorry mate, I just thought I recognised you but now you've come a bit closer I realise it wasn't who I thought it was".


And he actually looked disappointed that he didn't get to fight me. I mean, what kind of a fucking idiot do you have to be to start a fight just because somebody looked at you - how insecure about yourself are you?


Even worse are some of the women. Once, a woman was flirting with my mate and it turned out she only did it to make her knobhead boyfriend jealous so she could watch him fight. Bolton is full of people like that and I always feel uncomfortable and out of place on the very rare occasions I go into town on a Friday night.


I really can't figure out some people's mentality that they feel the need to prove themselves as "men" by attempting to fight, and usually fighting poorly. I never get involved unless I really have to. It's the main reason I don't go out for a drink any more. I'd much rather have a few beers at home, go for a meal or just go to a house party.

Edited by Dog-amoto
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Some wisdom, Biggie style.


Wait for niggaz to step up on some fightin shit

We get hype and shit and start lifin shit

So step away with your fist fight ways

Motherfucker this ain't back in the days, but you don't hear me though


And I'm down with the shit too

For the stupid motherfuckers wanna try to use Kung-Fu

Instead of a Mac-10 he tried scrappin

Slugs in his back and, that's what the fuck happens


Is that song on http://slangcity.com/songs/index.htm? :(

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You did the right thing in not fighting, it's always best to avoid it... but I do love a good brawl if there's no escaping one!

I've had so many fights throughout my life I honestly couldn't count them. I've never started one and I've walked away from many but I've still had fights in the hundreds... possibly even thousands.


And yet I've never lost one. Sure I've taken kickings but it's always been the opposition that lost no matter how many there were.


People don't like half Iranians where I grew up I guess, haha.

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Some wisdom, Biggie style.


Wait for niggaz to step up on some fightin shit

We get hype and shit and start lifin shit

So step away with your fist fight ways

Motherfucker this ain't back in the days, but you don't hear me though

The recurring theme of the song: back in the 1970s, ghetto disputes used to be settled with fistfights, but Biggie and his pals are a new breed and because of the degradation brought on by the poverty and the drug trade, they’ve taken up deadlier means.


And I'm down with the shit too

For the stupid motherfuckers wanna try to use Kung-Fu

Instead of a Mac-10 he tried scrappin

Slugs in his back and, that's what the fuck happens


OGs need to recognize that nowadays people will shoot each other when they get into fights; fist-fights are out of style.

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You handled it like a king, I would have, especially after drinking, taken him up on his dumb ass offer, and had my ass beat.


Pretty much my reaction, if I weren't drinking I probably would have just shouted a loud fuck you and walked away, a dickhead like that doesn't particularly deserve any attention you fling it's way, again, probably not the safest option, but it's happened a few times before, especially in Sheffield.

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The recurring theme of the song: back in the 1970s, ghetto disputes used to be settled with fistfights, but Biggie and his pals are a new breed and because of the degradation brought on by the poverty and the drug trade, they’ve taken up deadlier means.




OGs need to recognize that nowadays people will shoot each other when they get into fights; fist-fights are out of style.


Thank you for translating. :heh:


Bottom line: You should've shot the fucker, Rummy.

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Yeah if anyone wants to display their martial arts to you, you have to murder them. Its logical and rational/.


Like in the D12 video I posted - they go to clubs to start trouble or something.





Two (or one?) of the people in that video are now dead. Its a cool lifestyle. :p

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Haven't read the whole thread, just thought I should make that clear.


I think you're experiencing that "regret" that comes whenever you back off from any sort of physical confrontation (I'm sure there's some psychological name for it or something). I've had these happen to me before and they weren't exclusive to fights. You can get into a serious argument and lose only to realize much later that you could have had the upper hand had you remembered to mention ________; or you could have caught that asshole who smashed your left mirror with the side of his car had you had the courage to drive above the speed limit to catch up with him. Like having an annoying tune stuck in your head, whatever it is that pissed you off keeps lingering in your ahead until you get over it (which shouldn't take more than two days imo). And judging by the date of your post, that probably happened.

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Think I'd basically react exactly like you, Rummy. Try to ignore it at first, but eventually I'd probably turn round and have words. I'd never throw the first punch, but I'd hope that they did just so that I would be justified in smacking them back. I think the main reason for my "never start it" rule is due to fear of concealed weapons, though - if they punch you instead of threatening you with a knife, they probably don't have a knife. But if you punch them first, they may have just not gotten round to pulling out the weapon yet.


Also, having a female in tow my first instinct would definitely be for her safety over my own, in that I wouldn't do anything to make matters worse / more dangerous due to her presence. But also, I may be more inclined to take action if I feel it's for the sake of protecting her...chivalry is a weird one. Especially when drunk I get super protective of my female friends, to the point that I'm probably annoying about it at times.

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Another thing I thought of is that these people don't fight fair. You may think you're getting into a "fight", but it's more likely they'll punch you when you're not ready and run off.


This type of person is really nasty. They could really do you some damage before you've even adopted a fighting stance. Most of the time, it's just better to leave it.

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Another thing I thought of is that these people don't fight fair. You may think you're getting into a "fight", but it's more likely they'll punch you when you're not ready and run off.


This type of person is really nasty. They could really do you some damage before you've even adopted a fighting stance. Most of the time, it's just better to leave it.


Or girls, growing up my sister taught me to fight like a girl, which by the way guys, is some nasty shit, clawing, hair ripping - ow!


Boys at the least fight a bit more rather than attacking, I've been in a worse fight with a girl than guys by far, just because a guy won't try and rip my hair out. :angry:

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