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The great majority of the people on my friends list, in my opinion, share far too much on Facebook. One of my friends just will not learn. He's recently lost his job due to comments he posted about his management and now he's announced to his 400 friends that he's currently enjoying his holiday - constantly updating what he's up to and how much he's enjoying himself.


Fair enough you might say, but how many of us have people we barely know on our friends list. A lot of my pupils and former pupils have me as a friend. I know where they live, who they live with and whether or not they have a viscous guard dog.


So when I see a fairly innocent comment like "Got work at 9 for 10 hours. FML :(" or "Off to the Trafford Centre with the family all day, yippee" I know that their house is empty, and if I was so inclined and a lowlife shitbag, then I could break in, or get my lowlife mates to break in, and I also know that they have a PS3 or Xbox because they've announced that they are enjoying their new game on their expensive TV by comments like "Mass Effect looks amazing on my new plasma"


Look back through your statuses and see if you've exposed your working/social patterns to who knows who. I know what you're thinking, I know the people on my friends list, but seriously who knows that much about 200+ people that they can trust them 100%?

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I've decided that I am half man/half dinosaur.




what an uncomfortable last night in halls. Why did I decided to sleep on the desk?




how do YOU blow your load?


just saw a dying fish.




‎...by the hand of the walrus I will strike you down!
























that's all you need to know.


I think I'm safe. :heh:


Seriously though my friend sent out random friend requests to people who accepted!


I was like fair enough you may recognise my face and name accept my facebook name is:



and my picture is of Meap:




Who wants to be associated with that kind of lunacy?


I've been on Facebook since 2007, in that time I've amassed 82 friends, 40 or so are people I regularly see and trust 100%. The rest are people I met at university or through work that it would be kind of awkward to delete.


I never do status updates, not typical everyday ones anyway, the only personal information I share is my e-mail address and I am the only one who can access my photos.


The only thing that might endanger my safety or security is if people checked what events I was attending, then they would be able to track me down/be aware that I was out of the house. But I live with my parents so there would likely be someone in most of the time and hardly any of my 'friends' know where I live, I'd say i'm pretty safe.


Yep - I lol'd at this as I totally agree.


I myself don't overshare on Facebook, but there are so many that do and its almost cringeworthy.


The worst is when you see people uploading pictures of a pregnancy scan. What the absolute f*ck. Why would someone do that?

Surely that's a pretty special thing to have and to upload it for the world and his wife to see is just weird.


The others are people who feel the need to tell you all about their 'messy nite out mate'.

And how they will never drink again and can't remember their own name.


Get a grip, get a life and get off my news stream. Delete haha.


I don't think I share too much. the majority of my status' are remixed lyrics/film quotes that everyone loves ¬_¬


Current one is a dig at my management though. Liked by two coworkers in less than 3 minutes.


Just counted my status updates. I've made 10 in 2011. I've done much more on Twitter and Google+.


The main reason for this is I can say any random old rubbish on Twitter as, well, that's what's Twitter's for. For Facebook, I don't really have anything that I'd want people I know from the internet, family, friends and old friends to see.


I used to share too much (but, like, feelings and stuff) on my blog back in the day, but I learned the hard way not to do that anymore. Most of my posts on Facebook so far this year have just been of clay figures I've made. Other than that, I mostly just comment on other people's posts.


I don't need to worry about break-ins, though, since I never leave the house. :hehe:


I have minimal concerns about privacy, tbh. If bitch steals my stuff I'll kill them. I know where they live too.


Anyway, I deleted everyone I don't like/trust off Facebook, so...

I have minimal concerns about privacy, tbh. If bitch steals my stuff I'll kill them. I know where they live too.


They'll probably brag about it on Facebook, too.


I rarely even post anything on facebook. The majority of my posts, if not all of them have been about news stories that maybe one or two people on my friends list have the slightest interest in. I usually laugh when I see how open some people are about it. Even on the forum here I've noticed people make posts like that all the time.


I've locked out anyone who I haven't friended. I used to have about 500 friends but a couple years ago I got a bit technophobic and purged over 300 people. I now have a revolving door policy where I have, at max, 200 people.


I status update every few days but mainly use it to keep in touch.


You can't even search for me on Facebook. My worry isn't about my friends (that's why they're my friends) it's other random people. But my privacy setting have sorted that out.


I seldom share on Facebook now. After befriending my mother's partner's son (who is 11) and several lecturers, past and present, I self-censored. So then I moved onto Twitter but now some companies I may wish to work for in the future follow me....so tumblr I guess?


Guys, you know you can put people in lists and control what they see, right?


For example, my bosses are in a "work" list and don't see my status updates etc.


A family list is handy too.

Yeah I probably post stuff about going out etc but most people I 'barely' know on facebook don't know where I live. My address isn't on there.


You'd be surprised how easy it is to figure that out.

Guys, you know you can put people in lists and control what they see, right?


For example, my bosses are in a "work" list and don't see my status updates etc.


A family list is handy too.


Yeah but...



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